Everest Announces Board Leadership Transition
Everest Group (NYSE: EG) announced a significant board leadership transition as Joseph V. Taranto, who has served as Board Chair since 1994 and was CEO from 1994 to 2013, will retire when his term expires in May. John Graf, an independent board member since 2016 and non-Executive Vice Chairman of Global Atlantic Financial Group, has been nominated to succeed Taranto as Chair at the May 2025 Annual Shareholders Meeting.
Current President and CEO Jim Williamson acknowledged Taranto's role in transforming Everest into a global P&C market leader. Under Taranto's leadership, the company evolved as a public entity and expanded into key global insurance markets. Everest operates as a global underwriting leader providing property, casualty, and specialty reinsurance and insurance solutions, with a 50-year track record of disciplined underwriting and capital management.
Everest Group (NYSE: EG) ha annunciato una significativa transizione nella leadership del consiglio, poiché Joseph V. Taranto, che ha ricoperto il ruolo di Presidente del Consiglio dal 1994 ed è stato CEO dal 1994 al 2013, andrà in pensione al termine del suo mandato a maggio. John Graf, membro indipendente del consiglio dal 2016 e Vice Presidente Non Esecutivo di Global Atlantic Financial Group, è stato nominato per succedere a Taranto come Presidente nell'Assemblea Annuale degli Azionisti di maggio 2025.
Il Presidente e CEO attuale Jim Williamson ha riconosciuto il ruolo di Taranto nella trasformazione di Everest in un leader globale nel mercato P&C. Sotto la guida di Taranto, l'azienda è evoluta come entità pubblica ed è cresciuta in mercati assicurativi globali chiave. Everest opera come leader globale nel sottoscrivere fornendo soluzioni di riassicurazione e assicurazione per beni, responsabilità e specialità, con un track record di 50 anni di sottoscrizioni disciplinate e gestione del capitale.
Everest Group (NYSE: EG) anunció una importante transición en la dirección de la junta, ya que Joseph V. Taranto, quien ha sido Presidente de la Junta desde 1994 y CEO desde 1994 hasta 2013, se retirará al finalizar su mandato en mayo. John Graf, miembro independiente de la junta desde 2016 y Vicepresidente No Ejecutivo de Global Atlantic Financial Group, ha sido nominado para suceder a Taranto como Presidente en la Junta Anual de Accionistas de mayo de 2025.
El actual Presidente y CEO, Jim Williamson, reconoció el papel de Taranto en la transformación de Everest en un líder global en el mercado de P&C. Bajo el liderazgo de Taranto, la empresa evolucionó como entidad pública y se expandió a mercados de seguros globales clave. Everest opera como un líder global en suscripción, proporcionando soluciones de reaseguro y seguros de propiedad, responsabilidad y especialidades, con un historial de 50 años de suscripción disciplinada y gestión de capital.
에베레스트 그룹 (NYSE: EG)은 1994년부터 이사회 의장을 맡아온 조셉 V. 타란토가 2013년까지 CEO로 재직한 후, 5월에 임기가 만료되면 은퇴할 것이라고 발표했습니다. 존 그래프는 2016년부터 독립 이사로 활동해왔으며, 글로벌 아틀란틱 금융 그룹의 비상임 부회장으로 타란토의 후임으로 2025년 5월 연례 주주총회에서 의장으로 지명되었습니다.
현재 CEO인 짐 윌리엄슨은 타란토가 에베레스트를 글로벌 P&C 시장의 선두주자로 변화시키는 데 기여한 역할을 인정했습니다. 타란토의 리더십 아래, 회사는 공기업으로 발전하고 주요 글로벌 보험 시장으로 확장되었습니다. 에베레스트는 자산, 책임 및 전문 재보험 및 보험 솔루션을 제공하는 글로벌 인수 보험 리더로, 50년간의 엄격한 인수 및 자본 관리의 기록을 보유하고 있습니다.
