EH216-S Pilotless eVTOL Completes First Flight in Brazil

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EHang Holdings (Nasdaq: EH) has achieved a significant milestone with the first flight of its EH216-S pilotless eVTOL in Brazil. The flight took place in Quadra, São Paulo region, in partnership with local operator Gohobby Future Technologies. This event marks a important step for Urban Air Mobility (UAM) development in Brazil, one of the world's largest eVTOL markets.

Brazil's National Civil Aviation Agency (ANAC) granted the Experimental Flight Authorization Certificate (CAVE) to EH216-S, enabling trial operations in the country. EHang and Gohobby are conducting extensive trial and test campaigns in collaboration with ANAC and the Brazilian Airspace Control Department (DECEA) to promote the development of Concepts of Operations and Unmanned Aircraft Traffic Management systems.

EHang has already carried out over 50,000 safe flights in 17 countries across Asia, Europe, North America, and Latin America. The company aims to develop safe, efficient, eco-friendly, and accessible Urban Air Mobility solutions for Brazil and Latin America.

EHang Holdings (Nasdaq: EH) ha raggiunto un importante traguardo con il primo volo del suo eVTOL EH216-S senza pilota in Brasile. Il volo si è svolto a Quadra, nella regione di São Paulo, in collaborazione con l'operatore locale Gohobby Future Technologies. Questo evento rappresenta un passo significativo per lo sviluppo della Mobilità Aerea Urbana (UAM) in Brasile, uno dei mercati di eVTOL più grandi al mondo.

L'Agenzia Nazionale per l'Aviazione Civile del Brasile (ANAC) ha concesso il Certificato di Autorizzazione al Volo Sperimentale (CAVE) all'EH216-S, permettendo operazioni di prova nel paese. EHang e Gohobby stanno conducendo ampie campagne di prova e test in collaborazione con ANAC e il Dipartimento di Controllo dello Spazio Aereo brasiliano (DECEA) per promuovere lo sviluppo di Concetti Operativi e sistemi di Gestione del Traffico Aereo Unmanned.

EHang ha già effettuato oltre 50.000 voli sicuri in 17 paesi in Asia, Europa, Nord America e America Latina. L'azienda punta a sviluppare soluzioni di Mobilità Aerea Urbana sicure, efficienti, ecologiche e accessibili per il Brasile e l'America Latina.

EHang Holdings (Nasdaq: EH) ha alcanzado un hito significativo con el primer vuelo de su eVTOL sin piloto EH216-S en Brasil. El vuelo tuvo lugar en Quadra, en la región de São Paulo, en asociación con el operador local Gohobby Future Technologies. Este evento marca un paso importante para el desarrollo de la Movilidad Aérea Urbana (UAM) en Brasil, uno de los mercados de eVTOL más grandes del mundo.

La Agencia Nacional de Aviación Civil de Brasil (ANAC) otorgó el Certificado de Autorización de Vuelo Experimental (CAVE) al EH216-S, permitiendo operaciones de prueba en el país. EHang y Gohobby están llevando a cabo amplias campañas de prueba y test en colaboración con ANAC y el Departamento de Control del Espacio Aéreo Brasileño (DECEA) para promover el desarrollo de Conceptos de Operaciones y sistemas de Gestión de Tráfico Aéreo No Tripulado.

EHang ya ha realizado más de 50,000 vuelos seguros en 17 países en Asia, Europa, América del Norte y América Latina. La compañía tiene como objetivo desarrollar soluciones de Movilidad Aérea Urbana seguras, eficientes, ecológicas y accesibles para Brasil y América Latina.

EHang Holdings (Nasdaq: EH)는 브라질에서 EH216-S 무인 eVTOL의 첫 비행이라는 중요한 이정표를 달성했습니다. 비행은 상파울루 지역의 쿠아드라에서 로컬 운영자 Gohobby Future Technologies와 협력하여 이루어졌습니다. 이 이벤트는 브라질의 도시 항공 모빌리티(UAM) 발전에 중요한 발걸음을 내딛은 것으로, 세계에서 가장 큰 eVTOL 시장 중 하나입니다.

브라질의 국가 민간 항공국(ANAC)은 EH216-S에 실험 비행 허가 증명서(CAVE)를 발급하여 해당 기종의 시험 운영을 가능하게 했습니다. EHang과 Gohobby는 ANAC 및 브라질 공중 교통 관리부서(DECEA)와 협력하여 운영 개념 및 무인 항공기 교통 관리 시스템 개발을 촉진하기 위한 광범위한 시험 및 테스트 캠페인을 진행하고 있습니다.

EHang은 이미 아시아, 유럽, 북미 및 라틴 아메리카에서 17개국에서 50,000회 이상의 안전한 비행을 완료했습니다. 이 회사는 브라질과 라틴 아메리카를 위한 안전하고 효율적이며 친환경적이고 접근 가능한 도시 항공 모빌리티 솔루션을 개발하는 것을 목표로 하고 있습니다.

