Everest Reports Fourth Quarter and Full-Year 2024 Results
Everest Group (NYSE: EG) reported its fourth quarter and full-year 2024 results, with annual net income of $1.4 billion and net operating income of $1.3 billion. The company achieved $18.2 billion in gross written premium, showing 9.1% year-over-year growth.
Key highlights include a Total Shareholder Return of 9.2%, combined ratios of 102.3% for the Group, 89.7% for Reinsurance, and 130.7% for Insurance. The company took decisive actions to strengthen U.S. casualty reserves, resulting in a Q4 net loss of $593 million. Pre-tax catastrophe losses reached $672 million for the year.
Notable achievements include record net investment income of approximately $2 billion and strong operating cashflow of $5.0 billion. The company reported Q4 gross written premium of $4.7 billion with 7.2% Group growth, driven by strong performance in property and specialty lines, partially offset by reductions in casualty lines.
Everest Group (NYSE: EG) ha riportato i risultati del quarto trimestre e dell'intero anno 2024, con un reddito netto annuale di 1,4 miliardi di dollari e un reddito operativo netto di 1,3 miliardi di dollari. L’azienda ha raggiunto $18,2 miliardi in premi lordi scritti, mostrando una crescita del 9,1% rispetto all’anno precedente.
Tra i punti salienti ci sono un ritorno totale per gli azionisti del 9,2%, un rapporto combinato del 102,3% per il Gruppo, 89,7% per il Riassicurazione e 130,7% per l’Assicurazione. L’azienda ha intrapreso azioni decisive per rafforzare le riserve di sinistri negli Stati Uniti, causando una perdita netta nel Q4 di 593 milioni di dollari. Le perdite feline prima delle tasse hanno raggiunto i 672 milioni di dollari per l’anno.
Risultati notevoli includono un reddito netto da investimenti record di circa 2 miliardi di dollari e un forte flusso di cassa operativo di 5,0 miliardi di dollari. L’azienda ha riportato nel Q4 premi lordi scritti di 4,7 miliardi di dollari con una crescita del 7,2% del Gruppo, trainata da una forte performance nei settori immobiliari e specializzati, parzialmente compensata da riduzioni nei settori dei sinistri.
Everest Group (NYSE: EG) informó sus resultados del cuarto trimestre y del año completo 2024, con un ingreso neto anual de 1.4 mil millones de dólares y un ingreso operativo neto de 1.3 mil millones de dólares. La compañía alcanzó $18.2 mil millones en primas brutas emitidas, mostrando un crecimiento del 9.1% interanual.
Los aspectos más destacados incluyen un Retorno Total para el Accionista del 9.2%, relaciones combinadas del 102.3% para el Grupo, 89.7% para Reaseguro y 130.7% para Seguro. La empresa tomó acciones decisivas para fortalecer las reservas de siniestros en EE.UU., resultando en una pérdida neta de $593 millones en el Q4. Las pérdidas por catástrofes antes de impuestos alcanzaron $672 millones para el año.
Logros notables incluyen un ingreso neto de inversiones récord de aproximadamente $2 mil millones y un fuerte flujo de efectivo operativo de $5.0 mil millones. La compañía reportó primas brutas emitidas en el Q4 de $4.7 mil millones con un crecimiento del 7.2% del Grupo, impulsado por un fuerte rendimiento en líneas de propiedad y especializadas, parcialmente compensado por reducciones en líneas de siniestros.
에베레스트 그룹 (NYSE: EG)은 2024년 4분기 및 연간 실적을 보고하며, 연간 순이익이 14억 달러, 순 운영이익이 13억 달러에 달한다고 발표했습니다. 이 회사는 182억 달러의 총 계약 프리미엄을 달성하여 전년 대비 9.1% 성장했습니다.
주요 하이라이트로는 주주 총 수익률 9.2%, 그룹의 보험계약 비율 102.3%, 재보험 비율 89.7%, 보험 비율 130.7% 를 포함합니다. 이 회사는 미국의 손해 배상 준비금을 강화하기 위한 단호한 조치를 취했으며, 이로 인해 4분기에 5억 9,300만 달러의 순손실이 발생했습니다. 세전 재해 손실은 연간 6억 7,200만 달러에 달했습니다.
주목할 만한 성과로는 약 20억 달러의 기록적인 순 투자 수익과 50억 달러의 강력한 운영 현금 흐름이 포함됩니다. 이 회사는 4분기에 47억 달러의 총 계약 프리미엄을 보고하며 그룹 전체 7.2% 성장률을 기록했으며, 이는 부동산 및 전문 부문에서의 강력한 성과에 의해 주도되었지만 손해 분야에서의 감소로 부분적으로 상쇄되었습니다.
Everest Group (NYSE: EG) a annoncé ses résultats du quatrième trimestre et de l'année 2024, avec un revenu net annuel de 1,4 milliard de dollars et un revenu opérationnel net de 1,3 milliard de dollars. La société a atteint 18,2 milliards de dollars de primes brutes écrites, montrant une croissance de 9,1 % par rapport à l'année précédente.
Les principaux points saillants incluent un retour total pour les actionnaires de 9,2 %, des ratios combinés de 102,3 % pour le Groupe, 89,7 % pour la Réassurance et 130,7 % pour l'Assurance. L'entreprise a pris des mesures décisives pour renforcer les réserves de sinistres aux États-Unis, entraînant une perte nette de 593 millions de dollars au quatrième trimestre. Les pertes de catastrophes avant impôts ont atteint 672 millions de dollars pour l'année.
Parmi les réalisations notables, on trouve un revenu net des investissements record d'environ 2 milliards de dollars et un flux de trésorerie opérationnel solide de 5,0 milliards de dollars. La société a rapporté pour le quatrième trimestre des primes brutes écrites de 4,7 milliards de dollars avec une croissance de 7,2 % pour le Groupe, soutenue par une forte performance dans les secteurs de l'immobilier et spécialisés, partiellement compensée par des réductions dans les secteurs des sinistres.
Everest Group (NYSE: EG) hat seine Ergebnisse für das vierte Quartal und das gesamte Jahr 2024 veröffentlicht, mit einem Jahresgewinn von 1,4 Milliarden Dollar und einem operativen Nettoergebnis von 1,3 Milliarden Dollar. Das Unternehmen erzielte 18,2 Milliarden Dollar an brutto geschriebenen Prämien, was einem Anstieg von 9,1 % im Jahresvergleich entspricht.
