Eastern Bank Is Recognized By Disability:IN® as a 2024 Best Place to Work for Disability Inclusion

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Eastern Bank has been recognized by Disability:IN as a 2024 Best Place to Work for Disability Inclusion, scoring highly on the Disability Equality Index. This index, a joint initiative with The American Association of People with Disabilities, is considered the most comprehensive disability inclusion assessment tool in business.

Eastern Bank's commitment to disability inclusion is evident through its:

  • Inclusive workplace practices
  • disAbility Advocacy Alliance Employee Resource Group
  • Health benefits accommodating apparent and nonapparent disabilities
  • Equity Alliance for Business program supporting disability-owned businesses

The bank's efforts align with Disability:IN's mission to drive disability inclusion and equality in business, impacting the unemployment/underemployment of people with disabilities.

Eastern Bank è stato riconosciuto da Disability:IN come uno dei migliori luoghi di lavoro per l'inclusione delle persone con disabilità nel 2024, ottenendo punteggi elevati nell'Indirizzo di Parità per le Disabilità. Questo indice, un'iniziativa congiunta con l'American Association of People with Disabilities, è considerato lo strumento di valutazione più completo per l'inclusione delle disabilità nel mondo degli affari.

Il impegno di Eastern Bank per l'inclusione delle disabilità è evidente attraverso:

  • Pratiche lavorative inclusive
  • Gruppo di Risorse per i Dipendenti della disAbility Advocacy Alliance
  • Benefici sanitari che soddisfano le necessità delle disabilità apparenti e non apparenti
  • Programma Equity Alliance for Business che supporta le imprese di proprietà di persone con disabilità

Gli sforzi della banca sono in linea con la missione di Disability:IN di promuovere l'inclusione e l'uguaglianza delle persone con disabilità negli affari, incidendo sull'occupazione e sul sottoccupazione delle persone con disabilità.

Eastern Bank ha sido reconocida por Disability:IN como uno de los mejores lugares para trabajar en inclusión de discapacidad 2024, obteniendo altas puntuaciones en el Índice de Igualdad en Discapacidad. Este índice, una iniciativa conjunta con la Asociación Americana de Personas con Discapacidades, se considera la herramienta de evaluación más completa para la inclusión de personas con discapacidad en el ámbito empresarial.

El compromiso de Eastern Bank con la inclusión de discapacidad se refleja en:

  • Prácticas laborales inclusivas
  • Agrupación de Recursos Humanos de la disAbility Advocacy Alliance
  • Beneficios de salud que acomodan discapacidades evidentes y no evidentes
  • Programa Equity Alliance for Business que apoya a las empresas propiedad de personas con discapacidad

Los esfuerzos del banco están alineados con la misión de Disability:IN de promover la inclusión y la igualdad de las personas con discapacidad en los negocios, impactando el desempleo y el subempleo de personas con discapacidad.

이스트 은행Disability:IN에 의해 2024 장애인 포용을 위한 최고의 직장으로 인정받았으며, 장애 평등 지수에서 높은 점수를 받았습니다. 이 지수는 미국 장애인 협회와의 공동 이니셔티브로, 비즈니스에서 장애 포용을 평가하는 가장 포괄적인 도구로 간주됩니다.

이스트 은행의 장애 포용에 대한 노력은 다음을 통해 분명히 나타납니다:

  • 포괄적인 직장 관행
  • disAbility Advocacy Alliance 직원 자원 그룹
  • 명백한 장애 및 비명백한 장애에 대한 건강 혜택
  • 장애 소유 비즈니스를 지원하는 Equity Alliance for Business 프로그램

은행의 노력은 비즈니스에서 장애 포용과 평등을 촉진하는 Disability:IN의 사명과 일치하며, 장애인의 실업 및 저고용에 영향을 미칩니다.

Eastern Bank a été reconnue par Disability:IN comme l'un des meilleurs lieux de travail pour l'inclusion des personnes en situation de handicap en 2024, obtenant de bons scores dans l'Indice d'Égalité des Handicaps. Cet indice, une initiative conjointe avec l'Association Américaine des Personnes avec Handicaps, est considéré comme l'outil d'évaluation d'inclusion des handicaps le plus complet dans le monde des affaires.

L'engagement d'Eastern Bank en faveur de l'inclusion des personnes en situation de handicap se manifeste à travers :

  • Des pratiques de travail inclusives
  • Le Groupe de Ressources des Employés de la disAbility Advocacy Alliance
  • Des prestations de santé accommodant les handicaps visibles et invisibles
  • Le programme Equity Alliance for Business qui soutient les entreprises détenues par des personnes en situation de handicap

Les efforts de la banque sont alignés avec la mission de Disability:IN de promouvoir l'inclusion et l'égalité des personnes en situation de handicap dans le monde du travail, impactant ainsi le chômage et le sous-emploi des personnes en situation de handicap.

