Deep Track Capital Sends Letter to Dynavax Technologies’ Board of Directors
Deep Track Capital, owning 14.34% of Dynavax Technologies (NASDAQ: DVAX), has sent a letter to the company's Board expressing concerns about capital allocation and governance. The letter highlights strong shareholder support for Deep Track's position and criticizes the Board's recent decision to issue $265 million in convertible notes instead of using available cash.
The investment firm nominated four candidates for the Board election at the 2025 Annual Meeting, seeking to improve corporate strategy and governance. Deep Track emphasizes that DVAX stock has risen 34% since their involvement in October 2024, while the biotech sector indices declined. They dispute the company's claim that they seek board control, noting they aim for four seats on a nine-member board.
The letter criticizes the Board's defensive tactics and highlights widespread shareholder support for having Deep Track representation, focusing on Heplisav's potential, and improving capital allocation strategies.
Deep Track Capital, che possiede il 14,34% di Dynavax Technologies (NASDAQ: DVAX), ha inviato una lettera al Consiglio di Amministrazione dell'azienda esprimendo preoccupazioni riguardo all'allocazione del capitale e alla governance. La lettera evidenzia un forte supporto da parte degli azionisti per la posizione di Deep Track e critica la recente decisione del Consiglio di emettere 265 milioni di dollari in note convertibili invece di utilizzare il denaro disponibile.
La società di investimento ha nominato quattro candidati per le elezioni del Consiglio durante l'Assemblea Annuale del 2025, cercando di migliorare la strategia aziendale e la governance. Deep Track sottolinea che il titolo DVAX è aumentato del 34% da quando sono coinvolti nell'ottobre 2024, mentre gli indici del settore biotech sono diminuiti. Contestano l'affermazione dell'azienda secondo cui cercano il controllo del consiglio, notando che puntano a ottenere quattro seggi su un consiglio di nove membri.
La lettera critica le tattiche difensive del Consiglio e mette in evidenza il supporto diffuso degli azionisti per avere una rappresentanza di Deep Track, concentrandosi sul potenziale di Heplisav e sul miglioramento delle strategie di allocazione del capitale.
Deep Track Capital, que posee el 14.34% de Dynavax Technologies (NASDAQ: DVAX), ha enviado una carta a la Junta Directiva de la empresa expresando preocupaciones sobre la asignación de capital y la gobernanza. La carta destaca el fuerte apoyo de los accionistas a la posición de Deep Track y critica la reciente decisión de la Junta de emitir 265 millones de dólares en notas convertibles en lugar de utilizar el efectivo disponible.
La firma de inversión nominó a cuatro candidatos para las elecciones de la Junta en la Asamblea Anual de 2025, buscando mejorar la estrategia corporativa y la gobernanza. Deep Track enfatiza que las acciones de DVAX han aumentado un 34% desde su participación en octubre de 2024, mientras que los índices del sector biotecnológico han disminuido. Disputan la afirmación de la empresa de que buscan el control de la junta, señalando que su objetivo es obtener cuatro asientos en una junta de nueve miembros.
La carta critica las tácticas defensivas de la Junta y destaca el amplio apoyo de los accionistas para tener representación de Deep Track, enfocándose en el potencial de Heplisav y en mejorar las estrategias de asignación de capital.
딥 트랙 캐피탈은 다이나박스 테크놀로지스(NASDAQ: DVAX)의 14.34%를 소유하고 있으며, 자본 배분 및 거버넌스에 대한 우려를 표현하는 내용을 담은 편지를 회사 이사회에 보냈습니다. 이 편지는 딥 트랙의 입장에 대한 주주들의 강력한 지지를 강조하고, 이사회가 2억 6천 5백만 달러의 전환사채를 발행하기로 한 최근 결정을 비판합니다.
투자 회사는 2025년 연례 회의에서 이사회 선거를 위해 4명의 후보를 지명하여 기업 전략과 거버넌스를 개선하기 위해 노력하고 있습니다. 딥 트랙은 2024년 10월부터 그들의 참여 이후 DVAX 주식이 34% 상승했으며, 생명공학 분야의 지수는 하락했다고 강조합니다. 그들은 이사회 통제를 추구한다는 회사의 주장을 반박하며, 9명으로 구성된 이사회에서 4석을 목표로 하고 있음을 언급합니다.
편지는 이사회의 방어적 전술을 비판하고, 딥 트랙의 대표성을 갖는 것에 대한 광범위한 주주 지원을 강조하며, 헬플리사브의 잠재력과 자본 배분 전략 개선에 집중하고 있습니다.
