Elevai Labs Inc. Subsidiary, Elevai Research Inc., Announces Preliminary Positive Research Data Highlighting the Potential of Proprietary Exosome Technology for Skin Health Applications
Elevai Labs Inc. (NASDAQ: ELAB) announced preliminary positive research data from a study with Dalhousie University, highlighting the potential of its proprietary exosome technology for skin health applications. The study revealed that ELEVAI exosomes™ contain over 800 proteins associated with wound healing, immunomodulation, and skin extracellular matrix remodeling.
Key findings include:
- ELEVAI exosomes™ demonstrated typical exosome morphology and diameter
- They were enriched with proteins related to ECM organization, hemostasis, and cellular stress response
- The protein profile was statistically significant and notably enriched compared to 54 previously published exosome protein datasets
- Proteins found may help prevent skin thinning, loss of elasticity, and wrinkle formation
Elevai plans to conduct further experiments to expand the research scope and explore broader applications such as bone regeneration, wound healing, and immune regulation.
Elevai Labs Inc. (NASDAQ: ELAB) ha annunciato dati di ricerca preliminari positivi provenienti da uno studio condotto con l'Università di Dalhousie, evidenziando il potenziale della sua tecnologia proprietaria a base di esosomi per applicazioni legate alla salute della pelle. Lo studio ha rivelato che ELEVAI exosomes™ contengono oltre 800 proteine associate a guarigione delle ferite, immunomodulazione e rimodellamento della matrice extracellulare della pelle.
I risultati chiave includono:
- Gli esosomi ELEVAI™ hanno mostrato una morfologia e un diametro tipici degli esosomi
- Erano arricchiti di proteine relative all'organizzazione della matrice extracellulare, emostasi e risposta allo stress cellulare
- Il profilo proteico era statisticamente significativo e notevolmente arricchito rispetto a 54 dataset di proteine di esosomi pubblicati in precedenza
- Le proteine trovate potrebbero aiutare a prevenire assottigliamento della pelle, perdita di elasticità e formazione di rughe
Elevai prevede di condurre ulteriori esperimenti per ampliare l'ambito della ricerca ed esplorare applicazioni più ampie come la rigenerazione ossea, la guarigione delle ferite e la regolazione immunitaria.
Elevai Labs Inc. (NASDAQ: ELAB) anunció datos de investigación preliminares positivos de un estudio con la Universidad de Dalhousie, resaltando el potencial de su tecnología propietaria de exosomas para aplicaciones en la salud de la piel. El estudio reveló que ELEVAI exosomes™ contienen más de 800 proteínas asociadas con la cicatrización de heridas, la inmunomodulación y la remodelación de la matriz extracelular de la piel.
Los hallazgos clave incluyen:
- Los exosomas ELEVAI™ mostraron morfología y diámetro típicos de exosomas
- Estaban enriquecidos con proteínas relacionadas con la organización de la matriz extracelular, hemostasia y respuesta al estrés celular
- El perfil proteico fue estadísticamente significativo y notablemente enriquecido en comparación con 54 conjuntos de datos de proteínas de exosomas publicados anteriormente
- Las proteínas encontradas pueden ayudar a prevenir el adelgazamiento de la piel, la pérdida de elasticidad y la formación de arrugas
Elevai planea realizar más experimentos para ampliar el alcance de la investigación y explorar aplicaciones más amplias como la regeneración ósea, la cicatrización de heridas y la regulación inmunitaria.
Elevai Labs Inc. (NASDAQ: ELAB)는 달하우지 대학교와의 연구에서 긍정적인 예비 데이터를 발표하며 피부 건강 응용을 위한 독자적인 엑소좀 기술의 잠재력을 강조했습니다. 연구 결과는 ELEVAI exosomes™가 상처 치유, 면역 조절 및 피부 세포외 기질 리모델링과 관련된 800개 이상의 단백질을 포함하고 있음을 보여주었습니다.
