Elevai Labs Inc. Subsidiary, Elevai Skincare Inc., Announces Launch of Clinical Study Combining Its Flagship Topical Exosome Skincare Products with a Medical Aesthetic Energy Device

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Elevai Labs, Inc. (NASDAQ: ELAB) has announced the launch of a clinical study to evaluate the efficacy of its topical exosome products, Elevai empower™ and Elevai enfinity™, in combination with energy device treatments for facial skin rejuvenation. The study, conducted in collaboration with Dr. Jennifer Pearlman, aims to enroll up to 20 subjects aged 35-75 with various skin conditions.

The 12-week study will assess the products' efficacy as standalone treatments and in conjunction with energy devices, measuring tolerability, safety, and improvements in overall facial appearance. Elevai expects to announce topline data by Q1 2025 and publish results in a peer-reviewed journal.

This initiative aligns with the growing energy-based aesthetic device market, projected to reach $5.60 billion by 2030. Elevai is actively seeking partnerships with energy device companies to explore synergistic opportunities in the field of non-invasive skin rejuvenation.

Elevai Labs, Inc. (NASDAQ: ELAB) ha annunciato il lancio di uno studio clinico per valutare l'efficacia dei suoi prodotti topici a base di esosomi, Elevai empower™ e Elevai enfinity™, in combinazione con trattamenti con dispositivi energetici per il ringiovanimento della pelle del viso. Lo studio, condotto in collaborazione con Dr. Jennifer Pearlman, mira ad arruolare fino a 20 soggetti di età compresa tra 35 e 75 anni con varie condizioni della pelle.

Lo studio di 12 settimane valuterà l'efficacia dei prodotti come trattamenti autonomi e in associazione con dispositivi energetici, misurando la tollerabilità, la sicurezza e i miglioramenti dell'aspetto generale del viso. Elevai prevede di annunciare dati preliminari entro il primo trimestre del 2025 e di pubblicare i risultati in una rivista peer-reviewed.

Questa iniziativa è in linea con il crescente mercato dei dispositivi estetici basati sull'energia, che si prevede raggiunga $5.60 miliardi entro il 2030. Elevai sta attivamente cercando partnership con aziende di dispositivi energetici per esplorare opportunità sinergiche nel campo del ringiovanimento non invasivo della pelle.

Elevai Labs, Inc. (NASDAQ: ELAB) ha anunciado el lanzamiento de un estudio clínico para evaluar la eficacia de sus productos tópicos de exosomas, Elevai empower™ y Elevai enfinity™, en combinación con tratamientos de dispositivos energéticos para el rejuvenecimiento de la piel facial. El estudio, realizado en colaboración con Dr. Jennifer Pearlman, tiene como objetivo inscribir hasta 20 sujetos de entre 35 y 75 años con diversas condiciones de la piel.

El estudio de 12 semanas evaluará la eficacia de los productos como tratamientos independientes y junto con dispositivos energéticos, midiendo la tolerabilidad, seguridad y mejoras en la apariencia facial general. Elevai espera anunciar datos preliminares para el primer trimestre de 2025 y publicar los resultados en una revista evaluada por pares.

Esta iniciativa se alinea con el creciente mercado de dispositivos estéticos basados en energía, que se proyecta que alcanzará $5.60 mil millones para 2030. Elevai está buscando activamente asociaciones con empresas de dispositivos energéticos para explorar oportunidades sinérgicas en el campo del rejuvenecimiento no invasivo de la piel.

Elevai Labs, Inc. (NASDAQ: ELAB)는 얼굴 피부 재생을 위한 에너지 장치 치료와 함께 자사 국소 엑소좀 제품인 Elevai empower™Elevai enfinity™의 효능을 평가하기 위한 임상 연구를 시작한다고 발표했습니다. 이 연구는 Jennifer Pearlman 박사와 협력하여 실시되며, 다양한 피부 상태를 가진 35세에서 75세 사이의 최대 20명 참가자를 모집할 계획입니다.

12주 동안 진행되는 이번 연구는 자립적인 치료로서뿐만 아니라 에너지 장치와 함께 사용했을 때의 제품 효능을 평가하며, 내약성, 안전성 및 전반적인 얼굴 외관 개선 정도를 측정합니다. Elevai는 2025년 1분기까지 주요 데이터를 발표할 예정이며, 동료 심사를 거친 저널에 결과를 발표할 것입니다.

