Eagle Capital Celebrates One-Year Anniversary of EAGL ETF
Eagle Capital Management celebrates the one-year anniversary of its Eagle Capital Select Equity ETF (NYSE Arca: EAGL), which has achieved significant milestones since its March 2024 launch. The ETF has delivered a 13.40% NAV return (13.13% Market Price) as of March 20, 2025, while growing its AUM from $1.8 billion to over $2.3 billion.
EAGL is a concentrated, actively managed large-cap equity ETF that holds 20-35 stocks, focusing on companies with underappreciated intrinsic values and growth prospects. The fund maintains strong trading volumes and favorable bid/ask spreads, with a gross expense ratio of 0.80%.
As stock indexes become increasingly tech-concentrated, Eagle positions EAGL as an alternative to passive investing, offering enhanced diversification and returns potential. The firm, managing $31 billion as of December 2024, continues to expand its platform partnerships and serves sophisticated long-term investors including pension funds, endowments, and wealth advisors.
Eagle Capital Management celebra il primo anniversario del suo Eagle Capital Select Equity ETF (NYSE Arca: EAGL), che ha raggiunto traguardi significativi dalla sua lancio nel marzo 2024. L'ETF ha registrato un rendimento NAV del 13,40% (13,13% Prezzo di Mercato) al 20 marzo 2025, mentre il suo AUM è cresciuto da 1,8 miliardi di dollari a oltre 2,3 miliardi di dollari.
EAGL è un ETF azionario large-cap concentrato e gestito attivamente che detiene da 20 a 35 azioni, concentrandosi su aziende con valori intrinseci sottovalutati e prospettive di crescita. Il fondo mantiene forti volumi di scambio e spread bid/ask favorevoli, con un rapporto di spesa lordo dello 0,80%.
Con l'aumento della concentrazione tecnologica negli indici azionari, Eagle posiziona EAGL come un'alternativa all'investimento passivo, offrendo una diversificazione migliorata e un potenziale di rendimento. L'azienda, che gestisce 31 miliardi di dollari a dicembre 2024, continua ad espandere le sue partnership piattaforma e serve investitori sofisticati a lungo termine, inclusi fondi pensione, fondazioni e consulenti patrimoniali.
Eagle Capital Management celebra el primer aniversario de su Eagle Capital Select Equity ETF (NYSE Arca: EAGL), que ha alcanzado hitos significativos desde su lanzamiento en marzo de 2024. El ETF ha entregado un rendimiento NAV del 13.40% (13.13% Precio de Mercado) hasta el 20 de marzo de 2025, mientras que su AUM ha crecido de 1.8 mil millones de dólares a más de 2.3 mil millones de dólares.
EAGL es un ETF de acciones de gran capitalización, concentrado y gestionado activamente, que posee entre 20 y 35 acciones, enfocándose en empresas con valores intrínsecos subestimados y perspectivas de crecimiento. El fondo mantiene volúmenes de negociación fuertes y diferenciales bid/ask favorables, con un ratio de gastos brutos del 0.80%.
A medida que los índices bursátiles se concentran cada vez más en tecnología, Eagle posiciona EAGL como una alternativa a la inversión pasiva, ofreciendo diversificación mejorada y potencial de rendimientos. La firma, que gestiona 31 mil millones de dólares a diciembre de 2024, continúa expandiendo sus asociaciones de plataforma y atiende a inversores sofisticados a largo plazo, incluidos fondos de pensiones, dotaciones y asesores patrimoniales.
이글 캐피탈 매니지먼트는 이글 캐피탈 셀렉트 주식 ETF (NYSE Arca: EAGL)의 1주년을 기념하며, 2024년 3월 출시 이후 중요한 이정표를 달성했습니다. ETF는 2025년 3월 20일 기준으로 13.40%의 NAV 수익률(13.13% 시장 가격)을 기록했으며, AUM은 18억 달러에서 23억 달러 이상으로 증가했습니다.
EAGL은 20-35개의 주식을 보유하는 집중 관리형 대형주 ETF로, 저평가된 본질적 가치와 성장 가능성을 가진 기업에 중점을 둡니다. 이 펀드는 강력한 거래량과 유리한 매도/매수 스프레드를 유지하며, 총 비용 비율은 0.80%입니다.
주식 지수가 점점 더 기술 중심으로 변모함에 따라, 이글은 EAGL을 수동 투자에 대한 대안으로 자리매김하여 향상된 다각화 및 수익 잠재력을 제공합니다. 2024년 12월 기준으로 310억 달러를 관리하는 이 회사는 플랫폼 파트너십을 계속 확장하고 있으며, 연금 기금, 기부금 및 자산 관리자를 포함한 정교한 장기 투자자에게 서비스를 제공합니다.
Eagle Capital Management célèbre le premier anniversaire de son Eagle Capital Select Equity ETF (NYSE Arca: EAGL), qui a atteint des jalons significatifs depuis son lancement en mars 2024. L'ETF a enregistré un rendement NAV de 13,40% (13,13% Prix du Marché) au 20 mars 2025, tandis que son AUM a augmenté de 1,8 milliard de dollars à plus de 2,3 milliards de dollars.
EAGL est un ETF d'actions à grande capitalisation, concentré et géré activement, qui détient entre 20 et 35 actions, en se concentrant sur des entreprises dont la valeur intrinsèque est sous-estimée et qui ont des perspectives de croissance. Le fonds maintient de forts volumes de transactions et des spreads d'enchères favorables, avec un ratio de dépenses brut de 0,80%.
