Voters Reveal Their Healthcare Priorities for the Next President in New eHealth Report

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eHealth's new report reveals 88% of Americans are shocked by healthcare cost increases over the past four years. The survey of 1,000+ respondents identified top healthcare priorities for the next president: ensuring Medicare sustainability (59%), addressing medical care costs (57%), and tackling prescription drug prices (50%). These concerns transcend party lines, with similar percentages among Democrats and Republicans.

Surprisingly, a majority of respondents from both parties were open to repealing the Affordable Care Act and implementing a single, government-run healthcare system. eHealth CEO Fran Soistman emphasized that the healthcare cost crisis is a fundamental issue impacting Americans' financial well-being, suggesting it could be a important factor in the upcoming presidential election.

Il nuovo rapporto di eHealth rivela che l'88% degli americani è scioccato dagli aumenti dei costi sanitari negli ultimi quattro anni. Il sondaggio condotto su oltre 1.000 partecipanti ha identificato le principali priorità sanitarie per il prossimo presidente: garantire la sostenibilità di Medicare (59%), affrontare i costi delle cure mediche (57%) e affrontare i prezzi dei farmaci prescritti (50%). Queste preoccupazioni trascendono le linee di partito, con percentuali simili tra i Democratici e i Repubblicani.

Sorprendentemente, la maggior parte dei partecipanti di entrambi i partiti è aperta alla possibilità di abolire l'Affordable Care Act e di implementare un sistema sanitario pubblico gestito dal governo. Il CEO di eHealth, Fran Soistman, ha sottolineato che la crisi dei costi sanitari è una questione fondamentale che impatta il benessere finanziario degli americani, suggerendo che potrebbe essere un fattore importante nelle prossime elezioni presidenziali.

El nuevo informe de eHealth revela que el 88% de los estadounidenses están sorprendidos por el aumento de los costos de atención médica en los últimos cuatro años. La encuesta de más de 1,000 encuestados identificó las principales prioridades de atención médica para el próximo presidente: garantizar la sostenibilidad de Medicare (59%), abordar los costos de atención médica (57%) y tratar los precios de los medicamentos recetados (50%). Estas preocupaciones trascienden las líneas de partido, con porcentajes similares entre demócratas y republicanos.

Sorprendentemente, una mayoría de los encuestados de ambos partidos estaban abiertos a derogar la Ley de Cuidado Asequible e implementar un sistema de salud único, administrado por el gobierno. El CEO de eHealth, Fran Soistman, enfatizó que la crisis de costos de salud es un problema fundamental que afecta el bienestar financiero de los estadounidenses, sugiriendo que podría ser un factor importante en las próximas elecciones presidenciales.

eHealth의 새로운 보고서는 미국인의 88%가 지난 4년간의 의료비 증가에 충격을 받았다고 밝히고 있습니다. 1,000명 이상의 응답자를 대상으로 한 조사에서 차기 대통령을 위한 주요 의료 우선 사항으로 메디케어 지속 가능성 보장(59%), 의료비 문제 해결(57%), 처방약 가격 문제 해결(50%)을 지적했습니다. 이러한 우려는 정당의 경계를 초월하며, 민주당원과 공화당원 모두에서 비슷한 비율이 나타났습니다.

놀랍게도 양당 응답자의 대다수는 의료보험법(Affordable Care Act) 폐지 및 정부가 운영하는 단일 의료 시스템을 도입하는 데 열려 있었습니다. eHealth의 CEO인 Fran Soistman은 의료비 위기가 미국인의 재정적 안녕에 영향을 미치는 기본적인 문제라고 강조하며, 이는 다가오는 대통령 선거에서 중요한 요소가 될 수 있다고 제안했습니다.

