Alberta Government Lifts Age Restrictions on Continuous Glucose Monitors (CGM) and Eligible Albertans With Type 1 or Type 2 Diabetes Can Now Access Dexcom G7 CGM
The Alberta Government now covers the Dexcom G7 Continuous Glucose Monitoring (CGM) System for eligible residents with type 1 or type 2 diabetes. Dexcom G7 has been added to the Alberta Drug Benefit List, expanding eligibility to include adults aged 18 and older. Residents under 18 must require ongoing insulin or insulin pump therapy, while those 18 and older must use an insulin pump, basal and bolus insulin, or premixed insulin. Dexcom G7 is designed to simplify diabetes management and lower A1C levels. The system offers features like quick sensor warm-up, predictive Urgent Low Soon alerts, and compatibility with various digital health apps. This move aligns Alberta with other Canadian regions, enhancing access to CGM technology. For more information, visit Dexcom's website.
Il governo dell'Alberta ora copre il sistema di monitoraggio continuo della glicemia Dexcom G7 per i residenti idonei con diabete di tipo 1 o tipo 2. Il Dexcom G7 è stato aggiunto all'elenco dei benefici farmacologici dell'Alberta, espandendo l'idoneità per includere adulti di 18 anni e oltre. I residenti sotto i 18 anni devono richiedere terapie insuliniche o una pompa per insulina, mentre coloro che hanno 18 anni e oltre devono utilizzare una pompa per insulina, insulina basale e insulinica, o insulina premiscelata. Il Dexcom G7 è progettato per semplificare la gestione del diabete e ridurre i livelli di A1C. Il sistema offre funzionalità come un rapido riscaldamento del sensore, avvisi predittivi di allerta Urgente Basso Presto e compatibilità con varie app per la salute digitale. Questa mossa allinea l'Alberta ad altre regioni canadesi, migliorando l'accesso alla tecnologia CGM. Per ulteriori informazioni, visita il sito web di Dexcom.
El gobierno de Alberta ahora cubre el sistema de Monitoreo Continuo de Glucosa Dexcom G7 para residentes elegibles con diabetes tipo 1 o tipo 2. El Dexcom G7 se ha añadido a la lista de beneficios farmacéuticos de Alberta, ampliando la elegibilidad para incluir adultos de 18 años o más. Los residentes menores de 18 años deben requerir terapia de insulina o usar una bomba de insulina, mientras que los mayores de 18 años deben utilizar una bomba de insulina, insulina basal y bolo, o insulina premezclada. El Dexcom G7 está diseñado para simplificar la gestión de la diabetes y reducir los niveles de A1C. El sistema ofrece características como un rápido calentamiento del sensor, alertas predictivas Urgente Bajo Pronto, y es compatible con varias aplicaciones de salud digital. Este movimiento alinea a Alberta con otras regiones canadienses, mejorando el acceso a la tecnología CGM. Para más información, visita el sitio web de Dexcom.
앨버타 정부는 이제 1형 또는 2형 당뇨병이 있는 적격 주민에게 Dexcom G7 연속 혈당 모니터링(CGM) 시스템을 지원합니다. Dexcom G7은 앨버타 약물 급여 목록에 추가되어 18세 이상의 성인이 포함된 자격이 확대되었습니다. 18세 미만의 주민은 지속적인 인슐린 치료 또는 인슐린 펌프 요법이 필요해야 하며, 18세 이상인 경우 인슐린 펌프, 기저 및 식사 인슐린 또는 혼합 인슐린을 사용해야 합니다. Dexcom G7은 당뇨병 관리의 단순화 및 A1C 수치 감소를 위해 설계되었습니다. 이 시스템은 빠른 센서 워밍업, 예측 긴급 저혈당 알림과 다양한 디지털 건강 앱과의 호환성과 같은 기능을 제공합니다. 이 조치는 앨버타를 다른 캐나다 지역과 일치시켜 CGM 기술에 대한 접근을 개선합니다. 더 많은 정보는 Dexcom 웹사이트를 방문하세요.
Le gouvernement de l'Alberta couvre désormais le système de surveillance continue de la glycémie Dexcom G7 pour les résidents éligibles atteints de diabète de type 1 ou de type 2. Le Dexcom G7 a été ajouté à la liste des prestations pharmaceutiques de l'Alberta, élargissant l'éligibilité aux adultes de 18 ans et plus. Les résidents de moins de 18 ans doivent nécessiter un traitement insulino-thérapeutique continu ou utiliser une pompe à insuline, tandis que ceux de 18 ans et plus doivent utiliser une pompe à insuline, de l'insuline basale et de l'insuline bolus, ou de l'insuline pré-mélangée. Le Dexcom G7 est conçu pour simplifier la gestion du diabète et réduire les niveaux d'A1C. Le système propose des fonctionnalités telles qu'un temps de préchauffage rapide du capteur, des alertes préventives Urgentes Basses et la compatibilité avec diverses applications de santé numériques. Cette initiative aligne l'Alberta avec d'autres régions canadiennes, améliorant l'accès à la technologie CGM. Pour plus d'informations, visitez le site web de Dexcom.
