DoubleVerify to Introduce Pre-screen Content Controls on Meta, Strengthening Brand Safety, Suitability, and Media Performance

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DoubleVerify (NYSE: DV) has announced the upcoming introduction of content-level pre-screen avoidance on Meta's Facebook & Instagram Feed and Reels. This new feature will expand DV's suite of independent brand safety and suitability tools, allowing advertisers to proactively avoid unsuitable content before ad placement. The solution complements DV's existing post-bid measurement capabilities, providing a comprehensive approach to ad quality control.

Key points:

  • Pre-screen avoidance will be available in early 2025
  • Advertisers can filter out sensitive content in real-time before bidding
  • The solution uses DV's proprietary Universal Content Intelligence™ classification engine
  • This dual-layer approach combines pre-screen controls with post-bid measurement
  • DV has been a Meta measurement partner since 2017, continuously expanding its offerings

DoubleVerify (NYSE: DV) ha annunciato l'imminente introduzione di evitamento pre-screen a livello di contenuto su Facebook e Instagram Feed e Reels di Meta. Questa nuova funzionalità espanderà la suite di strumenti indipendenti per la sicurezza del marchio e la compatibilità di DV, consentendo agli inserzionisti di evitare proattivamente contenuti inadeguati prima della pubblicazione degli annunci. La soluzione completa le attuali capacità di misurazione post-bid di DV, offrendo un approccio globale al controllo della qualità degli annunci.

Punti chiave:

  • Il sistema di evitamento pre-screen sarà disponibile all'inizio del 2025
  • Gli inserzionisti possono filtrare contenuti sensibili in tempo reale prima di fare un'offerta
  • La soluzione utilizza il motore di classificazione proprietario Universal Content Intelligence™ di DV
  • Questo approccio a doppio strato combina controlli pre-screen con misurazioni post-bid
  • DV è partner di misurazione di Meta dal 2017, ampliando continuamente la sua offerta

DoubleVerify (NYSE: DV) ha anunciado la próxima introducción de evitación de pre-screen a nivel de contenido en el Feed y Reels de Meta en Facebook e Instagram. Esta nueva función ampliará la suite de herramientas independientes de seguridad y adecuación de marca de DV, permitiendo a los anunciantes evitar proactivamente contenido inapropiado antes de la colocación de anuncios. La solución complementa las capacidades de medición post-bid existentes de DV, proporcionando un enfoque integral al control de calidad de anuncios.

Puntos clave:

  • La evitación de pre-screen estará disponible a principios de 2025
  • Los anunciantes pueden filtrar contenido sensible en tiempo real antes de pujar
  • La solución utiliza el motor de clasificación Universal Content Intelligence™ de DV
  • Este enfoque de doble capa combina controles de pre-screen con medición post-bid
  • DV ha sido socio de medición de Meta desde 2017, ampliando continuamente su oferta

더블베리파이(뉴욕증권거래소: DV)는 메타의 페이스북 및 인스타그램 피드와 릴에서 콘텐츠 수준의 사전 차단 회피를 곧 도입할 것이라고 발표했습니다. 이 새로운 기능은 DV의 독립적인 브랜드 안전성 및 적합성 도구 제품군을 확장하여 광고주가 광고 게재 전에 부적합한 콘텐츠를 사전 차단할 수 있도록 합니다. 이 솔루션은 DV의 기존 사후 입찰 측정 기능을 보완하여 광고 품질 관리에 대한 포괄적인 접근 방식을 제공합니다.

핵심 사항:

  • 사전 차단 회피는 2025년 초에 제공될 예정입니다
  • 광고주는 입찰 전에 실시간으로 민감한 콘텐츠를 필터링할 수 있습니다
  • 이 솔루션은 DV의 고유한 유니버설 콘텐츠 인텔리전스™ 분류 엔진을 사용합니다
  • 이 이중층 접근 방식은 사전 차단 관리와 사후 입찰 측정이 결합됩니다
  • DV는 2017년부터 메타의 측정 파트너로 계속해서 제공을 확장해왔습니다

DoubleVerify (NYSE: DV) a annoncé l'introduction prochaine de l'évitement de pré-sélection au niveau du contenu sur le fil d'actualité et les reels de Facebook et Instagram de Meta. Cette nouvelle fonctionnalité élargira la suite d'outils indépendants de sécurité de marque et de pertinence de DV, permettant aux annonceurs d'éviter proactivement des contenus inappropriés avant le placement des annonces. La solution complète les capacités de mesure post-enchère existantes de DV, fournissant une approche complète du contrôle de la qualité des annonces.