Wichtige Highlights umfassen eine Gesamtrendite für die Aktionäre von 9,2 %, kombinierte Quote von 102,3 % für die Gruppe, 89,7 % für Rückversicherung und 130,7 % für Versicherung. Das Unternehmen ergriff entscheidende Maßnahmen zur Stärkung der Schadensreserven in den USA, was zu einem Nettoverlust von 593 Millionen Dollar im Q4 führte. Die katastrophalen Verluste vor Steuern beliefen sich im Laufe des Jahres auf 672 Millionen Dollar.
Bemerkenswerte Erfolge umfassen ein Rekordnettoanlageergebnis von etwa 2 Milliarden Dollar und einen starken operativen Cashflow von 5,0 Milliarden Dollar. Das Unternehmen berichtete im Q4 von brutto geschriebenen Prämien von 4,7 Milliarden Dollar mit einem Wachstum von 7,2 % für die Gruppe, das von einer starken Leistung in der Immobilien- und Speziallinien, teilweise ausgeglichen durch Rückgänge in der Schadensbereiche, angetrieben wurde.
- Record net investment income of ~$2 billion, up $500 million from prior year
- Record operating cashflow of $5.0 billion for the year
- Gross written premium growth of 9.1% to $18.2 billion
- Strong Reinsurance segment performance with 12.2% growth
- 89.7% combined ratio in Reinsurance segment
- Q4 net loss of $593 million due to U.S. casualty reserve strengthening
- Group combined ratio deteriorated to 102.3% from 90.9% prior year
- Insurance segment combined ratio of 130.7%
- $1.5 billion in unfavorable prior year loss reserve development
- Increased catastrophe losses of $672 million vs $451 million prior year
Everest Group's Q4 2024 results reveal a complex picture of strategic repositioning and decisive risk management. The headline $593M quarterly loss masks several critical developments:
The reinsurance segment demonstrates remarkable resilience with a 90.4% combined ratio and 12.6% premium growth, particularly in high-margin property and specialty lines. This strategic pivot towards property risks, with 54.4% growth in Property Catastrophe XOL, positions the company well for improved profitability in a hardening market.
The substantial $1.5B reserve strengthening, primarily in U.S. casualty lines, represents a painful but necessary step to address long-tail liability exposures. This proactive approach, while impacting current results, strengthens the foundation for future profitability. The creation of a new "Other" segment for non-core business further demonstrates management's commitment to portfolio optimization.
Several bright spots emerge despite the challenges:
- Record $2B net investment income, up over
$500M year-over-year - Strong operating cash flow of
$5.0B for the year - Robust premium growth in targeted segments like International Insurance and Property lines
The transformation of the North American insurance platform, marked by strategic exits from underperforming lines like medical stop loss and careful reshaping of the casualty portfolio, positions Everest for improved underwriting performance. The 9.2% total shareholder return for 2024, despite significant reserve actions, suggests investor confidence in this strategic direction.
Annual Net Income of
Decisive Actions to Fortify Reserves in
Full-Year 2024 Highlights
Total Shareholder Return of
9.2% 1;9.6% Net Income ROE and9.0% Operating Income ROE -
in gross written premium with year-over-year growth of$18.2 billion 9.1% for the Group,12.2% for Reinsurance, and4.0% for Insurance on a comparable basis -
Combined ratios of
102.3% for the Group,89.7% for Reinsurance and130.7% for Insurance, which includes decisive actions to strengthenU.S. casualty reserves -
Group attritional combined ratio of
87.6% when excluding the impact of 0.5 points from profit commissions associated with favorable loss reserve development on mortgage business versus86.9% when excluding the impact of 0.7 points from profit commission associated with favorable development on mortgage business in the prior year. Group's 2024 attritional combined ratio of87.6% also includes 1.4 points of 2024 accident year loss reserve strengthening. -
of pre-tax catastrophe losses net of recoveries and reinstatement premiums, versus$672 million in the prior year$451 million -
Net investment income increased over
to ∼$500 million $2 billion , a company record -
Strong operating cashflow for the year of
, a company record$5.0 billion
Fourth Quarter 2024 Highlights
Net Loss of
; Net Operating Loss of$593 million driven primarily by net unfavorable development of prior year loss reserves in$780 million U.S. casualty lines -
in gross written premium with year-over-year growth of$4.7 billion 7.2% for the Group,12.6% for Reinsurance, and -1.6% for Insurance on a comparable basis; Strong double-digit growth in property and specialty lines across both segments was partially offset by reductions in certain casualty lines -
Combined ratios of
135.5% for the Group,90.4% for Reinsurance and239.2% for Insurance, which includes decisive actions to strengthenU.S. casualty reserves -
Group attritional combined ratio of
91.6% when excluding the impact of 1.8 points from profit commissions associated with favorable loss reserve development on mortgage business versus86.6% when excluding the impact of 2.7 points from profit commissions associated with favorable loss reserve development on mortgage business in the prior year. Group's fourth quarter 2024 attritional combined ratio of91.6% also includes 5.8 points of 2024 accident year loss reserve strengthening. -
Net unfavorable development of approximately
in prior year loss reserves, resulting in an increase of 37.6 points on the combined ratio for the Group$1.5 billion -
Increased current accident year losses by
for the Group, comprised of$229 million in Insurance and$206 million in Other$22 million -
Pre-tax underwriting income (loss) of
( for the Group,$1.4) billion for Reinsurance, and$286 million ( for Insurance$1.3) billion -
of pre-tax catastrophe losses net of recoveries and reinstatement premiums versus$173 million in Q4 2023$143 million -
Net investment income improved to
versus$473 million in the prior year fourth quarter, driven by a larger asset base as well as strong core fixed income investment returns$411 million -
Operating cashflow for the quarter of
versus$780 million in the prior year fourth quarter$1.0 billion
(1) Denotes annualized figure; represents Total Shareholder Return or "TSR". Annualized TSR is calculated as year to date growth in book value per common share outstanding excluding URA(D) on fixed maturity, available for sale securities plus year-to-date dividends per share. |
“This was a pivotal year for Everest as we took decisive action to fortify our
Summary of Fourth Quarter 2024 Net Income and Other Items
Net (loss) of (
), equal to ($593 million ) per diluted share, driven by reserve strengthening in$13.96 U.S. casualty lines, versus fourth quarter 2023 net income of , equal to$804 million per diluted share$18.53 -
Net operating (loss) of (
), equal to ($780 million ) per diluted share, driven by reserve strengthening in$18.39 U.S. casualty lines, versus fourth quarter 2023 net operating income of , equal to$1.1 billion per diluted share$25.18 -
GAAP combined ratio of
135.5% , including 37.6 points of unfavorable prior year reserve development, 5.8 points of 2024 accident year strengthening, and 5.3 points of catastrophe losses, versus93.2% in the fourth quarter 2023, including 4.3 points of catastrophe losses
California Wildfires
Pre-tax net catastrophe loss estimated to be in the range of
to$350 for the first quarter 2025, net of estimated recoveries and reinstatement premiums$450 million -
Everest's loss estimate is based on an insured industry loss range of
to$35 $45 billion
The following table summarizes the Company’s Net Income and related financial metrics.
