DaVita celebrates kidney care community achievements in year one of largest-ever value-based care program

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DaVita announced performance year one clinical outcomes achieved through value-based care arrangements with nearly 1,300 nephrologists across the U.S. These efforts are part of the Comprehensive Kidney Care Contracting (CKCC) option within the government's voluntary Kidney Care Choices (KCC) model, which began on Jan. 1, 2022.

Key achievements include:

  • 16% industry increase in optimal start rates for kidney patients transitioning to dialysis
  • Embedding care team members in 68% of nephrology practices
  • Overseeing approximately 31,000 patients across multiple care settings
  • 2.4x more DaVita patients having a planned start on home treatment
  • 67% of patients screened for depression remission
  • 13% increase in patient activation

DaVita's tech-enabled platform and increased CKD education efforts have contributed to these improvements. The company expects continued progress in outcomes and cost savings as the CKCC program evolves.

DaVita ha annunciato risultati clinici del primo anno di performance ottenuti attraverso accordi di assistenza basati sul valore con quasi 1.300 nefrologi negli Stati Uniti. Questi sforzi fanno parte dell'opzione Contratti di Assistenza Completa per i Rene (CKCC) all'interno del modello volontario del governo Scelte di Assistenza per i Reni (KCC), che è iniziato il 1° gennaio 2022.

I risultati chiave includono:

  • Aumento del 16% dei tassi di inizio ottimale per i pazienti renali che passano alla dialisi
  • Integrazione dei membri del team di assistenza nel 68% delle pratiche di nefrologia
  • Gestione di circa 31.000 pazienti in più impostazioni di cura
  • 2,4 volte più pazienti DaVita che iniziano un trattamento domiciliare programmato
  • 67% dei pazienti sottoposti a screening per la remissione della depressione
  • Aumento del 13% nell'attivazione dei pazienti

La piattaforma tecnologicamente avanzata di DaVita e l'incremento degli sforzi di educazione sulla CKD hanno contribuito a questi miglioramenti. L'azienda si aspetta ulteriori progressi nei risultati e risparmi sui costi man mano che il programma CKCC si evolve.

DaVita anunció resultados clínicos del primer año de rendimiento logrados a través de acuerdos de atención basados en el valor con casi 1,300 nefrólogos en los EE. UU. Estos esfuerzos son parte de la opción de Contratación Integral de Atención Renal (CKCC) dentro del modelo voluntario del gobierno Opciones de Atención Renal (KCC), que comenzó el 1 de enero de 2022.

Los logros clave incluyen:

  • Aumento del 16% en las tasas de inicio óptimo para pacientes renales en transición a diálisis
  • Integración de miembros del equipo de atención en el 68% de las prácticas de nefrología
  • Supervisión de aproximadamente 31,000 pacientes en múltiples entornos de atención
  • 2.4 veces más pacientes de DaVita con un inicio planificado en tratamiento domiciliario
  • 67% de los pacientes examinados para la remisión de la depresión
  • Aumento del 13% en la activación del paciente

La plataforma habilitada por tecnología de DaVita y el aumento de los esfuerzos de educación sobre la CKD han contribuido a estas mejoras. La empresa espera un avance continuo en los resultados y el ahorro de costos a medida que el programa CKCC evoluciona.

다비타는 미국 전역에 있는 거의 1,300명의 신장 전문의와 함께 가치 기반 치료 방식으로 이루어진 첫 해 성과 결과를 발표했습니다. 이러한 노력은 2022년 1월 1일 시작된 정부의 자발적 신장 관리 선택 모델의 종합 신장 관리 계약 (CKCC) 옵션의 일환입니다.

주요 성과는 다음과 같습니다:

  • 투석 전환을 위한 신장 환자의 최적 시작 비율 16% 증가
  • 68%의 신장 전문의 중재에 치료 팀 구성원 통합
  • 여러 치료 환경에서 약 31,000명의 환자 관리
  • 다비타 환자가 계획된 자택 치료 시작을 2.4배 더 많이 진행
  • 우울증 완화를 위해 선별된 환자 67%
  • 환자 활성화 13% 증가

다비타의 기술 기반 플랫폼과 CKD 교육 노력의 증가는 이러한 개선에 기여했습니다. 이 회사는 CKCC 프로그램이 발전함에 따라 결과 및 비용 절감에서 지속적인 발전을 기대하고 있습니다.

DaVita a annoncé les résultats cliniques de la première année de performance obtenus grâce à des accords de soins basés sur la valeur avec près de 1 300 néphrologues aux États-Unis. Ces efforts font partie de l'option Contrats Complets de Soins Rénaux (CKCC) dans le cadre du modèle volontaire du gouvernement Choix de Soins Rénaux (KCC), qui a commencé le 1er janvier 2022.

