Elmer Bancorp, Inc. Announces Cash Dividend

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Elmer Bancorp (OTC Pink: ELMA), parent company of The First National Bank of Elmer, has announced a cash dividend of $0.20 per common share. The dividend will be payable on November 1, 2024 to shareholders of record as of the close of business on October 15, 2024. Brian W. Jones, President and CEO, expressed gratitude for shareholder support as the bank continues to grow and serve local communities.

The First National Bank of Elmer, founded in 1903, is a nationally chartered bank headquartered in Elmer, New Jersey. It operates six full-service branch offices across Cumberland, Gloucester, and Salem Counties, offering deposit and loan products to retail customers and small to mid-sized businesses. Deposits at the bank are insured up to the legally maximum amount by the FDIC.

Elmer Bancorp (OTC Pink: ELMA), la società madre di The First National Bank of Elmer, ha annunciato un dividendo in contante di $0,20 per azione ordinaria. Il dividendo sarà pagabile il 1 novembre 2024 agli azionisti registrati alla chiusura dell'attività del 15 ottobre 2024. Brian W. Jones, Presidente e CEO, ha espresso gratitudine per il supporto degli azionisti mentre la banca continua a crescere e a servire le comunità locali.

The First National Bank of Elmer, fondata nel 1903, è una banca con charter nazionale con sede a Elmer, New Jersey. Ha sei filiali complete in tutto il Cumberland, Gloucester e Salem Counties, offrendo prodotti di deposito e prestito a clienti retail e piccole e medie imprese. I depositi presso la banca sono assicurati fino all'importo massimo legale dalla FDIC.

Elmer Bancorp (OTC Pink: ELMA), la empresa matriz de The First National Bank of Elmer, ha anunciado un dividendo en efectivo de $0.20 por acción común. El dividendo será pagadero el 1 de noviembre de 2024 a los accionistas registrados al cierre de operaciones del 15 de octubre de 2024. Brian W. Jones, presidente y CEO, expresó su agradecimiento por el apoyo de los accionistas mientras el banco sigue creciendo y sirviendo a las comunidades locales.

The First National Bank of Elmer, fundado en 1903, es un banco con carta nacional con sede en Elmer, Nueva Jersey. Opera seis sucursales de servicio completo en los condados de Cumberland, Gloucester y Salem, ofreciendo productos de depósito y préstamo a clientes minoristas y pequeñas y medianas empresas. Los depósitos en el banco están asegurados hasta el monto máximo legal por la FDIC.

엘머 뱅크 코프(OTC 핑크: ELMA), 엘머 제일은행의 모회사, 가 현금 배당금으로 주당 $0.20를 발표했습니다. 이 배당금은 2024년 11월 1일2024년 10월 15일 영업 종료 기준 주주에게 지급됩니다. 브라이언 W. 존스, 사장 겸 CEO는 은행이 계속 성장하고 지역 사회에 봉사할 수 있도록 주주들의 지원에 감사의 뜻을 전했습니다.

엘머 제일은행은 1903년에 설립된 연방 차터 은행으로 뉴저지 엘머에 본사를 두고 있습니다. 이 은행은 캄벌랜드, 글로스터, 세일럼 카운티에 6개의 전담 지점을 운영하며 소매 고객과 중소기업을 위해 예금 및 대출 상품을 제공합니다. 이 은행의 예금은 FDIC에 의해 법정 최대 금액까지 보험이 적용됩니다.

Elmer Bancorp (OTC Pink: ELMA), la société mère de The First National Bank of Elmer, a annoncé un dividende en espèces de 0,20 $ par action ordinaire. Le dividende sera payable le 1er novembre 2024 aux actionnaires inscrits à la clôture des affaires du 15 octobre 2024. Brian W. Jones, président-directeur général, a exprimé sa gratitude pour le soutien des actionnaires alors que la banque continue de croître et de servir les communautés locales.

The First National Bank of Elmer, fondée en 1903, est une banque constituée aux États-Unis dont le siège est à Elmer, New Jersey. Elle exploite six agences à service complet dans les comtés de Cumberland, Gloucester et Salem, offrant des produits de dépôt et de prêt aux clients particuliers ainsi qu'aux petites et moyennes entreprises. Les dépôts à la banque sont assurés jusqu'au montant maximum légal par la FDIC.

Elmer Bancorp (OTC Pink: ELMA), die Muttergesellschaft der The First National Bank of Elmer, hat eine Bardividende von 0,20 $ je Stammaktie angekündigt. Die Dividende ist am 1. November 2024 zahlbar an Aktionäre, die am 15. Oktober 2024 zum Geschäftsschluss im Register stehen. Brian W. Jones, Präsident und CEO, drückte seine Dankbarkeit für die Unterstützung der Aktionäre aus, während die Bank weiterhin wächst und die lokalen Gemeinschaften bedient.

The First National Bank of Elmer, gegründet im Jahr 1903, ist eine national lizenzierte Bank mit Hauptsitz in Elmer, New Jersey. Sie betreibt sechs vollwertige Filialen in den Bezirken Cumberland, Gloucester und Salem, die Einlagen- und Kreditprodukte für Privatkunden sowie kleine und mittelständische Unternehmen anbieten. Einlagen bei der Bank sind bis zur gesetzlich maximalen Höhe durch die FDIC versichert.

  • Declaration of $0.20 cash dividend per common share
  • Continued growth and service to local communities
  • Long-standing history since 1903
  • Presence in multiple counties with six full-service branch offices
  • FDIC insurance coverage for deposits
  • None.

ELMER, N.J.--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- ELMER BANCORP, INC. (“Elmer Bancorp” or the “Company”) (OTC Pink: ELMA), parent company of The First National Bank of Elmer (the “Bank”), announced that the Board of Directors declared a cash dividend on October 1, 2024 in the amount of $0.20 per common share, payable on November 1, 2024 to shareholders of record as of the close of business on October 15, 2024.

Brian W. Jones, President and CEO of the Company stated, “Our Board of Directors is pleased to announce the continuation of a dividend payout to our loyal shareholders. We remain thankful for their on-going support as the bank continues to grow and serve our local communities.”

The First National Bank of Elmer, a nationally chartered bank headquartered in Elmer, New Jersey, has a long history of serving the community since its beginnings in 1903. We are a community bank focused on providing deposit and loan products to retail customers and to small and mid-sized businesses from our six full service branch offices located in Cumberland, Gloucester and Salem Counties, New Jersey, including our main office located at 10 South Main Street in Elmer, New Jersey. Deposits at The First National Bank of Elmer are insured up to the legally maximum amount by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC).

Cynthia L. Volk

Senior Vice President

Chief Financial Officer


Source: Elmer Bancorp, Inc.


What is the amount of Elmer Bancorp's (ELMA) recently announced cash dividend?

Elmer Bancorp (ELMA) has announced a cash dividend of $0.20 per common share.

When will Elmer Bancorp (ELMA) pay the recently declared dividend?

The dividend will be payable on November 1, 2024.

What is the record date for Elmer Bancorp's (ELMA) latest dividend?

The record date for the dividend is October 15, 2024, at the close of business.

How many branch offices does The First National Bank of Elmer operate?

The First National Bank of Elmer operates six full-service branch offices across Cumberland, Gloucester, and Salem Counties in New Jersey.

Are deposits at The First National Bank of Elmer insured?

Yes, deposits at The First National Bank of Elmer are insured up to the legally maximum amount by the Federal Deposit Insurance (FDIC).



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Banks - Regional
Financial Services
United States of America