Estée Lauder Announces its First Annual Estée Lauder Emerging Leaders Fund Beautiful Forces Grants

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Estée Lauder (NYSE: EL) has launched its inaugural Emerging Leaders Beautiful Forces grants, partnering with Vital Voices Global Partnership through the Estée Lauder Emerging Leaders Fund (ELELF). The initiative aims to support emerging women leaders globally with an initial award of $200,000 allocated among four recipients.

The 2024 grant awardees are:

  • Amina Mohamed (Canada) - Cameras for Girls
  • Consuelo Hermosilla González (Chile) - Fundación Antonia
  • Olasumbo Adeleke (Nigeria) - Gender Power Africa
  • Renata Koch Alvarenga (Brazil) - EmpoderaClima

These grants will enable the recipients to expand their organizations' reach and impact in areas such as media empowerment, domestic violence prevention, economic empowerment for rural women, and climate education. The ELELF has also supported other initiatives, including the VV Visionaries Leadership Program, which has trained 400 women leaders from over 60 countries.

Estée Lauder (NYSE: EL) ha lanciato i suoi primi grant Emerging Leaders Beautiful Forces, in collaborazione con Vital Voices Global Partnership attraverso il Fondo Estée Lauder per i Leader Emergenti (ELELF). L'iniziativa mira a sostenere le donne leader emergenti a livello globale con un premio iniziale di $200.000 ripartiti tra quattro destinatari.

I premiati del grant 2024 sono:

  • Amina Mohamed (Canada) - Cameras for Girls
  • Consuelo Hermosilla González (Cile) - Fundación Antonia
  • Olasumbo Adeleke (Nigeria) - Gender Power Africa
  • Renata Koch Alvarenga (Brasile) - EmpoderaClima

Questi grant permetteranno ai destinatari di ampliare la portata e l'impatto delle loro organizzazioni in aree come l'emancipazione nei media, la prevenzione della violenza domestica, l'emancipazione economica per le donne rurali e l'educazione ambientale. L'ELELF ha anche sostenuto altre iniziative, tra cui il programma di leadership VV Visionaries, che ha formato 400 donne leader provenienti da oltre 60 paesi.

Estée Lauder (NYSE: EL) ha lanzado sus primeras becas Emerging Leaders Beautiful Forces, en asociación con Vital Voices Global Partnership a través del Fondo de Líderes Emergentes de Estée Lauder (ELELF). La iniciativa tiene como objetivo apoyar a las mujeres líderes emergentes a nivel mundial con un premio inicial de $200,000 distribuidos entre cuatro beneficiarios.

Los premiados de la beca 2024 son:

  • Amina Mohamed (Canadá) - Cameras for Girls
  • Consuelo Hermosilla González (Chile) - Fundación Antonia
  • Olasumbo Adeleke (Nigeria) - Gender Power Africa
  • Renata Koch Alvarenga (Brasil) - EmpoderaClima

Estas becas permitirán a los beneficiarios expandir el alcance y el impacto de sus organizaciones en áreas como el empoderamiento mediático, la prevención de la violencia doméstica, el empoderamiento económico de las mujeres rurales y la educación sobre el clima. El ELELF también ha apoyado otras iniciativas, incluido el programa de liderazgo VV Visionaries, que ha capacitado a 400 mujeres líderes de más de 60 países.

에스티 로더 (NYSE: EL)가 비탈 보이스 글로벌 파트너십과 협력하여 에스티 로더 신생 리더 기금 (ELELF)을 통해 첫 번째 Emerging Leaders Beautiful Forces 보조금을 발표했습니다. 이 이니셔티브는 전 세계의 신생 여성 리더를 지원하는 것을 목표로 하며, 초기 기금으로 $200,000가 네 명의 수혜자에게 배분됩니다.

2024년 보조금 수상자는:

  • Amina Mohamed (캐나다) - Cameras for Girls
  • Consuelo Hermosilla González (칠레) - Fundación Antonia
  • Olasumbo Adeleke (나이지리아) - Gender Power Africa
  • Renata Koch Alvarenga (브라질) - EmpoderaClima

이 보조금은 수혜자들이 미디어 권한 강화, 가정 폭력 예방, 농촌 여성의 경제적 권한 강화 및 기후 교육과 같은 분야에서 조직의 범위와 영향력을 확장할 수 있도록 할 것입니다. ELELF는 또한 60개 이상의 국가에서 400명의 여성 리더를 교육한 VV Visionaries 리더십 프로그램 등 다른 이니셔티브를 지원했습니다.

Estée Lauder (NYSE: EL) a lancé ses premières bourses Emerging Leaders Beautiful Forces, en partenariat avec Vital Voices Global Partnership à travers le Fonds des Leaders Émergents Estée Lauder (ELELF). L'initiative vise à soutenir les femmes leaders émergentes à l'échelle mondiale avec un prix initial de 200 000 $ répartis entre quatre récipiendaires.