Les réalisations clés comprennent :

  • augmentation de 16 % des taux de départ optimal pour les patients rénaux en transition vers la dialyse
  • intégration des membres de l'équipe de soins dans 68 % des pratiques de néphrologie
  • suivi d'environ 31 000 patients dans divers environnements de soins
  • 2,4 fois plus de patients DaVita ayant un début de traitement à domicile prévu
  • 67 % des patients dépistés pour la rémission de la dépression
  • augmentation de 13 % de l'activation des patients

La plateforme technologique de DaVita et les efforts accrus d'éducation sur la maladie rénale chronique ont contribué à ces améliorations. L'entreprise s'attend à une poursuite des progrès en matière de résultats et d'économies de coûts à mesure que le programme CKCC évolue.

DaVita gab bekannt, dass klinische Ergebnisse des ersten Jahres durch wertbasierte Versorgungsvereinbarungen mit fast 1.300 Nephrologen in den USA erreicht wurden. Diese Bemühungen sind Teil der Umfassenden Nierengesundheitsvertragsoption (CKCC), die innerhalb des freiwilligen Nierenpflege-Modells (KCC) der Regierung, das am 1. Januar 2022 begann, angeboten wird.

Wichtige Erfolge umfassen:

  • 16% Steigerung der optimalen Startquote für Nierenpatienten, die in die Dialyse übergehen
  • Integration von Mitgliedern des Versorgungsteams in 68% der nephrologischen Praxen
  • Betreuung von etwa 31.000 Patienten in mehreren Versorgungssettings
  • 2,4-mal mehr DaVita-Patienten, die einen geplanten Start in der häuslichen Behandlung haben
  • 67% der Patienten, die auf Depressionen überprüft wurden
  • 13% Steigerung der Patientenaktivierung

Die technologiegestützte Plattform von DaVita und die verstärkten Aufklärungsmaßnahmen zur CKD haben zu diesen Verbesserungen beigetragen. Das Unternehmen erwartet, dass die Ergebnisse und Kosteneinsparungen weiter fortschreiten, während sich das CKCC-Programm weiter entwickelt.

  • None.
  • None.

Nephrologists drive transformative outcomes through government's coordinated care program serving high-need patients

DENVER, Oct. 22, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- DaVita today announced performance year one clinical outcomes achieved in partnership with nearly 1,300 nephrologists across the U.S. through value-based care arrangements designed to enhance the lives of Medicare patients with kidney disease. As the broader health care community continues to explore value-based care arrangements to improve health outcomes in the U.S., DaVita commends the efforts from likeminded specialty care providers leading the movement.

These efforts have helped lead the kidney care community through scaled participation and investment in these programs, which are part of the Comprehensive Kidney Care Contracting (CKCC) option within the government's voluntary Kidney Care Choices (KCC) model — a value-based care demonstration that began on Jan. 1, 2022, as the largest government model for kidney care.

"This program relies on the understanding that kidney care in the U.S. has been fragmented and that a system that better coordinates these care silos is better for our patients. When our patients do better, they can live a better life and cost the system less money. Those savings can be wrapped around to provide even better care — and the cycle continues," said Dr. Gregory Spin, clinical leader for the Northern California Kidney Care Choices group and founding partner of Summit Nephrology. "We have worked hard to share best practices across our program, and DaVita has amplified that process by bringing learnings from other participants."

Together with participating nephrologists, DaVita launched 11 value-based care arrangements in 2022 and has since doubled that footprint to 22 Kidney Contracting Entities (KCEs). An evaluation now available for the first performance year (PY1) demonstrates that these value-based care arrangements result in better patient outcomes, which, over time, should lead to decreasing cost expenditures. This includes engaging patients in their care earlier and supporting access to kidney transplants for patients managing their kidney health.

Physicians and providers in the CKCC program improved outcomes for patients through collective quality metrics, with a 16% industry increase in optimal start rates for kidney patients transitioning to dialysis. Reducing unplanned starts leads to more optimal outcomes for patients, with care teams better coordinating their kidney and non-kidney care needs as well as improving interventions to help keep them healthy and out of the hospital, while also reducing high health care costs.

"Our focus at the launch of the program was to provide robust support for our nephrology partners, and we're encouraged by the current momentum. Though scaled transformation takes time, we continue to trend positively into the third year of the program," said Dr. Amy Schuerman-Gen, chief medical officer for DaVita Integrated Kidney Care (DaVita IKC). "Our vision for care innovation is taking shape, with CKCC laying a vital foundation for lasting change. The model's emphasis on care coordination and patient engagement has already led to encouraging health outcomes, and we're optimistic about the program's potential for continued success."

