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Eidos Therapeutics reported its Q3 2020 financial results, revealing a net loss of $30.2 million, or $0.79 per share, compared to a net profit of $6.9 million in Q3 2019. The increase in losses is attributed to rising R&D and administrative expenses, totaling $22.6 million and $7.0 million respectively. The company completed enrollment in its Phase 3 ATTRibute-CM clinical study for acoramidis, anticipating top-line results by late 2021 or early 2022. Eidos also announced a merger agreement with BridgeBio Pharma, with expected closing in Q1 2021.
Labaton Sucharow, a prominent shareholder rights firm, is investigating potential securities violations and breach of fiduciary duty claims against Eidos Therapeutics (NASDAQ: EIDX). This investigation may affect current shareholders looking to protect their investments. The firm encourages Eidos shareholders to reach out to them for free information that could assist in safeguarding their holdings.
Labaton Sucharow is investigating potential securities violations and breach of fiduciary duty claims against Eidos Therapeutics (NASDAQ: EIDX), a clinical-stage biotech firm. The investigation aims to protect the interests of shareholders who own Eidos shares. Individuals seeking more information about this matter can contact David J. Schwartz at Labaton Sucharow via phone or email. The law firm is known for its expertise in complex litigation involving securities and shareholder rights.
Eidos Therapeutics (Nasdaq: EIDX) announced the addition of two independent directors, Suzanne Sawochka Hooper and Duke Rohlen, to its board. Hooper, a former executive at Jazz Pharmaceuticals, brings extensive leadership experience, while Rohlen has a strong background in medical technology entrepreneurship. They replace outgoing board members Rajeev Shah and Eric Aguiar. The company continues to advance its Phase 3 clinical trial for acoramidis, a potential best-in-class treatment for transthyretin amyloidosis (ATTR), which affects over 400,000 patients worldwide.
Eidos Therapeutics (EIDX) reported Q2 2020 financial results, showing a net loss of approximately $28.8 million ($0.76 per share), up from $14.1 million ($0.39 per share) in Q2 2019. Cash and equivalents stood at $174.8 million. The rise in losses was attributed to increased R&D expenses for acoramidis (formerly AG10), totaling $17.9 million, and general administrative costs reaching $10.3 million. Eidos plans to complete patient enrollment for its Phase 3 trial in ATTR-CM by H1 2021 and initiate ATTR-PN trials in H2 2020.