EpicQuest Education's EduGlobal College Signs Agreement to Further Propel International Student Recruitment
EpicQuest Education Group International (NASDAQ: EEIQ) announced that its EduGlobal College has signed an agreement with Northern Lights College on March 3, 2025. The partnership creates a pathway for international students completing EduGlobal's English for Academic Purposes (EAP) program to directly enroll in Northern Lights' diploma programs without additional language testing.
Students who complete EduGlobal's EAP Level 2 program will gain automatic eligibility for Northern Lights' diploma programs in fields such as business and technology. This agreement supports both institutions' enrollment efforts while advancing EEIQ's strategic growth plan of internationalization through its owned institutions, Davis University and EduGlobal College.
EpicQuest Education Group International (NASDAQ: EEIQ) ha annunciato che il suo EduGlobal College ha firmato un accordo con Northern Lights College il 3 marzo 2025. La partnership crea un percorso per gli studenti internazionali che completano il programma di Inglese per Scopi Accademici (EAP) di EduGlobal, permettendo loro di iscriversi direttamente ai programmi di diploma di Northern Lights senza ulteriori test di lingua.
Gli studenti che completano il programma EAP di Livello 2 di EduGlobal otterranno automaticamente l'idoneità per i programmi di diploma di Northern Lights in settori come business e tecnologia. Questo accordo supporta gli sforzi di iscrizione di entrambe le istituzioni, promuovendo il piano di crescita strategica di EEIQ verso l'internazionalizzazione attraverso le sue istituzioni di proprietà, la Davis University e l'EduGlobal College.
EpicQuest Education Group International (NASDAQ: EEIQ) anunció que su EduGlobal College ha firmado un acuerdo con Northern Lights College el 3 de marzo de 2025. La asociación crea un camino para que los estudiantes internacionales que completen el programa de Inglés para Fines Académicos (EAP) de EduGlobal se inscriban directamente en los programas de diploma de Northern Lights sin necesidad de realizar pruebas adicionales de idioma.
Los estudiantes que completen el programa EAP Nivel 2 de EduGlobal obtendrán automáticamente la elegibilidad para los programas de diploma de Northern Lights en campos como negocios y tecnología. Este acuerdo apoya los esfuerzos de inscripción de ambas instituciones, al mismo tiempo que avanza en el plan de crecimiento estratégico de EEIQ hacia la internacionalización a través de sus instituciones propias, la Davis University y el EduGlobal College.
EpicQuest Education Group International (NASDAQ: EEIQ)는 EduGlobal College가 2025년 3월 3일 Northern Lights College와 협약을 체결했다고 발표했습니다. 이 파트너십은 EduGlobal의 학술 목적을 위한 영어(EAP) 프로그램을 완료한 국제 학생들이 추가 언어 테스트 없이 Northern Lights의 졸업 프로그램에 직접 등록할 수 있는 경로를 제공합니다.
EduGlobal의 EAP 2단계 프로그램을 완료한 학생들은 비즈니스 및 기술과 같은 분야의 Northern Lights 졸업 프로그램에 자동으로 적격성을 부여받습니다. 이 협약은 두 기관의 등록 노력을 지원하며, EEIQ의 Davis University 및 EduGlobal College를 통한 국제화 전략 성장 계획을 추진합니다.
EpicQuest Education Group International (NASDAQ: EEIQ) a annoncé que son EduGlobal College a signé un accord avec Northern Lights College le 3 mars 2025. Ce partenariat crée un chemin pour les étudiants internationaux qui terminent le programme d'anglais à des fins académiques (EAP) d'EduGlobal, leur permettant de s'inscrire directement aux programmes de diplôme de Northern Lights sans tests de langue supplémentaires.
Les étudiants qui terminent le programme EAP Niveau 2 d'EduGlobal obtiendront automatiquement l'éligibilité pour les programmes de diplôme de Northern Lights dans des domaines tels que les affaires et la technologie. Cet accord soutient les efforts d'inscription des deux institutions tout en faisant avancer le plan de croissance stratégique d'EEIQ vers l'internationalisation à travers ses institutions détenues, la Davis University et l'EduGlobal College.
EpicQuest Education Group International (NASDAQ: EEIQ) gab bekannt, dass sein EduGlobal College am 3. März 2025 eine Vereinbarung mit Northern Lights College unterzeichnet hat. Die Partnerschaft schafft einen Weg für internationale Studenten, die das Englisch-Programm für akademische Zwecke (EAP) von EduGlobal abgeschlossen haben, sich direkt in die Diplomprogramme von Northern Lights einzuschreiben, ohne zusätzliche Sprachtests.
Studierende, die das EAP-Level-2-Programm von EduGlobal abschließen, erhalten automatisch die Berechtigung für die Diplomprogramme von Northern Lights in Bereichen wie Wirtschaft und Technologie. Diese Vereinbarung unterstützt die Einschreibebemühungen beider Institutionen und fördert den strategischen Wachstumsplan von EEIQ zur Internationalisierung durch ihre eigenen Institutionen, die Davis University und das EduGlobal College.
- New partnership expands international student recruitment opportunities
- Streamlined admission process eliminates additional language testing requirements
- Enhanced pathway program strengthens EEIQ's international education offerings
- None.
The Agreement is a Key Element of EEIQ's Growth Plan of Internationalization
Jeff Romonko, Vice President of Operations and Strategic Development of EduGlobal College, commented, "We are pleased to enter into this Agreement as it furthers our mission of providing our international students with the best possible options to further their academic journeys and professional development. EduGlobal is renowned for providing the very best of English proficiency courses, providing international students the linguistic skill set needed in both academic and professional settings."
"The Agreement is expected to provide expansive international recruitment opportunities for EduGlobal while also supporting Northern Light's enrollment efforts. Students completing the English for Academic Purposes (EAP) program at EduGlobal will gain the academic preparation and language proficiency necessary for success in Northern Light's diploma programs in such fields as business and technology. We feel strongly that our greatest reward is the ongoing success of our students and their ability to find fulfillment in their personal and professional lives," EduGlobal's Jeff Romonko concluded.
Under the Agreement, EduGlobal's EAP program will serve as an approved pathway for students to meet the English language proficiency requirements for admission into Northern Light's diploma programs. Further, students who successfully complete EduGlobal's EAP Level 2 program will be eligible to enroll directly in programs at Northern Lights without the need for additional standardized language testing.
EpicQuest Education's Strategy of Internationalization
EpicQuest Education's strategic growth plan is to achieve sustainable growth through internationalization through its owned and operated Davis University and EduGlobal College. The two schools have become increasingly focused on international recruiting and enrollment as they provide enhanced globalized learning to their students as well as pathways to achieve university degrees. The Company's foundational programs essentially exports its academic programming internationally at an affordable cost: international students can study in their home countries while earning course credits prior to their attendance at the Company's two institutions of higher learning in the US and
About Northern Lights College
Northern Lights College ("Northern Lights") is a public college located in
About EduGlobal College
EduGlobal College is a private college located in the Metro Vancouver area,
About EpicQuest Education Group International Limited
EpicQuest Education Group International Limited ("EpicQuest Education" or the "Company") provides comprehensive education solutions for domestic and international students seeking university and college degrees in the US,
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EpicQuest Education Group International Limited
+1 513-649-8350
Investor Relations:
Precept Investor Relations LLC
David Rudnick
+1 646-694-8538
Source: EpicQuest Education Group International Limited
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SOURCE EpicQuest Education Group International Limited