DaVita and its nephrologist partners have already seen significant progress over the course of the CKCC program and expect the impact on outcomes and cost savings will continue to improve. Achievements include:

  • Embedding care team members in 68% of nephrology practices, providing care to shared patients directly at the site of care.
  • Overseeing approximately 31,000 patients across dialysis centers of multiple providers, remotely, and in nephrologist offices.
  • Enabling 2.4x more DaVita patients to have a planned start on home treatment through patient education, care management and transition support.
  • Screening 67% of patients for depression remission with a baseline PHQ-9 across 11 KCEs, supporting holistic care of both physical and mental health.
  • Increasing patient activation by 13%, indicating higher patient engagement across patient populations — inclusive of people with chronic kidney disease (CKD) and people with end-stage kidney disease (ESKD) who do not treat at DaVita.

Care coordination is fueled in part by DaVita's tech-enabled platform, with more than half of participants either leveraging DaVita's co-designed EHR with Epic or allowing DaVita access to another platform. This foundation helps to meet patients earlier with crucial identification and education to help slow progression to kidney failure and avoid dialysis. From PY1 to current year-to-date, DaVita has increased CKD education by 39% via Kidney Smart®, an award-winning, interactive community and virtual education program, for patients aligned with CKCC practices.

From coast to coast, participation in CKCC has allowed for a broad evaluation of the positive impact value-based care at scale can have for kidney patients.

"As we continue in the CKCC demonstration, I look forward to working collaboratively with our DaVita IKC partners and others to tackle difficult challenges we face in patient-centered care," said Dr. Alec Otteman of Associated Nephrology Consultants in St. Paul, MN. "We continue to work through how to best support patients to prevent hospitalizations and readmissions, and our DaVita IKC partners can create wrap-around support for medication reconciliation and transition of care post-hospitalization."

For more information about DaVita IKC's programs and results, visit 

About DaVita Inc.
DaVita (NYSE: DVA) is a health care provider focused on transforming care delivery to improve quality of life for patients globally. As a comprehensive kidney care provider, DaVita has been a leader in clinical quality and innovation for more than 20 years. DaVita cares for patients at every stage and setting along their kidney health journey—from slowing the progression of kidney disease to helping to support transplantation, from acute hospital care to dialysis at home. As of June 30, 2024, DaVita served approximately 265,100 patients at 3,124 outpatient dialysis centers, of which 2,672 centers were located in the United States and 452 centers were located in 13 other countries worldwide. DaVita has reduced hospitalizations, improved mortality, and worked collaboratively to propel the kidney care industry to adopt an equitable and high-quality standard of care for all patients, everywhere. To learn more, visit

Forward-Looking Statements 
Certain statements in this press release are forward-looking statements that are subject to risks and uncertainties. These forward-looking statements are based on management's current expectations. Various important factors could cause actual results to differ materially from these forward-looking statements, including the risks identified in our U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission filings. DaVita disclaims any obligation to update any forward-looking statement contained in this press release, except as may be otherwise required by law.

The statements contained in this document are solely those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views or policies of CMS. The authors assume responsibility for the accuracy and completeness of the information contained in this document.

Media Contact:
DaVita Newsroom 

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What is the Comprehensive Kidney Care Contracting (CKCC) option and when did it start?

The Comprehensive Kidney Care Contracting (CKCC) option is part of the government's voluntary Kidney Care Choices (KCC) model, a value-based care demonstration for kidney care. It began on January 1, 2022, as the largest government model for kidney care.

How many nephrologists are participating in DaVita's value-based care arrangements?

DaVita is partnering with nearly 1,300 nephrologists across the United States through value-based care arrangements designed to enhance the lives of Medicare patients with kidney disease.

What improvements has DaVita (DVA) seen in optimal start rates for kidney patients transitioning to dialysis?

DaVita and participating physicians in the CKCC program achieved a 16% industry increase in optimal start rates for kidney patients transitioning to dialysis, leading to better outcomes and reduced healthcare costs.

How has DaVita (DVA) increased patient education through the CKCC program?

From Performance Year 1 to current year-to-date, DaVita has increased Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) education by 39% via Kidney Smart®, an interactive community and virtual education program, for patients aligned with CKCC practices.

What percentage of nephrology practices have embedded care team members through DaVita's CKCC program?

DaVita has embedded care team members in 68% of participating nephrology practices, providing care to shared patients directly at the site of care.

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