Estée Lauder Announces Dr. Matthew Walker as Brand’s First-Ever Global Sleep Science Advisor
Estée Lauder (EL) has appointed Dr. Matthew Walker, PhD, as its first-ever Global Sleep Science Advisor. Dr. Walker, a Professor of Neuroscience and Psychology at UC Berkeley and renowned sleep scientist, will enhance the company's nighttime skincare research and innovation efforts.
This strategic partnership aims to explore the connection between sleep and skin health, building on Estée Lauder's 40-year history of research in night skin science. Dr. Walker will participate in internal and external events, press opportunities, and create educational content across brand channels.
Additionally, Estée Lauder will become the exclusive beauty partner of Dr. Walker's new Global Sleep Education Foundation, which focuses on addressing the global sleep-loss epidemic through free educational programs and sleep science research.
Estée Lauder (EL) ha nominato il Dr. Matthew Walker, PhD, come suo primo Consulente Globale per la Scienza del Sonno. Il Dr. Walker, Professore di Neuroscienze e Psicologia presso l'UC Berkeley e rinomato scienziato del sonno, contribuirà a migliorare la ricerca e l'innovazione nella cura della pelle notturna dell'azienda.
Questa partnership strategica mira a esplorare il legame tra sonno e salute della pelle, basandosi sui 40 anni di storia di ricerca di Estée Lauder nella scienza della pelle notturna. Il Dr. Walker parteciperà a eventi interni ed esterni, opportunità stampa e creerà contenuti educativi attraverso i canali del marchio.
Inoltre, Estée Lauder diventerà il partner esclusivo di bellezza della nuova Fondazione Globale per l'Educazione sul Sonno del Dr. Walker, che si concentra sull'affrontare l'epidemia globale di perdita di sonno attraverso programmi educativi gratuiti e ricerca sulla scienza del sonno.
Estée Lauder (EL) ha nombrado al Dr. Matthew Walker, PhD, como su primer Asesor Global de Ciencia del Sueño. El Dr. Walker, Profesor de Neurociencia y Psicología en UC Berkeley y renombrado científico del sueño, mejorará la investigación e innovación de la compañía en el cuidado de la piel nocturna.
Esta asociación estratégica tiene como objetivo explorar la conexión entre el sueño y la salud de la piel, basándose en los 40 años de historia de investigación de Estée Lauder en la ciencia de la piel nocturna. El Dr. Walker participará en eventos internos y externos, oportunidades de prensa y creará contenido educativo en los canales de la marca.
Además, Estée Lauder se convertirá en el socio exclusivo de belleza de la nueva Fundación Global de Educación sobre el Sueño del Dr. Walker, que se centra en abordar la epidemia global de pérdida de sueño a través de programas educativos gratuitos y investigación sobre la ciencia del sueño.
에스티 로더 (EL)는 매튜 워커 박사(PhD)를 최초의 글로벌 수면 과학 고문으로 임명했습니다. 워커 박사는 UC 버클리의 신경과학 및 심리학 교수이자 저명한 수면 과학자로, 회사의 야간 스킨케어 연구 및 혁신 노력을 강화할 것입니다.
이 전략적 파트너십은 수면과 피부 건강의 관계를 탐구하는 것을 목표로 하며, 에스티 로더의 40년 간의 야간 피부 과학 연구 역사를 기반으로 하고 있습니다. 워커 박사는 내부 및 외부 행사, 언론 기회에 참여하고 브랜드 채널 전반에 걸쳐 교육 콘텐츠를 제작할 것입니다.
또한, 에스티 로더는 워커 박사의 새로운 글로벌 수면 교육 재단의 독점적인 뷰티 파트너가 되며, 이는 무료 교육 프로그램 및 수면 과학 연구를 통해 전 세계 수면 부족 전염병을 해결하는 데 중점을 두고 있습니다.
Estée Lauder (EL) a nommé le Dr Matthew Walker, PhD, comme son premier Conseiller Global en Science du Sommeil. Le Dr Walker, Professeur de Neurosciences et de Psychologie à l'UC Berkeley et scientifique du sommeil renommé, va renforcer les efforts de recherche et d'innovation de l'entreprise en matière de soins de la peau nocturne.
Ce partenariat stratégique vise à explorer le lien entre le sommeil et la santé de la peau, s'appuyant sur les 40 ans d'histoire de recherche d'Estée Lauder dans la science de la peau nocturne. Le Dr Walker participera à des événements internes et externes, à des opportunités de presse et créera des contenus éducatifs sur les canaux de la marque.
De plus, Estée Lauder deviendra le partenaire exclusif en beauté de la nouvelle Fondation Mondiale pour l'Éducation au Sommeil du Dr Walker, qui se concentre sur la lutte contre l'épidémie mondiale de perte de sommeil à travers des programmes éducatifs gratuits et des recherches en science du sommeil.
Estée Lauder (EL) hat Dr. Matthew Walker, PhD, als ersten Global Sleep Science Advisor ernannt. Dr. Walker, Professor für Neurowissenschaften und Psychologie an der UC Berkeley und renommierter Schlafforscher, wird die Forschungs- und Innovationsbemühungen des Unternehmens im Bereich der nächtlichen Hautpflege verbessern.
Diese strategische Partnerschaft zielt darauf ab, die Verbindung zwischen Schlaf und Hautgesundheit zu erkunden und auf der 40-jährigen Geschichte von Estée Lauder in der nächtlichen Hautwissenschaft aufzubauen. Dr. Walker wird an internen und externen Veranstaltungen, Pressegelegenheiten teilnehmen und Bildungsinhalte über die Markenkanäle erstellen.
Darüber hinaus wird Estée Lauder der exklusive Schönheitspartner der neuen Global Sleep Education Foundation von Dr. Walker, die sich darauf konzentriert, die globale Epidemie des Schlafmangels durch kostenlose Bildungsprogramme und Schlafforschung anzugehen.
- Strategic expansion into sleep science research strengthens skincare innovation capabilities
- Exclusive beauty partnership with Global Sleep Education Foundation provides competitive advantage
- Addition of renowned sleep expert enhances scientific credibility
- None.
A renowned author, sleep scientist and Professor of Neuroscience and Psychology at the University of
“My mission is to educate as many people as possible on the fundamental importance of sleep for our overall health,” said Dr.
“For more than 40 years, Estée Lauder has been pioneering research into night skin science, most recently focusing on the impact that poor sleep has on skin,” said Jennifer Palmer, Senior Vice President, Global Innovation Development & Science Leadership, Estée Lauder. “By partnering with Dr.
Estée Lauder is the flagship brand of The Estée Lauder Companies Inc. Founded by Estée Lauder, one of the world’s first female entrepreneurs, the brand today continues her legacy of creating the most innovative, sophisticated, high-performance skincare and makeup products and iconic fragrances – all infused with a deep understanding of women’s needs and desires. Today, Estée Lauder engages with consumers in over 150 countries around the world and at dozens of touch points – from in-store to digital. And each of these relationships consistently reflects Estée’s powerful and authentic point of view.
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PR Contact: Tara Connaughton,
Source: Estée Lauder
How will Dr. Matthew Walker's appointment impact Estée Lauder's (EL) skincare research?
What is Estée Lauder's (EL) role in Dr. Walker's Global Sleep Education Foundation?
What experience does Estée Lauder (EL) have in night skin science research?