Digital Utilities Ventures Reports Strong Fiscal Year 2024 - Advancing Leadership in Green Technologies
Digital Utilities Ventures (OTC: DUTV) reported strong financial results for fiscal year 2024, ending May 31. The company achieved net income of $896,869, largely due to merger activities. Post-merger sales for two months totaled $291,730, with an average monthly profit of $94,195 from Terreplenish and Easy Nano Void System sales.
DUTV completed strategic acquisitions, expanding its portfolio in sustainable technologies. The company's Easy Nano Void Technology showed promising results in water cleanup, agriculture, and oil well production enhancement. Notable projects include algae remediation at Arrowhead Country Club and addressing composting challenges in California.
CEO Mark Gaalswyk emphasized the company's focus on increasing sales of Terreplenish and Easy Nano Void System products to achieve steady, recurring monthly profits before expanding into more complex technologies. DUTV aims to expand its marketing and global awareness campaign in 2025.
Digital Utilities Ventures (OTC: DUTV) ha riportato risultati finanziari solidi per l'anno fiscale 2024, terminato il 31 maggio. L'azienda ha registrato un reddito netto di $896,869, principalmente grazie ad attività di fusione. Le vendite post-fusione per due mesi hanno totalizzato $291,730, con un profitto mensile medio di $94,195 derivante dalle vendite di Terreplenish e Easy Nano Void System.
DUTV ha completato acquisizioni strategiche, ampliando il proprio portafoglio nelle tecnologie sostenibili. La Easy Nano Void Technology dell'azienda ha mostrato risultati promettenti nella bonifica dell'acqua, in agricoltura e nel miglioramento della produzione di pozzi petroliferi. Tra i progetti notevoli vi sono la bonifica delle alghe presso l'Arrowhead Country Club e la risoluzione delle sfide nel compostaggio in California.
Il CEO Mark Gaalswyk ha sottolineato l'attenzione dell'azienda nell'aumentare le vendite dei prodotti Terreplenish e Easy Nano Void System per raggiungere profitti mensili costanti e ricorrenti prima di espandersi in tecnologie più complesse. DUTV mira ad ampliare la propria campagna di marketing e consapevolezza globale nel 2025.
Digital Utilities Ventures (OTC: DUTV) reportó resultados financieros sólidos para el año fiscal 2024, que terminó el 31 de mayo. La compañía logró un ingreso neto de $896,869, principalmente debido a actividades de fusión. Las ventas posteriores a la fusión durante dos meses totalizaron $291,730, con una ganancia mensual promedio de $94,195 de las ventas de Terreplenish y Easy Nano Void System.
DUTV completó adquisiciones estratégicas, ampliando su cartera en tecnologías sostenibles. La Easy Nano Void Technology de la compañía mostró resultados prometedores en la limpieza de agua, agricultura y mejora en la producción de pozos de petróleo. Proyectos notables incluyen la rehabilitación de algas en el Arrowhead Country Club y la solución de problemas de compostaje en California.
El CEO Mark Gaalswyk enfatizó el enfoque de la empresa en aumentar las ventas de los productos Terreplenish y Easy Nano Void System para lograr ganancias mensuales consistentes y recurrentes, antes de expandirse a tecnologías más complejas. DUTV tiene como objetivo expandir su campaña de marketing y conciencia global en 2025.
디지털 유틸리티 벤처스 (OTC: DUTV)는 2024 회계연도(5월 31일 종료)에 대해 강력한 재무 결과를 보고했습니다. 회사는 주로 합병 활동 덕분에 896,869달러의 순이익을 기록했습니다. 합병 이후 두 달 간의 판매는 291,730달러에 달했으며, Terreplenish와 Easy Nano Void System 판매로부터 평균 월수익은 94,195달러에 달했습니다.
DUTV는 전략적 인수 작업을 완료하여 지속 가능한 기술 포트폴리오를 확장했습니다. 회사의 Easy Nano Void Technology는 수질 정화, 농업 및 석유 우물 생산 증대에서 유망한 결과를 나타냈습니다. 눈에 띄는 프로젝트로는 Arrowhead Country Club의 조류 정화 및 캘리포니아의 퇴비화 문제 해결이 있습니다.
CEO 마크 가알스윅은 회사의 주안점이 Terreplenish 및 Easy Nano Void System 제품의 판매를 늘려 일정하고 반복적인 월 수익을 달성하는 것이라며, 이후 더 복잡한 기술로 확장할 계획이라고 강조했습니다. DUTV는 2025년에 마케팅 및 글로벌 인지도 캠페인을 확장할 목표를 가지고 있습니다.