Die Regierung von Alberta übernimmt jetzt das Dexcom G7-System zur kontinuierlichen Glukoseüberwachung (CGM) für berechtigte Bewohner mit Typ-1- oder Typ-2-Diabetes. Der Dexcom G7 wurde in die Alberta-Arzneimittelliste aufgenommen, wodurch die Berechtigung auf Erwachsene ab 18 Jahren ausgeweitet wurde. Bewohner unter 18 Jahren müssen eine fortlaufende Insulintherapie oder eine Insulinpumpe benötigen, während Personen ab 18 Jahren eine Insulinpumpe, Basis- und Bolusinsulin oder Mischinsulin verwenden müssen. Der Dexcom G7 wurde entwickelt, um das Management von Diabetes zu vereinfachen und die A1C-Werte zu senken. Das System bietet Funktionen wie eine schnelle Sensoraufwärmzeit, vorausschauende Warnhinweise für akuten niedrigen Blutzucker und die Kompatibilität mit verschiedenen digitalen Gesundheits-Apps. Dieser Schritt bringt Alberta in Einklang mit anderen kanadischen Regionen und verbessert den Zugang zu CGM-Technologie. Weitere Informationen finden Sie auf der Dexcom-Website.
- Alberta Government now covers Dexcom G7 for eligible residents with type 1 or type 2 diabetes.
- Eligibility expanded to include adults aged 18 and older.
- Dexcom G7 added to the Alberta Drug Benefit List.
- Dexcom G7 helps simplify diabetes management and lower A1C levels.
- Enhanced access to CGM technology in Alberta aligns with other Canadian regions.
- None.
Alberta Government is now covering Dexcom G7, providing eligible residents living with either type 1 or type 2 diabetes with increased access to the life-changing technology

- Under 18 years of age: requiring the ongoing use of any insulin OR insulin pump therapy.
- 18 years of age and older: requiring the ongoing use of insulin pump therapy, OR a basal and bolus insulin, OR a premixed insulin.
“Canadians living with any type of diabetes understand the challenges that come with management of the condition. Dexcom G7 has been designed to make daily management easier and to help improve users' day-to-day lives – whether they’re a recently diagnosed adolescent or an adult who’s lived with the condition for decades,” said André Côté, Vice President and General Manager of Dexcom Canada. “We’re thrilled that the government of
Dexcom G7 offers a better way to help users gain greater control of their glucose levels and is clinically proven to lower A1C for people living with type 1 diabetes and type 2 diabetes.1-5 Features like its quick sensor warm-up time, a predictive Urgent Low Soon alert, and wide range of compatible digital health apps differentiate it amongst other available CGM systems in
"The importance and value of continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) for people living with diabetes requiring insulin treatment is underscored by Canadian and international clinical practice guidelines," said Dr. Peter Senior, Endocrinologist and Director of the Alberta Diabetes Institute. "As a diabetes specialist working with patients, I have seen the benefits of CGM and the challenges faced by those who couldn’t afford it. Ensuring equitable access to CGM technology is a significant and important step forward for diabetes care in Alberta.”
Albertans on any type of insulin who have private insurance or are covered by the Non-Insured Health Benefits (NIHB) federal program have access to Dexcom G7 through those plans.‡.
To learn more about Dexcom G7 and details about public or private insurance plan coverage, please visit
About Dexcom
Dexcom empowers people to take control of health through innovative biosensing technology. Founded in 1999, Dexcom has pioneered and set the standard in glucose biosensing for more than 25 years. Its technology has transformed how people manage diabetes and track their glucose, helping them feel more in control and live more confidently.
Dexcom. Discover what you’re made of. For more information, visit
1 Beck RW, et al. JAMA. 2017;317(4):371-378.
2 Beck RW, et al. Ann Intern Med. 2017;167(6):365-374.
3 Martens T, et al. JAMA. 2021;325(22):2262-2272.
4 Laffel LM, et al. JAMA. 2020;323(23):2388-2396.
5 Welsh JB, et al. J Diabetes Sci Technol. 2024;18(1):143-7.
6 Dexcom, data on file, 2024.
* For detailed coverage criteria, please visit
† To view a list of eligible government-sponsored health benefit plans, please visit
‡ Eligibility and coverage vary by policy, plan, and payor.
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Media Contact:
Cheyenne Freitas
Source: Dexcom, Inc.
What does the Alberta Government's coverage of Dexcom G7 mean for DXCM shareholders?
Who is eligible for Dexcom G7 coverage in Alberta?
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