Net income and operating income |
Q4 |
Year to Date |
Q4 |
Year to Date |
All values in USD millions except for per share amounts and percentages |
2024 |
2024 |
2023 |
2023 |
Everest Group |
Net income (loss) |
(593) |
1,373 |
804 |
2,517 |
Net operating income (loss) (2) |
(780) |
1,289 |
1,093 |
2,776 |
Net income (loss) per diluted common share |
(13.96) |
31.78 |
18.53 |
60.19 |
Net operating income (loss) per diluted common share (2) |
(18.39) |
29.83 |
25.18 |
66.39 |
Net income (loss) return on average equity (annualized) |
( |
After-tax net operating income (loss) return on average equity (annualized) (2) |
( |
Notes |
(2) Denotes non-GAAP financial measure. See "Comments on Non-GAAP Financial Measures" for an explanation and reconciliation. |
Shareholders' Equity and Book Value per Share |
Q4 |
Year to Date |
Q4 |
Year to Date |
All values in USD millions except for per share amounts and percentages |
2024 |
2024 |
2023 |
2023 |
Beginning shareholders' equity |
15,335 |
13,202 |
11,226 |
8,441 |
Net income (loss) |
(593) |
1,373 |
804 |
2,517 |
Change - URA(D) of fixed maturity, available for sale securities |
(630) |
(127) |
1,146 |
986 |
Dividends to shareholders |
(86) |
(334) |
(76) |
(288) |
Purchase of treasury shares |
— |
(200) |
— |
— |
Public equity offering of shares |
— |
— |
— |
1,445 |
Other |
(151) |
(39) |
103 |
102 |
Ending shareholders' equity |
13,875 |
13,875 |
13,202 |
13,202 |
Common shares outstanding |
43.0 |
43.4 |
Book value per common share outstanding |
322.97 |
304.29 |
Less: URA(D) of fixed maturity, available for sale securities |
(19.77) |
(16.65) |
Book value per common share outstanding excluding URA(D) (3) |
342.74 |
320.95 |
Change in BVPS adjusted for dividends |
Total Shareholder Return ("TSR") - Annualized |
Common share dividends paid - last 12 months |
7.75 |
6.80 |
Notes |
(3) Denotes non-GAAP financial measure. A reconciliation to book value per share, the most comparable GAAP measure, is included in the table above. See "Comments on Non-GAAP Financial Measures" for additional information. |
The following information summarizes the Company’s underwriting results, on a consolidated basis and by segment – Reinsurance and Insurance, with selected commentary on results by segment.
Underwriting information - Everest Group |
Q4 |
Year to Date |
Q4 |
Year to Date |
Year on Year Change |
All values in USD millions except for percentages |
2024 |
2024 |
2023 |
2023 |
Q4 |
Year to Date |
Gross written premium |
4,671 |
18,232 |
4,323 |
16,637 |
Net written premium |
4,026 |
15,814 |
3,861 |
14,730 |
Loss Ratio: |
Current year |
4.5 pts |
0.6 pts |
Prior year |
(0.1)% |
—% |
37.7 pts |
9.8 pts |
Catastrophe |
1.0 pts |
1.5 pts |
Total Loss ratio |
43.3 pts |
11.7 pts |
Commission and brokerage ratio |
(0.8) pts |
(0.3) pts |
Other underwriting expenses |
(0.1) pts |
(0.1) pts |
Combined ratio |
42.3 pts |
11.4 pts |
Attritional combined ratio (4) (6) (7) |
4.1 pts |
0.5 pts |
Pre-tax net catastrophe losses (5) |
173 |
672 |
143 |
451 |
Pre-tax net unfavorable (favorable) prior year reserve development |
1,475 |
1,475 |
(5) |
(5) |
Notes |
(4) Attritional ratios exclude catastrophe losses, net CAT reinstatement premiums earned, prior year development, COVID-19 losses and losses from the |
(5) Pre-tax net catastrophe losses are net of reinsurance and reinstatement premiums. |
(6) The attritional combined ratio for the quarter and year -end December 31, 2024, included approximately |
(7) The attritional combined ratio for the quarter and year -end December 31, 2023, included approximately |
Reinsurance Segment – Quarterly Highlights
Gross written premiums grew
12.6% on a comparable basis (constant dollar basis and excluding reinstatement premiums)2, to approximately . We continue to solidify our franchise value and drive growth in lines with the best expected risk-adjusted returns.$3.3 billion -
Growth was led by a
54.4% increase in Property Catastrophe XOL and19.9% in Property Pro-Rata, partially offset by a7.3% decrease in Casualty Pro-Rata, when adjusting for reinstatement premiums. -
Attritional loss ratio improved 90 basis points over last year to
56.9% , while the attritional combined ratio improved 140 basis points to83.7% versus a year ago, when excluding the impact of 2.3 points and 3.6 points from profit commissions associated with favorable loss reserve development on mortgage business for the quarters ended December 31, 2024 and 2023, respectively. -
U.S. casualty reserves by , fully offset by favorable development of well-seasoned reserves in property and mortgage lines.$684 million -
Pre-tax catastrophe losses were
, net of estimated recoveries and reinstatement premiums, driven primarily by$125 million of losses from Hurricane Milton. Catastrophe losses in the quarter were partially offset by a release of$275 million on prior year events, primarily related to Hurricane Ian.$125 million - Risk-adjusted returns remain very attractive, particularly in property and specialty lines.
