eBay expands Circular Fashion Fund to start-ups, delivering $1.2 million investment by the end of 2025

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eBay has announced the global expansion of its Circular Fashion Fund (CFF), designed to help fashion start-ups scale circular solutions. The fund will provide a $1.2 million investment to start-ups in global markets by the end of 2025, along with over 200 hours of mentoring and networking support. Applications are open until November 15, 2024.

The CFF is launching in the US and Germany for the first time, having successfully expanded to Australia last year. In partnership with the Council of Fashion Designers of America (CFDA), the US winner will receive a $50,000 cash prize, with two runners-up receiving $25,000 each. eBay Ventures will select one global winner as the 'Circular Fashion Innovator of the Year' to receive an additional $300,000 investment.

The initiative aims to transform the buying and selling experience, enabling more brands, sellers, and buyers to participate in circular fashion. Winners will be chosen by a panel of industry experts across fashion, academia, and sustainability.

eBay ha annunciato l'espansione globale del suo Fondo per la Moda Circolare (CFF), progettato per aiutare le start-up della moda a sviluppare soluzioni circolari. Il fondo fornirà un investimento di 1,2 milioni di dollari a start-up nei mercati globali entro la fine del 2025, insieme a oltre 200 ore di mentoring e supporto per il networking. Le candidature sono aperte fino al 15 novembre 2024.

Il CFF sarà lanciato per la prima volta negli USA e in Germania, dopo essersi espanso con successo in Australia l'anno scorso. In collaborazione con il Consiglio dei Stilisti di Moda d'America (CFDA), il vincitore statunitense riceverà un premio in denaro di 50.000 dollari, con due secondi classificati che riceveranno ciascuno 25.000 dollari. eBay Ventures selezionerà un vincitore globale come 'Innovatore della Moda Circolare dell'Anno', che riceverà un ulteriore investimento di 300.000 dollari.

L'initativa mira a trasformare l'esperienza di acquisto e vendita, consentendo a più marchi, venditori e acquirenti di partecipare alla moda circolare. I vincitori saranno scelti da una giuria di esperti del settore, tra cui professionisti della moda, accademici e sostenitori della sostenibilità.

eBay ha anunciado la expansión global de su Fondo de Moda Circular (CFF), diseñado para ayudar a las start-ups de moda a escalar soluciones circulares. El fondo proporcionará una inversión de 1.2 millones de dólares a start-ups en mercados globales para finales de 2025, junto con más de 200 horas de mentoría y apoyo en networking. Las solicitudes están abiertas hasta el 15 de noviembre de 2024.

El CFF se lanzará por primera vez en EE. UU. y Alemania, habiendo logrado expandirse con éxito a Australia el año pasado. En colaboración con el Consejo de Diseñadores de Moda de América (CFDA), el ganador de EE. UU. recibirá un premio en efectivo de 50,000 dólares, mientras que dos finalistas recibirán 25,000 dólares cada uno. eBay Ventures seleccionará un ganador global como 'Innovador de Moda Circular del Año' que recibirá una inversión adicional de 300,000 dólares.

La iniciativa tiene como objetivo transformar la experiencia de compra y venta, permitiendo que más marcas, vendedores y compradores participen en la moda circular. Los ganadores serán elegidos por un panel de expertos de la industria en moda, academia y sostenibilidad.

eBay는 패션 스타트업이 순환 솔루션을 확장할 수 있도록 도와주는 순환 패션 기금(CFF)의 글로벌 확장을 발표했습니다. 이 기금은 2025년까지 전 세계 시장의 스타트업에 120만 달러의 투자를 제공하며, 200시간 이상의 멘토링 및 네트워킹 지원을 포함합니다. 신청 접수는 2024년 11월 15일까지 열려 있습니다.