Alors que les indices boursiers deviennent de plus en plus concentrés sur la technologie, Eagle positionne EAGL comme une alternative à l'investissement passif, offrant une diversification améliorée et un potentiel de rendement. La société, qui gère 31 milliards de dollars en décembre 2024, continue d'élargir ses partenariats de plateforme et sert des investisseurs sophistiqués à long terme, y compris des fonds de pension, des dotations et des conseillers en patrimoine.
Eagle Capital Management feiert den einjährigen Geburtstag seines Eagle Capital Select Equity ETF (NYSE Arca: EAGL), der seit seiner Einführung im März 2024 bedeutende Meilensteine erreicht hat. Der ETF hat bis zum 20. März 2025 eine NAV-Rendite von 13,40% (13,13% Marktpreis) erzielt und sein AUM von 1,8 Milliarden Dollar auf über 2,3 Milliarden Dollar gesteigert.
EAGL ist ein konzentrierter, aktiv verwalteter Large-Cap-Equity-ETF, der 20-35 Aktien hält und sich auf Unternehmen mit unterbewerteten inneren Werten und Wachstumsperspektiven konzentriert. Der Fonds weist starke Handelsvolumina und günstige Geld-/Briefspannen auf, mit einer Bruttokostenquote von 0,80%.
Da die Aktienindizes zunehmend technologiezentriert werden, positioniert Eagle EAGL als Alternative zum passiven Investieren und bietet eine verbesserte Diversifikation und Renditepotenzial. Das Unternehmen verwaltet bis Dezember 2024 31 Milliarden Dollar und erweitert weiterhin seine Plattformpartnerschaften und bedient anspruchsvolle langfristige Investoren, darunter Pensionsfonds, Stiftungen und Vermögensberater.
- None.
- None.
Since its March 2024 inception, EAGL has returned
EAGL is a concentrated, actively managed large-cap equity ETF that seeks to produce superior returns over market cycles by investing in companies whose intrinsic values and growth prospects may be under-appreciated. Eagle has invested using this philosophy and discipline since its founding in 1988, built on a foundation of fundamental research, a long-term time horizon, and selectivity that results in a concentrated portfolio of 20-35 stocks.
“I’m proud of our team at Eagle and grateful to our clients and partners for helping us reach this important one-year milestone,” said Michael Falcon, CEO of Eagle. “Our disciplined, long-term strategy is distinct from most managers, and it’s great that advisors and consultants now have an easy, tax-efficient way to access our capabilities,” he continued.
As stock indexes have recently become increasingly concentrated in the tech sector and a few large companies, many investment professionals are reassessing their
“Passive investing has been a game-changer for many, but today’s indexes are crowded, concentrated, and expensive” said John Galateria, Eagle’s Head of Client Team. “Given the current market volatility, valuations, and index composition, there are real opportunities to enhance diversification and returns with the right manager.”
The Fund’s performance data quoted above represents past performance and does not guarantee future results. The investment return and principal value of an investment in the Fund’s shares will fluctuate such that an investor’s shares, when redeemed, may be worth more or less than their original cost. Current performance may be lower or higher than the performance data quoted above. Performance data current to the most recent month-end can be obtained by calling 833-782-2211. The Fund’s return since inception (3/21/2024) through 12/31/2024 was
The 1-year anniversary is significant and EAGL is continuing to gain recognition and add platform partners as a result. Falcon concluded, “We’re committed to partnering with financial institutions, consultants, advisors and investors to improve their investment outcomes. The EAGL ETF, along with our core SMA and other offerings, is how we do that.”
About Eagle Capital Management
Independent investment manager Eagle Capital Management was established in 1988 to invest in equities with a fundamental, value-oriented approach to build a concentrated, high-conviction portfolio with a long-term investment horizon. The firm is
An investor should consider the investment objectives, risks, and charges and expenses of EAGL (the “Fund”) carefully before investing. The Prospectus, which contains this and other information about the Fund, may be obtained by calling 212-293-4040. Please read the Prospectus carefully before investing.
Gross Expense Ratio for EAGL is
EAGL is distributed by Foreside Fund Services, LLC, unaffiliated with Goldman Sachs, consultant to the adviser.
The Fund is non-diversified, which means that it may invest in the securities of fewer issuers than a diversified fund. As a result, the Fund may be more susceptible to a single adverse corporate, economic or political occurrence affecting one or more of these issuers, and may experience increased volatility due to its investments in those securities. Investing in ETFs involves risk, including potential loss of principal. American Depositary Receipts (ADRs) and Global Depositary Receipts (GDRs) are subject to the risks associated with investing directly in foreign securities. In addition, investments in ADRs and GDRs may be less liquid than the underlying shares in their primary trading market. Investments in emerging markets securities are considered speculative and subject to heightened risks in addition to the general risks of investing in foreign securities. Fund investments in foreign currencies and securities denominated in foreign currencies are subject to currency risk. The Fund is actively-managed and may not meet its investment objective based on Eagle’s success or failure to implement investment strategies for the Fund. A new or smaller fund is subject to the risk that its performance may not represent how the fund is expected to or may perform in the long term. In addition, new funds have limited operating histories for investors to evaluate and new and smaller funds may not attract sufficient assets to achieve investment and trading efficiencies. The Fund is an ETF, which is a fund that trades like other publicly-traded securities. ETFs may trade at a premium or discount to NAV. Shares of any ETF are bought and sold at market prices (not NAV) and are not individually redeemed from the Fund. Brokerage commissions will reduce returns. The Fund is not an index fund.
View source version on businesswire.com: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20250324028511/en/
Tucker Hewes
Hewes Communications, Inc.
Eagle Capital
Source: Eagle Capital Management