이 이니셔티브는 2030년까지 $56억 달러에 달할 것으로 예상되는 에너지 기반 미용 장치 시장의 성장과 일치합니다. Elevai는 비침습적인 피부 재생 분야에서 시너지 기회를 탐색하기 위해 에너지 장치 회사와의 파트너십을 적극적으로 모색하고 있습니다.

Elevai Labs, Inc. (NASDAQ: ELAB) a annoncé le lancement d'une étude clinique pour évaluer l'efficacité de ses produits topiques à base d'exosomes, Elevai empower™ et Elevai enfinity™, en combinaison avec des traitements par dispositifs énergétiques pour le rajeunissement de la peau du visage. L'étude, réalisée en collaboration avec Dr. Jennifer Pearlman, vise à recruter jusqu'à 20 sujets âgés de 35 à 75 ans présentant diverses conditions cutanées.

Cette étude de 12 semaines évaluera l'efficacité des produits en tant que traitements autonome et en association avec des dispositifs énergétiques, mesurant la tolérabilité, la sécurité et les améliorations de l'apparence faciale générale. Elevai s'attend à annoncer des données préliminaires d'ici le premier trimestre 2025 et à publier les résultats dans une revue avec comité de lecture.

Cette initiative est en phase avec le marché croissant des dispositifs esthétiques basés sur l'énergie, dont on prévoit qu'il atteindra 5,60 milliards de dollars d'ici 2030. Elevai recherche activement des partenariats avec des entreprises de dispositifs énergétiques afin d'explorer des opportunités synergiques dans le domaine du rajeunissement cutané non invasif.

Elevai Labs, Inc. (NASDAQ: ELAB) hat die Lancierung einer klinischen Studie zur Bewertung der Wirksamkeit seiner topischen Exosomenprodukte, Elevai empower™ und Elevai enfinity™, in Kombination mit Behandlungen durch Energiesysteme zur Gesichtsverjüngung angekündigt. Die Studie, die in Zusammenarbeit mit Dr. Jennifer Pearlman durchgeführt wird, zielt darauf ab, bis zu 20 Probanden im Alter von 35 bis 75 Jahren mit verschiedenen Hautzuständen zu rekrutieren.

Die 12-wöchige Studie wird die Wirksamkeit der Produkte sowohl als alleinige Behandlungen als auch in Verbindung mit Energiesystemen bewerten und dabei Verträglichkeit, Sicherheit und Verbesserungen im allgemeinen Erscheinungsbild des Gesichts messen. Elevai erwartet die Bekanntgabe von vorläufigen Daten bis zum 1. Quartal 2025 und die Veröffentlichung der Ergebnisse in einer peer-reviewed Zeitschrift.

Diese Initiative steht im Einklang mit dem wachsenden Markt für energiegestützte ästhetische Geräte, der voraussichtlich 5,6 Milliarden US-Dollar bis 2030 erreichen wird. Elevai ist aktiv auf der Suche nach Partnerschaften mit Unternehmen für Energiesysteme, um synergetische Möglichkeiten im Bereich der nicht-invasiven Hautverjüngung zu erkunden.

  • Launch of clinical study to evaluate efficacy of topical exosome products with energy device treatments
  • Collaboration with renowned aesthetic medicine expert Dr. Jennifer Pearlman
  • Potential to enhance facial rejuvenation treatments by combining exosome skincare with energy-based devices
  • Aligns with growing energy-based aesthetic device market, projected to reach $5.60 billion by 2030
  • Actively seeking partnerships with leading energy device companies for synergistic opportunities
  • Results of the clinical study are not yet available, with topline data expected by Q1 2025


This clinical study by Elevai Labs marks a significant step in exploring the synergy between exosome-based skincare and energy device treatments. The collaboration with Dr. Jennifer Pearlman, a renowned expert in regenerative and aesthetic medicine, adds credibility to the research. The study's focus on combining Elevai's topical exosome products (empower™ and enfinity™) with energy-based treatments aligns with the growing $5.60 billion energy-based aesthetic device market projected for 2030.

Key points of interest:

  • Study design includes up to 20 subjects aged 35-75 with various skin conditions
  • 12-week duration with endpoints measuring tolerability, safety and facial appearance improvement
  • Potential to enhance the efficacy of popular treatments like radiofrequency microneedling and non-ablative laser rejuvenation
  • Results expected by Q1 2025 with plans for peer-reviewed publication

While the study's outcome is yet unknown, it could potentially validate a new approach in combining advanced skincare with energy-based treatments, potentially opening new revenue streams and partnerships for Elevai in the rapidly growing aesthetic medicine market.

