EagleBank Names Industry Veteran Evelyn Lee as Chief Lending Officer for C&I, Key Growth Area for EagleBank
EagleBank, a leading community bank in the Washington D.C. area, has appointed Evelyn Lee as the new Chief Lending Officer for Commercial and Industrial (C&I) Lending. Lee, with nearly 25 years of experience in C&I portfolio management, will oversee all lending production and portfolio management activities in this division, which is a key strategic growth area for EagleBank.
Lee's appointment, effective September 19th, brings valuable expertise in business development and client experience. Her extensive background includes executive roles at Truist Financial Corp and SunTrust Bank. Lee's community involvement and board positions in various organizations are expected to contribute significantly to EagleBank's growth and establishment as a regional leader in C&I lending.
EagleBank, una delle principali banche comunitarie dell'area di Washington D.C., ha nominato Evelyn Lee come nuovo Chief Lending Officer per i prestiti commerciali e industriali (C&I). Lee, con quasi 25 anni di esperienza nella gestione di portafogli C&I, supervisionerà tutte le attività di produzione di prestiti e gestione dei portafogli in questa divisione, che rappresenta un area chiave per la crescita strategica di EagleBank.
La nomina di Lee, efficace dal 19 settembre, porta una preziosa esperienza nello sviluppo aziendale e nell'assistenza ai clienti. Il suo ampio background include ruoli dirigenziali in Truist Financial Corp e SunTrust Bank. Il coinvolgimento della Lee nella comunità e le sue posizioni nei consigli di varie organizzazioni sono previsti per contribuire significativamente alla crescita di EagleBank e alla sua affermazione come leader regionale nei prestiti C&I.
EagleBank, un banco comunitario líder en el área de Washington D.C., ha nombrado a Evelyn Lee como nueva Directora de Préstamos para Préstamos Comerciales e Industriales (C&I). Lee, con casi 25 años de experiencia en la gestión de portafolios C&I, supervisará todas las actividades de producción de préstamos y gestión de portafolios en esta división, que es una área clave para el crecimiento estratégico de EagleBank.
El nombramiento de Lee, efectivo a partir del 19 de septiembre, aporta una valiosa experiencia en desarrollo empresarial y experiencia del cliente. Su amplio historial incluye roles ejecutivos en Truist Financial Corp y SunTrust Bank. La participación comunitaria de Lee y sus puestos en diversas organizaciones se espera que contribuyan significativamente al crecimiento de EagleBank y a su establecimiento como líder regional en préstamos C&I.
워싱턴 D.C. 지역의 주요 커뮤니티 뱅크인 EagleBank가 Evelyn Lee를 새로운 로 임명했습니다. C&I 포트폴리오 관리에서 거의 25년의 경력을 가진 Lee는 이 부서의 모든 대출 생산 및 포트폴리오 관리 활동을 감독하며, 이는 EagleBank에 있어 핵심 전략 성장 분야입니다.
Lee의 임명은 9월 19일부터 효력이 발생하며, 비즈니스 개발 및 고객 경험에서 귀중한 전문성을 제공합니다. 그녀의 광범위한 배경에는 Truist Financial Corp 및 SunTrust Bank에서의 임원 역할이 포함되어 있습니다. 다양한 조직에서의 Lee의 지역 사회 참여 및 이사회 직책이 EagleBank의 성장 및 C&I 대출 분야에서 지역 리더로서의 확립에 크게 기여할 것으로 기대됩니다.
EagleBank, une banque communautaire de premier plan dans la région de Washington D.C., a nommé Evelyn Lee comme nouvelle Directrice des Prêts pour les Prêts Commerciaux et Industriels (C&I). Avec près de 25 ans d'expérience dans la gestion de portefeuilles C&I, Lee supervisera toutes les activités de production de prêts et de gestion de portefeuilles dans cette division, qui est un secteur clé de croissance stratégique pour EagleBank.