Les lauréats des bourses 2024 sont :

  • Amina Mohamed (Canada) - Cameras for Girls
  • Consuelo Hermosilla González (Chili) - Fundación Antonia
  • Olasumbo Adeleke (Nigéria) - Gender Power Africa
  • Renata Koch Alvarenga (Brésil) - EmpoderaClima

Ces bourses permettront aux récipiendaires d'élargir la portée et l'impact de leurs organisations dans des domaines tels que l'autonomisation par les médias, la prévention de la violence domestique, l'autonomisation économique des femmes rurales et l'éducation climatique. L'ELELF a également soutenu d'autres initiatives, y compris le programme de leadership VV Visionaries, qui a formé 400 femmes leaders venant de plus de 60 pays.

Estée Lauder (NYSE: EL) hat ihre ersten Emerging Leaders Beautiful Forces-Stipendien ins Leben gerufen, in Partnerschaft mit Vital Voices Global Partnership über den Estée Lauder Emerging Leaders Fund (ELELF). Die Initiative zielt darauf ab, aufstrebende weibliche Führungspersönlichkeiten weltweit mit einer Anfangszuwendung von 200.000 $, die unter vier Empfängern aufgeteilt wird, zu unterstützen.

Die Stipendiaten des Jahres 2024 sind:

  • Amina Mohamed (Kanada) - Cameras for Girls
  • Consuelo Hermosilla González (Chile) - Fundación Antonia
  • Olasumbo Adeleke (Nigeria) - Gender Power Africa
  • Renata Koch Alvarenga (Brasilien) - EmpoderaClima

Diese Stipendien ermöglichen es den Empfängern, die Reichweite und den Einfluss ihrer Organisationen in Bereichen wie Medienermächtigung, Prävention häuslicher Gewalt, wirtschaftliche Ermächtigung von Landfrauen und Klimabildung auszubauen. Der ELELF hat auch andere Initiativen unterstützt, darunter das VV Visionaries Leadership Program, das 400 weibliche Führungskräfte aus über 60 Ländern ausgebildet hat.

  • Estée Lauder is investing $200,000 in grants to support emerging women leaders globally
  • The initiative supports innovative projects addressing social issues in various countries
  • The company has trained 400 women leaders from over 60 countries through the VV Visionaries Leadership Program
  • None.

NEW YORK--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Today, Estée Lauder (NYSE: EL) announces the launch of its inaugural Emerging Leaders Beautiful Forces grants, furthering the brand's commitment to women’s leadership. Through a partnership via the Estée Lauder Emerging Leaders Fund (ELELF) and grantee, Vital Voices Global Partnership, the new initiative will deepen the brand’s investment in supporting emerging women leaders globally and helping to advance their influence and impact.

Estée Lauder Emerging Leaders Beautiful Forces Grant Celebration with Vital Voices (Photo: Business Wire)

Estée Lauder Emerging Leaders Beautiful Forces Grant Celebration with Vital Voices (Photo: Business Wire)

Launched in 2022, the Estée Lauder Emerging Leaders Fund, a charitable fund under the Estée Lauder Companies Charitable Foundation, supports global organizations that provide opportunities for leadership development, cultivate supportive communities and advocate for emerging leaders who have a daring vision for positive change.

Vital Voices, the Global non-profit investing in women leaders, was selected as the inaugural program partner of the ELELF. The Estée Lauder Emerging Leaders Beautiful Forces grants will support Vital Voices network alumni who are leading NGOs, businesses, or implementing projects that advance a bold idea. An initial award of $200,000 will be allocated between four recipients who demonstrate innovative thinking, a desire to challenge the status quo, and the ability to take calculated risks to solve a problem impacting their communities.

The awardees of the 2024 Estée Lauder Emerging Leaders Fund Beautiful Forces Grants are:

  • Amina Mohamed, Canada. Mohamed is the founder of Cameras for Girls, an organization that challenges gender disparities in media, equipping girls in Africa with cameras to empower them with greater access and opportunity in media-based careers. This grant will allow the organization to launch a train-the-trainer program, increasing access to programs by up to 20%.
  • Consuelo Hermosilla González, Chile. Hermosilla González is the founder of Fundación Antonia, an organization that works to eliminate intimate partner violence by providing free care and support to survivors, while raising awareness to eradicate gender violence in Chile. This grant will enable the execution of a variety of workshops, training sessions and skill-building programs to educate communities on domestic violence prevention.
  • Olasumbo Adeleke, Nigeria. Adeleke is the executive director of Gender Power Africa, which works to improve the livelihoods of small holder farmers, especially women and youth, in rural communities through economic empowerment, training and capacity building. This grant will help enable the creation of a climate-smart shea nut processing facility in Nigeria, expanding the output of shea butter from 2 tons per month to 3 tons per day while providing additional jobs and skills training for women in the community.
  • Renata Koch Alvarenga, Brazil. Koch Alvarenga is the founder of EmpoderaClima, a youth-led organization that raises awareness about the impacts of climate change on women and the role of gender-transformative climate education. This grant will enable the execution of workshops on disaster preparedness, the creation of an interactive platform with learning resources, as well as data collection and mapping to support disaster management.