Underwriting information - Reinsurance segment |
Q4 |
Year to Date |
Q4 |
Year to Date |
Year on Year Change |
All values in USD millions except for percentages |
2024 |
2024 |
2023 |
2023 |
Q4 |
Year to Date |
Gross written premium |
3,291 |
12,941 |
2,894 |
11,460 |
Net written premium |
3,019 |
11,969 |
2,754 |
10,802 |
Loss Ratio: |
Current year |
(1.4) pts |
(1.0) pts |
Prior year |
—% |
—% |
(15.3)% |
(4.1)% |
15.3 pts |
4.1 pts |
Catastrophe |
(0.1) pts |
1.1 pts |
Total Loss ratio |
13.8 pts |
4.2 pts |
Commission and brokerage ratio |
(2.0) pts |
(0.8) pts |
Other underwriting expenses |
— pts |
(0.1) pts |
Combined ratio |
11.8 pts |
3.3 pts |
Attritional combined ratio (4) (8) (9) |
(2.7) pts |
(1.5) pts |
Pre-tax net catastrophe losses (5) |
125 |
564 |
135 |
430 |
Pre-tax net unfavorable (favorable) prior year reserve development |
— |
— |
(401) |
(401) |
Notes |
(2) Denotes non-GAAP financial measure. See "Comments on Non-GAAP Financial Measures" for an explanation and reconciliation. |
(4) Attritional ratios exclude catastrophe losses, net CAT reinstatement premiums earned, prior year development, COVID-19 losses and losses from the |
(5) Pre-tax net catastrophe losses are net of reinsurance and reinstatement premiums. |
(8) The attritional combined ratio for the quarter and year -end December 31, 2024, included approximately |
(9) The attritional combined ratio for the quarter and year -end December 31, 2023, included approximately |
Insurance Segment – Quarterly Highlights
Gross written premiums decreased to
on a comparable basis (constant dollar basis and excluding reinstatement premiums)2, a$1.4 billion 1.6% decrease year-over-year in constant dollars as we continued to strategically shape the portfolio. Our International business continued its strong growth trajectory as it gained further traction. -
Everest Insurance grew by
32.3% in Property/Short Tail and37.2% in Other Specialty lines. Growth was offset by a decrease of36.9% in Accident and Health, as we exit the medical stop loss business, and20.0% in Specialty Casualty, primarily inNorth America , reflecting our focus on lines of business with better expected margins. -
Strengthened prior year
U.S. casualty reserves by and increased current accident year losses in$1.1 billion U.S. casualty lines by , totaling$206 million .$1.3 billion -
Pre-tax catastrophe losses were
, net of estimated recoveries and reinstatement premiums, an increase over the prior year quarter, which benefited from benign catastrophe losses.$47 million - Pricing continues to accelerate across North American long-tail lines (excluding financial lines).
Underwriting information - Insurance segment |
Q4 |
Year to Date |
Q4 |
Year to Date |
Year on Year Change |
All values in USD millions except for percentages |
2024 |
2024 |
2023 |
2023 |
Q4 |
Year to Date |
Gross written premium |
1,350 |
5,078 |
1,371 |
4,888 |
(1.5)% |
Net written premium |
984 |
3,678 |
1,063 |
3,704 |
(7.5)% |
(0.7)% |
Loss Ratio: |
Current year |
21.9 pts |
4.9 pts |
Prior year |
86.8 pts |
21.6 pts |
Catastrophe |
4.4 pts |
2.4 pts |
Total Loss ratio |
113.1 pts |
28.9 pts |
Commission and brokerage ratio |
1.0 pts |
0.3 pts |
Other underwriting expenses |
1.3 pts |
0.9 pts |
Combined ratio |
115.4 pts |
30.1 pts |
Attritional combined ratio (4) |
23.8 pts |
5.9 pts |
Pre-tax net catastrophe losses (5) |
47 |
107 |
8 |
20 |
Pre-tax net unfavorable (favorable) prior year reserve development |
1,072 |
1,072 |
293 |
285 |
Notes |
(2) Denotes non-GAAP financial measure. See "Comments on Non-GAAP Financial Measures" for an explanation and reconciliation. |
(4) Attritional ratios exclude catastrophe losses, net CAT reinstatement premiums earned, prior year development, COVID-19 losses and losses from the |
(5) Pre-tax net catastrophe losses are net of reinsurance and reinstatement premiums. |
Other Segment
As disclosed in an 8-K filed with the SEC after the market close on January 27, 2025, we formed a new “Other” segment, primarily comprised of certain sports and leisure lines after giving effect to the sale of the business in October 2024, and other non-core lines of business such as asbestos & environmental exposures, and certain discontinued insurance programs and coverage classes, predominantly in
U.S. casualty lines. -
Unfavorable development in our Other segment amounted to
for both the full-year and fourth quarter 2024, including current accident year strengthening of$425 million .$22 million -
Strengthened asbestos & environmental reserves by
during the fourth quarter resulting in a 3-year net asbestos survival ratio of 6.6 years.$54 million
Underwriting information - Other segment |
Q4 |
Year to Date |
Q4 |
Year to Date |
All values in USD millions except for percentages |
2024 |
2024 |
2023 |
2023 |
Gross written premium |
29 |
212 |
57 |
289 |
Net written premium |
23 |
167 |
44 |
225 |
Net premiums earned |
43 |
197 |
57 |
225 |
Incurred losses and LAE |
Current year |
53 |
175 |
38 |
156 |
Prior year |
403 |
403 |
102 |
110 |
Catastrophes |
1 |
1 |
— |
— |
Total incurred losses and LAE |
457 |
580 |
140 |
266 |
Commission, brokerage, taxes and fees |
5 |
24 |
6 |
22 |
Other underwriting expenses |
8 |
33 |
10 |
35 |
Underwriting income (loss) |
(429) |
(440) |
(99) |
(98) |
Investments and Shareholders’ Equity as of December 31, 2024
Total invested assets and cash of
versus$41.5 billion on December 31, 2023$37.1 billion -
Shareholders’ equity of
vs.$13.9 billion on December 31, 2023, including$13.2 billion of unrealized net losses on fixed maturity, available for sale securities$849 million -
Shareholders’ equity excluding unrealized gains (losses) on fixed maturity, available for sale securities of
versus$14.7 billion on December 31, 2023$13.9 billion -
Book value per share of
versus$322.97 at December 31, 2023$304.29 -
Book value per share excluding unrealized gains (losses) on fixed maturity, available for sale securities of
versus$342.74 at December 31, 2023$320.95 -
There were not any common share repurchases during the quarter. We repurchased
for the full-year 2024.$199.9 million -
Common share dividends declared and paid in the quarter of
per common share equal to$2.00 $86 million
This news release contains forward-looking statements within the meaning of the
About Everest
Everest Group, Ltd. (Everest) is a global underwriting leader providing best-in-class property, casualty, and specialty reinsurance and insurance solutions that address customers’ most pressing challenges. Known for a 50-year track record of disciplined underwriting, capital and risk management, Everest, through its global operating affiliates, is committed to underwriting opportunity for colleagues, customers, shareholders, and communities worldwide.
Everest common stock (NYSE: EG) is a component of the S&P 500 index.
Additional information about Everest, our people, and our products can be found on our website at www.everestglobal.com.
A conference call discussing the results will be held at 8:00 a.m. Eastern Time on February 4, 2025. The call will be available on the Internet through the Company’s website at https://investors.everestglobal.com/overview.
Recipients are encouraged to visit the Company’s website to view supplemental financial information on the Company’s results. The supplemental information is located at www.everestglobal.com in the “Investors/Financials/Quarterly Results” section of the website. The supplemental financial information may also be obtained by contacting the Company directly.