This announcement positions Elevai Labs at the intersection of two growing markets: exosome-based skincare and energy-based aesthetic devices. The global energy-based aesthetic device market's projected growth to $5.60 billion by 2030 at a CAGR of 8.93% presents a significant opportunity for Elevai if the study yields positive results.

Key market implications:

  • Potential for product differentiation in a competitive skincare market
  • Opportunity to tap into the growing demand for minimally invasive cosmetic procedures
  • Possible expansion of Elevai's market reach through partnerships with energy device companies
  • Enhanced credibility and scientific backing could lead to increased market share

However, investors should note that the study results are not guaranteed and won't be available until Q1 2025. The company's ability to capitalize on this research will depend on the study's outcomes and successful commercialization strategies. While promising, this news represents a long-term potential rather than an immediate impact on Elevai's financial performance.

  • In Collaboration with Renowned Aesthetic Medicine Expert Dr. Jennifer Pearlman, Elevai’s Study Will Investigate the Impact of Combining Exosome Skincare with Advanced Energy-Based Treatments for Optimal Skin Rejuvenation
  • As the Global Energy-Based Aesthetic Device Market Is Projected to Reach $5.60 Billion by 2030, Elevai’s Study Seeks to Unlock the Full Potential of Combining Exosome Skincare Products with These Technologies for Enhanced Facial Rejuvenation

NEWPORT BEACH, Calif., Oct. 02, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Elevai Labs, Inc. (NASDAQ: ELAB) (“Elevai” or the “Company”), a pioneering force in medical aesthetics, today announced the initiation of a clinical study to assess the efficacy of a topical exosome product in conjunction with an energy device treatment on facial skin appearance.

The clinical study will assess the efficacy of Elevai’s topical exosomes Elevai empower™, a topical exosome serum designed specifically for in-office application, and Elevai enfinity™, a daily topical exosome product for at home use, as standalone treatments and in conjunction with an energy device treatment on facial skin appearance. The objective of the study is to investigate the efficacy of a topical exosome product on facial appearance after daily use for up to 12 weeks.

Elevai is collaborating with Dr. Jennifer Pearlman, an internationally recognized leader in regenerative and aesthetic medicine, and Medical Director of the PearlMD Rejuvenation clinic in Toronto, Canada. She is a board-certified Fellow of Regenerative Medicine (FAARM) by the American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine (A4M), an expert in Menopause credentialed by NAMS attending physician at Mount Sinai Hospital in Toronto and serves as Faculty teaching at the major international functional medicine meetings. She is faculty and Director of Women’s Health at Geneva College of Longevity Science, and a Global Ambassador for the Aesthetic Multispecialty Society, the largest network of cosmetic physicians in the world. Dr. Pearlman is co-founder of Healthspan Digital an AI powered Longevity platform enabling networks to offer leading edge longevity services and practices medicine as a board-certified medical doctor licensed in the Canadian province of Ontario and in the United States in both New York and Florida.

“This study represents an exciting step forward in aesthetic medicine. By examining the synergy between Elevai’s advanced exosome technology and proven energy device treatments, we aim to push the boundaries of what’s possible in non-invasive skin rejuvenation, ultimately delivering safer, more effective solutions to our patients,” said Dr. Pearlman.

The study will enroll up to 20 healthy subjects between the ages of 35-75 years of age of Fitzpatrick skin types I-VI with mild to moderate facial photoaging and sensitive skin, including those with acne, rosacea, pigmentation issues, eczema, atopic dermatitis, dry skin, or cosmetic intolerance syndrome. Endpoints will measure tolerability for absence of skin irritation, safety, and statistically significant improvement in overall facial appearance 12 weeks as compared to baseline.

“Partnering with a renowned investigator like Dr. Pearlman was a key milestone for us, as we prioritize clinical studies and scientific data as a key point of differentiation for our products,” remarked Jordan R. Plews, PhD, Chief Executive Officer of Elevai Skincare Inc. “Elevai expects to announce topline data from this study by Q1 2025 and to publish the results in a peer-reviewed scientific journal shortly after.”

Energy-based aesthetic devices are used to address a wide range of aesthetic applications such as skin resurfacing and skin tightening, among others. These devices are based on minimally invasive and non-invasive technology and are experiencing rising adoption due to the increasing popularity of cosmetic procedures. According to Research and Markets, the energy-based aesthetic devices market was valued at $3.36 billion in 2023, growing at a CAGR of 8.93% during the forecast period from 2024 to 2030, and is expected to reach $5.60 billion by 20301.

