Dyadic Provides Business Update; Dyadic to Attend the 43rd Annual J.P. Morgan Healthcare Conference
Dyadic International (Nasdaq: DYAI) provided a business update highlighting developments in its Alternative Proteins business and C1 platform applications. The company will attend the 43rd Annual J.P. Morgan Healthcare Conference starting January 13, 2025.
Key developments include:
- Preparation for Human Serum Albumin launch in H1 2025 with Proliant Health, expecting a $500,000 milestone payment
- Development of recombinant transferrin for pharmaceutical cell culture media
- Launch preparation of a recombinant dairy enzyme for cheese production using Dapibus™ platform
- Progress in DNA-RNA enzyme products, including DNase 1
- Collaboration with ViroVax on H5N1 Avian Influenza and Mpox vaccines
- A $3 million grant from Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation for RSV and Malaria research
The company's C1-produced H5 Avian Influenza vaccine candidate has shown cross-protection against multiple H5 virus strains, with promising results in both poultry and cattle applications.
Dyadic International (Nasdaq: DYAI) ha fornito un aggiornamento aziendale evidenziando gli sviluppi nel suo settore delle Proteine Alternative e nelle applicazioni della piattaforma C1. L'azienda parteciperà alla 43ª Conferenza Sanitaria Annuale J.P. Morgan, che avrà inizio il 13 gennaio 2025.
Tra gli sviluppi chiave ci sono:
- Preparazione per il lancio dell'Albumina Sierica Umana nel primo semestre 2025 con Proliant Health, prevedendo un pagamento di milione di dollari da 500.000
- Sviluppo di transferrina ricombinante per i media di coltura cellulare farmaceutici
- Preparazione al lancio di un enzima lattiero-caseario ricombinante per la produzione di formaggio utilizzando la piattaforma Dapibus™
- Progressi nei prodotti enzimatici DNA-RNA, inclusa la DNasi 1
- Collaborazione con ViroVax su vaccini contro l'Influenza Aviaria H5N1 e Mpox
- Un contributo di 3 milioni di dollari dalla Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation per la ricerca su RSV e malaria
Il candidato vaccinale per l'Influenza Aviaria H5 prodotto dall'azienda C1 ha mostrato una protezione incrociata contro più ceppi di virus H5, con risultati promettenti sia nelle applicazioni avicole che in quelle bovine.
Dyadic International (Nasdaq: DYAI) proporcionó una actualización empresarial destacando los desarrollos en su negocio de Proteínas Alternativas y en las aplicaciones de la plataforma C1. La empresa asistirá a la 43ª Conferencia Anual de Atención Médica de J.P. Morgan, que comenzará el 13 de enero de 2025.
Los desarrollos clave incluyen:
- Preparación para el lanzamiento de Albúmina Sérica Humana en el primer semestre de 2025 con Proliant Health, esperando un pago por hitos de $500,000
- Desarrollo de transferrina recombinante para medios de cultivo celular farmacéuticos
- Preparación para el lanzamiento de una enzima láctea recombinante para la producción de queso utilizando la plataforma Dapibus™
- Progresos en productos enzimáticos de ADN-RNA, incluyendo DNasa 1
- Colaboración con ViroVax en vacunas contra la Influenza Aviar H5N1 y Mpox
- Una subvención de $3 millones de la Fundación Bill & Melinda Gates para la investigación de RSV y malaria
El candidato a vacuna contra la Influenza Aviar H5 producido por la compañía C1 ha mostrado protección cruzada contra múltiples cepas del virus H5, con resultados prometedores tanto en aplicaciones avícolas como en ganado.
다이애딕 인터내셔널 (Nasdaq: DYAI)는 자사의 대체 단백질 사업 및 C1 플랫폼 응용 프로그램의 개발 사항을 강조하는 사업 업데이트를 제공했습니다. 이 회사는 2025년 1월 13일 시작되는 제43회 JP모건 헬스케어 콘퍼런스에 참석할 예정입니다.
주요 개발 사항은 다음과 같습니다:
- Proliant Health와 함께 2025년 상반기에 인간 혈청 알부민 론칭 준비, 50만 달러의 마일스톤 지불 예정
- 제약 세포 배양 매체용 재조합 트랜스페린 개발
- Dapibus™ 플랫폼을 사용한 치즈 생산을 위한 재조합 유제품 효소 론칭 준비
- DNase 1을 포함한 DNA-RNA 효소 제품의 진행 상황
- H5N1 조류 인플루엔자 및 Mpox 백신에 대한 ViroVax와의 협력
- RSV 및 말라리아 연구를 위한 빌 & 멀린다 게이츠 재단의 300만 달러 보조금
회사의 C1 생산 H5 조류 인플루엔자 백신 후보는 여러 H5 바이러스 균주에 대해 교차 보호 효과를 보였으며, 가금류 및 소에 대한 응용 분야에서 유망한 결과를 나타냈습니다.
