EHang Strongly Refutes False Allegations, Clarifies Misinformation Causing Stock Volatility

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EHang Holdings (Nasdaq: EH), a leading urban air mobility technology company, has strongly refuted recent unfounded rumors circulating in retail investor communities. These baseless allegations, which falsely claim EHang is related to a U.S. government investigation on Chris Hu, have unfairly impacted the Company's stock price. EHang categorically denies any involvement in such activities and affirms that its management team, including Founder, Chairman and CEO Huazhi Hu, has no personal connections to the incident mentioned in the rumors.

The Company emphasizes its commitment to transparency and compliance in both China and the U.S. operations. EHang remains focused on developing and commercializing autonomous aerial vehicle technology and will consider legal action against those spreading false information to protect its reputation and shareholder interests.

EHang Holdings (Nasdaq: EH), una delle principali aziende di tecnologia per la mobilità aerea urbana, ha fortemente smentito recenti voci infondate che circolano nelle comunità di investitori al dettaglio. Queste accuse senza fondamento, che affermano falsamente che EHang sia coinvolta in un'indagine del governo degli Stati Uniti su Chris Hu, hanno impactato ingiustamente il prezzo delle azioni dell'azienda. EHang nega categoricamente qualsiasi coinvolgimento in tali attività e afferma che il suo team di gestione, incluso il fondatore, presidente e CEO Huazhi Hu, non ha connessioni personali con l'incidente menzionato nelle voci.

L'azienda sottolinea il suo impegno per la trasparenza e la conformità nelle operazioni sia in Cina che negli Stati Uniti. EHang rimane concentrata sullo sviluppo e la commercializzazione della tecnologia dei veicoli aerei autonomi e prenderà in considerazione azioni legali contro coloro che diffondono informazioni false per proteggere la propria reputazione e gli interessi degli azionisti.

EHang Holdings (Nasdaq: EH), una empresa líder en tecnología de movilidad aérea urbana, ha refutado enérgicamente recientes rumores infundados que circulan en las comunidades de inversores minoristas. Estas acusaciones sin fundamento, que afirman falsamente que EHang está relacionada con una investigación del gobierno de EE. UU. sobre Chris Hu, han afectado injustamente el precio de las acciones de la empresa. EHang niega categóricamente cualquier involucramiento en tales actividades y afirma que su equipo de gestión, incluido el fundador, presidente y CEO Huazhi Hu, no tiene conexiones personales con el incidente mencionado en los rumores.

La empresa enfatiza su compromiso con la transparencia y el cumplimiento tanto en las operaciones en China como en EE. UU. EHang permanece enfocada en desarrollar y comercializar la tecnología de vehículos aéreos autónomos y considerará acciones legales contra aquellos que difundan información falsa para proteger su reputación y los intereses de los accionistas.

EHang Holdings (Nasdaq: EH)는 도시 공중 이동 기술의 선두주자로서, 소매 투자자 커뮤니티에서 유포되는 최근의 근거 없는 루머를 강력히 반박했습니다. 이러한 근거 없는 주장은 EHang이 Chris Hu에 대한 미국 정부의 조사와 관련이 있다고 잘못 주장하며, 회사의 주가에 부당한 영향을 미쳤습니다. EHang은 이러한 활동에 대한 모든 연관성을 카테고리적으로 부인합니다와 동시에, 창립자, 회장, CEO인 Huazhi Hu를 포함한 경영진이 루머에 언급된 사건과 아무런 개인적인 연관이 없다고 강조합니다.

회사는 중국과 미국의 운영 모두에서 투명성과 준수에 대한 헌신을 강조합니다. EHang은 자율 비행기술의 개발 및 상용화에 집중하며, 허위 정보를 퍼뜨리는 자에 대한 법적 조치를 고려할 것입니다 재산과 주주 이익을 보호하기 위해.

