DoubleVerify Expands AI-Powered Brand Suitability Coverage on Meta to Include Inflammatory Politics & News

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DoubleVerify (NYSE: DV) has announced the expansion of its AI-powered Inflammatory Politics and News (IPN) category on Meta. This new feature allows advertisers to independently verify campaign quality against controversial news and political content, including deepfakes. The IPN category is based on a clearly defined policy and is powered by DV Universal Content Intelligence™, which uses AI to analyze various content types.

The expansion is particularly significant during an election year when challenging political topics typically increase. DV's IPN category can be mapped to industry standards for misinformation and debated sensitive social issues. Global brands can access the IPN category measurement data and insights through DV Pinnacle®, the company's unified service and analytics reporting platform.

DoubleVerify (NYSE: DV) ha annunciato l'espansione della sua categoria Politica Infiammatoria e Notizie (IPN) potenziata dall'intelligenza artificiale su Meta. Questa nuova funzionalità consente agli inserzionisti di verificare in modo indipendente la qualità delle campagne rispetto a notizie e contenuti politici controversi, inclusi i deepfake. La categoria IPN si basa su una politica chiaramente definita ed è supportata da DV Universal Content Intelligence™, che utilizza l'IA per analizzare vari tipi di contenuto.

L'espansione è particolarmente significativa durante un anno elettorale, quando i temi politici delicati tendono ad aumentare. La categoria IPN di DV può essere mappata agli standard di settore per la disinformazione e le questioni sociali sensibili dibattute. I marchi globali possono accedere ai dati di misurazione e alle informazioni della categoria IPN attraverso DV Pinnacle®, la piattaforma unificata di servizi e reportistica analitica dell'azienda.

DoubleVerify (NYSE: DV) ha anunciado la expansión de su categoría Política Inflamatoria y Noticias (IPN) impulsada por inteligencia artificial en Meta. Esta nueva característica permite a los anunciantes verificar de forma independiente la calidad de las campañas en relación con noticias y contenido político controvertido, incluidos los deepfakes. La categoría IPN se basa en una política claramente definida y es impulsada por DV Universal Content Intelligence™, que utiliza IA para analizar varios tipos de contenido.

La expansión es particularmente significativa durante un año electoral, cuando los temas políticos desafiantes tienden a aumentar. La categoría IPN de DV puede alinearse con los estándares de la industria para la desinformación y los problemas sociales sensibles debatidos. Las marcas globales pueden acceder a los datos de medición y a los insights de la categoría IPN a través de DV Pinnacle®, la plataforma unificada de servicios e informes analíticos de la empresa.

더블베리파이 (NYSE: DV)는 메타에서 AI 기반의 염증 정치 및 뉴스 (IPN) 카테고리 확장을 발표했습니다. 이 새로운 기능은 광고주가 논란이 있는 뉴스와 정치적 콘텐츠에 대해 캠페인 품질을 독립적으로 검증할 수 있도록 허용합니다. IPN 카테고리는 명확하게 정의된 정책을 기반으로 하며, 다양한 콘텐츠 유형을 분석하기 위해 AI를 사용하는 DV Universal Content Intelligence™에 의해 구동됩니다.

확장은 특히 정치적 주제가 대두되는 선거 연도 동안 중요합니다. DV의 IPN 카테고리는 잘못된 정보 및 논란이 되는 민감한 사회적 문제에 대한 산업 표준에 매핑될 수 있습니다. 글로벌 브랜드는 DV Pinnacle®을 통해 IPN 카테고리 측정 데이터 및 통찰력에 접근할 수 있습니다. 이는 회사의 통합 서비스 및 분석 보고 플랫폼입니다.

DoubleVerify (NYSE: DV) a annoncé l'expansion de sa catégorie Politique Inflammatoire et Actualités (IPN) alimentée par l'IA sur Meta. Cette nouvelle fonctionnalité permet aux annonceurs de vérifier de manière indépendante la qualité des campagnes par rapport à des contenus d'actualité et politiques controversés, y compris les deepfakes. La catégorie IPN est basée sur une politique clairement définie et est soutenue par DV Universal Content Intelligence™, qui utilise l'IA pour analyser divers types de contenu.

Cette expansion est particulièrement significative lors d'une année électorale, lorsque des sujets politiques difficiles tendent à augmenter. La catégorie IPN de DV peut être alignée sur les normes de l'industrie concernant la désinformation et les questions sociales sensibles débattues. Les marques mondiales peuvent accéder aux données de mesure et aux insights de la catégorie IPN via DV Pinnacle®, la plateforme unifiée de services et de reporting analytique de l'entreprise.

DoubleVerify (NYSE: DV) hat die Erweiterung seiner KI-gestützten Inflammatorischen Politik und Nachrichten (IPN)-Kategorie auf Meta angekündigt. Diese neue Funktion ermöglicht es Werbetreibenden, die Qualität ihrer Kampagnen im Hinblick auf kontroverse Nachrichten und politische Inhalte, einschließlich Deepfakes, unabhängig zu überprüfen. Die IPN-Kategorie basiert auf einer klar definierten Richtlinie und wird von DV Universal Content Intelligence™ unterstützt, das KI verwendet, um verschiedene Inhaltsarten zu analysieren.

Die Erweiterung ist besonders bedeutend in einem Wahljahr, in dem herausfordernde politische Themen typischerweise zunehmen. Die IPN-Kategorie von DV kann an Branchenstandards für Fehlinformationen und umstrittene soziale Themen angepasst werden. Globale Marken können über DV Pinnacle®, die einheitliche Dienst- und Analyseberichtsplattform des Unternehmens, auf die Messdaten und Erkenntnisse der IPN-Kategorie zugreifen.

