eGain Announces Game-Changing Enhancements to its AI Knowledge Platform at Solve 24
eGain announced major enhancements to its AI knowledge platform at Solve 24 conference in Chicago. The company introduced eGain AI Agent™, a solution that combines language models and case-based reasoning to provide personalized customer service through trusted content in the eGain Knowledge Hub. The AI Agent, priced at 25 cents per customer conversation, will be available in January 2025, with beta trials currently ongoing. The company also unveiled Knowledge Transformers™, enabling experts to build trusted content 10X faster by leveraging AI-assisted content creation and curation from various sources including websites, SharePoint, PDF stores, and CRM systems.
eGain ha annunciato importanti miglioramenti alla sua piattaforma di conoscenza AI durante la conferenza Solve 24 a Chicago. L'azienda ha presentato eGain AI Agent™, una soluzione che unisce modelli linguistici e ragionamento basato su casi per fornire un servizio clienti personalizzato tramite contenuti affidabili nel Knowledge Hub di eGain. L'AI Agent, con un costo di 25 centesimi per conversazione con il cliente, sarà disponibile a gennaio 2025, con prove beta attualmente in corso. L'azienda ha inoltre svelato Knowledge Transformers™, che permette agli esperti di creare contenuti affidabili 10 volte più velocemente, sfruttando la creazione e la curatela di contenuti assistita da intelligenza artificiale da varie fonti, inclusi siti web, SharePoint, archivi PDF e sistemi CRM.
eGain anunció importantes mejoras en su plataforma de conocimiento AI durante la conferencia Solve 24 en Chicago. La compañía presentó eGain AI Agent™, una solución que combina modelos de lenguaje y razonamiento basado en casos para proporcionar un servicio al cliente personalizado a través de contenido confiable en el Knowledge Hub de eGain. El AI Agent, cuyo precio es de 25 centavos por conversación con el cliente, estará disponible en enero de 2025, con pruebas beta en curso actualmente. La empresa también dio a conocer Knowledge Transformers™, permitiendo a los expertos crear contenido confiable 10 veces más rápido aprovechando la creación y curaduría de contenido asistida por AI a partir de diversas fuentes, incluidos sitios web, SharePoint, archivos PDF y sistemas CRM.
eGain는 시카고에서 열린 Solve 24 컨퍼런스에서 AI 지식 플랫폼에 대한 주요 향상을 발표했습니다. 이 회사는 eGain AI Agent™를 소개했으며, 이는 언어 모델과 사례 기반 추론을 결합하여 eGain Knowledge Hub의 신뢰할 수 있는 콘텐츠를 통해 개인화된 고객 서비스를 제공합니다. 고객과의 대화당 25센트의 가격으로 제공되는 AI 에이전트는 2025년 1월에 출시될 예정이며, 현재 베타 테스트가 진행 중입니다. 이 회사는 또한 Knowledge Transformers™를 공개하여 전문가들이 다양한 출처(웹사이트, SharePoint, PDF 저장소 및 CRM 시스템 등)에서 AI 지원 콘텐츠 생성 및 큐레이션을 활용하여 신뢰할 수 있는 콘텐츠를 10배 더 빠르게 구축할 수 있도록 하고 있습니다.
eGain a annoncé des améliorations majeures de sa plateforme de connaissances en IA lors de la conférence Solve 24 à Chicago. L'entreprise a présenté eGain AI Agent™, une solution qui combine des modèles linguistiques et un raisonnement basé sur des cas pour offrir un service client personnalisé via du contenu de confiance dans le Knowledge Hub d'eGain. L'AI Agent, au prix de 25 cents par conversation client, sera disponible en janvier 2025, avec des tests bêta actuellement en cours. L'entreprise a également dévoilé Knowledge Transformers™, permettant aux experts de créer du contenu fiable 10 fois plus rapidement en s'appuyant sur la création et la curation de contenu assistée par IA provenant de diverses sources, y compris des sites Web, SharePoint, des magasins PDF et des systèmes CRM.
eGain hat bedeutende Verbesserungen seiner KI-Wissensplattform auf der Solve 24-Konferenz in Chicago angekündigt. Das Unternehmen stellte eGain AI Agent™ vor, eine Lösung, die Sprachmodelle und fallbasierte Argumentation kombiniert, um personalisierten Kundenservice über vertrauenswürdige Inhalte im eGain Knowledge Hub bereitzustellen. Der AI Agent, der 25 Cent pro Kundenkonversation kostet, wird im Januar 2025 verfügbar sein, während derzeit Beta-Tests durchgeführt werden. Das Unternehmen präsentierte außerdem Knowledge Transformers™, mit denen Experten vertrauenswürdige Inhalte 10-mal schneller erstellen können, indem sie KI-unterstützte Inhaltserstellung und -kuratierung aus verschiedenen Quellen, einschließlich Websites, SharePoint, PDF-Speichern und CRM-Systemen, nutzen.
- New AI Agent product launch with clear pricing strategy at $0.25 per conversation
- 10X faster content creation capability through Knowledge Transformers™
- Integration with multiple content sources enhancing service capabilities
- Product not available until January 2025, potentially losing early market advantage
- Success dependent on integration with knowledge management systems per Gartner warning
This AI platform enhancement represents a strategic move in the competitive AI customer service market. The 25 cents per conversation pricing model is notably aggressive, potentially disrupting the market where similar solutions often cost dollars per interaction. The integration with enterprise systems and knowledge bases addresses a critical gap identified by Gartner, positioning eGain to capture market share as companies rush to implement effective AI solutions.
The combination of language models with case-based reasoning, coupled with knowledge management integration, provides a technical advantage over pure LLM solutions. However, the January 2025 release timeline means competitors have time to respond and early beta trials will be important for proving the technology's effectiveness. The success will largely depend on adoption rates and actual cost savings delivered to enterprises.
eGain AI Agent™ delivers breakthrough self-service experience with guided reasoning across knowledge base, website, and enterprise content
CHICAGO, Oct. 29, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- eGain (NASDAQ: EGAN), the AI knowledge platform for service, announced major product enhancements at its Solve 24 conference in Chicago.
By 2025,
eGain AI Agent™ conversationally engages customers, clarifies intent, guides them to the personalized answer, and explains its approach - inspiring trust and customer adoption. It combines language models and case-based reasoning that tap into trusted content in the eGain Knowledge Hub. eGain Knowledge Transformers™, a library of micro-task transformers, enable knowledge experts to build trusted content 10X faster. Content is created and curated at scale by AI and experts, sourced from target websites, SharePoint repositories, PDF stores, and CRM systems.
Priced at 25 cents per customer conversation, the AI Agent will be generally available in January 2025. The company is offering beta trials now.
About eGain
eGain AI Knowledge Hub helps improve experience and reduce cost by delivering trusted answers for customer service. Visit for more info.
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eGain, the eGain logo, and all other eGain product names and slogans are trademarks or registered trademarks of eGain Corp. in the United States and/or other countries. All other company names and products mentioned in this release may be trademarks or registered trademarks of the respective companies.

When will eGain's AI Agent (EGAN) be available to the public?
How much does eGain's new AI Agent (EGAN) cost?
What is eGain Knowledge Transformers' (EGAN) main benefit?