EHang Holdings (Nasdaq: EH), une entreprise de premier plan dans le domaine de la technologie de mobilité aérienne urbaine, a fortement réfuté récemment des rumeurs infondées circulant dans les communautés d'investisseurs particuliers. Ces allégations sans fondement, qui prétendent faussement qu'EHang est liée à une enquête du gouvernement américain concernant Chris Hu, ont injustement impacté le prix de l'action de l'entreprise. EHang nie catégoriquement toute implication dans de telles activités et affirme que son équipe de direction, y compris le fondateur, président et PDG Huazhi Hu, n'a aucune connexion personnelle avec l'incident évoqué dans les rumeurs.

L'entreprise souligne son engagement envers la transparence et la conformité tant dans ses opérations en Chine qu'aux États-Unis. EHang reste concentrée sur le développement et la commercialisation de la technologie des véhicules aériens autonomes et envisage des actions en justice contre ceux qui propagent de fausses informations afin de protéger sa réputation et les intérêts de ses actionnaires.

EHang Holdings (Nasdaq: EH), ein führendes Unternehmen im Bereich der urbanen Luftmobilitätstechnologie, hat jüngste unbegründete Gerüchte entschieden zurückgewiesen, die in den Retail-Investoren-Communities kursieren. Diese haltlosen Anschuldigungen, die fälschlicherweise behaupten, dass EHang mit einer US-Regierungsuntersuchung gegen Chris Hu in Verbindung steht, haben den Aktienkurs des Unternehmens unfair beeinflusst. EHang bestreitet kategorisch jede Beteiligung an solchen Aktivitäten und betont, dass ihr Managementteam, einschließlich des Gründers, Vorsitzenden und CEO Huazhi Hu, keine persönlichen Verbindungen zu dem in den Gerüchten erwähnten Vorfall hat.

Das Unternehmen hebt sein Engagement für Transparenz und Compliance in den Betrieben sowohl in China als auch in den USA hervor. EHang bleibt fokussiert auf die Entwicklung und Kommerzialisierung von autonomen Luftfahrzeugtechnologien und wird rechtliche Schritte gegen diejenigen prüfen, die falsche Informationen verbreiten, um seinen Ruf und die Interessen der Aktionäre zu schützen.

  • EHang maintains high standards of transparency and compliance in its operations
  • The company remains focused on developing and commercializing autonomous aerial vehicle technology
  • EHang is considering legal action to protect its reputation and shareholder interests
  • Unfounded rumors have negatively impacted EHang's stock price
  • The company is facing reputational challenges due to false allegations

This statement from EHang is a critical response to market rumors, aimed at protecting the company's reputation and stock value. The forceful denial of any connection to the alleged U.S. government investigation of Chris Hu is significant. From a legal standpoint, EHang's unequivocal refutation and threat of legal action against rumor-mongers demonstrate a strong position. However, the mere existence of such rumors can have lasting effects on investor confidence. The company's emphasis on transparency and compliance is crucial, but the effectiveness of this statement in mitigating damage will depend on how quickly and convincingly they can provide concrete evidence to support their claims. The mention of potential legal action is a double-edged sword - it shows confidence but also risks escalating the situation if not handled carefully.

EHang's swift and decisive response to market rumors is a necessary move to stabilize its stock price. The volatility mentioned suggests significant market reaction to the allegations, which could have substantial short-term impacts on investor sentiment and trading volumes. While the company's strong denial may help alleviate immediate concerns, the incident highlights the vulnerability of emerging tech companies to market speculation. Investors should closely monitor any potential regulatory filings or independent verifications that could corroborate EHang's statements. The company's focus on long-term value creation through technology development is positive, but the immediate challenge lies in restoring market confidence. This situation underscores the importance of robust investor relations and transparent communication strategies for companies operating in innovative, high-stakes sectors like urban air mobility.

From a technological perspective, this incident underscores the delicate balance between innovation and market perception in the UAM sector. EHang's position as a leading UAM technology platform company makes it a target for scrutiny and speculation. The company's emphasis on developing autonomous aerial vehicle technology is important for its long-term success. However, the current situation highlights how non-technical factors can significantly impact a tech company's market position. The UAM industry is at a critical juncture where public and investor confidence is paramount. EHang's ability to navigate this challenge while maintaining focus on technological advancement will be key. The incident also serves as a reminder of the importance of robust corporate governance and transparent communication in tech companies operating in emerging, highly regulated markets like autonomous aviation.