“With the launch of the Beautiful Forces grants, we are doubling down on our commitment to change the face of leadership by further investing in a new generation of emerging leaders,” said Stéphane de La Faverie, ELELF Founder and Executive Group President, The Estée Lauder Companies. “We’re proud to support these inspiring women from around the world, helping them achieve their goals and take their ideas to the next level to create further impact in their communities and beyond.”

“The Beautiful Forces grants will take our partnership with the Estée Lauder Emerging Leaders Fund to the next level, further investing in emerging women leaders who dream big and aim to conquer the enormous challenges we face today,” said Alyse Nelson, President and CEO, Vital Voices Global Partnership. “Their vision for change is ambitious and we’re thrilled to be able to support them in the next step of their leadership journeys.”

Since the launch of the ELELF, Estée Lauder and Vital Voices have created the VV Visionaries Leadership Program, a custom online and offline leadership development program for emerging leaders globally, which to date has trained 400 women leaders from more than 60 countries, with the eighth cohort beginning next month.

Recipients of the Estée Lauder Emerging Leaders Beautiful Forces grants were honored at a private celebration in New York alongside the 79th Session of the UN General Assembly.

In addition to its support for Vital Voices, the ELELF supports women’s leadership organizations Black Girl Ventures and the Center for Asian Pacific American Women. The Estée Lauder brand is also an ongoing supporter of Kode With Klossy, the non-profit founded by brand ambassador, Karlie Kloss.

About Estée Lauder
Estée Lauder is the flagship brand of The Estée Lauder Companies Inc. Founded by Estée Lauder, one of the world’s first female entrepreneurs, the brand today continues her legacy of creating innovative, sophisticated, high-performance skincare and makeup products and iconic fragrances – all infused with a deep understanding of women’s needs and desires. Today, Estée Lauder engages with customers in more than 150 countries and territories around the world and across dozens of touch points – from in-store to digital. And each of these relationships consistently reflects Estée’s powerful and authentic woman-to-woman point of view. Follow @esteelauder on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, TikTok and YouTube.

About The Estée Lauder Emerging Leaders Fund
The Estée Lauder Emerging Leaders Fund is a charitable fund of the Estée Lauder Companies Charitable Foundation, a U.S. based charity incorporated and tax exempt in the United States of America.

About Vital Voices:
For more than 27 years, Vital Voices Global Partnership has been investing in women leaders solving the world’s greatest challenges. We are “venture catalysts,” identifying those with a bold vision for change and partnering with them to make that vision a reality. We scale and accelerate their impact through long-term investments to expand the skills, connections, capacity, and visibility of women leaders. Vital Voices provided early support for leaders who went on to become Nobel Peace Prize Laureates, U.S. Youth Poet Laureates, prime ministers, and breakthrough social entrepreneurs. Since its founding in 1997, Vital Voices has directly supported more than 20,000 women changemakers across 185 countries and built a powerful global network of women leaders who are daring to reimagine a more equitable world for all.


PR Contacts

Tara Connaughton, Estée Lauder,

Stephanie Katz, Estée Lauder,

Source: Estée Lauder


What is the Estée Lauder Emerging Leaders Beautiful Forces grant?

The Estée Lauder Emerging Leaders Beautiful Forces grant is an initiative launched by Estée Lauder (NYSE: EL) to support emerging women leaders globally. It provides financial support to innovative projects led by women that address social issues in various countries.

How much money is Estée Lauder (EL) investing in the Beautiful Forces grants?

Estée Lauder (EL) is investing an initial award of $200,000 in the Beautiful Forces grants, which will be allocated among four recipients.

Who are the recipients of the 2024 Estée Lauder Emerging Leaders Fund Beautiful Forces Grants?

The 2024 grant recipients are Amina Mohamed from Canada, Consuelo Hermosilla González from Chile, Olasumbo Adeleke from Nigeria, and Renata Koch Alvarenga from Brazil. Each leads an organization addressing various social issues in their respective countries.

What is the VV Visionaries Leadership Program associated with Estée Lauder (EL)?

The VV Visionaries Leadership Program is a custom online and offline leadership development program created by Estée Lauder (EL) and Vital Voices. It has trained 400 women leaders from more than 60 countries to date.

The Estee Lauder Companies Inc.


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