Credelio® (lotilaner) Kills Ticks 2x as Fast as Simparica TRIO® (sarolaner, moxidectin and pyrantel) and NexGard® (afoxolaner)

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A recent study published in Parasites & Vectors demonstrates that Credelio, an Elanco Animal Health product, outperforms competitors in tick protection for dogs. The study compared Credelio (lotilaner) with Simparica TRIO (sarolaner, moxidectin, pyrantel) and NexGard (afoxolaner) against the aggressive lone star tick. Key findings include:

1. Credelio kills ticks 2x faster than competitors, achieving significant tick reduction within 12 hours.
2. Credelio maintains rapid tick-killing efficacy throughout the entire month-long treatment period.
3. Only Credelio showed significant tick reduction compared to the untreated control group at all 12-hour evaluation intervals.

This study is particularly relevant as the CDC reported over 45,000 human cases of tickborne diseases from 2019-2022. Credelio's superior performance in rapidly killing ticks could help reduce the risk of pathogen transmission to both pets and humans.

Un recente studio pubblicato su Parasites & Vectors dimostra che Credelio, un prodotto di Elanco Animal Health, supera i concorrenti nella protezione dai zeccheli per cani. Lo studio ha confrontato Credelio (lotilaner) con Simparica TRIO (sarolaner, moxidectina, pirantel) e NexGard (afoxolaner) contro la temibile zecca lone star. I risultati chiave includono:

1. Credelio uccide le zecche 2x più velocemente rispetto ai concorrenti, ottenendo una significativa riduzione delle zecche entro 12 ore.
2. Credelio mantiene un'efficacia rapida nell'uccisione delle zecche per tutto il mese di trattamento.
3. Solo Credelio ha mostrato una significativa riduzione delle zecche rispetto al gruppo di controllo non trattato in tutti gli intervalli di valutazione di 12 ore.

Questo studio è particolarmente rilevante poiché i CDC hanno riportato oltre 45.000 casi umani di malattie trasmesse dalle zecche tra il 2019 e il 2022. Le prestazioni superiori di Credelio nell'uccisione rapida delle zecche potrebbero contribuire a ridurre il rischio di trasmissione di patogeni sia agli animali domestici che agli esseri umani.

Un estudio reciente publicado en Parasites & Vectors demuestra que Credelio, un producto de Elanco Animal Health, supera a sus competidores en la protección contra garrapatas para perros. El estudio comparó Credelio (lotilaner) con Simparica TRIO (sarolaner, moxidectina, pirantel) y NexGard (afoxolaner) frente a la agresiva garrapata lone star. Los hallazgos clave incluyen:

1. Credelio mata garrapatas 2x más rápido que los competidores, logrando una reducción significativa de garrapatas en 12 horas.
2. Credelio mantiene una eficacia rápida para matar garrapatas durante todo el mes de tratamiento.
3. Solo Credelio mostró una reducción significativa de garrapatas en comparación con el grupo de control no tratado en todos los intervalos de evaluación de 12 horas.

Este estudio es particularmente relevante ya que los CDC reportaron más de 45,000 casos humanos de enfermedades transmitidas por garrapatas entre 2019 y 2022. El rendimiento superior de Credelio en la eliminación rápida de garrapatas podría ayudar a reducir el riesgo de transmisión de patógenos tanto para las mascotas como para los humanos.

Parasites & Vectors에 게재된 최근 연구에 따르면, 크레델리오(Credelio)는 엘란코 동물 건강(Elanco Animal Health) 제품으로, 개의 진드기 방지에서 경쟁 제품보다 뛰어난 성능을 보이고 있다고 합니다. 이 연구는 크레델리오(로틸라너, lotilaner)와 심파리카 트리오(Simparica TRIO, 사로라너, moxidectin, pirantel), 넥스가드(NexGard, afoxolaner)를 공격적인 론 스타 진드기에 대해 비교했습니다. 주요 발견 사항은 다음과 같습니다:

1. 크레델리오는 경쟁 제품보다 2배 더 빨리 진드기를 죽여, 12시간 이내에 상당한 진드기 감소를 달성했습니다.
2. 크레델리오는 치료 기간인 한 달 동안 빠른 진드기 퇴치 효능을 유지합니다.
3. 크레델리오만이 12시간 평가 간격 동안 비치료 대조군과 비교해 진드기 감소를 보여주었습니다.

