Innovative Feed Ingredient Provides New Value Stream for Dairy Farmers

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Elanco has introduced Bovaer® (3-NOP), a new feed ingredient for dairy cows that offers a dual benefit of environmental stewardship and financial rewards for farmers. This innovative solution allows dairy farmers to reduce greenhouse gas emissions while creating a new revenue stream through carbon credit sales.

The process is facilitated by Elanco's UpLook™ tool, which quantifies emissions reductions, and Athian, a livestock carbon inset marketplace for credit transactions. This development demonstrates that sustainability and profitability can coexist in modern dairy farming, providing a scalable approach to on-farm sustainability interventions.

Elanco ha introdotto Bovaer® (3-NOP), un nuovo ingrediente per l'alimentazione delle mucche da latte che offre un doppio vantaggio in termini di sostenibilità ambientale e ricompense finanziarie per gli agricoltori. Questa soluzione innovativa consente ai produttori di latte di ridurre le emissioni di gas serra mentre crea una nuova fonte di reddito tramite vendite di crediti di carbonio.

Il processo è facilitato dallo strumento UpLook™ di Elanco, che quantifica le riduzioni delle emissioni, e da Athian, un mercato per insetti di carbonio per transazioni di crediti. Questo sviluppo dimostra che sostenibilità e redditività possono coesistere nell'allevamento moderno di latte, offrendo un approccio scalabile agli interventi di sostenibilità in azienda.

Elanco ha introducido Bovaer® (3-NOP), un nuevo ingrediente para la alimentación de las vacas lecheras que ofrece un doble beneficio en términos de responsabilidad ambiental y recompensas financieras para los agricultores. Esta solución innovadora permite a los lecheros reducir las emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero mientras crean una nueva fuente de ingresos a través de ventas de créditos de carbono.

El proceso es facilitado por la herramienta UpLook™ de Elanco, que cuantifica las reducciones de emisiones, y Athian, un mercado de compensación de carbono para transacciones de créditos. Este desarrollo demuestra que la sostenibilidad y la rentabilidad pueden coexistir en la ganadería lechera moderna, proporcionando un enfoque escalable para las intervenciones de sostenibilidad en la granja.

엘란코는 Bovaer® (3-NOP), 환경 보호와 농민에게 재정적 보상을 동시에 제공하는 새로운 유제품 소 사료 성분을 소개했습니다. 이 혁신적인 솔루션은 낙농가가 온실가스 배출량을 줄이면서 탄소 신용 판매를 통해 새로운 수익원을 창출할 수 있게 합니다.

이 과정은 엘란코의 UpLook™ 도구를 통해 배출량 감소를 정량화하고, Athian이라는 탄소 신용 거래 시장에 의해 원활해집니다. 이 개발은 현대 낙농업에서 지속 가능성과 수익성이 공존할 수 있다는 것을 보여주며, 농장 내 지속 가능성 개입에 대한 확장 가능한 접근 방식을 제공합니다.

Elanco a introduit Bovaer® (3-NOP), un nouvel ingrédient pour l'alimentation des vaches laitières qui offre un double bénéfice en matière de responsabilité environnementale et de récompenses financières pour les agriculteurs. Cette solution innovante permet aux producteurs laitiers de réduire les émissions de gaz à effet de serre tout en créant une nouvelle source de revenus grâce à la vente de crédits carbone.

Le processus est facilité par l'outil UpLook™ d'Elanco, qui quantifie les réductions d'émissions, et par Athian, un marché des crédits carbone pour les transactions. Ce développement démontre que la durabilité et la rentabilité peuvent coexister dans l'agriculture laitière moderne, offrant une approche évolutive pour les interventions de durabilité à la ferme.

Elanco hat Bovaer® (3-NOP) eingeführt, eine neue Futterzutat für Milchkühe, die den doppelten Nutzen von umweltbewusstem Handeln und finanziellen Vorteilen für Landwirte bietet. Diese innovative Lösung ermöglicht es Milchbauern, die Treibhausgasemissionen zu reduzieren und gleichzeitig eine neue Einnahmequelle durch Verkäufe von Kohlenstoffgutschriften zu schaffen.

Der Prozess wird durch Elancos UpLook™-Werkzeug unterstützt, das die Emissionsreduzierungen quantifiziert, und Athian, einem Markt für Kohlenstoffgutschriften zur Abwicklung von Transaktionen. Diese Entwicklung zeigt, dass Nachhaltigkeit und Rentabilität koexistieren können in der modernen Milchwirtschaft und bietet einen skalierbaren Ansatz für Nachhaltigkeitsinterventionen auf dem Hof.

  • Introduction of Bovaer® (3-NOP) as a new revenue stream for dairy farmers
  • UpLook™ tool quantifies greenhouse gas emission reductions
  • Partnership with Athian for carbon credit sales
  • Alignment of sustainability efforts with financial benefits for farmers
  • None.

NORTHAMPTON, MA / ACCESSWIRE / July 23, 2024 / Feeding dairy cows Bovaer® (3-NOP), Elanco's newest feed ingredient, provides a scalable and credible way for dairy farmers to benefit from being good stewards of the environment by being financially rewarded for implementing on-farm sustainability interventions. Using tools like UpLook™ by Elanco, an insights-based engine designed to quantify greenhouse gas emissions, farmers can quantify their emission reduction efforts and certify carbon credits for sale through platforms like Athian, a livestock carbon inset marketplace. This announcement demonstrates that sustainability and profitability can go hand in hand.

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Spokesperson: Elanco

SOURCE: Elanco

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What is Bovaer® (3-NOP) and how does it benefit dairy farmers?

Bovaer® (3-NOP) is Elanco's new feed ingredient for dairy cows that helps reduce greenhouse gas emissions. It benefits farmers by allowing them to earn income from carbon credits while implementing sustainable practices.

How does Elanco's UpLook™ tool work with Bovaer® for dairy farmers?

UpLook™ is an insights-based engine that quantifies greenhouse gas emissions reductions achieved through the use of Bovaer®. This quantification enables farmers to certify carbon credits for sale.

What is Athian and its role in Elanco's (ELAN) new dairy sustainability initiative?

Athian is a livestock carbon inset marketplace partnered with Elanco. It provides a platform for dairy farmers to sell certified carbon credits generated from their emission reduction efforts using Bovaer®.

How does Elanco's (ELAN) new feed ingredient create value for dairy farmers?

Elanco's Bovaer® creates value by enabling farmers to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and sell certified carbon credits, thus combining environmental stewardship with a new financial opportunity.

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