CFF는 미국과 독일에서 처음으로 출시되며, 지난해 호주로 성공적으로 확장했습니다. 미국 패션 디자이너 협의회(CFDA)와 협력하여, 미국 우승자는 50,000달러의 현금 상금을 받으며, 두 명의 준우승자는 각각 25,000달러를 수상합니다. eBay Ventures는 '올해의 순환 패션 혁신가'로 한 명의 글로벌 우승자를 선정하여 추가적으로 300,000달러의 투자를 제공합니다.

이번 이니셔티브는 구매 및 판매 경험을 변혁하여 더 많은 브랜드, 판매자 및 구매자가 순환 패션에 참여할 수 있도록 하는 것을 목표로 하고 있습니다. 수상자는 패션, 학계 및 지속 가능성 분야의 전문가 패널에 의해 선정됩니다.

eBay a annoncé l'expansion mondiale de son Fonds de Mode Circulaire (CFF), conçu pour aider les start-ups de mode à développer des solutions circulaires. Le fonds investira 1,2 million de dollars dans des start-ups sur le marché mondial d'ici la fin 2025, ainsi que plus de 200 heures de mentorat et de soutien au réseautage. Les candidatures sont ouvertes jusqu'au 15 novembre 2024.

Le CFF sera lancé pour la première fois aux États-Unis et en Allemagne, après s'être déjà étendu avec succès en Australie l'année dernière. En partenariat avec le Council of Fashion Designers of America (CFDA), le gagnant américain recevra un prix en espèces de 50 000 dollars, tandis que deux finalistes recevront chacun 25 000 dollars. eBay Ventures choisira un gagnant mondial en tant que 'Innovateur de Mode Circulaire de l'Année', qui obtiendra un investissement supplémentaire de 300 000 dollars.

L'initiative vise à transformer l'expérience d'achat et de vente, permettant à plus de marques, de vendeurs et d'acheteurs de participer à la mode circulaire. Les gagnants seront choisis par un panel d'experts de l'industrie dans les domaines de la mode, de l'enseignement supérieur et de la durabilité.

eBay hat die globale Erweiterung seines Circular Fashion Fund (CFF) bekannt gegeben, der dazu dient, Mode-Start-ups bei der Skalierung zirkulärer Lösungen zu unterstützen. Der Fonds wird bis Ende 2025 eine Investition von 1,2 Millionen US-Dollar für Start-ups in globalen Märkten bereitstellen, sowie über 200 Stunden Mentoring und Netzwerkunterstützung. Die Bewerbungen sind bis zum 15. November 2024 geöffnet.

Der CFF startet zum ersten Mal in den USA und Deutschland, nachdem er im vergangenen Jahr erfolgreich nach Australien expandiert wurde. In Zusammenarbeit mit dem Council of Fashion Designers of America (CFDA) erhält der US-Gewinner einen Bargeldpreis von 50.000 USD, während zwei Zweitplatzierte jeweils 25.000 USD erhalten. eBay Ventures wird einen globalen Gewinner als 'Circular Fashion Innovator of the Year' auswählen, der eine zusätzliche Investition von 300.000 USD erhält.

Die Initiative zielt darauf ab, das Einkaufserlebnis zu transformieren und mehr Marken, Verkäufer und Käufer in die zirkuläre Mode einzubeziehen. Die Gewinner werden von einem Gremium von Branchenexperten aus den Bereichen Mode, Wissenschaft und Nachhaltigkeit ausgewählt.

  • Global expansion of the Circular Fashion Fund to support innovative fashion start-ups
  • $1.2 million investment commitment by the end of 2025
  • Partnership with major fashion councils in the UK, US, Germany, and Australia
  • Additional $300,000 investment for the 'Circular Fashion Innovator of the Year'
  • Provision of mentoring and networking support for applicants
  • None.


The expansion of eBay's Circular Fashion Fund (CFF) represents a significant move in the e-commerce giant's sustainability strategy. By investing $1.2 million in circular fashion startups across global markets, eBay is positioning itself as a leader in promoting sustainable practices within the fashion industry.