주요 발견 사항은 다음과 같습니다:
- ELEVAI exosomes™는 전형적인 엑소좀 형태와 직경을 보여주었습니다
- 세포외 기질 조직화, 혈액 응고, 세포 스트레스 반응과 관련된 단백질로 풍부하게 구성되었습니다
- 단백질 프로필은 통계적으로 의미 있었으며, 이전에 발표된 54개의 엑소좀 단백질 데이터 세트에 비해 현저히 향상되었습니다
- 발견된 단백질은 피부 얇아짐, 탄력 손실 및 주름 형성을 예방하는 데 도움을 줄 수 있습니다
Elevai는 연구 범위를 확장하고 뼈 재생, 상처 치유 및 면역 조절과 같은 더 광범위한 응용 프로그램을 탐구하기 위해 추가 실험을 진행할 계획입니다.
Elevai Labs Inc. (NASDAQ: ELAB) a annoncé des données de recherche préliminaires positives d'une étude avec l'Université de Dalhousie, mettant en avant le potentiel de sa technologie d'exosomes propriétaire pour les applications liées à la santé de la peau. L'étude a révélé que les ELEVAI exosomes™ contiennent plus de 800 protéines associées à la cicatrisation des plaies, l'immunomodulation et le remodelage de la matrice extracellulaire de la peau.
Les principales conclusions incluent :
- Les exosomes ELEVAI™ ont montré une morphologie et un diamètre typiques des exosomes
- Ils étaient enrichis en protéines liées à l'organisation de la MEC, à l'hémostase et à la réponse au stress cellulaire
- Le profil protéique était statistiquement significatif et remarquablement enrichi par rapport à 54 ensembles de données de protéines d'exosomes publiés précédemment
- Les protéines trouvées pourraient aider à prévenir l'amincissement de la peau, la perte d'élasticité et la formation de rides
Elevai prévoit de mener d'autres expériences pour élargir le domaine de recherche et explorer des applications plus larges telles que la régénération osseuse, la cicatrisation des plaies et la régulation immunitaire.
Elevai Labs Inc. (NASDAQ: ELAB) hat positive vorläufige Forschungsdaten aus einer Studie mit der Dalhousie Universität bekannt gegeben, die das Potenzial seiner eigenen Exosomtechnologie für Anwendungen im Bereich Hautgesundheit hervorhebt. Die Studie ergab, dass ELEVAI exosomes™ über 800 Proteine enthalten, die mit Wundheilung, Immunmodulation und Remodeling der extrazellulären Matrix der Haut assoziiert sind.
Wichtige Ergebnisse umfassen:
- ELEVAI exosomes™ zeigten typische Exosom-Morphologie und Durchmesser
- Sie waren mit Proteinen angereichert, die mit ECM-Organisation, Hämostase und zellulärer Stressreaktion in Verbindung stehen
- Das Proteinprofil war statistisch signifikant und im Vergleich zu 54 zuvor veröffentlichten Exosom-Proteindatensätzen bemerkenswert angereichert
- Gefundene Proteine können dazu beitragen, das Ausdünnen der Haut, den Verlust der Elastizität und die Bildung von Falten zu verhindern
Elevai plant, weitere Experimente durchzuführen, um den Forschungsbereich zu erweitern und breitere Anwendungen wie Knochenerneuerung, Wundheilung und Immunregulation zu erkunden.
- ELEVAI exosomes™ contain over 800 proteins associated with wound healing, immunomodulation, and skin ECM remodeling
- Exosomes showed enrichment for proteins related to ECM organization, hemostasis, and cellular stress response
- Protein profile was statistically significant and notably enriched compared to 54 previously published datasets
- Potential applications in addressing skin concerns such as firmness, oxidative stress, photodamage, and hyperpigmentation
- Plans for additional experiments to expand research scope and explore broader applications
- None.
This preliminary research data on ELEVAI exosomes™ is intriguing. The detection of over 800 proteins associated with wound healing, immunomodulation and ECM remodeling suggests potential for significant skin health applications. The statistically significant enrichment compared to 54 previously published datasets is particularly noteworthy.
The presence of collagens, integrins, laminin fibers and other key proteins implies that ELEVAI exosomes™ could potentially address age-related skin concerns. However, it's important to note that this is preliminary data and further research is needed to confirm clinical efficacy and safety.