Eastern Bank wurde von Disability:IN als 2024 bester Arbeitsplatz für Behinderungseinbindung anerkannt und erzielte hohe Punktzahlen im Behinderungsgleichheitsindex. Dieser Index, eine gemeinsame Initiative mit der American Association of People with Disabilities, gilt als das umfassendste Bewertungsinstrument für die Behinderungseinbindung in der Wirtschaft.

Das Engagement der Eastern Bank für die Behinderungseinbindung zeigt sich durch:

  • Inklusive Arbeitsplatzpraktiken
  • Gruppe für Mitarbeiterressourcen der disAbility Advocacy Alliance
  • Gesundheitsleistungen, die offensichtliche und nicht offensichtliche Behinderungen berücksichtigen
  • Programm Equity Alliance for Business, das behinderte Unternehmen unterstützt

Die Bemühungen der Bank stehen im Einklang mit der Mission von Disability:IN, die Behinderungseinbindung und Gleichstellung in der Wirtschaft voranzutreiben und die Arbeitslosigkeit und Unterbeschäftigung von Menschen mit Behinderungen zu beeinflussen.

  • None.
  • None.

BOSTON--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Eastern Bank is pleased to announce it has been recognized by Disability:IN as a top-scoring business in the Disability Equality Index® and as a 2024 Best Place to Work for Disability Inclusion. The Disability Equality Index is a joint initiative of Disability:IN and The American Association of People with Disabilities, and is acknowledged today as the most robust disability inclusion assessment tool in business.

“Eastern Bank thanks Disability:IN for its efforts in driving disability inclusion and equity in business and for recognizing Eastern’s inclusive workplace practices,” said Bob Rivers, Executive Chair and Chair of the Board of Directors of Eastern Bank. “We also want to recognize Eastern’s disAbility Advocacy Alliance Employee Resource Group, community board members, allies and others who have been central to the inclusive culture we are building, and we remain committed to the ongoing work that makes us a Best Place to Work for Disability Inclusion.”

Eastern has been a corporate leader in supporting equity initiatives through progressive corporate practices and community collaborations. This includes providing employee health benefits to accommodate apparent and nonapparent disabilities, and offering the Equity Alliance for Business to advance growth opportunities for underserved business owners, including disability-owned businesses. Eastern’s “disAbility Advocacy Alliance” is an employee-led and executive sponsored Employee Resource Group. It helps to organize workplace practices as well as community events that foster awareness and inclusion for people with disabilities and provide resources for their caregivers and allies. Most recently, it organized a company-wide panel discussion on recognizing barriers and building bridges to inclusion.

Now in its 10th year, the Disability Equality Index exists partly to help businesses make a positive impact on the unemployment/underemployment of people with disabilities. Disability:IN is a global organization driving disability inclusion and equality in business. More than 500 corporations work with Disability:IN to create impact through the Disability Equality Index, conferences and programs, and more. The American Association of People with Disabilities is a national cross-disability rights organization advocating for the 60+ million Americans with disabilities.

About Eastern Bank

Founded in 1818, Boston-based Eastern Bank is Greater Boston’s leading local bank and the largest bank-owned independent investment advisor in Massachusetts with approximately 110 locations serving communities in eastern Massachusetts, southern and coastal New Hampshire, Rhode Island and Connecticut. Eastern provides a full range of banking and wealth management solutions for consumers and businesses of all sizes including through its Cambridge Trust Wealth Management and Private Banking divisions, and takes pride in its outspoken advocacy and community support that includes more than $240 million in charitable giving since 1994. An inclusive company, Eastern is comprised of deeply committed professionals who value relationships with their customers, colleagues, communities and shareholders. Join us for good at and follow Eastern on Facebook, LinkedIn, X and Instagram. Eastern Bankshares, Inc. (Nasdaq Global Select Market: EBC) is the stock holding company for Eastern Bank. For investor information, visit

Media contact:

Andrea Goodman

Eastern Bank


Investor contact:

Jill Belliveau

Eastern Bankshares, Inc.


Source: Eastern Bank


What recognition did Eastern Bank (EBC) receive for disability inclusion in 2024?

Eastern Bank was recognized by Disability:IN as a 2024 Best Place to Work for Disability Inclusion and received a top score in the Disability Equality Index.

How does Eastern Bank (EBC) support disability inclusion in the workplace?

Eastern Bank supports disability inclusion through its disAbility Advocacy Alliance Employee Resource Group, inclusive health benefits, and the Equity Alliance for Business program supporting disability-owned businesses.

What is the Disability Equality Index and who conducts it?

The Disability Equality Index is a comprehensive disability inclusion assessment tool in business, conducted jointly by Disability:IN and The American Association of People with Disabilities.

How long has the Disability Equality Index been in existence?

The Disability Equality Index is now in its 10th year, as mentioned in the press release.

What recent event did Eastern Bank's (EBC) disAbility Advocacy Alliance organize?

Eastern Bank's disAbility Advocacy Alliance recently organized a company-wide panel discussion on recognizing barriers and building bridges to inclusion.

Eastern Bankshares, Inc.


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Banks - Regional
Savings Institution, Federally Chartered
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