Comments on Non-GAAP Financial Measures
In this Press Release, the Company has included certain non-GAAP financial measures, including after-tax net operating income (loss), after-tax net operating income (loss) per diluted share, attritional combined ratio, gross written premiums presented on a comparable basis, net operating income return on equity ("ROE"), underwriting income, and book value per common share outstanding excluding net unrealized appreciation (depreciation) on fixed maturity, available for sale securities ("URA(D)"). The Company presents these non-GAAP financial measures to facilitate a deeper understanding of the profitability drivers of our business, results of operations, financial condition and liquidity. The Company believes that such measures are important to investors and other interested persons, and that these measures are a useful supplement to GAAP information concerning the Company’s performance. These measures may not, however, be comparable to similarly titled measures used by companies within or outside of the insurance industry. Non-GAAP financial measures should be viewed in addition to, and not as an alternative for, or superior to, the Company’s financial measures prepared in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles ("GAAP").
A reconciliation of the non-GAAP financial measures to the most comparable corresponding GAAP financial measure is included below.
After-tax net operating income (loss) and after-tax net operating income (loss) per diluted share
After-tax net operating income (loss) (also referred to in this release as net operating income) consists of net income (loss) excluding after-tax net gains (losses) on investments and after-tax net foreign exchange income (expense), as shown below:
(Dollars in millions, except per share amounts) |
Three Months Ended December 31, |
Twelve Months Ended December 31, |
2024 |
2023 |
2024 |
2023 |
(unaudited) |
(unaudited) |
Amount |
Per Diluted Share |
Amount |
Per Diluted Share |
Amount |
Per Diluted Share |
Amount |
Per Diluted Share |
After-tax net operating income (loss) |
$ |
(780 |
) |
$ |
(18.39 |
) |
$ |
1,093 |
$ |
25.18 |
$ |
1,289 |
$ |
29.83 |
$ |
2,776 |
$ |
66.39 |
After-tax net gains (losses) on investments |
56 |
1.33 |
(220 |
) |
(5.06 |
) |
12 |
0.28 |
(236 |
) |
(5.65 |
) |
After-tax net foreign exchange income (expense) |
132 |
3.10 |
(69 |
) |
(1.60 |
) |
72 |
1.67 |
(23 |
) |
(0.55 |
) |
Net income (loss) |
$ |
(593 |
) |
$ |
(13.96 |
) |
$ |
804 |
$ |
18.53 |
$ |
1,373 |
$ |
31.78 |
$ |
2,517 |
$ |
60.19 |
(Some amounts may not reconcile due to rounding.) |
Although net gains (losses) on investments and net foreign exchange income (expense) are an integral part of the Company’s insurance operations, the determination of net gains (losses) on investments and foreign exchange income (expense) is independent of the insurance underwriting process. The Company believes that the level of net gains (losses) on investments and net foreign exchange income (expense) for any particular period are not indicative of the performance of the underlying business in that particular period. Providing only a GAAP presentation of net income (loss) makes it more difficult for users of the financial information to evaluate the Company’s success or failure in its basic business and may lead to incorrect or misleading assumptions and conclusions. The Company understands that the equity analysts who follow the Company focus on after-tax net operating income (loss) in their analyses for the reasons discussed above. The Company provides after-tax net operating income (loss) to investors so that they have what management believes to be a useful supplement to GAAP information concerning the Company’s performance.
Attritional Loss Ratio and Attritional Combined Ratio
The loss ratio is calculated as the sum of total incurred losses and loss adjustment expenses, divided by net premiums earned. The combined ratio is calculated as the sum of total incurred losses and loss adjustment expenses, commission and brokerage expenses, and other underwriting expenses, divided by net premiums earned. The attritional loss ratio and attritional combined ratio are defined as the loss ratio and the combined ratio, respectively, adjusted to exclude catastrophe losses, net catastrophe reinstatement premiums, prior year development, COVID-19 losses and losses from the
Three Months Ended December 31, |
2024 |
2023 |
(unaudited) |
Reinsurance |
Insurance |
Group |
Reinsurance |
Insurance |
Group |
Loss ratio |
61.6 |
% |
208.7 |
% |
106.3 |
% |
47.8 |
% |
95.6 |
% |
63.0 |
% |
Adjustment for catastrophe losses |
(5.4 |
)% |
(5.3 |
)% |
(5.3 |
)% |
(5.5 |
)% |
(0.9 |
)% |
(4.3 |
)% |
Adjustment for reinstatement premiums |
0.7 |
% |
— |
% |
0.6 |
% |
0.2 |
% |
— |
% |
0.1 |
% |
Adjustment for prior year development (10) |
— |
% |
(119.2 |
)% |
(37.6 |
)% |
14.9 |
% |
(32.4 |
)% |
(0.2 |
)% |
Adjustment for |
— |
% |
— |
% |
— |
% |
0.4 |
% |
— |
% |
0.3 |
% |
Adjustment for other items |
— |
% |
(0.3 |
)% |
— |
% |
— |
% |
— |
% |
— |
% |
Attritional loss ratio |
56.9 |
% |
84.0 |
% |
63.9 |
% |
57.8 |
% |
62.3 |
% |
59.0 |
% |
(Some amounts may not reconcile due to rounding.) |
Three Months Ended December 31, |
2024 |
2023 |
(unaudited) |
Reinsurance |
Insurance |
Group |
Reinsurance |
Insurance |
Group |
Combined ratio |
90.4 |
% |
239.2 |
% |
135.5 |
% |
78.6 |
% |
123.8 |
% |
93.2 |
% |