La nomination de Lee, effective à partir du 19 septembre, apporte une expertise précieuse dans le développement commercial et l'expérience client. Son vaste parcours comprend des rôles exécutifs chez Truist Financial Corp et SunTrust Bank. L'implication communautaire de Lee et ses postes au sein de diverses organisations devraient contribuer de manière significative à la croissance d'EagleBank et à son établissement en tant que leader régional dans le domaine des prêts C&I.
EagleBank, eine führende Gemeinschaftsbank im Raum Washington D.C., hat Evelyn Lee zur neuen Chief Lending Officer für gewerbliche und industrielle Kredite (C&I) ernannt. Lee, die fast 25 Jahre Erfahrung im Management von C&I-Portfolios hat, wird alle Kreditproduktions- und Portfoliomanagementaktivitäten in dieser Abteilung überwachen, die ein strategisches Wachstumsfeld für EagleBank darstellt.
Lees Ernennung, die am 19. September wirksam wird, bringt wertvolle Expertise in der Geschäftsentwicklung und Kundenerfahrung mit sich. Ihr umfangreicher Hintergrund umfasst Führungspositionen bei Truist Financial Corp und SunTrust Bank. Lees Engagement in der Gemeinschaft und ihre Vorstandspositionen in verschiedenen Organisationen sollen erheblich zum Wachstum von EagleBank und zur Etablierung als regionalen Marktführer im C&I-Kreditwesen beitragen.
- Appointment of experienced industry veteran Evelyn Lee as Chief Lending Officer for C&I
- Strategic focus on growing the Commercial and Industrial Lending division
- Lee's 25 years of experience in C&I portfolio management across the Washington, DC region
- Lee's expertise in business development and driving client experience
- Potential for EagleBank to establish itself as a regional leader in C&I lending
- None.
BETHESDA, Md., Aug. 30, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Eagle Bancorp, Inc. (NASDAQ: EGBN), the Bethesda-based holding company of EagleBank, one of the largest community banks in the Washington D.C. area, today announced that Evelyn Lee will join the Bank as Chief Lending Officer for Commercial and Industrial (C&I) Lending. In this position, Ms. Lee will oversee all lending production and portfolio management activities within the C&I Lending Division, a significant strategic growth area for EagleBank. She will begin on September 19th.
Ms. Lee joins EagleBank with nearly 25 years of experience in C&I portfolio management across the Washington, DC region, most recently serving as the Executive Vice President, Regional President of Truist Financial Corp. She previously held positions as SVP, Line of Business Head for National Senior Housing Platform, SVP, Geographic Risk Officer, and SVP, Commercial Team Leader - Not for Profit Division at SunTrust Bank (now Truist). She is deeply involved in the community and serves on the Boards for Goodwill of Greater Washington and United Way of the National Capital Area. She has also held Board positions at several charter schools, augmenting her knowledge in this area of the market. Evelyn’s expertise in business development, driving client experience, and her role in the surrounding community will be critical as EagleBank continues to grow this division and establish itself as a regional leader in C&I.
“I am honored to be tasked with leading EagleBank’s C&I division at a key moment in its growth,” said Lee. “I look forward to building upon EagleBank's strong foundation in C&I and making this division central to its asset portfolio as we continue to deliver exceptional value and a Relationships FIRST mindset with our clients.”
“Evelyn’s experience in managing teams that emphasize both support for client experience and a culture built on collaboration make her an excellent leader to promote our Relationships FIRST approach,” said Susan Riel, President and CEO of EagleBank. “As we continue implementing our enhanced strategic plan, Evelyn’s expertise in C&I lending will spur our continued growth and position us as a leader in this segment of the market.”
About Eagle Bancorp, Inc. and EagleBank
Eagle Bancorp, Inc. is the holding company for EagleBank, which commenced operations in 1998. EagleBank is headquartered in Bethesda, Maryland, and conducts full service commercial banking through 12 offices, located in Suburban, Maryland, Washington, D.C. and Northern Virginia. EagleBank focuses on building relationships with businesses, professionals and individuals in its marketplace.
EagleBank Contact
Vikki Kayne
Chief Marketing Officer