GUANGZHOU, China, Sept. 04, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- EHang Holdings Limited (“EHang” or the “Company”) (Nasdaq: EH), the world’s leading urban air mobility (“UAM”) technology platform company, today strongly refuted recent unfounded rumors circulating in retail investor communities. These baseless allegations have no foundation in truth and have unfairly impacted the Company's stock price.

The rumor falsely claims that EHang is related to an investigation on Chris Hu by the U.S. government. EHang unequivocally denies this.

The Company's management team, including Huazhi Hu, EHang’s Founder, Chairman and CEO, has no relatives or any personal connections involved in the incident mentioned in the rumors, and any suggestion otherwise is completely fabricated. EHang categorically denies any involvement in activities that could harm its reputation or standing with regulatory bodies.

EHang has always maintained the highest standards of transparency and compliance in all its operations to ensure that it meets legal and ethical obligations in both China and the U.S.

The Company remains focused on its mission to develop and commercialize cutting-edge autonomous aerial vehicle technology. It will continue working diligently to bring innovative solutions to market and drive long-term value for its shareholders.

EHang urges investors and the public to rely on official communications from the Company for accurate and up-to-date information. The Company will reserve the right to take appropriate legal action against those who propagate false and misleading information to protect its reputation and the interests of its shareholders.

About EHang
EHang (Nasdaq: EH) is the world’s leading urban air mobility (“UAM”) technology platform company. Our mission is to enable safe, autonomous, and eco-friendly air mobility accessible to everyone. EHang provides customers in various industries with unmanned aerial vehicle (“UAV”) systems and solutions: air mobility (including passenger transportation and logistics), smart city management, and aerial media solutions. EHang’s EH216-S has obtained the world’s first type certificate, production certificate and standard airworthiness certificate for passenger-carrying pilotless eVTOL aircraft issued by the Civil Aviation Administration of China. As the forerunner of cutting-edge UAV technologies and commercial solutions in the global UAM industry, EHang continues to explore the boundaries of the sky to make flying technologies benefit our life in smart cities. For more information, please visit

Safe Harbor Statement
This press release contains statements that may constitute “forward-looking” statements pursuant to the “safe harbor” provisions of the U.S. Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. These forward-looking statements can be identified by terminology such as “will,” “expects,” “anticipates,” “aims,” “future,” “intends,” “plans,” “believes,” “estimates,” “likely to” and similar statements. Statements that are not historical facts, including statements about management’s beliefs and expectations, are forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements involve inherent risks and uncertainties. A number of factors could cause actual results to differ materially from those contained in any forward-looking statement, including but not limited to those relating to certifications, our expectations regarding demand for, and market acceptance of, our products and solutions and the commercialization of UAM services, our relationships with strategic partners, and current litigation and potential litigation involving us. Management has based these forward-looking statements on its current expectations, assumptions, estimates and projections. While they believe these expectations, assumptions, estimates and projections are reasonable, such forward-looking statements are only predictions and involve known and unknown risks and uncertainties, many of which are beyond management’s control. These statements involve risks and uncertainties that may cause EHang’s actual results, performance or achievements to differ materially from any future results, performance or achievements expressed or implied by these forward-looking statements.



What false allegations is EHang (EH) refuting in the press release?

EHang is refuting rumors that falsely claim the company is related to a U.S. government investigation on Chris Hu. The company categorically denies any involvement in such activities.

How has EHang's (EH) stock price been affected by the recent rumors?

According to the press release, the baseless allegations have unfairly impacted EHang's stock price, causing volatility.

What actions is EHang (EH) considering in response to the false information?

EHang states it will reserve the right to take appropriate legal action against those who propagate false and misleading information to protect its reputation and the interests of its shareholders.

What is EHang's (EH) main focus according to the press release?

EHang remains focused on its mission to develop and commercialize cutting-edge autonomous aerial vehicle technology and bring innovative solutions to market.

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