Adjustment for catastrophe losses |
(5.4 |
)% |
(5.3 |
)% |
(5.3 |
)% |
(5.5 |
)% |
(0.9 |
)% |
(4.3 |
)% |
Adjustment for reinstatement premiums |
1.0 |
% |
— |
% |
0.8 |
% |
0.3 |
% |
— |
% |
0.2 |
% |
Adjustment for prior year development (10) |
— |
% |
(119.2 |
)% |
(37.6 |
)% |
14.9 |
% |
(32.4 |
)% |
(0.2 |
)% |
Adjustment for |
— |
% |
— |
% |
— |
% |
0.4 |
% |
— |
% |
0.3 |
% |
Adjustment for other items |
— |
% |
(0.4 |
)% |
(0.1 |
)% |
— |
% |
0.1 |
% |
— |
% |
Attritional combined ratio |
86.0 |
% |
114.4 |
% |
93.4 |
% |
88.7 |
% |
90.6 |
% |
89.3 |
% |
Adjustment for profit commission |
(2.3 |
)% |
— |
% |
(1.8 |
)% |
(3.6 |
)% |
— |
% |
(2.7 |
)% |
Attritional combined ratio excluding profit commission |
83.7 |
% |
114.4 |
% |
91.6 |
% |
85.1 |
% |
90.6 |
% |
86.6 |
% |
(Some amounts may not reconcile due to rounding.) |
Twelve Months Ended December 31, |
2024 |
2023 |
(unaudited) |
Reinsurance |
Insurance |
Group |
Reinsurance |
Insurance |
Group |
Combined ratio |
89.7 |
% |
130.7 |
% |
102.3 |
% |
86.4 |
% |
100.5 |
% |
90.9 |
% |
Adjustment for catastrophe losses |
(5.7 |
)% |
(3.0 |
)% |
(5.0 |
)% |
(4.6 |
)% |
(0.6 |
)% |
(3.5 |
)% |
Adjustment for reinstatement premiums |
0.6 |
% |
— |
% |
0.5 |
% |
0.2 |
% |
— |
% |
0.1 |
% |
Adjustment for prior year development (10) |
— |
% |
(30.0 |
)% |
(9.7 |
)% |
4.0 |
% |
(8.3 |
)% |
— |
% |
Adjustment for |
— |
% |
— |
% |
— |
% |
0.1 |
% |
— |
% |
0.1 |
% |
Adjustment for other items |
— |
% |
(0.2 |
)% |
— |
% |
— |
% |
— |
% |
— |
% |
Attritional combined ratio |
84.6 |
% |
97.5 |
% |
88.1 |
% |
86.1 |
% |
91.6 |
% |
87.6 |
% |
Adjustment for profit commission |
(0.6 |
)% |
— |
% |
(0.5 |
)% |
(1.0 |
)% |
— |
% |
(0.7 |
)% |
Attritional combined ratio excluding profit commission |
84.0 |
% |
97.5 |
% |
87.6 |
% |
85.1 |
% |
91.6 |
% |
86.9 |
% |
(Some amounts may not reconcile due to rounding.) |
Notes |
(10) Prior-year development includes the impact of COVID-19 losses. |
Gross Written Premium on a Comparable Basis
The Company has included in this Press Release certain changes in gross written premium on a comparable basis, reflecting constant currency basis and excluding reinstatement premiums. Constant currency basis excludes the impact of foreign exchange rates. The Company provides change in gross written premium on a comparable basis to investors so that they have what management believes to be a useful supplement to GAAP information concerning the Company’s performance. The following tables are a reconciliation of gross written premium and period-over-period changes on a GAAP basis to the non-GAAP comparable basis for the periods noted:
(Dollars in millions) |
Quarter-to-Date |
December 31, 2024 |
December 31, 2023 |
Change |
(unaudited) |
Gross Written Premium |
Gross Written Premium |
% Impact |
Group |
$ |
4,671 |
$ |
4,323 |
8.0 |
% |
Adjustment for gross CAT reinstatement premiums |
(51 |
) |
(9 |
) |
(0.9 |
)% |
Adjustment for foreign exchange effect |
— |
(5 |
) |
0.1 |
% |
Group (comparable basis) |
$ |
4,620 |
$ |
4,308 |
7.2 |
% |
Reinsurance |
$ |
3,291 |
$ |
2,894 |
13.7 |
% |
Adjustment for gross CAT reinstatement premiums |
(51 |
) |
(9 |
) |
(1.2 |
)% |
Adjustment for foreign exchange effect |
— |
(6 |
) |
0.2 |
% |
Reinsurance (comparable basis) |
$ |
3,240 |
$ |
2,879 |
12.6 |
% |
Insurance |
$ |
1,350 |
$ |
1,371 |
(1.5 |
)% |
Adjustment for gross CAT reinstatement premiums |
— |
— |
— |
% |
Adjustment for foreign exchange effect |
— |
1 |
(0.1 |
)% |
Insurance (comparable basis) |
$ |
1,350 |
$ |
1,372 |
(1.6 |
)% |
Other |
$ |
29 |
$ |
57 |
(49.1 |
)% |
Other (comparable basis) |
$ |
29 |
$ |
57 |
(49.1 |
)% |
(Some amounts may not reconcile due to rounding.) |
(Dollars in millions) |
Year-to-Date |
December 31, 2024 |
December 31, 2023 |
Change |
(unaudited) |
Gross Written Premium |
Gross Written Premium |
% Impact |
Group |
$ |
18,232 |
$ |
16,637 |
9.6 |
% |
Adjustment for gross CAT reinstatement premiums |
(103 |
) |
(20 |
) |
(0.4 |
)% |
Adjustment for foreign exchange effect |
— |
(6 |
) |
— |
% |
Group (comparable basis) |
$ |
18,129 |
$ |
16,611 |
9.1 |
% |
Reinsurance |
$ |
12,941 |
$ |
11,460 |
12.9 |
% |
Adjustment for gross CAT reinstatement premiums |
(103 |
) |
(20 |
) |
(0.6 |
)% |
Adjustment for foreign exchange effect |
— |
— |
— |
% |
Reinsurance (comparable basis) |
$ |
12,838 |
$ |
11,440 |
12.2 |
% |
Insurance |
$ |
5,078 |
$ |
4,888 |
3.9 |
% |
Adjustment for gross CAT reinstatement premiums |
— |
— |
— |
% |
Adjustment for foreign exchange effect |
— |
(6 |
) |
0.1 |
% |
Insurance (comparable basis) |
$ |
5,078 |
$ |
4,882 |
4.0 |
% |
Other |
$ |
212 |
$ |
289 |
(26.6 |
)% |
Other (comparable basis) |
$ |
212 |
$ |
289 |
(26.6 |
)% |
(Some amounts may not reconcile due to rounding.) |
Net Operating Income Return On Equity ("ROE")
Net Operating income ROE is calculated by dividing after-tax net operating income (loss) by average shareholders' equity, adjusted for average net unrealized depreciation (appreciation) of fixed maturity, available for sale securities. A reconciliation of net income, the most comparable GAAP measure, to net operating income is presented above. The Company believes net operating income ROE is a useful measure for management and investors as it allows for better comparability and removes variability when assessing the results of operations. A reconciliation of Net Operating Income ROE and Net Income ROE is shown below.
