Edison International Provides Update on Ongoing Investigation into Eaton Fire Origin
Southern California Edison (SCE), a subsidiary of Edison International, announces the next phase of its investigation into the Eaton Fire starting March 17. The investigation includes detailed physical inspections and testing of electrical equipment in Eaton Canyon, conducted in coordination with fire investigators and local authorities.
The inspection protocol, developed collaboratively with stakeholders, will involve:
- Climbing examinations of towers
- Resistance and current injection testing
- Additional drone inspections
Following the January 2025 Southern California wildfires, SCE has made significant progress in rebuilding efforts, including:
- Setting over 1,860 poles
- Installing more than 690 transformers
- Stringing approximately 161 miles of power lines
Southern California Edison (SCE), una filiale di Edison International, annuncia la prossima fase della sua indagine sull'Incendio di Eaton che inizierà il 17 marzo. L'indagine comprende ispezioni fisiche dettagliate e test delle attrezzature elettriche nel Canyon di Eaton, condotti in coordinamento con gli investigatori antincendio e le autorità locali.
Il protocollo di ispezione, sviluppato in collaborazione con le parti interessate, prevede:
- Esami di arrampicata delle torri
- Test di resistenza e iniezione di corrente
- Ulteriori ispezioni con droni
Dopo gli incendi boschivi del sud della California nel gennaio 2025, SCE ha fatto significativi progressi negli sforzi di ricostruzione, tra cui:
- Installazione di oltre 1.860 pali
- Installazione di più di 690 trasformatori
- Stesura di circa 161 miglia di linee elettriche
Southern California Edison (SCE), una subsidiaria de Edison International, anuncia la próxima fase de su investigación sobre el Incendio de Eaton que comenzará el 17 de marzo. La investigación incluye inspecciones físicas detalladas y pruebas de equipos eléctricos en el Cañón de Eaton, realizadas en coordinación con investigadores de incendios y autoridades locales.
El protocolo de inspección, desarrollado en colaboración con las partes interesadas, incluirá:
- Exámenes de escalada de torres
- Pruebas de resistencia e inyección de corriente
- Inspecciones adicionales con drones
Tras los incendios forestales del sur de California en enero de 2025, SCE ha hecho progresos significativos en los esfuerzos de reconstrucción, que incluyen:
- Instalación de más de 1,860 postes
- Instalación de más de 690 transformadores
- Tendido de aproximadamente 161 millas de líneas eléctricas
서던 캘리포니아 에디슨(SCE), 에디슨 인터내셔널의 자회사,가 3월 17일부터 이튼 화재에 대한 조사 다음 단계를 발표합니다. 이 조사는 이튼 캐년에서 전기 장비에 대한 자세한 물리적 검사와 테스트를 포함하며, 화재 조사관 및 지역 당국과 협력하여 진행됩니다.
이해관계자와 협력하여 개발된 검사 프로토콜에는:
- 탑의 등반 검사
- 저항 및 전류 주입 테스트
- 추가 드론 검사
2025년 1월 남부 캘리포니아의 산불 이후, SCE는 다음과 같은 재건 노력에서 상당한 진전을 이루었습니다:
- 1,860개 이상의 전신주 설치
- 690개 이상의 변압기 설치
- 약 161마일의 전선 설치
Southern California Edison (SCE), une filiale de Edison International, annonce la prochaine phase de son enquête sur le Feu d'Eaton qui débutera le 17 mars. L'enquête comprend des inspections physiques détaillées et des tests d'équipements électriques dans le Canyon d'Eaton, réalisés en coordination avec les enquêteurs d'incendie et les autorités locales.
Le protocole d'inspection, développé en collaboration avec les parties prenantes, comprendra:
- Examens d'escalade des tours
- Tests de résistance et d'injection de courant
- Inspections supplémentaires par drone
Suite aux incendies de forêt du sud de la Californie en janvier 2025, SCE a réalisé des progrès significatifs dans ses efforts de reconstruction, notamment:
- Installation de plus de 1 860 poteaux
- Installation de plus de 690 transformateurs
- Installation d'environ 161 miles de lignes électriques
Southern California Edison (SCE), eine Tochtergesellschaft von Edison International, kündigt die nächste Phase ihrer Untersuchung des Eaton-Feuers an, die am 17. März beginnt. Die Untersuchung umfasst detaillierte physische Inspektionen und Tests von elektrischen Anlagen im Eaton Canyon, die in Zusammenarbeit mit Brandermittlern und lokalen Behörden durchgeführt werden.