이 연구는 2019년부터 2022년까지 CDC가 보고한 45,000건 이상의 진드기 매개 질병 사례가 있어 특히 중요합니다. 크레델리오의 진드기 신속 제거 성능은 애완동물과 인간 모두에게 병원체 전파 위험을 줄이는데 도움이 될 수 있습니다.

Une étude récente publiée dans Parasites & Vectors démontre que Credelio, un produit d'Elanco Animal Health, surpasse ses concurrents en matière de protection contre les tiques pour les chiens. L'étude a comparé Credelio (lotilaner) avec Simparica TRIO (sarolaner, moxidectine, pyrantel) et NexGard (afoxolaner) contre la redoutable tique lone star. Les résultats clés incluent :

1. Credelio tue les tiques 2x plus vite que les concurrents, atteignant une réduction significative des tiques en 12 heures.
2. Credelio maintient une efficacité rapide contre les tiques pendant toute la durée du traitement d'un mois.
3. Seul Credelio a montré une réduction significative des tiques par rapport au groupe de contrôle non traité à tous les intervalles d'évaluation de 12 heures.

Cette étude est particulièrement pertinente car le CDC a signalé plus de 45 000 cas humains de maladies transmises par les tiques entre 2019 et 2022. La performance supérieure de Credelio dans l'élimination rapide des tiques pourrait aider à réduire le risque de transmission de pathogènes tant pour les animaux de compagnie que pour les humains.

Eine kürzlich veröffentlichte Studie in Parasites & Vectors zeigt, dass Credelio, ein Produkt von Elanco Animal Health, in der Zeckenprotektion für Hunde besser abschneidet als die Konkurrenz. In der Studie wurde Credelio (Lotilaner) mit Simparica TRIO (Sarolaner, Moxidectin, Pyrantel) und NexGard (Afoxolaner) gegen die aggressive Lone Star Zecke verglichen. Wichtige Ergebnisse umfassen:

1. Credelio tötet Zecken 2x schneller als die Konkurrenz und erzielt innerhalb von 12 Stunden eine signifikante Reduzierung der Zecken.
2. Credelio hält die schnelle Wirksamkeit bei der Zeckentötung während der gesamten einmonatigen Behandlungsdauer aufrecht.
3. Nur Credelio zeigte in allen 12-Stunden-Bewertungsintervallen eine signifikante Zeckenreduktion im Vergleich zur unbehandelten Kontrollgruppe.

Diese Studie ist besonders relevant, da die CDC zwischen 2019 und 2022 über 45.000 menschliche Fälle von durch Zecken übertragenen Krankheiten gemeldet hat. Die überlegene Leistung von Credelio beim schnellen Töten von Zecken könnte dazu beitragen, das Risiko der Übertragung von Krankheitserregern sowohl auf Haustiere als auch auf Menschen zu verringern.

  • Credelio demonstrates fastest initial speed of tick kill in just 12 hours
  • Credelio maintains rapid tick-killing efficacy throughout the entire month-long treatment period
  • Credelio significantly reduced lone star ticks compared to untreated control group at all 12-hour evaluation intervals
  • Credelio outperforms competitors Simparica TRIO and NexGard in tick protection efficacy
  • None.


This study showcases Credelio's superior efficacy in rapidly killing lone star ticks, a significant advancement in pet parasite control. The 12-hour kill time is impressive, especially considering the aggressive nature of Amblyomma americanum. This speed is important in reducing the risk of pathogen transmission, which can lead to serious diseases like Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever and ehrlichiosis.