Digital Utilities Ventures (OTC: DUTV) a annoncé de solides résultats financiers pour l'exercice 2024, se terminant le 31 mai. L'entreprise a réalisé un revenu net de 896 869 $, principalement grâce à des activités de fusion. Les ventes post-fusion sur deux mois ont totalisé 291 730 $, avec un bénéfice moyen mensuel de 94 195 $ provenant des ventes de Terreplenish et du système Easy Nano Void.
DUTV a complété des acquisitions stratégiques, élargissant son portefeuille dans les technologies durables. La Technologie Easy Nano Void de l'entreprise a montré des résultats prometteurs pour le nettoyage de l'eau, l'agriculture et l'amélioration de la production de puits de pétrole. Parmi les projets notables, on trouve la réhabilitation des algues au Arrowhead Country Club et la résolution des défis de compostage en Californie.
Le CEO Mark Gaalswyk a souligné l'engagement de l'entreprise à augmenter les ventes des produits Terreplenish et Easy Nano Void System pour atteindre des bénéfices mensuels constants et récurrents avant d'étendre ses activités à des technologies plus complexes. DUTV vise à étendre sa campagne de marketing et de sensibilisation mondiale en 2025.
Digital Utilities Ventures (OTC: DUTV) hat für das Geschäftsjahr 2024, das am 31. Mai endete, starke finanzielle Ergebnisse gemeldet. Das Unternehmen erzielte einen Nettogewinn von 896.869 $, was hauptsächlich auf Fusionstätigkeiten zurückzuführen ist. Die Verkäufe nach der Fusion betrugen in zwei Monaten insgesamt 291.730 $, mit einem durchschnittlichen monatlichen Gewinn von 94.195 $ aus dem Verkauf von Terreplenish und Easy Nano Void System.
DUTV hat strategische Akquisitionen abgeschlossen und sein Portfolio im Bereich nachhaltiger Technologien erweitert. Die Easy Nano Void Technology des Unternehmens zeigte vielversprechende Ergebnisse bei der Wasserreinigung, in der Landwirtschaft und bei der Steigerung der Ölbrunnenproduktion. Zu den bemerkenswerten Projekten gehören die Algenbeseitigung im Arrowhead Country Club und die Bewältigung von Kompostierungsherausforderungen in Kalifornien.
CEO Mark Gaalswyk betonte den Fokus des Unternehmens auf die Steigerung der Verkäufe von Terreplenish und Easy Nano Void System-Produkten, um konstante monatliche Einnahmen zu erzielen, bevor es in komplexere Technologien expandiert. DUTV plant, 2025 seine Marketing- und globalen Awareness-Kampagnen auszubauen.
- Net income of $896,869 for fiscal year 2024
- Post-merger sales of $291,730 in two months
- Average monthly profit of $94,195 from Terreplenish and Easy Nano Void System sales
- Successful strategic acquisitions expanding the company's portfolio
- Promising results from Easy Nano Void Technology in various applications
- Potential contract with Arcis Golf for nationwide golf course applications
- Demonstrated 150-500% increase in oil well production using Easy Nano Void 450 system
- None.
MANKATO, Minn., Sept. 23, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Digital Utilities Ventures, Inc. (OTC: DUTV), a leader in sustainable energy and environmental technologies, recently announced its financial results and corporate progress for the fiscal year ended May 31, 2024. The company demonstrated significant growth and strategic advancements, emphasizing its commitment to innovation and sustainable environment protecting technologies.
Financial Highlights:
- Revenue Growth: The company reported net income for the fiscal year ending May 31, 2024 of
$896,869 , with much of this net income due to merger activities including extinguishment of debt and return of shares to the treasury. The two-month post-merger sales for the company was$291,730 , with an average “post-merger” per month profit on operations of$94,195. T hese revenues were generated from the sales of liquid microbial Terreplenish, and our Easy Nano Void System which can be used for lake clean up, oil well production enhancement, and numerous agricultural applications. - Strategic Acquisitions: Digital Utilities Ventures successfully completed pivotal equity exchanges, enhancing its market position and expanding its portfolio. This includes acquiring a majority interest in Easy Energy Systems Technologies, LLC, Feed Earth Now, LLC, and Easy Modular Manufacturing, Inc. while setting a strong foundation for future growth. As future combined merged operations include numerous business activities similar to past operations, it is the intent of the combined DUTV entity to maintain the over
$11 million dollars in historical loss carry forward to aid in the reduction of future income liabilities.