Le nouveau rapport d'eHealth révèle que 88 % des Américains sont choqués par l'augmentation des coûts des soins de santé au cours des quatre dernières années. L'enquête réalisée auprès de plus de 1 000 répondants a identifié les principales priorités de santé pour le prochain président : assurer la durabilité de Medicare (59 %), aborder les coûts des soins médicaux (57 %) et lutter contre les prix des médicaments prescrits (50 %). Ces préoccupations transcendent les lignes de parti, avec des pourcentages similaires parmi les démocrates et les républicains.

Surprenamment, la majorité des répondants des deux partis étaient favorables à l'abrogation de la loi sur les soins abordables et à la mise en œuvre d'un système de santé unique géré par le gouvernement. Le PDG d'eHealth, Fran Soistman, a souligné que la crise des coûts de santé est un problème fondamental qui impacte le bien-être financier des Américains, suggérant que cela pourrait être un facteur important lors des prochaines élections présidentielles.

Der neue Bericht von eHealth zeigt, dass 88% der Amerikaner von den steigenden Gesundheitskosten schockiert sind, die in den letzten vier Jahren aufgetreten sind. Die Umfrage mit mehr als 1.000 Befragten identifizierte die wichtigsten Gesundheitsprioritäten für den nächsten Präsidenten: die Sicherstellung der Nachhaltigkeit von Medicare (59%), die Ansprechen der Kosten für medizinische Versorgung (57%) und die Bekämpfung der Preise für rezeptfreie Medikamente (50%). Diese Bedenken überschreiten die Parteigrenzen, wobei ähnliche Prozentsätze unter Demokraten und Republikanern zu finden sind.

Überraschenderweise waren die meisten Befragten beider Parteien offen dafür, das Affordable Care Act abzulehnen und ein von der Regierung geführtes Gesundheitssystem einzuführen. Der CEO von eHealth, Fran Soistman, betonte, dass die Gesundheitskostenkrise ein grundlegendes Problem ist, das das finanzielle Wohlbefinden der Amerikaner beeinträchtigt, und deutete darauf hin, dass dies ein wichtiger Faktor bei den bevorstehenden Präsidentschaftswahlen sein könnte.

  • eHealth's survey provides valuable insights into voter healthcare priorities for the 2024 presidential election
  • The report highlights bipartisan concern over rising healthcare costs, potentially guiding political campaigns
  • The survey reveals widespread dissatisfaction with current healthcare cost trends, which could impact eHealth's business model
  • Openness to repealing the ACA and implementing a single-payer system could pose risks to eHealth's current market position


This survey reveals important insights into voter priorities that could significantly impact healthcare policy and the insurance sector. 88% of respondents expressing shock at healthcare cost increases signals a potential demand for reform, which could reshape the insurance landscape. The bipartisan concern over Medicare sustainability (59%) and medical care costs (57%) suggests these issues may dominate policy discussions, potentially leading to regulatory changes affecting insurers and healthcare providers.

The surprising openness to repealing the ACA and considering a single-payer system, even among Republicans, indicates a potential shift in the healthcare market structure. This could have far-reaching implications for private insurers like eHealth. However, it's important to note that survey responses don't always translate directly to voting behavior or policy outcomes. Investors should monitor how candidates address these concerns in their campaigns, as it may signal future policy directions impacting the healthcare and insurance sectors.

While this survey doesn't provide direct financial metrics, it offers valuable insights into consumer sentiment that could impact eHealth's business model. The widespread concern over healthcare costs (88% shocked by increases) could drive more consumers to seek cost-effective insurance options, potentially benefiting eHealth's marketplace. However, the openness to a single-payer system poses a long-term risk to private insurance marketplaces.

The focus on Medicare sustainability (59%) and prescription drug costs (50%) could lead to policy changes affecting Medicare Advantage plans and drug coverage, key areas for many insurance marketplaces. eHealth's positioning as a provider of consumer insights could enhance its value to insurers and policymakers, potentially opening new revenue streams. Investors should consider how eHealth might adapt its business model to align with evolving consumer preferences and potential policy shifts in the healthcare insurance landscape.