The sustained efficacy throughout the month-long treatment period is particularly noteworthy. It addresses a common concern in parasiticides where efficacy often wanes towards the end of the dosing interval. This consistent performance could lead to improved compliance and better overall protection for pets.

However, it's important to note that while speed of kill is vital, other factors like spectrum of activity against different parasites and ease of administration should also be considered when choosing a parasiticide.

This study positions Credelio as a market leader in the competitive pet parasiticide sector. The head-to-head comparison with established brands like Simparica TRIO and NexGard provides strong differentiation for Credelio. This could potentially lead to increased market share and sales for Elanco Animal Health.

The timing of this publication is strategic, coinciding with peak tick season in many regions. It could drive immediate consumer interest and veterinarian recommendations. The emphasis on the lone star tick's expanding range and its connection to alpha-gal syndrome adds a public health angle that could resonate with pet owners.

However, competitors may respond with their own studies or marketing campaigns, potentially leading to increased market volatility. Investors should monitor how this impacts Elanco's financial performance in the coming quarters.

Study finds that the aggressive lone star tick is no match for Credelio

GREENFIELD, Ind., Aug. 15, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Parasites & Vectors, a leading peer-reviewed journal focused on parasites and vector-borne pathogens published the results of a head-to-head study demonstrating that Credelio, a prescription flea and tick protection product from Elanco Animal Health, has the fastest initial speed of tick kill in just 12 hours and sustains that advantage throughout the dosing interval.1,2,3 According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), during 2019 – 2022, state and local health departments reported more than 45,000 human cases of tickborne disease to CDC.4 The Companion Animal Parasite Council (CAPC) recommends using products on pets that kill and/or repel ticks before pathogens are transmitted.5

The 2023 head-to-head study compared three popular prescription flea and tick treatment products for dogs, Credelio (lotilaner), Simparica TRIO (sarolaner, moxidectin, pyrantel), and NexGard (afoxolaner), tracking the comparative data for the relative speeds of kill of Amblyomma americanum (lone star tick) – an aggressive and expanding tick found in the United States that is one of the hardest to kill. Not only is this tick hard to kill, but it can also transmit dangerous disease-causing pathogens to pets and people. The CDC recently provided in-depth tick surveillance information regarding the aggressive nature of the lone star tick that can bite humans and transmit bacterial and viral pathogens, as well as cause alpha-gal syndrome (red meat allergy).6

"The results of this head-to-head study establishes Credelio as the front runner in speed of tick kill in prescription flea and tick treatment products for dogs.1 This is important because the longer a tick is attached, the greater the risk of pathogen transmission," said Dr. Kathryn Reif, Bailey-Goodwin Endowed Associate Professor in Parasitology at Auburn University. "These pathogens can cause serious diseases, such as Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever and ehrlichiosis, so it is critical that veterinarians talk with pet owners about year-round parasite protection. Credelio's rapid and sustained speed of tick kill helps protect pets against pathogen-carrying ticks which can result in dangerous diseases."1

The study included dogs that were randomly allocated to one of four treatment groups: Credelio, Simparica TRIO, NexGard or untreated control.

  • Live tick counts were performed on dogs by blinded investigators during regular intervals.1
  • The study results found that by all 12-hour evaluation intervals, only the Credelio group significantly reduced lone star ticks as compared to the untreated control group.
  • The study observed that the Simparica TRIO and NexGard groups were not significantly different from the untreated control group by any of the 12-hour evaluation intervals.
  • The study also showed that Credelio significantly reduced ticks at all 12- and 24-hour evaluation time points and only Credelio provides a rapid speed of kill throughout the entire month-long treatment period.1,2,3
  • Of the evaluated products, only Credelio killed ticks as fast at the end of the month as at the beginning of the month.

"This study sets Credelio apart from competitors as it maintains a rapid speed of tick kill throughout the entire monthly dosing period," said David Gosche, DVM, Elanco Sr. Director of Technical Marketing.1,2,3 "This product maintains consistent levels of efficacy in tick kill throughout the month, outperforming the competitors tested." 1,2,3

Learn more about Credelio for dogs here. To read the full study findings, click here.