Points clés :

  • L'évitement de pré-sélection sera disponible début 2025
  • Les annonceurs peuvent filtrer des contenus sensibles en temps réel avant de soumissionner
  • La solution utilise le moteur de classification propriétaire Universal Content Intelligence™ de DV
  • Cette approche à double couche combine des contrôles de pré-sélection avec une mesure post-enchère
  • DV est partenaire de mesure de Meta depuis 2017, élargissant continuellement son offre

DoubleVerify (NYSE: DV) hat die bevorstehende Einführung der Inhaltebene-Vorabvermeidung für Meta's Facebook- und Instagram-Feed sowie Reels angekündigt. Diese neue Funktion erweitert die Suite unabhängiger Markensicherheits- und Eignungstools von DV und ermöglicht es Werbetreibenden, unangemessene Inhalte proaktiv zu vermeiden, bevor die Anzeigen platziert werden. Die Lösung ergänzt die bestehenden Post-Bid-Messungsfähigkeiten von DV und bietet einen umfassenden Ansatz zur Qualitätskontrolle von Werbung.

Wesentliche Punkte:

  • Die Vorabvermeidung wird Anfang 2025 verfügbar sein
  • Werbetreibende können sensible Inhalte in Echtzeit vor dem Bieten filtern
  • Die Lösung nutzt die proprietäre Klassifizierungsengine Universal Content Intelligence™ von DV
  • Dieser Dual-Layer-Ansatz kombiniert Vorabkontrollen mit Post-Bid-Messungen
  • DV ist seit 2017 Partner von Meta im Bereich Messung und hat seine Angebote kontinuierlich erweitert
  • Introduction of content-level pre-screen avoidance on Meta platforms
  • Expansion of brand safety and suitability tools for advertisers
  • Comprehensive solution combining pre-screen avoidance and post-bid measurement
  • Real-time filtering of sensitive content before ad bidding
  • Continued partnership and integration expansion with Meta since 2017
  • None.


The introduction of content-level pre-screen avoidance on Meta's platforms is a significant enhancement to DoubleVerify's brand safety offerings. This tool will allow advertisers to proactively avoid unsuitable content before ad placement, complementing the existing post-bid measurement capabilities.

The dual-layer approach of pre-screen avoidance and post-bid measurement provides advertisers with unprecedented control over their ad placements on Facebook and Instagram. This comprehensive solution addresses a critical need in the increasingly complex digital advertising landscape, where brand safety and suitability are paramount concerns.

For investors, this development signals DoubleVerify's continued innovation and ability to adapt to market demands. The expanded partnership with Meta could potentially lead to increased adoption of DV's services among advertisers, potentially driving revenue growth. However, the full impact may not be realized until early 2025 when the pre-screen solution is expected to be widely available.

DoubleVerify's expansion of brand safety tools on Meta's platforms is a strategic move that aligns with current market trends. The digital advertising industry is increasingly focused on brand safety and ad quality, especially in user-generated content environments like Facebook and Instagram.

This new offering addresses a growing demand from advertisers for more control over their ad placements. By providing both pre-screen avoidance and post-bid measurement, DV is positioning itself as a comprehensive solution provider in the ad verification space.

The expected launch in early 2025 gives DoubleVerify a competitive advantage in the medium term. However, investors should note that this timeline also allows competitors to potentially develop similar solutions. The key will be DV's execution and the effectiveness of its Universal Content Intelligence™ classification engine in delivering accurate, AI-driven classifications.

