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Designed with both novice traders and seasoned investors in mind, our page aims to simplify the complex world of stock market news. By combining real-time updates, Rhea-AI's analytical insights, and historical stock performance data, we provide a holistic view of Companhia Paranaense de Energia - COPEL American Depositary Shares (each representing four (4) Class B Preferred Shares)'s position in the market.
In 4Q21, Copel reported an adjusted EBITDA of R$ 1,039.5 million, a decline of 26.6% from R$ 1,417.2 million in 4Q20. This drop was mainly driven by a 55% reduction in the dispatch from the Araucária Thermoelectric Power Plant, significantly impacting energy sales. Additionally, increased costs due to a water deficit and higher provisions for credit losses were notable factors. Copel’s overall EBITDA for 2021 was a record of R$ 8.4 billion, marking a 52.1% increase from the previous year.
Copel reported a substantial increase in EBITDA for 3Q21, reaching R$4,492.4 million, a 274.8% increase from R$1,198.6 million in 3Q20. This growth is significantly attributed to a R$1,723.9 million gain from the divestment of Copel Telecomunicações and R$1,570.5 million from renegotiating hydrological risk. Adjusted EBITDA rose to R$1,286.7 million, up 3.8% from R$1,240.1 million in the prior year, fueled by energy sales and tariff adjustments, although partly offset by a 125.5% rise in electricity costs due to water scarcity.
Copel reported an adjusted EBITDA of R$1,433.2 million for 2Q21, a 47.1% increase from R$974.4 million in 2Q20. This surge was primarily driven by the sale of 507 GWh of energy from TPP Araucária and increased revenues from power grid availability. However, total EBITDA, including non-recurring items, fell by 12.1% to R$1,514.1 million compared to R$1,722.7 million in 2Q20, mainly due to prior year one-time gains from tax adjustments. The comprehensive release details are available on Copel's investor relations website.
Companhia Paranaense de Energia - COPEL reported a strong first quarter of 2021, with EBITDA reaching R$ 1,303.2 million, a rise of 18.8% from R$ 1,096.8 million in Q1 2020. Key growth drivers included a 31.4% increase in electricity sales to distributors, boosted by 687 GWh sold from TTP Araucária and a higher volume from bilateral contracts. Additionally, there was a 7.9% increase in distribution and transmission grid usage due to a 2.6% growth in the DISCO grid market. The company will hold a conference call on May 6, 2021 to discuss these results.
Copel has filed its annual Form 20-F for fiscal year 2020 with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission on April 19, 2021. This form is essential for investors as it provides comprehensive financial and operational information about the company. Investors can access the report via the SEC's website or Copel's investor relations page. This filing reflects the company's compliance with regulatory requirements, ensuring transparency in its operations.
Companhia Paranaense de Energia - Copel (NYSE: ELP) reported a strong performance for 4Q20, achieving an EBITDA of R$ 1,308.7 million, a 26.5% increase from R$ 1,034.5 million in 4Q19. Key drivers included an 82.5% growth in electricity sales to distributors and a 14.7% increase in grid usage. Adjusted EBITDA rose significantly to R$ 1,489.1 million, up 50.6% year-over-year. The company will host a conference call on March 18, 2021, to discuss these results further.
Companhia Paranaense de Energia - Copel (NYSE: ELPVY, ELP) announced its Q4 2020 results, reporting an EBITDA of R$ 1,308.7 million, a 26.5% increase from the previous year. Key drivers included an 82.5% growth in electricity sales to distributors and a 14.7% rise in grid usage due to tariff adjustments. Adjusted EBITDA reached R$ 1,489.1 million, up 50.6% year-over-year. The company will hold a conference call on March 18, 2021, for further insights into these results.
What is the current stock price of Companhia Paranaense de Energia - COPEL American Depositary Shares (each representing four (4) Class B Preferred Shares) (ELP)?