Elanco Animal Health Incorporated (NYSE: ELAN) is a global leader in animal health dedicated to innovating and delivering products and services to prevent and treat disease in farm animals and pets, creating value for farmers, pet owners, veterinarians, stakeholders, and society as a whole. With nearly 70 years of animal health heritage, we are committed to helping our customers improve the health of animals in their care, while also making a meaningful impact on our local and global communities. At Elanco, we are driven by our vision of Food and Companionship Enriching Life and our Elanco Healthy Purpose™ Sustainability Initiatives –all to advance the health of animals, people, and the planet.


Credelio kills adult fleas and is indicated for the treatment and prevention of flea infestations (Ctenocephalides felis) and the treatment and control of tick infestations [Amblyomma americanum (lone star tick), Dermacentor variabilis (American dog tick), Ixodes scapularis (black-legged tick) and Rhipicephalus sanguineus (brown dog tick)] for one month in dogs and puppies 8 weeks of age and older and weighing 4.4 pounds or greater.


Lotilaner is a member of the isoxazoline class. This class has been associated with neurologic adverse reactions including tremors, ataxia, and seizures. Seizures have been reported in dogs receiving this class of drugs, even in dogs without a history of seizures. Use with caution in dogs with a history of seizures or neurologic disorders. The safe use of Credelio in breeding, pregnant or lactating dogs has not been evaluated. The most frequently reported adverse reactions are weight loss, elevated blood urea nitrogen, polyuria, and diarrhea. For full prescribing information see Credelio package insert.

NexGard is a registered trademark of Boehringer Ingelheim Animal Health USA Inc. Simparica TRIO is a registered trademark of Zoetis Services LLC.

Credelio, Elanco and the diagonal bar logo are trademarks of Elanco or its affiliates. Other company and product names are trademarks of their respective owners. © 2024 Elanco or its affiliates


1 Ambylomma americanum (lone star tick)
2 Reif KE, Kollasch TM, Neilson JC, Herrin BH, Ryan WG, Bell MC, Beltz MS, Dryden MW, Jesudoss Chelladurai JRJ, Miller KR, Sutherland CJ. Comparative speed of kill provided by lotilaner (Credelio™), sarolaner (Simparica Trio™), and afoxolaner (NexGard™) to control Amblyomma americanum infestations on dogs. Parasite Vectors. 2024 Jul 20;17(1):313.
3 Based on the time to statistical significance vs control in a single study on days 21 and 28 for reinfestations.
4 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (n.d.). Tickborne Disease Surveillance Data Summary. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Retrieved August 8, 2024, from
Companion Animal Parasite Council | 2023 Annual Pet Parasite Forecasts (
6 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (n.d.). Where Ticks Live. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Retrieved August 8, 2024, from

Investor Contact: Katy Grissom (317) 273-9284
Media Contact: Season Solorio (765) 316-0233

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SOURCE Elanco Animal Health


How much faster does Credelio kill ticks compared to Simparica TRIO and NexGard?

According to the study, Credelio (lotilaner) kills ticks 2 times faster than Simparica TRIO (sarolaner, moxidectin and pyrantel) and NexGard (afoxolaner).

What type of tick was used in the Credelio efficacy study?

The study focused on the Amblyomma americanum, also known as the lone star tick, which is considered one of the hardest ticks to kill and can transmit dangerous pathogens to pets and humans.

How long does Credelio maintain its rapid tick-killing efficacy?

The study showed that Credelio maintains its rapid speed of tick kill throughout the entire month-long treatment period, outperforming competitors at both the beginning and end of the month.

Why is Credelio's rapid tick-killing ability important for pet health?

Credelio's rapid tick-killing ability is important because the longer a tick is attached, the greater the risk of pathogen transmission. This helps protect pets against tick-borne diseases such as Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever and ehrlichiosis.

Elanco Animal Health


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