Quarter-to-Date |
Year-to-Date |
(Dollars in millions) |
December 31, |
December 31, |
December 31, |
December 31, |
2024 |
2023 |
2024 |
2023 |
(unaudited) |
(unaudited) |
Beginning of period shareholders' equity |
$ |
15,335 |
$ |
11,226 |
$ |
13,202 |
$ |
8,441 |
Add: Net unrealized depreciation (appreciation) of fixed maturity, available for sale securities |
220 |
1,868 |
723 |
1,709 |
Adjusted beginning of period shareholders' equity |
$ |
15,555 |
$ |
13,094 |
$ |
13,925 |
$ |
10,149 |
End of period shareholders' equity |
$ |
13,875 |
$ |
13,202 |
$ |
13,875 |
$ |
13,202 |
Add: Net unrealized depreciation (appreciation) of fixed maturity, available for sale securities |
849 |
723 |
849 |
723 |
Adjusted end of period shareholders' equity |
$ |
14,724 |
$ |
13,925 |
$ |
14,724 |
$ |
13,925 |
Average adjusted shareholders' equity |
$ |
15,140 |
$ |
13,509 |
$ |
14,325 |
$ |
12,037 |
After-tax net operating income (loss) |
$ |
(780 |
) |
$ |
1,093 |
$ |
1,289 |
$ |
2,776 |
After-tax net gains (losses) on investments |
$ |
56 |
(220 |
) |
$ |
12 |
(236 |
) |
After-tax foreign exchange income (expense) |
$ |
132 |
(69 |
) |
$ |
72 |
(23 |
) |
Net income (loss) |
$ |
(593 |
) |
$ |
804 |
$ |
1,373 |
$ |
2,517 |
Return on equity (annualized) |
After-tax net operating income (loss) |
(20.6 |
)% |
32.4 |
% |
9.0 |
% |
23.1 |
% |
After-tax net gains (losses) on investments |
1.5 |
% |
(6.5 |
)% |
0.1 |
% |
(2.0 |
)% |
After-tax foreign exchange income (expense) |
3.5 |
% |
(2.1 |
)% |
0.5 |
% |
(0.2 |
)% |
Net income (loss) |
(15.7 |
)% |
23.8 |
% |
9.6 |
% |
20.9 |
% |
(Some amounts may not reconcile due to rounding.) |
Underwriting Income
Underwriting income is calculated as net premiums earned, less (1) incurred losses and loss adjustment expenses, (2) commission, brokerage, taxes and fees, and (3) other underwriting expenses. Net income (loss) is the most comparable GAAP measure. The Company believes underwriting income is a useful measure for management and investors when assessing the performance of the Company's reinsurance and insurance business segments. A reconciliation of Underwriting Income and Net Income is shown below.
Quarter-to-Date |
(Dollars in millions) |
December 31, 2024 |
December 31, 2023 |
(unaudited) |
Reinsurance |
Insurance |
Other |
Consolidated Group |
Reinsurance |
Insurance |
Other |
Consolidated Group |
Net premiums earned |
$ |
2,983 |
$ |
900 |
$ |
43 |
$ |
3,925 |
$ |
2,616 |
$ |
905 |
$ |
57 |
$ |
3,578 |
Less: Incurred losses and LAE |
1,837 |
1,877 |
457 |
4,172 |
1,249 |
865 |
140 |
2,254 |
Less: Commission, brokerage, taxes and fees |
784 |
114 |
5 |
903 |
742 |
105 |
6 |
853 |
Less: Other underwriting expenses |
75 |
161 |
8 |
244 |
66 |
150 |
10 |
226 |
Underwriting income (loss) |
$ |
286 |
$ |
(1,252 |
) |
$ |
(429 |
) |
$ |
(1,394 |
) |
$ |
559 |
$ |
(216 |
) |
$ |
(99 |
) |
$ |
245 |
Net investment income |
473 |
411 |
Net gains (losses) on investments |
69 |
(255 |
) |
Corporate expenses |
(27 |
) |
(18 |
) |
Interest, fee and bond issue cost amortization expense |
(37 |
) |
(36 |
) |
Other income (expense) |
169 |
(75 |
) |
Income tax benefit (expense) |
155 |
532 |
Net income (loss) |
$ |
(593 |
) |
$ |
804 |
(Some amounts may not reconcile due to rounding.) |
Book value per common share outstanding excluding URA(D)
Book value per common share outstanding excluding net unrealized appreciation (depreciation) of fixed maturity, available for sale securities ("URA(D)") is calculated as reported shareholders' equity less URA(D), divided by common shares outstanding. Book value per share is the most comparable GAAP measure. The Company believes this metric is useful to management and investors as it shows the value of shareholder returns on a per share basis after eliminating the variability of investments held at fair value. Please see the table on page 4 for a reconciliation of book value per common share outstanding (excluding URA(D)) and book value per share.
Annualized Total Shareholder Return
Annualized TSR ("TSR") is calculated as year-to-date growth in book value per common share outstanding (excluding URA(D)) plus year-to-date dividends per share. As further discussed above, book value per common share outstanding (excluding URA(D)) is a non-GAAP measure. Please see the table on page 4 for a reconciliation of book value per common share outstanding (excluding URA(D)) and book value per share.
--Financial Details Follow--
Three Months Ended |
Twelve Months Ended |
December 31 |
December 31 |
(Dollars in millions, except per share amounts) |
2024 |
2023 |
2024 |
2023 |
(unaudited) |
(unaudited) |
Premiums earned |
$ |
3,925 |
$ |
3,578 |
$ |
15,187 |
$ |
13,443 |
Net investment income |
473 |
411 |
1,954 |
1,434 |
Total net gains (losses) on investments |
69 |
(255 |
) |
19 |
(276 |
) |
Other income (expense) |
169 |
(75 |
) |
121 |
(14 |
) |
Total revenues |
4,636 |
3,659 |
17,281 |
14,587 |
Incurred losses and loss adjustment expenses |
4,172 |
2,254 |
11,305 |
8,427 |
Commission, brokerage, taxes and fees |
903 |
853 |
3,300 |
2,952 |
Other underwriting expenses |
244 |
226 |
938 |
846 |
Corporate expenses |
27 |
18 |
95 |
73 |
Interest, fees and bond issue cost amortization expense |
37 |
36 |
149 |
134 |
Total claims and expenses |
5,383 |
3,387 |
15,787 |
12,432 |
(748 |
) |
272 |
1,493 |
2,154 |
Income tax expense (benefit) |
(155 |
) |
(532 |
) |
120 |
(363 |
) |
$ |
(593 |
) |
$ |
804 |
$ |
1,373 |
$ |
2,517 |
Other comprehensive income (loss), net of tax: |
Unrealized appreciation (depreciation) ("URA(D)") on securities arising during the period |
(574 |
) |
923 |
(97 |
) |
743 |
Reclassification adjustment for realized losses (gains) included in net income (loss) |
(55 |
) |
223 |
(12 |
) |
244 |