Deep Track Capital, qui détient 14,34 % de Dynavax Technologies (NASDAQ: DVAX), a envoyé une lettre au Conseil d'Administration de l'entreprise exprimant des préoccupations concernant l'allocation du capital et la gouvernance. La lettre met en avant un fort soutien des actionnaires pour la position de Deep Track et critique la récente décision du Conseil d'émettre 265 millions de dollars en obligations convertibles au lieu d'utiliser les liquidités disponibles.
La société d'investissement a nommé quatre candidats pour les élections du Conseil lors de l'Assemblée Générale Annuelle de 2025, cherchant à améliorer la stratégie d'entreprise et la gouvernance. Deep Track souligne que l'action DVAX a augmenté de 34 % depuis leur implication en octobre 2024, tandis que les indices du secteur biotechnologique ont diminué. Ils contestent l'affirmation de l'entreprise selon laquelle ils cherchent à contrôler le conseil, notant qu'ils visent quatre sièges sur un conseil de neuf membres.
La lettre critique les tactiques défensives du Conseil et souligne le soutien général des actionnaires pour avoir une représentation de Deep Track, en se concentrant sur le potentiel de Heplisav et en améliorant les stratégies d'allocation de capital.
Deep Track Capital, das 14,34% von Dynavax Technologies (NASDAQ: DVAX) besitzt, hat einen Brief an den Vorstand des Unternehmens geschickt, in dem Bedenken hinsichtlich der Kapitalallokation und der Unternehmensführung geäußert werden. Der Brief hebt die starke Unterstützung der Aktionäre für die Position von Deep Track hervor und kritisiert die jüngste Entscheidung des Vorstands, 265 Millionen Dollar in wandelbare Anleihen auszugeben, anstatt verfügbares Bargeld zu verwenden.
Die Investmentfirma hat vier Kandidaten für die Vorstandswahlen bei der Jahreshauptversammlung 2025 nominiert, um die Unternehmensstrategie und die Governance zu verbessern. Deep Track betont, dass die DVAX-Aktie seit ihrem Engagement im Oktober 2024 um 34% gestiegen ist, während die Indizes des Biotech-Sektors gesunken sind. Sie bestreiten die Behauptung des Unternehmens, dass sie die Kontrolle über den Vorstand anstreben, und weisen darauf hin, dass sie vier Sitze in einem neunköpfigen Vorstand anstreben.
Der Brief kritisiert die defensiven Taktiken des Vorstands und hebt die weit verbreitete Unterstützung der Aktionäre für eine Vertretung von Deep Track hervor, wobei der Fokus auf dem Potenzial von Heplisav und der Verbesserung der Kapitalallokationsstrategien liegt.
- Stock price up 34% since Deep Track's involvement
- Strong cash position with $714 million in reserves
- Growing cash flow positive business
- Significant shareholder support for Deep Track's proposed changes
- Questionable capital allocation strategy with expensive convertible note issuance
- Poor corporate governance with classified Board structure until 2028
- Increased debt obligations from $225M to $265M
- Less favorable convertible note terms compared to industry peers
Notes Investor Feedback Supporting Deep Track’s Course of Action and Sharing Concerns with Company’s Capital Allocation Strategy, Poor Governance, and Lack of Shareholder Perspective in the Boardroom
Highlights Dynavax’s Refusal to Reach a Constructive Resolution and Calls on Board to Stop Engaging in Petty “Activism Defense 101” Tactics
Questions Company’s Issuance of Expensive Convertible Notes in Recent Refinancing Instead of Using Cash on Hand
Sets Record Straight Regarding Dynavax’s Misleading Assertion That Deep Track is Seeking Control of the Board – Which is Simply False
Reiterates Need for a Refreshed Board to Drive Critical Strategic Improvements and Protect the Long-Term Interests of Shareholders

Figure 1 *October 24, 2024, through market close on March 7, 2025. (Graphic: Business Wire)
The full text of the letter follows:
March 10, 2025
Dear Members of the Dynavax Board,
As you are aware, Deep Track Capital, LP (together with its affiliates, “Deep Track” or “we”) is one of the largest shareholders of Dynavax Technologies Corporation (“Dynavax”, “DVAX” or the “Company”), with ownership of approximately
1) |
An update on the reactions we have received thus far from other shareholders to our public letter announcing our nomination of four director candidates for election to the Company’s Board of Directors (the “Board”) at the 2025 Annual Meeting of Stockholders (the “Annual Meeting”); |
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Our disappointment that the Board seems uninterested in reaching a constructive resolution with us, and instead has chosen to deploy petty defensive tactics that are straight out of the most aggressive edition of the “Activism Defense 101” playbook; |
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Concern that you have chosen to double down on a questionable unsophisticated corporate finance strategy with last week’s convertible debt issuance, especially so close to the Annual Meeting; and |
4) |
Clarification that our campaign is in no way about taking “control” of the Board – as you falsely stated in your response to our nominations. |
Please consider the following points as you determine next steps in your engagement with us:
Other Shareholders Have Expressed Alignment with Our Position
Since our public letter on February 19th, we have received messages of support from a number of significant Dynavax shareholders who believe our recommended course of action is not only reasonable, but optimal for the Company. Specifically, in our conversations investors have expressed:
- Agreement with Deep Track’s concerns about capital allocation – In particular, the need to focus on leveraging Heplisav’s potential, including a desire to own the stock because of Heplisav and not to be diluted forcibly into cash.