Dyadic International (Nasdaq: DYAI) a fourni une mise à jour commerciale mettant en évidence les développements dans son secteur des Protéines Alternatives et les applications de sa plateforme C1. L'entreprise participera à la 43ème Conférence Annuelle sur les Soins de Santé J.P. Morgan, qui débutera le 13 janvier 2025.
Parmi les développements clés, on trouve :
- Préparation pour le lancement de l' au premier semestre 2025 avec Proliant Health, avec un paiement de jalon attendu de 500 000 $
- Développement de tranferrine recombinante pour les milieux de culture cellulaire pharmaceutiques
- Préparation au lancement d'une enzyme laitière recombinante pour la production de fromage utilisant la plateforme Dapibus™
- Progrès dans les produits enzymatiques ADN-ARN, y compris DNase 1
- Collaboration avec ViroVax concernant les vaccins contre l'Influenza Aviaire H5N1 et Mpox
- Une subvention de 3 millions de dollars de la Fondation Bill & Melinda Gates pour la recherche sur le RSV et le Paludisme
Le candidat vaccin contre l'Influenza Aviaire H5 produit par l'entreprise C1 a montré une protection croisée contre plusieurs souches du virus H5, avec des résultats prometteurs tant dans l'application avicole que bovine.
Dyadic International (Nasdaq: DYAI) hat ein Unternehmensupdate bereitgestellt, das Entwicklungen im Bereich der Alternativen Proteine und der C1-Plattformentwicklungen hervorhebt. Das Unternehmen wird an der 43. jährlichen J.P. Morgan Healthcare-Konferenz, die am 13. Januar 2025 beginnt, teilnehmen.
Wichtige Entwicklungen umfassen:
- Vorbereitung des Launchs von humanem Serumalbumin im ersten Halbjahr 2025 mit Proliant Health, wobei eine Meilensteinzahlung von 500.000 Dollar erwartet wird
- Entwicklung von rekombinantem Transferrin für pharmazeutische Zellkulturmedien
- Vorbereitung des Launchs eines rekombinanten Milchenzymes für die Käseproduktion unter Verwendung der Dapibus™-Plattform
- Fortschritte bei DNA-RNA-Enzymprodukten, einschließlich DNase 1
- Zusammenarbeit mit ViroVax zu H5N1-Vogelgrippe- und Mpox-Impfstoffen
- Ein Zuschuss von 3 Millionen Dollar von der Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation für RSV- und Malariaforschung
Der von der C1 produzierten H5-Vogelgrippe-Impfstoffkandidat hat einen Kreuzschutz gegen mehrere H5-Virus-Stämme gezeigt, mit vielversprechenden Ergebnissen sowohl in der Geflügel- als auch in der Rinderanwendung.
- None.
- None.
JUPITER, Fla., Jan. 06, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Dyadic International, Inc. (“Dyadic”, “we”, “us”, “our”, or the “Company”) (Nasdaq: DYAI), a biotechnology company focused on the efficient large-scale manufacture of proteins for use in human and animal vaccines and therapeutics, as well as non-pharmaceutical applications including food, non-food and industrial applications, provided an update on its business development efforts related to its Alternative Proteins business and emerging interest in leveraging the C1 platform in the diagnostic and vaccine space to address a variety of infectious diseases, such as the H5N1 Avian Influenza (“Bird Flu”) outbreak. The Company also announced its attendance at the 43rd Annual J.P. Morgan Healthcare Conference in San Francisco commencing on January 13, 2025.
“At Dyadic, we remain committed to leveraging our innovative C1 and Dapibus™ protein production platforms to address some of the most pressing challenges in human health, agriculture, and biotechnology,” said Mark Emalfarb, Dyadic’s Chief Executive Officer, “Throughout 2024 our primary focus was on the production and monetization of alternative proteins which has provided a significant and sustainable near-term revenue opportunity for Dyadic. We will maintain that focus through 2025 as our partners prepare for multiple product launches in the Alternative Proteins business. Additionally, over the past several months we have experienced renewed industry interest in leveraging our C1 platform in human and animal health vaccines, and diagnostics. This is highlighted by our recently awarded
Alternative Proteins
Cell Culture Media
- Human Serum Albumin: In partnership with Proliant Health and Biologicals, Dyadic is progressing toward the launch in the first half of 2025 of Human Serum Albumin, a vital cell culture media component that supports cell growth, survival, and function. Additionally, we anticipate achieving a third milestone relating to a productivity threshold (totaling
$500,000) during the first half of 2025. - Transferrin: Recombinant transferrin offers a consistent, animal-free alternative to serum-derived transferrin, reducing variability and contamination risks in pharmaceutical cell culture media. Dyadic is currently in discussions with prospective partners, and providing samples for its recombinant transferrin products, in addition to further analytical and application testing.