EHang Holdings (Nasdaq: EH) a atteint une étape significative avec le premier vol de son eVTOL sans pilote EH216-S au Brésil. Le vol a eu lieu à Quadra, dans la région de São Paulo, en partenariat avec l'opérateur local Gohobby Future Technologies. Cet événement représente une avancée importante pour le développement de la Mobilité Aérienne Urbaine (UAM) au Brésil, l'un des plus grands marchés d'eVTOL au monde.

L'Agence Nationale de l'Aviation Civile du Brésil (ANAC) a délivré au EH216-S le Certificat d'Autorisation de Vol Expérimental (CAVE), permettant des opérations d'essai dans le pays. EHang et Gohobby mènent d'importantes campagnes d'essai en collaboration avec l'ANAC et le Département de Contrôle de l'Espace Aérien brésilien (DECEA) pour promouvoir le développement des Concepts d'Opérations et des systèmes de Gestion du Trafic Aérien Non Habité.

EHang a déjà réalisé plus de 50 000 vols sûrs dans 17 pays en Asie, en Europe, en Amérique du Nord et en Amérique Latine. L'entreprise vise à développer des solutions de Mobilité Aérienne Urbaine sûres, efficaces, écologiques et accessibles pour le Brésil et l'Amérique Latine.

EHang Holdings (Nasdaq: EH) hat einen bedeutenden Meilenstein mit dem ersten Flug seines pilotenlosen eVTOL EH216-S in Brasilien erreicht. Der Flug fand in Quadra, im Bundesstaat São Paulo, in Partnerschaft mit dem lokalen Betreiber Gohobby Future Technologies statt. Dieses Ereignis markiert einen wichtigen Schritt für die Entwicklung der Urban Air Mobility (UAM) in Brasilien, einem der größten eVTOL-Märkte der Welt.

Die brasilianische Nationale Zivilluftfahrtbehörde (ANAC) hat das Experimentelle Fluggenehmigungszertifikat (CAVE) für den EH216-S erteilt, wodurch Testflüge im Land ermöglicht werden. EHang und Gohobby führen umfangreiche Test- und Versuchskampagnen in Zusammenarbeit mit ANAC und dem brasilianischen Luftüberwachungsbereich (DECEA) durch, um die Entwicklung von Betriebskonzepten und unbemannten Luftverkehrsmanagementsystemen zu fördern.

EHang hat bereits über 50.000 sichere Flüge in 17 Ländern in Asien, Europa, Nordamerika und Lateinamerika durchgeführt. Das Unternehmen zielt darauf ab, sichere, effiziente, umweltfreundliche und zugängliche Lösungen für die Urban Air Mobility in Brasilien und Lateinamerika zu entwickeln.

  • Successful completion of EH216-S pilotless eVTOL's first flight in Brazil
  • Obtained Experimental Flight Authorization Certificate (CAVE) from Brazil's National Civil Aviation Agency
  • Partnered with local operator Gohobby Future Technologies for Brazilian operations
  • Conducted over 50,000 safe flights in 17 countries globally
  • None.


The successful first flight of EHang's EH216-S pilotless eVTOL in Brazil marks a significant milestone for the company's global expansion strategy. This achievement is particularly noteworthy given Brazil's importance in the aviation industry and its potential as a major eVTOL market.

Key points to consider:

  • Brazil's aviation authority (ANAC) granted the Experimental Flight Authorization Certificate, enabling trial operations.
  • Partnerships with local operators like Gohobby Future Technologies are important for market entry and regulatory compliance.
  • The ongoing test campaigns will provide valuable data for developing Concepts of Operations and Unmanned Aircraft Traffic Management systems.

While this news demonstrates progress in EHang's international expansion, investors should note that it's still in the early stages of market development. The transition from test flights to commercial operations will require further regulatory approvals and infrastructure development. The company's ability to navigate these challenges in multiple markets will be critical for long-term success.

EHang's first flight in Brazil is a strategic move in the rapidly evolving Urban Air Mobility (UAM) sector. Brazil, as one of the world's largest potential eVTOL markets, offers significant opportunities for EHang to establish a strong presence in Latin America.

Market implications:

  • EHang has now conducted over 50,000 safe flights in 17 countries, building a robust track record.
  • The company's global expansion strategy is gaining traction, potentially leading to first-mover advantages in key markets.
  • Collaboration with local partners like Gohobby is essential for navigating regulatory landscapes and building local ecosystem support.

However, investors should be aware that the UAM market is highly competitive, with several well-funded players vying for market share. EHang's success will depend on its ability to scale operations, secure commercial contracts and maintain technological leadership. The company's progress in Brazil could serve as a template for expansion in other emerging markets, potentially accelerating its path to commercialization.

GUANGZHOU, China, Sept. 24, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- EHang Holdings Limited (“EHang” or the “Company”) (Nasdaq: EH), the world’s leading Urban Air Mobility (“UAM”) technology platform company, today announced a major milestone with the successful completion of the first flight of its EH216-S pilotless eVTOL in Brazil.