- Bewilderment as to why the Board has not worked constructively to reach a settlement – Shareholders know us and know our reputation as industry experts who are not typical “activists.” They don’t understand why the Board has seemingly chosen a path of confrontation and conflict with a large, long-term shareholder.
- Support for having a Deep Track senior executive on the Board – Shareholders believe that our request for a shareholder representative on the Board is eminently reasonable – especially given Dynavax’s share price underperformance relative to peers prior to our filing. Further, several shareholders said such an addition to the Board would make them more confident in the direction of the Company and more comfortable continuing to own the stock.
- Frustration with the Company’s classified Board structure – It should come as no surprise that your shareholders value basic good governance, and that a staggered Board structure remaining in place until 2028 is unacceptable.
- Positive view of our candidates – Shareholders know the stellar industry reputations of our nominees and believe they would be excellent additions to the Board.
- Other shareholders have been calling you – Unbeknownst to us, several shareholders said they have been privately reaching out to management and the Board for changes, including increased share buybacks.
- Support for management, including Chief Executive Officer Ryan Spencer – We believe Mr. Spencer has by and large done a good job as CEO. We are not seeking a change in management – and this was the consensus view among the shareholders we spoke with as well.
We trust you have noticed that Dynavax shares are reaching fresh 52-week highs. In particular, the stock is up
We Urge the Board to Stop Engaging in Petty “Activist Defense 101” Tactics
Our public actions followed months of attempts to engage with the Board regarding your corporate governance and business strategy. We conveyed on multiple occasions our desire to work constructively with you in the interest of all shareholders. Despite these attempts at reasonable engagement, as well as the fact that we are the second largest shareholder in Dynavax and long-term investors in the Company, the Board and its advisors have resorted to tactics typically employed against short-term activists. These maneuvers seem aimed at obstructing shareholders’ rights to even participate in a fair vote. Specifically, you have:
- Raised ludicrous issues with our valid nominations – In your February 19th press release, the Company referred to our “purported nominations” – seemingly in an attempt to cast doubt on their validity. Then, in private correspondence to us and our counsel, the Board’s representatives cited “issues” with our nomination notice that demonstrated an obvious desire to nitpick for nitpicking’s sake. For example, they noted that we did not include a business address for Donald Santel. Given that Mr. Santel is retired, we had indicated that his home address would serve as his business address – hardly an attempt to hide information from the Company or shareholders.
- Sought to weaponize the calendar against a shareholder exercising their rights – The “issues” with our nominations were not raised by the Company until the afternoon of February 21st, three days after we had submitted our nomination notice on February 18th (in which we asked the Company to promptly notify us of any alleged deficiencies) and one day before the February 22nd deadline for nominations. Notwithstanding the trivial nature of what the Company called “deficiencies” in our nomination notice, we willingly supplemented our notice to satisfy demands for further information.
- Restricted us from engagement with the Board beyond Chairman Scott Myers – We have had extremely limited access to the non-executive members of the Board beyond Mr. Myers in the four months since we first offered to share our ideas and work constructively with you for the benefit of all shareholders. The conflict of interests that exists between Mr. Myers and shareholders is troubling: Mr. Myers is the architect of the Company’s misguided strategy, and, given the fact that he is up for reelection at this year’s Annual Meeting, he is literally fighting for his job. On a related note, we were disappointed that the Company abruptly canceled our meeting scheduled for March 4th at the TD Cowen 45th Annual Healthcare Conference (and did so with just one day’s notice). This was also the first time we can remember that the Company did not reach out to schedule a post-earnings call with management.
- Blatantly mischaracterized our negotiations – In another example of needless gamesmanship, one of your public comments inaccurately portrays the terms of potential settlement that have been discussed. Despite your claims, we were never offered a solution which involved a third independent director to be mutually agreed upon, but rather a construct under which new directors chosen by the existing Board would be counted as “new directors” that should suit us. As you know, we first asked for three new directors, then two, and then were willing to settle for one, if the Board agreed to take basic steps to improve governance. The fact that this proposal was rejected baffles us – and substantiates our belief that even more change is needed on the Board.
These sorts of tactics serve no purpose other than to waste shareholder capital on needless advisor fees and poison the well around reaching a potential settlement. We call on the Board to abandon this course of action and instead engage on the substance of our concerns.