Non-Animal Dairy Proteins
- Dairy Enzymes: A recombinant dairy enzyme for cheese production, produced using Dyadic’s Dapibus™ platform, is in the final stages of launch preparation and is expected to debut in 2025. Additional dairy enzymes are under development.
- Alpha-Lactalbumin: Sampling with interested food and reagent companies is underway. Dyadic continues to enhance its alpha-lactalbumin production and evaluate launch strategies for the reagent market.
Reagent Proteins
- DNA-RNA Enzyme Products:
- C1-produced DNase 1 (RNase-Free) enzyme offering high purity and scalability for molecular diagnostics, biopharma, and other industries.
- Additionally, Dyadic has developed stable prototypes of four additional DNA/RNA manipulation products including RNase Inhibitors and T7 RNA Polymerase for use in the biopharmaceutical industry.
Animal and Human Health
Through two collaborations with ViroVax, a C1-cell-produced self-assembling ferritin nanoparticle H5- A/Astrakhan bird flu antigen is being developed for use in diagnostic testing and vaccine applications targeting poultry, cattle, humans, and potentially companion animals, to help address the ongoing Bird Flu outbreak. Additionally, a C1-produced ferritin nanoparticle Mpox (monkeypox) vaccine continues to advance in early stages of development.
- Diagnostic and Vaccine Advancement:
- The C1 produced adjuvanted self-assembling ferritin nanoparticle H5- A/Astrakhan H5 Avian Influenza vaccine candidate has demonstrated cross-protection against multiple H5 virus strains in studies conducted by ViroVax.
- In Q4 2024, ViroVax commenced preclinical studies of the C1-produced ferritin nanoparticle Mpox (monkeypox) antigen.
- Poultry Diagnostics and Vaccines: Early studies using the C1-produced H5 antigen have generated neutralizing antibodies in poultry sera, highlighting its potential for diagnostics and disease prevention.
- Cattle Diagnostics and Vaccines: Initial results from cattle sera when using the C1-produced H5 antigen suggest cross-protection and promising diagnostic applications, further expanding the antigen’s utility.
J.P. Morgan Healthcare Conference
Dyadic management will attend the J.P. Morgan Healthcare Conference in San Francisco, January 13–16, 2025.
If you would like to schedule a meeting, please contact Dyadic at assistant@dyadic.com.
About Dyadic International, Inc.
Dyadic International, Inc., is a biotechnology company focused on the efficient large-scale manufacture of proteins for use in human and animal vaccines and therapeutics and for use in non-pharmaceutical applications including food, nutrition, and wellness.
Dyadic’s microbial gene expression and protein production platforms are based on the highly productive and scalable fungus Thermothelomyces heterothallica (formerly Myceliophthora thermophila). Our lead platform, the C1-cell protein production platform, is based on an industrially proven microorganism (named C1), which is currently used to speed development, lower production costs, and potentially improve performance of biologic vaccines and drugs at flexible commercial scales for the human and animal health markets. Dyadic has also developed the Dapibus™ protein production platform to enable the rapid development and large-scale manufacture of low-cost proteins, metabolites, and other biologic products for use in non-pharmaceutical applications, such as food, nutrition, and wellness.
Dyadic is focusing on leveraging its microbial platform technologies for itself and its collaborators in a wide range of applications, including human and animal vaccines, therapeutics, food, nutrition, wellness, and internal biological products.
For more information about Dyadic International, visit www.dyadic.com.
Safe Harbor Regarding Forward-Looking Statements
This press release contains forward-looking statements within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933 and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, including those regarding Dyadic International’s expectations, intentions, strategies, and beliefs pertaining to future events or future financial performance, such as the success of our clinical trial and interest in our protein production platforms, our research projects and third-party collaborations, as well as the availability of necessary funding. Actual events or results may differ materially from those in the forward-looking statements because of various important factors, including those described in the Company’s most recent filings with the SEC. Dyadic assumes no obligation to update publicly any such forward-looking statements, whether because of new information, future events or otherwise. For a more complete description of the risks that could cause our actual results to differ from our current expectations, please see the section entitled “Risk Factors” in Dyadic’s annual reports on Form 10-K and quarterly reports on Form 10-Q filed with the SEC, as such factors may be updated from time to time in Dyadic’s periodic filings with the SEC, which are accessible on the SEC’s website and at www.dyadic.com.
Dyadic International, Inc.
Ping W. Rawson
Chief Financial Officer
Phone: (561) 743-8333
Email: ir@dyadic.com

What are the key product launches expected for Dyadic (DYAI) in 2025?
How is Dyadic (DYAI) addressing the H5N1 Bird Flu outbreak?
What progress has Dyadic (DYAI) made in its Alternative Proteins business?
What is the status of Dyadic's (DYAI) Gates Foundation grant project?