Global brands gain comprehensive coverage with both pre-screen avoidance and post-bid measurement, further augmenting ad quality controls on Facebook and Instagram

NEW YORK--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- DoubleVerify (“DV”) (NYSE: DV), a leading software platform for digital media measurement, data and analytics, today announced the upcoming introduction of content-level pre-screen avoidance on Meta’s Facebook & Instagram Feed and Reels, expanding its suite of independent brand safety and suitability tools. This release will empower advertisers to proactively avoid content they deem unsuitable before their ads are served, protecting brand reputation across Meta’s platforms.

“By offering both pre-screen avoidance and post-bid measurement, we will provide advertisers with an unparalleled level of control over where their ads appear on platforms like Facebook and Instagram,” said Mark Zagorski, CEO of DoubleVerify. “As media environments grow more complex, it's crucial that advertisers have access to advanced independent tools that help them protect campaigns before they run. Our comprehensive solution further ensures that brands can close the loop by leveraging insights from their post-bid measurement to optimize campaigns in real-time and maximize media performance.”

In January 2024, DV launched post-bid brand safety and suitability measurement on Meta’s Facebook & Instagram Feeds and Reels. DV classifies content directly above and below the placement of ads – enabling brands to authenticate the content surrounding their promotions. The upcoming pre-screen avoidance solution empowers advertisers to prevent ads from appearing beside content that falls under DV’s Brand Safety Floor and Suitability Tiers in an automated manner, letting brands filter out sensitive content in real-time, before bidding on ad inventory.

Implementing a comprehensive authentication strategy offers significant value to advertisers, aligning pre-screen controls with post-bid measurement. Pre-screen protection evaluates content before impressions are transacted to support the delivery of ads to appropriate environments. Post-bid measurement analyzes content after impressions are purchased, providing advertisers insights into safe and suitable ad delivery. This approach helps brands optimize future campaigns and media investment decisions.

“We’re excited to offer our clients this dual-layer approach to campaign protection on Meta, giving them expanded flexibility and control over their media strategies,” added Zagorski.

DV’s brand safety and suitability offering is powered by its proprietary Universal Content Intelligence™ classification engine, which analyzes all content types to ensure that advertisers receive accurate, AI-driven classifications.

DV became a participant in Meta’s measurement partnership program in 2017, offering fraud and viewability solutions on Facebook and Instagram. In 2019, DV launched brand safety and suitability on Facebook’s in-stream video inventory and Audience Network. In 2021, DV announced an expanded brand safety and suitability integration with Facebook, extending verification to In-Stream Reserve, while providing new tools to boost control and efficiency. Most recently in 2023, DV extended media quality authentication to include viewability and fraud verification for Facebook and Instagram Reels inventory.

DV and Meta anticipate the pre-screen solution to be available for all advertisers in early 2025.

For more information about DoubleVerify, visit

About DoubleVerify

DoubleVerify (“DV”) (NYSE: DV) is the industry’s leading media effectiveness platform that leverages AI to drive superior outcomes for global brands. By creating more effective, transparent ad transactions, DV strengthens the digital advertising ecosystem, ensuring a fair value exchange between buyers and sellers of digital media.

Facebook® is a registered trademark of Meta Inc.

Chris Harihar

Source: DoubleVerify


When will DoubleVerify's pre-screen avoidance solution be available for Meta platforms?

DoubleVerify and Meta anticipate the pre-screen avoidance solution to be available for all advertisers in early 2025.

What platforms will DoubleVerify's new pre-screen avoidance feature cover for DV stock (NYSE: DV)?

The new pre-screen avoidance feature will cover Meta's Facebook & Instagram Feed and Reels for DoubleVerify (NYSE: DV) stock.

How does DoubleVerify's pre-screen avoidance differ from its post-bid measurement for DV stock?

Pre-screen avoidance evaluates content before impressions are transacted, while post-bid measurement analyzes content after impressions are purchased, providing a comprehensive approach to campaign protection for DoubleVerify (NYSE: DV).

What technology powers DoubleVerify's brand safety and suitability offering for DV stock?

DoubleVerify's (NYSE: DV) brand safety and suitability offering is powered by its proprietary Universal Content Intelligence™ classification engine, which uses AI to analyze all content types.

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