Total URA(D) on securities arising during the period |
(630 |
) |
1,146 |
(109 |
) |
986 |
Foreign currency translation and other adjustments |
(173 |
) |
76 |
(128 |
) |
59 |
Benefit plan actuarial net gain (loss) for the period |
34 |
15 |
34 |
15 |
Reclassification adjustment for amortization of net (gain) loss included in net income (loss) |
(26 |
) |
— |
(1 |
) |
2 |
Total benefit plan net gain (loss) for the period |
9 |
16 |
33 |
17 |
Total other comprehensive income (loss), net of tax |
(794 |
) |
1,238 |
(204 |
) |
1,063 |
$ |
(1,387 |
) |
$ |
2,041 |
$ |
1,169 |
$ |
3,580 |
Basic |
$ |
(13.96 |
) |
$ |
18.53 |
$ |
31.78 |
$ |
60.19 |
Diluted |
(13.96 |
) |
18.53 |
31.78 |
60.19 |
December 31, |
(In millions of |
2024 |
2023 |
(unaudited) |
Fixed maturities - available for sale, at fair value |
$ |
28,908 |
$ |
27,740 |
(amortized cost: 2024, |
Fixed maturities - held to maturity, at amortized cost |
(fair value: 2024, |
757 |
855 |
Equity securities, at fair value |
217 |
188 |
Other invested assets |
5,392 |
4,794 |
Short-term investments |
4,707 |
2,127 |
Cash |
1,549 |
1,437 |
Total investments and cash |
41,531 |
37,142 |
Accrued investment income |
368 |
324 |
Premiums receivable (net of credit allowances: 2024, |
5,378 |
4,768 |
Reinsurance paid loss recoverables (net of credit allowances: 2024, |
207 |
164 |
Reinsurance unpaid loss recoverables |
2,915 |
2,098 |
Funds held by reinsureds |
1,218 |
1,135 |
Deferred acquisition costs |
1,461 |
1,247 |
Prepaid reinsurance premiums |
869 |
713 |
Income tax asset, net |
1,223 |
868 |
Other assets (net of credit allowances: 2024, |
1,171 |
941 |
$ |
56,341 |
$ |
49,399 |
Reserve for losses and loss adjustment expenses |
29,889 |
24,604 |
Unearned premium reserve |
7,324 |
6,622 |
Funds held under reinsurance treaties |
27 |
24 |
Amounts due to reinsurers |
701 |
650 |
Losses in course of payment |
241 |
171 |
Senior notes |
2,350 |
2,349 |
Long-term notes |
218 |
218 |
Borrowings from FHLB |
1,019 |
819 |
Accrued interest on debt and borrowings |
22 |
22 |
Unsettled securities payable |
84 |
137 |
Other liabilities |
590 |
582 |
42,466 |
36,197 |
Preferred shares, par value: |
— |
— |
Common shares, par value: |
outstanding before treasury shares |
1 |
1 |
Additional paid-in capital |
3,812 |
3,773 |
Accumulated other comprehensive income (loss), net of deferred income tax expense (benefit) |
of |
(1,138 |
) |
(934 |
) |
Treasury shares, at cost: 31.3 shares (2024) and 30.8 shares (2023) |
(4,108 |
) |
(3,908 |
) |
Retained earnings |
15,309 |
14,270 |
Total shareholders' equity |
13,875 |
13,202 |
$ |
56,341 |
$ |
49,399 |
Twelve Months Ended |
December 31 |
(In millions of |
2024 |
2023 |
(unaudited) |
Net income (loss) |
$ |
1,373 |
$ |
2,517 |
Adjustments to reconcile net income to net cash provided by operating activities: |
Decrease (increase) in premiums receivable |
(715 |
) |
(1,064 |
) |
Decrease (increase) in funds held by reinsureds, net |
(81 |
) |
(66 |
) |
Decrease (increase) in reinsurance recoverables |
(1,091 |
) |
143 |
Decrease (increase) in income taxes |
(277 |
) |
(559 |
) |
Decrease (increase) in prepaid reinsurance premiums |
(232 |
) |
(46 |
) |
Increase (decrease) in reserve for losses and loss adjustment expenses |
5,612 |
2,256 |
Increase (decrease) in unearned premiums |
809 |
1,387 |
Increase (decrease) in amounts due to reinsurers |
135 |
18 |
Increase (decrease) in losses in course of payment |
75 |
93 |
Change in equity adjustments in limited partnerships |
(261 |
) |
(168 |
) |
Distribution of limited partnership income |
163 |
120 |
Change in other assets and liabilities, net |
(431 |
) |
(339 |
) |
Non-cash compensation expense |
63 |
49 |
Amortization of bond premium (accrual of bond discount) |
(167 |
) |
(64 |
) |
Net (gains) losses on investments |
(19 |
) |
276 |
Net cash provided by (used in) operating activities |
4,957 |
4,553 |
Proceeds from fixed maturities matured/called/repaid - available for sale |
3,783 |
2,310 |
Proceeds from fixed maturities sold - available for sale |
6,257 |
3,849 |
Proceeds from fixed maturities matured/called/repaid - held to maturity |
157 |
105 |
Proceeds from equity securities sold |
37 |
126 |
Distributions from other invested assets |
409 |
245 |
Cost of fixed maturities acquired - available for sale |
(11,563 |
) |
(10,653 |
) |
Cost of fixed maturities acquired - held to maturity |
(49 |
) |
(112 |
) |
Cost of equity securities acquired |
(50 |
) |
(17 |
) |
Cost of other invested assets acquired |
(936 |
) |
(902 |
) |
Net change in short-term investments |
(2,494 |
) |
(1,034 |
) |
Net change in unsettled securities transactions |
(27 |
) |
181 |
Net cash provided by (used in) investing activities |
(4,478 |
) |
(5,902 |
) |
Common shares issued (redeemed) during the period for share-based compensation, net of expense |
(24 |
) |
(23 |
) |
Proceeds from public offering of common shares |
— |
1,445 |
Purchase of treasury shares |
(200 |
) |
— |
Dividends paid to shareholders |
(334 |
) |
(288 |
) |
Net FHLB borrowings (repayments) |
200 |
300 |
Cost of shares withheld on settlements of share-based compensation awards |
(25 |
) |
(24 |
) |
Net cash provided by (used in) financing activities |
(383 |
) |
1,409 |
16 |
(23 |
) |
Net increase (decrease) in cash |
112 |
38 |
Cash, beginning of period |
1,437 |
1,398 |
Cash, end of period |
$ |
1,549 |
$ |
1,437 |
Income taxes paid (recovered) |
$ |
397 |
$ |
196 |
Interest paid |
147 |
130 |
Non-cash limited partnership distribution |
$ |
23 |
$ |
— |
View source version on businesswire.com: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20250203387842/en/
Media: Dawn Lauer
Chief Communications Officer
Investors: Matt Rohrmann
Head of Investor Relations
Source: Everest Group, Ltd.