Why Are You Doubling Down on Questionable Corporate Finance Strategy So Close to the Annual Meeting?
Last week, the Company announced the refinancing of the majority of its outstanding convertible debt, which resulted in an increase to debt obligations from
Additionally, the terms obtained by Dynavax for the transaction appear to be far worse than should be presently available in the market. For example, BridgeBio Pharma (NASDAQ: BBIO) sold
The easiest, cleanest and most capital-efficient way to address the Company’s stated “liability management objectives” would have been to eliminate the liability. Unlike other companies that need to continuously roll their debt, Dynavax could have simply made the debt go away. Instead, the can has been kicked for another five years, with more expensive debt added to the balance sheet when the convertible note dilution overhang could have been removed once and for all.
The basic tenet of our message to management and the Board has been to utilize the least expensive sources of capital (i.e., your
Deep Track’s Campaign is About Representing the Best Interests of All Shareholders
The Company’s assertion that we are seeking control of the Board is a categorical misrepresentation of reality that appears designed to gaslight shareholders. Deep Track is seeking to elect four director candidates to what will be a nine-member Board. Three of our nominees are completely independent of Deep Track. The addition of a representative of a large shareholder as one member of a large Board – especially a shareholder who is an expert in the life sciences sector – is warranted given the extent of our concerns and the need to restore investors’ trust in the Board.
In our view, these steps would be in the best interests of all shareholders. A refreshed Board could drive critical improvements to the Company’s strategy and ensure it is on the best path forward for all stakeholders – including by eventually eliminating Hepatitis B – while maximizing the long-term value of the Company’s assets and recycling cash back into the hands of investors who can choose the best clinical programs across the entire biotechnology sector in which to deploy that capital.
We are not adversaries of the Board or the Company. Other investors clearly appreciate the greater probability of fundamental change that our efforts bring to the table. The value of our nominees, particularly our shareholder representative, is clearly exemplified by the extreme outperformance of Dynavax stock since we began our efforts in earnest.
We urge you to carefully consider the above points in the context of what is best for all Dynavax shareholders.
David Kroin
Founder and Chief Investment Officer, Deep Track Capital LP
About Deep Track Capital
Deep Track Capital is a
The information herein contains “forward-looking statements.” Specific forward-looking statements can be identified by the fact that they do not relate strictly to historical or current facts and include, without limitation, words such as “may,” “will,” “expects,” “believes,” “anticipates,” “plans,” “estimates,” “projects,” “potential,” “targets,” “forecasts,” “seeks,” “could,” “should” or the negative of such terms or other variations on such terms or comparable terminology. Similarly, statements that describe our objectives, plans or goals are forward-looking. Forward-looking statements are subject to various risks and uncertainties and assumptions. There can be no assurance that any idea or assumption herein is, or will be proven, correct. If one or more of the risks or uncertainties materialize, or if any of the underlying assumptions of Deep Track Capital, LP (“Deep Track”) or any of the other participants in the proxy solicitation described herein prove to be incorrect, the actual results may vary materially from outcomes indicated by these statements. Accordingly, forward looking statements should not be regarded as a representation by Deep Track that the future plans, estimates or expectations contemplated will ever be achieved.
Certain statements and information included herein may have been sourced from third parties. Deep Track does not make any representations regarding the accuracy, completeness or timeliness of such third party statements or information. Except as may be expressly set forth herein, permission to cite such statements or information has neither been sought nor obtained from such third parties. Any such statements or information should not be viewed as an indication of support from such third parties for the views expressed herein.
Deep Track disclaims any obligation to update the information herein or to disclose the results of any revisions that may be made to any projected results or forward-looking statements herein to reflect events or circumstances after the date of such information, projected results or statements or to reflect the occurrence of anticipated or unanticipated events
Deep Track and the other Participants (as defined below) intend to file a preliminary proxy statement and accompanying WHITE universal proxy card with the Securities and Exchange Commission (the “SEC”) to be used to solicit proxies for, among other matters, the election of its slate of director nominees at the 2025 annual stockholders meeting (the “2025 Annual Meeting”) of Dynavax Technologies Corporation, a
The participants in the proxy solicitation are Deep Track, Deep Track Biotechnology Master Fund, Ltd. (the “Record Stockholder”), David Kroin (all of the foregoing persons, collectively, the “Deep Track Parties”), Brett A. Erkman, Jeffrey S. Farrow, Michael Mullette and Donald J. Santel (such individuals, collectively with the Deep Track Parties, the “Participants”).
As of the date hereof, the Deep Track Parties beneficially own an aggregate of 17,791,486 shares (the “Deep Track Shares”) of the common stock, par value
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Source: Deep Track Capital, LP