The planned additional experiments, including examining the impact on skin-related functions and exploring synthetic exosome creation, could open doors for broader applications beyond aesthetics. This research positions Elevai as a potential innovator in regenerative medicine, but investors should await peer-reviewed publications and clinical trial results before drawing definitive conclusions.
While the research results are promising, it's important to view them in the context of Elevai's financial position. As a NASDAQ-listed company (ELAB), this news could potentially impact investor sentiment positively. However, the long-term financial implications remain uncertain.
The proprietary nature of the PREx™ technology and the potential for multiple applications (skin health, bone regeneration, wound healing) could represent significant intellectual property value. If successfully commercialized, this could translate into diverse revenue streams.
Investors should consider that further research, clinical trials and regulatory approvals will likely require substantial capital investment. The timeline from current research to potential market-ready products could be lengthy. It's important to balance the promising research with the company's current financials, burn rate and ability to fund ongoing R&D efforts.
The protein profile of ELEVAI exosomes™ is particularly interesting from a dermatological perspective. The enrichment of proteins associated with ECM organization, hemostasis and cellular stress response aligns well with key factors in skin aging and regeneration.
The presence of various collagen types, fibronectin and matrix metalloproteinase inhibitors suggests potential for addressing multiple aspects of skin aging. These components are important for maintaining skin firmness, elasticity and wrinkle prevention.
However, it's important to note that in vitro results don't always translate directly to clinical efficacy. The next critical steps would be to demonstrate these effects in human skin models and eventually in clinical trials. If successful, this technology could represent a significant advance in regenerative skincare, potentially offering more comprehensive benefits than current topical treatments.
- Preliminary data from the research study in partnership with Dalhousie University demonstrates that Elevai’s hUMSC derived exosomes (“ELEVAI exosomes™”) contain over 800 proteins that are associated with wound healing, immunomodulation and remodeling of the skin’s extracellular matrix (“ECM”).
- ELEVAI exosomes™ protein profile detected as part of this study was statistically significant and notably enriched compared to 54 previously published sets of exosome protein data.
- Data implies ELEVAI exosomes™ may be a source for proteins that typically decrease with age, and can be important components that prevent skin thinning, loss of elasticity and wrinkle formation.
NEWPORT BEACH, Calif., Aug. 19, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Elevai Labs, Inc. (NASDAQ: ELAB) (“Elevai” or the “Company”), a pioneering force in medical aesthetics, today announced results from an on-going research study in partnership with Dr. Stanislav Sokolenko’s Lab, Associate Professor at Dalhousie University’s Department of Process Engineering and Applied Science, demonstrating the potential of its proprietary Precision Regenerative Exosome Technology™ (“PREx™”) in generating exosomes that carry proteins associated with extracellular matrix organization, immune functions, and wound healing.
“In this study, we were trying to answer whether our exosomes were fundamentally different than exosomes from other sources,” stated Company Chief Executive Officer Jordan R. Plews. “The data has led us to believe that, when appropriately processed through our PREx™ platform, our ethically sourced human umbilical cord-derived mesenchymal stem cells (“hUMSC”) release exosomes enriched with a profile of proteins similar to, but distinct from, other mesenchymal stem cell (“MSC”) sources.”
In the study samples, ELEVAI exosomes™ demonstrated typical exosome morphology and diameter as measured by transmission electron microscopy (“TEM”), as well as enrichment for proteins associated with hemostasis, immunomodulation, wound healing, and remodeling of extracellular matrix proteins, as defined by their gene ontology and Reactome Pathway Analysis1 and specific reaction pathways related to skin health identified by the Reactome database.2 Moreover, preliminary data suggests ELEVAI exosomes™ were found to be considerably more enriched in proteins related to ECM organization, hemostasis, and cellular response to stress when compared to existing published protein studies of exosomes from other MSC sources.