As part of Elevai’s commitment to advancing the science of skincare, this study aims to gather critical data to support the enhanced performance of Elevai’s exosomes alongside popular energy-based treatments like radiofrequency microneedling and non-ablative laser rejuvenation therapy. Elevai is actively seeking partnerships with leading energy device companies to explore synergistic opportunities and further validate the power of combining our innovative skincare formulations with energy-based treatments.

About Elevai Labs Inc.

Elevai Labs Inc. (NASDAQ: ELAB) specializes in medical aesthetics and biopharmaceutical drug development, focusing on innovations for skin aesthetics and treatments tied to obesity and metabolic health. The Company operates a diverse portfolio of three wholly owned subsidiaries across the medical aesthetics and biopharmaceutical sectors, Elevai Skincare Inc., Elevai Biosciences Inc., and Elevai Research Inc. For more information please visit

About Elevai Skincare Inc.

Elevai Skincare Inc., a subsidiary of Elevai Labs Inc., is a medical aesthetics company developing and commercializing cutting-edge physician-dispensed skin and hair care applications. Elevai Skincare Inc. develops cosmetic products for the physician-dispensed market, with a focus on leveraging novel proprietary science-backed technologies, including its stem cell exosome technology. For more information, please visit

Forward-Looking Statements

Statements contained in this press release regarding matters that are not historical facts are “forward-looking statements” within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995, as amended. Words such as “believes,” “expects,” “plans,” “potential,” “would” and “future” or similar expressions such as “look forward” are intended to identify forward-looking statements. Although the Company believes that the expectations expressed in these forward-looking statements are reasonable, it cannot assure you that such expectations will turn out to be correct, and the Company cautions investors that actual results may differ materially from the anticipated results. These forward-looking statements are based only on our current beliefs, expectations and assumptions regarding the future of our business, future plans and strategies, projections, anticipated events and trends, the economy, activities of regulators and future regulations and other future conditions. Because forward-looking statements relate to the future, they are subject to inherent uncertainties, risks and changes in circumstances that are difficult to predict and many of which are outside of our control. Therefore, you should not rely on any of these forward-looking statements. These risks and uncertainties include, among others: Elevai’s limited operating history and historical losses; Elevai’s ability to raise additional funding to complete the development and any commercialization of its product candidates; Elevai’s dependence on the success of its product candidates EL-22 and EL-32; that Elevai may be delayed in initiating, enrolling or completing any clinical trials; competition from third parties that are developing products for similar uses; Elevai’s ability to obtain, maintain and protect its intellectual property; Elevai’s dependence on third parties in connection with manufacturing, clinical trials and preclinical studies; and Elevai’s expectations regarding its growth, strategy, progress and the design, objectives and timing of its studies.

These and other risks are described more fully in Elevai Labs’ filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”), including the “Risk Factors” section of the Company’s Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2023, filed with the SEC on March 29, 2024, and its other documents subsequently filed with or furnished to the SEC. All forward-looking statements contained in this press release speak only as of the date on which they were made. Except to the extent required by law, the Company undertakes no obligation to update such statements to reflect events that occur or circumstances that exist after the date on which they were made.

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1Energy based Aesthetic Devices (EAD) - Market Insights, Competitive Landscape, and Market Forecast – 2030 -


What is the purpose of Elevai Labs' new clinical study for ELAB stock?

The clinical study aims to assess the efficacy of Elevai's topical exosome products (Elevai empower™ and Elevai enfinity™) in combination with energy device treatments for facial skin rejuvenation, potentially enhancing the company's product offerings and market position.

When will the results of Elevai Labs' (ELAB) clinical study be available?

Elevai Labs expects to announce topline data from the clinical study by Q1 2025 and publish the results in a peer-reviewed scientific journal shortly after.

How many subjects will be enrolled in Elevai Labs' (ELAB) clinical study?

The clinical study will enroll up to 20 healthy subjects between the ages of 35-75 years with various skin conditions, including mild to moderate facial photoaging and sensitive skin.

What is the projected market size for energy-based aesthetic devices by 2030, relevant to ELAB?

According to the press release, the energy-based aesthetic devices market is projected to reach $5.60 billion by 2030, growing at a CAGR of 8.93% from 2024 to 2030.

Who is collaborating with Elevai Labs (ELAB) on the clinical study?

Elevai Labs is collaborating with Dr. Jennifer Pearlman, an internationally recognized leader in regenerative and aesthetic medicine, and Medical Director of the PearlMD Rejuvenation clinic in Toronto, Canada.

Elevai Labs, Inc.


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