  • Expansion of AI-powered brand suitability coverage on Meta
  • Empowers advertisers to authenticate campaign quality against controversial content
  • Timely release during an election year when political topics surge
  • Utilizes proprietary AI technology for content analysis
  • Aligns with industry standards for misinformation and sensitive social issues
  • None.

DoubleVerify's expansion of AI-powered brand suitability coverage on Meta is a strategic move in the digital advertising landscape. This development allows advertisers to have greater control over their ad placements, particularly important during election periods. The introduction of the Inflammatory Politics and News (IPN) category addresses the growing concern of brand safety in an era of misinformation and deepfakes.

From a market perspective, this expansion could potentially increase DoubleVerify's market share and strengthen its position against competitors. The timing, coinciding with a major election year, is likely to boost demand for their services. However, the long-term financial impact remains to be seen, as it will depend on adoption rates and the effectiveness of the new category in meeting advertiser needs.

DoubleVerify's Universal Content Intelligence™ engine, which powers the new IPN category, represents a significant technological advancement in content classification. The use of AI for analyzing various content types demonstrates the company's commitment to innovation in the ad tech space. This technology's ability to provide accurate classifications at scale is important for handling the vast amount of content on platforms like Meta.

The multilateral review approach, combining AI analysis with human expertise, is a robust method for ensuring accuracy in content classification. This hybrid approach could potentially set a new industry standard for content moderation and brand safety tools. However, the effectiveness of this system in detecting and classifying deepfakes will be a critical test of its capabilities, given the rapid advancement of AI-generated content.

While this announcement doesn't provide specific financial figures, it has potential positive implications for DoubleVerify's revenue streams. The expansion of services on Meta, one of the largest digital advertising platforms, opens up new monetization opportunities. The IPN category could attract more high-profile clients concerned about brand safety, potentially leading to increased market share and revenue growth.

Investors should monitor the adoption rate of this new category among advertisers and its impact on DoubleVerify's client retention and acquisition. The company's ability to scale this technology across other platforms could be a key driver for future growth. However, it's important to note that the digital advertising market is highly competitive and the long-term financial benefits will depend on DoubleVerify's ability to maintain its technological edge and expand its client base.

Global brands will gain insight into ad delivery against challenging news and political content, including deepfakes on Meta

NEW YORK--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- DoubleVerify (“DV”) (NYSE: DV), a leading software platform for digital media measurement, data and analytics, today announced the rollout of DV’s Inflammatory Politics and News (“IPN”) category on Meta. This expansion empowers advertisers to independently authenticate campaign quality against controversial news and political topics, enabling them to choose the level of protection that best fits their brand requirements.

“We are thrilled to release DV’s Inflammatory Politics and News category on Meta, especially during an election year when challenging political topics typically surge,” said Mark Zagorski, CEO of DoubleVerify. “As citizens around the world prepare to vote, giving advertisers the ability to choose the content they want to be aligned with is critical. By leveraging DV’s new AI-powered category, advertisers can protect their brand equity and evaluate suitability on Meta based on their specific marketing objectives.”

DV’s Inflammatory Politics and News category is based on a clearly defined policy that sets out which types of content should be classified accordingly, such as the communication of unreliable or unsubstantiated information on issues of societal importance - including in the form of deepfakes. DV's brand suitability categories are proprietary and informed by industry standards, subject matter expertise and 12+ years of customer feedback. DV’s Inflammatory Politics and News category can be mapped to industry standards for misinformation and debated sensitive social issues.

This category release is powered by DV Universal Content IntelligenceTM, the company’s industry-leading classification engine. Universal Content Intelligence leverages AI to analyze all key content types to provide advertisers with accurate classifications and ensure comprehensive coverage and protection at scale.

In addition, DV’s Brand Safety and Suitability classification specialists review emerging stories that could be considered controversial or present a challenge to advertisers. DV employs a multilateral review approach to help ensure that content meets DV’s IPN category definitions. This process evaluates language, rhetoric and journalistic standards.

DoubleVerify's brand safety and suitability measurement expansion is an important step in our ongoing efforts to foster digital transparency and trust within our advertising environments.

Global brands can access DV’s IPN category measurement data and insights using DV Pinnacle, the company’s unified service and analytics reporting platform.

For more information about DoubleVerify, visit

About DoubleVerify

DoubleVerify (“DV”) (NYSE: DV) is the industry’s leading media effectiveness platform that leverages AI to drive superior outcomes for global brands. By creating more effective, transparent ad transactions, DV strengthens the digital advertising ecosystem, ensuring a fair value exchange between buyers and sellers of digital media.

Chris Harihar

Source: DoubleVerify


What is DoubleVerify's new Inflammatory Politics and News (IPN) category on Meta?

DoubleVerify's IPN category on Meta is an AI-powered tool that allows advertisers to independently verify campaign quality against controversial news and political content, including deepfakes. It empowers brands to choose their level of protection based on specific marketing objectives.

How does DoubleVerify's IPN category benefit advertisers during election years?

During election years, when challenging political topics typically surge, DV's IPN category gives advertisers the ability to protect their brand equity and evaluate content suitability on Meta based on their specific marketing objectives.

What technology powers DoubleVerify's IPN category on Meta?

The IPN category is powered by DV Universal Content Intelligence™, DoubleVerify's industry-leading classification engine that leverages AI to analyze all key content types, providing accurate classifications and comprehensive coverage at scale.

How can global brands access DoubleVerify's IPN category measurement data?

Global brands can access DV's IPN category measurement data and insights using DV Pinnacle®, DoubleVerify's unified service and analytics reporting platform.

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