The proteins found in Elevai exosomes include types of collagens, integrins, laminin fibres, fibronectin, fibulin, metalloproteinase inhibitors, and matrix metalloproteinases, among dozens of others. Such proteins are important components that prevent skin thinning, loss of elasticity, and wrinkle formation. In Elevai exosomes, these proteins were statistically significant and notably enriched compared to 54 previously published sets of exosome protein data.
“Exosomes from hUMSCs are known to contain many more proteins than exosomes from non-stem cell sources, like platelets or fibroblasts,” stated Dr. Stanislav Sokolenko. “However, this study further demonstrates that Elevai’s exosomes in particular, as compared to 54 previously published sets of exosome protein data, contain a distinct profile of proteins as compared to other MSC sources and are enriched for proteins commonly associated with skin and ECM remodeling, including collagen, fibrillin, TIMP2 and many others.”
ELEVAI Exosomes™ are produced from huMSCs using the proprietary PREx™ process developed by Elevai Chief Executive Officer Dr. Jordan R. Plews. Based on the foregoing preclinical data, Elevai believes that PREx™ exosomes have potential to be used as a tool to effectively address the appearance of a range of some of the most common skin concerns including the appearance of skin firmness, oxidative stress, photodamage, hyperpigmentation, and texture of soft tissue deficits, such as reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, returning skin to a healthier looking state.
Elevai and partner Dalhousie University are in the process of planning additional experiments that will expand the existing scope protein research, examine impact of Elevai’s exosomes on skin related functions, and be the basis of creation of synthetic exosomes, enabling the Elevai PREx™ protein profile to be used in broader applications such as bone regeneration, wound healing and immune regulation. Elevai anticipates sharing the full dataset by year-end.
About Elevai Labs Inc.
Elevai Labs Inc. (NASDAQ: ELAB) specializes in medical aesthetics and biopharmaceutical drug development, focusing on innovations for skin aesthetics and treatments tied to obesity and metabolic health. Driven by a commitment to scientific research, Elevai aims to transform personal health and beauty. For more information, please visit www.elevailabs.com.
About Elevai Research Inc.
Elevai Research Inc., domiciled in Canada, is currently dedicated to medical scientific research and development efforts, utilizing Canadian research grants and partnering with leading Canadian Universities to push the boundaries of innovation.
Cautionary Note Regarding Forward-Looking Statements
Statements contained in this press release regarding matters that are not historical facts are “forward-looking statements” within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995, as amended. Words such as “believes,” “expects,” “plans,” “potential,” “would” and “future” or similar expressions such as “look forward” are intended to identify forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements are not assurances of future performance. Instead, they are based only on our current beliefs, expectations and assumptions regarding the future of our business, future plans and strategies, projections, anticipated events and trends, the economy, activities of regulators and future regulations and other future conditions. Because forward-looking statements relate to the future, they are subject to inherent uncertainties, risks and changes in circumstances that are difficult to predict and many of which are outside of our control. Our actual results may differ materially from those expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. Therefore, you should not rely on any of these forward-looking statements. These risks and uncertainties include, among others: Elevai’s limited operating history and historical losses; Elevai’s ability to raise additional funding to complete the development and any commercialization of its product candidates; Elevai’s dependence on the success of its product candidates EL-22 and EL-32; that Elevai may be delayed in initiating, enrolling or completing any clinical trials; competition from third parties that are developing products for similar uses; Elevai’s ability to obtain, maintain and protect its intellectual property; Elevai’s dependence on third parties in connection with manufacturing, clinical trials and preclinical studies; and Elevai’s expectations regarding its growth, strategy, progress and the design, objectives and timing of its studies.
These and other risks are described more fully in Elevai’s filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”), including the “Risk Factors” section of the Company’s Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2023, filed with the SEC on March 29, 2024, and its other documents subsequently filed with or furnished to the SEC. All forward-looking statements contained in this press release speak only as of the date on which they were made. Except to the extent required by law, the Company undertakes no obligation to update such statements to reflect events that occur or circumstances that exist after the date on which they were made.
Investor Relations Contact:
Makenzie Mann
1Gene ontology or “GO” terms provided by the Alliance of Genome Resources (https://www.alliancegenome.org/)
2 Reactome database (https://reactome.org/what-is-reactome)