Everest Group (NYSE: EG) a annoncé une transition significative dans la direction du conseil, Joseph V. Taranto, qui occupe le poste de Président du Conseil depuis 1994 et a été PDG de 1994 à 2013, prendra sa retraite à l'expiration de son mandat en mai. John Graf, membre indépendant du conseil depuis 2016 et Vice-Président Non Exécutif de Global Atlantic Financial Group, a été nommé pour succéder à Taranto en tant que Président lors de l'Assemblée Annuelle des Actionnaires de mai 2025.
Le Président et PDG actuel, Jim Williamson, a reconnu le rôle de Taranto dans la transformation d'Everest en un leader mondial sur le marché P&C. Sous la direction de Taranto, l'entreprise a évolué en tant qu'entité publique et s'est développée sur des marchés d'assurance mondiaux clés. Everest opère en tant que leader mondial en souscription, fournissant des solutions de réassurance et d'assurance pour les biens, la responsabilité et les spécialités, avec un historique de 50 ans en matière de souscription disciplinée et de gestion du capital.
Everest Group (NYSE: EG) gab eine bedeutende Veränderung in der Führung des Vorstands bekannt, da Joseph V. Taranto, der seit 1994 Vorsitzender des Vorstands ist und von 1994 bis 2013 CEO war, bei Ablauf seiner Amtszeit im Mai in den Ruhestand gehen wird. John Graf, seit 2016 unabhängiges Vorstandsmitglied und nicht-executive Vizepräsident der Global Atlantic Financial Group, wurde nominiert, um Taranto als Vorsitzender bei der Hauptversammlung der Aktionäre im Mai 2025 nachzufolgen.
Der aktuelle Präsident und CEO Jim Williamson erkannte Tarantos Rolle bei der Transformation von Everest zu einem globalen Marktführer im Bereich P&C an. Unter Tarantos Führung entwickelte sich das Unternehmen zu einer öffentlichen Einheit und expandierte in wichtige globale Versicherungsmärkte. Everest agiert als globaler Marktführer im Underwriting und bietet Lösungen für Sach-, Haftpflicht- und Spezialrückversicherung und -versicherung an, mit einer 50-jährigen Erfolgsbilanz in diszipliniertem Underwriting und Kapitalmanagement.
- Smooth leadership transition with experienced successor already familiar with company operations
- Nomination of John Graf brings additional financial sector expertise from Global Atlantic Financial Group
- Maintains continuity with Graf serving as board member since 2016
- Loss of long-term leadership with Taranto's departure after 31 years of board experience
- Potential adaptation period required for new board leadership
The Company also announced John Graf, current independent board member since 2016, and non-Executive Vice Chairman of Global Atlantic Financial Group, has been nominated by the Board for election to succeed Mr.
“We are deeply grateful for Joe’s steadfast leadership and commitment to Everest over several decades,” said Jim Williamson, Everest President and CEO. “Under Joe’s guidance, Everest has grown into a global P&C market leader with significant value potential. Looking to the future, we are delighted to nominate John to build on this strong foundation. John is a proven asset to our Board, providing experience and insight that supports Everest’s next chapter and our strategy to deliver exceptional service and shareholder returns.”
“I have had the privilege of steering Everest through many facets of growth and milestones including its early evolution as a public company and its expansion into key global insurance markets,” said Mr.
About Everest
Everest Group, Ltd. (Everest) is a global underwriting leader providing best-in-class property, casualty, and specialty reinsurance and insurance solutions that address customers’ most pressing challenges. Known for a 50-year track record of disciplined underwriting, capital and risk management, Everest, through its global operating affiliates, is committed to underwriting opportunity for colleagues, customers, shareholders, and communities worldwide.
Everest common stock (NYSE: EG) is a component of the S&P 500 index.
Additional information about Everest, our people, and our products can be found on our website at www.everestglobal.com.
View source version on businesswire.com: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20250324988158/en/
Media: Dawn Lauer
Chief Communications Officer
Investors: Matt Rohrmann
Head of Investor Relations
Source: Everest Group, Ltd.