Das Inspektionsprotokoll, das gemeinsam mit den Interessengruppen entwickelt wurde, beinhaltet:
- Kletteruntersuchungen von Türmen
- Widerstands- und Strominjektionstests
- Zusätzliche Drohneninspektionen
Nach den Waldbränden in Südkalifornien im Januar 2025 hat SCE erhebliche Fortschritte bei den Wiederaufbauarbeiten erzielt, darunter:
- Installation von über 1.860 Masten
- Installation von mehr als 690 Transformatoren
- Verlegung von etwa 161 Meilen Stromleitungen
- Comprehensive infrastructure upgrade with fire-resistant equipment and covered conductors
- Significant progress in rebuilding: 1,860 poles, 690 transformers, 161 miles of power lines installed
- Expedited undergrounding projects in high-risk areas
- Ongoing investigation into potential company responsibility for Eaton Fire
- Several months delay expected for investigation completion
- Substantial infrastructure damage requiring extensive rebuilding efforts
Edison International's update on the Eaton Fire investigation represents continued uncertainty regarding potential liability exposure for the utility. The involvement of "plaintiffs' counsel" in the inspection process signals ongoing litigation risk, though the collaborative approach to the investigation demonstrates transparency that could potentially mitigate regulatory backlash.
The company's statement that "determination of cause is not expected" following this inspection phase and that the full investigation will take "several months to complete" extends the timeline for definitive liability determination. For context, California utilities have historically faced significant financial consequences from wildfire incidents, with settlements potentially reaching billions of dollars.
The scale of restoration efforts (1,860+ poles, 690+ transformers, 161 miles of power lines) indicates substantial capital expenditures already incurred. More significantly, SCE's decision to replace equipment with fire-resistant alternatives and expedite undergrounding projects suggests ongoing elevated capital spending that could impact near-term financial performance.
While these hardening investments align with California's regulatory priorities and may reduce future wildfire risk, they represent increased costs during a period of potential liability uncertainty. The market will likely maintain a risk premium on EIX shares until investigation conclusions provide clarity on potential financial exposure from the January 2025 wildfires.
This investigation update highlights Edison International's strategic regulatory positioning through its collaborative inspection protocol development. By incorporating input from multiple stakeholders including local governments and plaintiffs' counsel, SCE demonstrates compliance with California's enhanced utility accountability framework that emerged following previous wildfire incidents.
The methodical approach to equipment testing—including resistance tests, soil resistivity measurements, and current injection testing—aligns with regulatory expectations for thorough investigations. SCE's transparency in sharing that they "do not anticipate having an immediate update" appropriately manages expectations while following regulatory best practices for wildfire investigations.
Most notable from a regulatory perspective is SCE's proactive infrastructure hardening approach. The replacement of standard equipment with fire-resistant alternatives and covered conductors directly addresses California Public Utilities Commission's wildfire mitigation priorities. The accelerated undergrounding projects in Altadena and Malibu represent alignment with the state's increasing emphasis on undergrounding in high-risk areas.
This positioning appears designed to demonstrate responsible utility management regardless of the investigation outcome. Should equipment failure be identified as a fire cause, SCE can point to its comprehensive remediation efforts as evidence of corrective action, potentially moderating regulatory consequences that might otherwise include penalties or enhanced oversight requirements.
Company will Begin Next Phase of Physical Inspections and Testing of Electrical Equipment in Eaton Canyon; Determination of Cause is Not Expected
Inspection Protocols were Developed through Collaborative Process with Input from Interested Stakeholders
This next step in the investigation will be SCE’s first close-up physical inspection since the start of the Eaton Fire. It is being conducted in close coordination with fire investigators,
SCE conducted drone and on-site visual inspections from helicopters and the ground once it was safe to do so following the January 2025
- Climbing Examinations: SCE crews will climb each tower to conduct detailed, in-person inspections and close-up photography of the equipment.
- Resistance, Soil Resistivity and Current Injection Testing: SCE will perform resistance and current injection testing to assess connection conductivity and resistance to ground.
- Additional Drone Inspections: Aerial inspections using drones will allow for a detailed visual assessment and photography of the active and idle electrical towers, power lines and other equipment in the area. Building on the drone inspections SCE has done previously, these inspections will be conducted in close cooperation with other stakeholders as part of a coordinated effort and shared with all parties.
SCE does not anticipate having an immediate update following the upcoming inspection and testing and continues to expect the full investigation to take several months to complete. Following the conclusion of this phase of testing, SCE will conduct a comprehensive review of the data collected (in coordination with third-party experts) and will move forward as quickly as possible in analyzing results.
SCE’s Restore and Rebuild Efforts
In responding to the windstorms and emergencies created by the Eaton and Palisades fires, SCE crews have been working to rebuild the electrical system with a mission of building back stronger and more resilient. SCE teams have, in total:
- Set more than 1,860 poles
- Installed more than 690 transformers
- Strung at least 724,075 feet of power lines, or about 161 miles.
SCE crews have been working to replace damaged equipment with fire-resistant equipment and covered conductor (also known as coated wire). SCE has also expedited undergrounding projects and begun work to underground multiple sections of lines in
About Edison International
Edison International (NYSE: EIX) is one of the nation’s largest electric utility holding companies, focused on providing clean and reliable energy and energy services through its independent companies. Headquartered in
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Media Relations: (626) 302-2255
Investor Relations: Sam Ramraj, (626) 302-2540
Source: Edison International