This initiative aligns with growing consumer demand for eco-friendly and circular fashion solutions. The partnerships with prestigious fashion councils in the US, UK, Germany and Australia lend credibility and expand the program's reach. The inclusion of eBay Ventures, offering a $300,000 investment to the "Circular Fashion Innovator of the Year," adds a competitive edge that could attract high-potential startups.

For investors, this move signals eBay's commitment to long-term sustainability and innovation in the fashion sector, which could potentially lead to new revenue streams and enhanced brand value. However, the immediate financial impact on eBay's bottom line is likely to be minimal given the company's $32.9 billion market cap.

eBay's expansion of the Circular Fashion Fund is a strategic move that addresses critical sustainability challenges in the fashion industry. By focusing on areas such as production, end-of-life solutions, rental and repair services, the fund targets key points in the fashion lifecycle where circular economy principles can have the most impact.

The program's emphasis on mentoring and networking support, in addition to financial investment, is particularly valuable. This approach helps build a robust ecosystem for circular fashion innovation, which is essential for long-term industry transformation. The involvement of industry experts and fashion councils ensures that selected startups will receive guidance aligned with market needs and sustainability best practices.

Previous winners like Swoperz and Dempstah demonstrate the fund's potential to support truly innovative solutions. The global expansion of the CFF could accelerate the adoption of circular fashion practices across different markets, potentially leading to significant reductions in fashion's environmental footprint.

eBay partners with British Fashion Council, Council of Fashion Designers of America, Fashion Council Germany and the Australian Fashion Council, to extend its impact across the globe

SAN JOSE, Calif., Oct. 16, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- eBay, a leading destination for new and pre-loved fashion and luxury, has announced today the global expansion of its Circular Fashion Fund (CFF). The fund is designed to help fashion start-ups scale circular solutions, from production to end-of-life, including rental and repair services. Applications are open from now until November 15, 2024, and innovative tech start-ups and small businesses can apply via eBay's website [here].

Since it launched in the UK in 2022, the CFF has helped 15 businesses scale their circular solutions including The Seam, which allows businesses to offer garment care & repair services at scale to extend the life of clothes, and RCYCL, creators of the innovative at-home fashion recycling program for unwearable clothing. Now in its third year in the UK, the CFF is set to launch in the US and Germany for the first time having successfully expanded to Australia last year.

As part of eBay's commitment to the circular economy, the global expansion of the CFF extends its reach to invest in businesses that bring new technology and services to the market and help people think and shop differently. eBay is transforming the buying and selling experience so that more brands, sellers and buyers can participate in circular fashion.

The CFF will provide a global investment of $1.2 million to start-ups in the global markets by the end of 2025, and over 200 hours of mentoring and networking support for applicants from industry experts. Past judges have included Hugo Adams, CEO of Kelpi Sustainable Materials and KITX Founder Kit Willow. To further amplify its impact, eBay Ventures will select one winner from the global selection of finalists to become "Circular Fashion Innovator of the Year" and receive an investment of $300,000.

Kirsty Keoghan, Global GM of Fashion at eBay, commented:

"The Circular Fashion Fund is a catalyst for collaboration by combining the global scale and power of established companies like eBay with the creativity and innovation of nimble start-ups. We're not only helping to scale circular solutions but bringing together the most knowledgeable and respected experts in the industry. Together, we're making a positive impact on the circular economy and truly reshaping the future of fashion."

In the US, in partnership with the Council of Fashion Designers of America (CFDA), the Fund will launch for the first time in 2024. The winner in the US market will receive a $50,000 cash prize, whilst the two runner-ups will receive $25,000 respectively. All three finalists will receive bespoke mentoring sessions, educational workshops and networking opportunities.