Operational Highlights:
- Digital Utilities Ventures continued to innovate within its core markets, developing technologies that enable more efficient solutions that dramatically reduce environmental pollutants. The company’s licensed and patented Easy Nano Void Technology has shown promising results in cleaning up bodies of water, improving agricultural output, and even dramatically enhancing the production of an existing oil well…all without the need for harmful chemicals.
- Regarding Note 8 from the Annual Report: Note 8 – Subsequent Events: After the reporting period, in July 2024, Digital Utilities Ventures engaged in a significant project with Arrowhead Country Club in Glendale, AZ. By using its proprietary technologies, Easy Nano Void and Terreplenish, Digital Utilities Ventures successfully remediated an algae-infested stenchy pond. This intervention not only resolved a longstanding community issue but also led to a contractual agreement with Arcis Golf, potentially expanding the application of these technologies across many golf courses nationwide. Furthermore, the project demonstrated that not only can Terreplenish replace conventional toxic fertilizers, but it can also be combined with our Easy Nano Void system to quickly clean up lakes, rivers, ponds, and waste lagoons.
- In August 2024, the company further demonstrated the effectiveness of its technologies in California, addressing composting challenges at a large-scale facility. This trial is anticipated to result in significant contracts, reinforcing the company's innovative solutions in waste and compost management.
- Lastly, Digital Utilities Ventures is experiencing increasing interest from oil well service companies with the recently manufactured Easy Nano Void 450 oil well enhancement system. This patented technology, which has undergone six months of testing by experienced oil industry partners on five different oil wells, has demonstrated the potential to increase the production of an existing oil well by 150 to
500% . Such enhancements could substantially reduce the need for new oil wells by maximizing the output from existing ones. Theoretically, rapid worldwide adoption of this revolutionary technology could eliminate the need to drill any new oil wells. This could aid in protecting environmentally sensitive regions from needless oil well exploration activities, while still making an abundant source of transitional petroleum available as the world migrates to long-term “climate friendly” forms of energy. - These events reflect the company’s ongoing commitment to environmental solutions and represent significant potential for growth and expansion into new markets and industries.
Executive Statements: Mark Gaalswyk, CEO of Digital Utilities Ventures, stated, "This year has been transformative for Digital Utilities Ventures as we continue to execute our mission of pioneering sustainable technologies. With our strategic acquisitions and merger activities behind us, we can now focus on increasing sales and market awareness of our Terreplenish Liquid Microbial and Easy Nano Void System product lines. These two products will be our initial focus to enable our company to achieve a steady level of predictable, recurring monthly profits and cashflow before we then expand further into our more complex patented Solid Waste, Auto Segmentation carbon capture, Bio Energy technologies for the forest fire mediation and municipal solid waste industries. The Terreplenish microbial product line enables the replacement of 1/3 of conventional petroleum-based fertilizers that pollute our lakes and rivers. It will reduce irrigation needs by
Future Outlook: Looking ahead to 2025, with the merger and significant product line validation completed in the past year behind us, Digital Utilities Ventures aims to expand its marketing and global awareness campaign. The company plans to leverage its strengthened portfolio, expanded sales rep network, and now tried and proven technological advancements to increase sales while providing enhanced shareholder value and customer/investor market awareness.
About Digital Utilities Ventures, Inc.: Digital Utilities Ventures is an innovator in sustainable technology solutions based in Mankato, MN. The company specializes in developing advanced technologies that support ecological sustainability and energy efficiency. Its many patented solutions serve a wide range of applications, from agricultural fertilizer replacement microbes to water clean-up technologies and enhanced climate-friendly energy production and enhancement.
Forward-Looking Statements
This press release includes statements that may constitute ''forward-looking'' statements, usually containing the words ''believe,'' ''estimate,'' ''project,'' ''expect'' or similar expressions. These statements are made pursuant to the safe harbor provisions of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Forward-looking statements inherently involve risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from the forward-looking statements. Factors that would cause or contribute to such differences include but are not limited to acceptance of the Company's current and future products and services in the marketplace, the ability of the Company to develop effective new products and receive regulatory approvals of such products, competitive factors, dependence upon third-party vendors, and other risks detailed in the Company's periodic report filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission. By making these forward-looking statements, the Company undertakes no obligation to update these statements for revisions or changes after the date of this release.
For information on Easy Energy Systems, Inc.:
For information on Easy Energy Finance, Inc.:
For more information, please contact:
Mark K. Gaalswyk, CEO
Phone: 952-400-6045
SOURCE : Easy Energy Systems, Inc.
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