EHang Holdings Limited

EH216-S completed the first flight in Brazil

EHang's first trial flight in Brazil took place in Quadra, located in the São Paulo region, in partnership with its local operator, Gohobby Future Technologies (“Gohobby). This achievement holds significant importance for the future development of UAM solutions in Brazil, a country known as the birthplace of Latin American aviation, home of one of the world's leading aeronautical industries, and one of the world’s largest eVTOL markets. As for now, EHang and its local partners have carried out over 50,000 safe flights in 17 countries across Asia, Europe, North America, and Latin America.

EHang Holdings Limited

Group photo of EHang team and Gohobby team with EH216-S

Recently, Brazil’s National Civil Aviation Agency (“ANAC”) granted the Experimental Flight Authorization Certificate (“CAVE”) to EHang´s EH216-S pilotless eVTOL, enabling trial operations with the aircraft system in Brazil. Within the framework of ANAC's CAVE certificate, EHang and local partner and operator Gohobby are carrying out extensive trial and test campaigns for the EH216-S in close collaboration with ANAC and the Brazilian Airspace Control Department (“DECEA”). These initiatives are designed to promote the development of Concepts of Operations and Unmanned Aircraft Traffic Management (“UTM”) systems and services, paving the way for safe and efficient UAM deployment throughout Brazil.

EHang Holdings Limited

EH216-S´s first flight, performed at Quadra in Sao Paulo region, in the presence of numerous Brazilian aviation representatives and the media.

EHang Holdings Limited

Mr. Adriano Buzaid, CEO of Gohobby, Ms.Victoria Jing Xiang, EHang COO for Europe and LatAm and Mr. Jose Ignacio Rexach, EHang CCO for Europe and LatAm, presenting EHang's commemorative coin of EH216-S first flight in Brazil

Ms. Victoria Xiang, Chief Operating Officer of EHang Europe and Latin America, said, “We are delighted to have commenced EH216-S pilotless eVTOL flights in Brazil. This is a significant milestone in EHang's commitment on developing Advanced Air Mobility worldwide. The ongoing test and trial flight campaigns for the EH216-S in Brazil will allow us to accrue a vast amount of data, information, and operational experience which in turn, will pave the way for developing safe, efficient, eco-friendly and accessible Urban Air Mobility for everyone across Brazil and Latin America.”

Click the link for a video of the EH216-S pilotless eVTOL first flight in Brazil:

About EHang

EHang (Nasdaq: EH) is the world’s leading urban air mobility (“UAM”) technology platform company. Our mission is to enable safe, autonomous, and eco-friendly air mobility accessible to everyone. EHang provides customers in various industries with unmanned aerial vehicle (“UAV”) systems and solutions: air mobility (including passenger transportation and logistics), smart city management, and aerial media solutions. EHang’s flagship product EH216-S has obtained the world’s first type certificate, production certificate and standard airworthiness certificate for pilotless eVTOL issued by the Civil Aviation Administration of China. As the forerunner of cutting-edge UAV technologies and commercial solutions in the global UAM industry, EHang continues to explore the boundaries of the sky to make flying technologies benefit our life in smart cities. For more information, please visit

Safe Harbor Statement

This press release contains statements that may constitute “forward-looking” statements pursuant to the “safe harbor” provisions of the U.S. Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. These forward-looking statements can be identified by terminology such as “will,” “expects,” “anticipates,” “aims,” “future,” “intends,” “plans,” “believes,” “estimates,” “likely to” and similar statements. Statements that are not historical facts, including statements about management’s beliefs and expectations, are forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements involve inherent risks and uncertainties. A number of factors could cause actual results to differ materially from those contained in any forward-looking statement, including but not limited to those relating to certifications, our expectations regarding demand for, and market acceptance of, our products and solutions and the commercialization of UAM services, our relationships with strategic partners, and current litigation and potential litigation involving us. Management has based these forward-looking statements on its current expectations, assumptions, estimates and projections. While they believe these expectations, assumptions, estimates and projections are reasonable, such forward-looking statements are only predictions and involve known and unknown risks and uncertainties, many of which are beyond management’s control. These statements involve risks and uncertainties that may cause EHang’s actual results, performance or achievements to differ materially from any future results, performance or achievements expressed or implied by these forward-looking statements.



Photos accompanying this announcement are available at


When did EHang's EH216-S complete its first flight in Brazil?

EHang's EH216-S completed its first flight in Brazil on September 24, 2024, in Quadra, located in the São Paulo region.

What certification did EHang receive from Brazil's aviation authority for the EH216-S?

EHang received the Experimental Flight Authorization Certificate (CAVE) from Brazil's National Civil Aviation Agency (ANAC) for the EH216-S pilotless eVTOL.

How many safe flights has EHang conducted globally with its eVTOL aircraft?

EHang and its local partners have carried out over 50,000 safe flights in 17 countries across Asia, Europe, North America, and Latin America.

Who is EHang's local partner for operations in Brazil?

EHang's local partner and operator in Brazil is Gohobby Future Technologies (Gohobby).

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