The winners will be chosen by a judging panel of industry experts across fashion, academia and sustainability. This panel includes:

  • Brittany Sierra, Founder and CEO of the Sustainable Fashion Forum
  • Henri Jaanimägi, Global Head of eBay Ventures & Strategic Partnerships
  • Jacques Agbobly, Designer & Founder, Agbobly
  • John Bartlett, Director, Parsons Fashion Executive & Professional Studies
  • Kate Danielsen, eBay Fashion Category Manager
  • Kirsty Keoghan, Global GM of Fashion at eBay,
  • Margherita Maccapani Missoni, Founder & Designer, Maccapani
  • Rachel Cernansky, Sustainability Editor, Vogue Business
  • Shelly Xu, Founder, Shelly Xu Design
  • Steven Kolb, CEO of CFDA

Previous winners include Swoperz, which hosts a child-run swapping service for clothing, and Dempstah, a design practice that recycles Australian textile waste into spun yarn in collaboration with a network of international and local textile mills.

Steven Kolb, CEO of CFDA Quote:

"eBay Circular Fashion Fund champions innovative solutions to sustainability in fashion and reflects CFDA's passion for driving change and motivation to reduce fashion's environmental impact. We wholeheartedly support eBay's investment in innovation and education, and their leadership in driving the circular fashion agenda while championing the innovators who are catalysts for positive change."

Vicky Fuller, co-founder of Swoperz and UK 2023 Circular Fashion Fund winner, commented:

"Winning the Circular Fashion Fund has been transformative for Swoperz. It enabled us to partner with new organisations and helped us bring sustainable fashion education to classrooms nationwide and host swap shops at 500 schools. Our book, 'The Swoperz Fashion Show,' has been read 653 times, sparking vital conversations about conscious consumption so we can make sustainable fashion a reality for children. We're grateful to the CFF for amplifying our mission as we work towards a more sustainable fashion future."

About eBay 

eBay Inc. (Nasdaq: EBAY) is a global commerce leader that connects people and builds communities to create economic opportunity for all. Our technology empowers millions of buyers and sellers in more than 190 markets around the world, providing everyone the opportunity to grow and thrive. Founded in 1995 in San Jose, California, eBay is one of the world's largest and most vibrant marketplaces for discovering great value and unique selection. In 2023, eBay enabled more than $73 billion of gross merchandise volume. For more information about the company and its global portfolio of online brands, visit  

About the CFDA:

The Council of Fashion Designers of America, Inc. (CFDA) is a not-for-profit trade association founded in 1962 with a membership of more than 420 of America's foremost womenswear, menswear, jewelry, and accessory designers. Pillars include Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion through the IMPACT initiative, as well as Sustainability in Fashion. The organization provides its Members with timely and relevant thought-leadership and business development support. Emerging designers and students are supported through professional development programming and numerous grant and scholarship opportunities. In addition to hosting the annual CFDA Fashion Awards, the organization owns the Fashion Calendar and is the organizer of the Official New York Fashion Week Schedule. The CFDA Foundation, Inc. is a separate, not-for-profit organized to mobilize the membership to raise funds for charitable causes and engage in civic initiatives.

About Swoperz:

Swoperz was founded by parents. As parents we know how much kids' clothes cost, how fast they outgrow them and how often their style changes. We are also conscious of the global issues of dressing our kids in a sustainable way. We want our kids to be in control of their style but always with a conscience. So, we've created a safe, grownup verified environment where kids can swap their clothes without any worries about the planet or their online safety.

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What is the application deadline for eBay's Circular Fashion Fund in 2024?

The application deadline for eBay's Circular Fashion Fund is November 15, 2024.

How much will eBay (EBAY) invest in the Circular Fashion Fund by the end of 2025?

eBay (EBAY) will invest $1.2 million in the Circular Fashion Fund by the end of 2025.

Which new countries is eBay (EBAY) expanding its Circular Fashion Fund to in 2024?

eBay (EBAY) is expanding its Circular Fashion Fund to the US and Germany for the first time in 2024.

What is the prize for the US winner of eBay's (EBAY) Circular Fashion Fund?

The US winner of eBay's (EBAY) Circular Fashion Fund will receive a $50,000 cash prize.

How much additional investment will the 'Circular Fashion Innovator of the Year' receive from eBay (EBAY)?

The 'Circular Fashion Innovator of the Year' will receive an additional $300,000 investment from eBay (EBAY).

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