88% are "shocked" by how much their healthcare costs have increased in the past four years

Respondents say next president should focus on Medicare sustainability and address medical and prescription drug costs

AUSTIN, Texas, Sept. 18, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- With the presidential election less than two months away, new research published today by eHealth, Inc. (NASDAQ: EHTH) (, a leading private online health insurance marketplace, shows that Republicans and Democrats are united in their growing alarm at the rising cost of healthcare and are looking to the next president to address it.

In a general population survey of more than 1,000 Americans, 88% (including 88% of Democrats and 89% of Republicans) say they are "shocked" by how much their healthcare costs have increased over the past four years. When asked to name the top three healthcare priorities for the next president, respondents chose:

  • Ensuring the sustainability of Medicare (cited by 59% overall, including 65% of Democrat voters and 55% of Republican voters)
  • Addressing the cost of medical care generally (cited by 57% overall, including 59% of both Democrat and Republican voters)
  • Addressing the cost of prescription drugs specifically (cited by 50% overall, including 49% of Democrat voters and 54% of Republican voters)

Political hot topics like abortion access and vaccine safety ranked much lower (cited by 28% and 9% respectively).

Read the full report.

"I believe the insights from our survey can offer valuable guidance to candidates in this fall's elections," said eHealth CEO Fran Soistman. "The healthcare cost crisis cannot be ignored—it's a fundamental issue impacting the financial well-being of a vast majority of the American electorate. This concern transcends the usual partisan divides, resonating more broadly than many healthcare topics that often dominate the headlines. Consumers are shouldering greater out-of-pocket costs through high deductibles, co-insurance, and co-pays, all of which spotlight the true cost of medical care."

eHealth found that a majority of respondents, from both political parties, were open to the idea of repealing the Affordable Care Act (ACA) and instituting a single, government-run healthcare system for all Americans.

"We were particularly surprised by these findings," said Mr. Soistman. "It's possible that long-standing frustration with rising healthcare costs is opening more voters to new ideas. However, it's important to note that our survey was not intended to propose an alternative to the ACA or outline what a single-payer system might look like."

The findings described in eHealth's report are intended to shed light on consumer sentiments relevant to the 2024 presidential election and should not be read as an endorsement of any specific candidate or policy position.

eHealth's report is based on a nationwide general population survey conducted through a third-party survey tool in late August 2024. A total of 1,054 responses were collected. For more methodology information, please refer to the report.

About eHealth (NASDAQ: EHTH) 
We're Matchmakers. For over 25 years, eHealth has helped millions of Americans find the healthcare coverage that fits their needs at a price they can afford. As a leading independent licensed insurance agency and advisor, eHealth offers access to over 180 health insurers, including national and regional companies. 

For more information about eHealth, visit or follow us on LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, and X. Open positions can be found on our career page.  

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SOURCE eHealth, Inc.


What percentage of Americans are shocked by healthcare cost increases according to eHealth's survey?

According to eHealth's survey, 88% of Americans, including 88% of Democrats and 89% of Republicans, are shocked by how much their healthcare costs have increased over the past four years.

What are the top three healthcare priorities for the next president identified in eHealth's (EHTH) report?

The top three healthcare priorities identified in eHealth's report are: 1) Ensuring the sustainability of Medicare (59%), 2) Addressing the cost of medical care generally (57%), and 3) Addressing the cost of prescription drugs specifically (50%).

How do eHealth's (EHTH) survey findings relate to the 2024 presidential election?

eHealth's survey findings highlight healthcare cost concerns as a important issue for voters in the 2024 presidential election, transcending party lines and potentially influencing campaign strategies and voter decisions.

What surprising finding did eHealth's (EHTH) survey reveal about the Affordable Care Act?

eHealth's survey surprisingly found that a majority of respondents from both political parties were open to the idea of repealing the Affordable Care Act and instituting a single, government-run healthcare system for all Americans.

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