Duos Edge AI Launches First Edge Data Center

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(Very Positive)

Duos Technologies Group (Nasdaq: DUOT) has announced the launch of its first Edge Data Center (EDC) at the Region 16 Education Service Center in Amarillo, Texas. This initiative, led by Duos Edge AI, aims to enhance student learning and drive economic growth in the Texas Panhandle by providing high-speed connectivity and advanced technological solutions.

The EDC will support 60 public school districts in the rural Texas Panhandle, offering reliable internet access and scalable IT resources. Set to be operational by mid-September, this project is expected to improve educational outcomes, support local businesses, and foster digital equity in the region.

Doug Recker, President of Duos Edge AI, emphasized the company's commitment to closing the digital divide in underserved areas. Chuck Ferry, CEO of Duos, highlighted the strategic expansion into the education sector, while Michael Keough, Region 16 CTO, stressed the importance of this initiative for the region's future competitiveness.

Duos Technologies Group (Nasdaq: DUOT) ha annunciato il lancio del suo primo Edge Data Center (EDC) presso il Centro Servizi Educativi della Regione 16 ad Amarillo, Texas. Questa iniziativa, guidata da Duos Edge AI, mira a migliorare l'apprendimento degli studenti e a stimolare la crescita economica nel Texas Panhandle, offrendo connettività ad alta velocità e soluzioni tecnologiche avanzate.

L'EDC supporterà 60 distretti scolastici pubblici nel rurale Texas Panhandle, fornendo accesso a Internet affidabile e risorse IT scalabili. Prevedendo di diventare operativo entro metà settembre, questo progetto si prevede che migliorerà i risultati educativi, sosterrà le imprese locali e promuoverà l'equità digitale nella regione.

Doug Recker, Presidente di Duos Edge AI, ha sottolineato l'impegno dell'azienda nel ridurre il divario digitale nelle aree svantaggiate. Chuck Ferry, CEO di Duos, ha evidenziato l'espansione strategica nel settore dell'istruzione, mentre Michael Keough, CTO della Regione 16, ha enfatizzato l'importanza di questa iniziativa per la competitività futura della regione.

Duos Technologies Group (Nasdaq: DUOT) ha anunciado el lanzamiento de su primer Centro de Datos de Borde (EDC) en el Centro de Servicios Educativos de la Región 16 en Amarillo, Texas. Esta iniciativa, dirigida por Duos Edge AI, tiene como objetivo mejorar el aprendizaje de los estudiantes y impulsar el crecimiento económico en el Panhandle de Texas mediante la provisión de conectividad de alta velocidad y soluciones tecnológicas avanzadas.

El EDC apoyará a 60 distritos escolares públicos en el Panhandle rural de Texas, ofreciendo acceso a Internet confiable y recursos de TI escalables. Se espera que esté operativo a mediados de septiembre y se prevé que mejorará los resultados educativos, apoyará a las empresas locales y fomentará la equidad digital en la región.

Doug Recker, Presidente de Duos Edge AI, enfatizó el compromiso de la empresa para cerrar la brecha digital en áreas desatendidas. Chuck Ferry, CEO de Duos, destacó la expansión estratégica hacia el sector educativo, mientras que Michael Keough, CTO de la Región 16, subrayó la importancia de esta iniciativa para la competitividad futura de la región.

Duos Technologies Group (Nasdaq: DUOT)는 텍사스 아마릴로에 있는 제16지역 교육 서비스 센터에 첫 번째 엣지 데이터 센터(EDC)를 Launch했다고 발표했습니다. 이 이니셔티브는 Duos Edge AI가 주도하며, 학생들의 학습을 향상시키고 텍사스 팬핸들의 경제 성장을 촉진하기 위해 고속 연결성과 첨단 기술 솔루션을 제공합니다.

EDC는 60개의 공립 학교 구역을 지원하며, 신뢰할 수 있는 인터넷 접근성과 확장 가능한 IT 리소스를 제공합니다. 9월 중순까지 운영될 예정인 이 프로젝트는 교육 성과를 개선하고 지역 비즈니스를 지원하며 디지털 형평성을 촉진할 것으로 기대됩니다.

Doug Recker, Duos Edge AI의 사장은 소외된 지역의 디지털 격차를 해소하려는 회사의 의지를 강조했습니다. Chuck Ferry, Duos의 CEO는 교육 분야로의 전략적 확장을 강조했으며, Michael Keough, 제16지역 CTO는 이 이니셔티브가 지역의 미래 경쟁력에 중요하다고 강조했습니다.

Duos Technologies Group (Nasdaq: DUOT) a annoncé le lancement de son premier centre de données Edge (EDC) au Centre de services éducatifs de la Région 16 à Amarillo, au Texas. Cette initiative, dirigée par Duos Edge AI, vise à améliorer l'apprentissage des élèves et à stimuler la croissance économique dans le Texas Panhandle en fournissant une connectivité haute vitesse et des solutions technologiques avancées.

L'EDC soutiendra 60 districts scolaires publics dans le Texas Panhandle rural, offrant un accès Internet fiable et des ressources informatiques évolutives. Prévu pour être opérationnel d'ici mi-septembre, ce projet devrait améliorer les résultats éducatifs, soutenir les entreprises locales et favoriser l'équité numérique dans la région.

Doug Recker, président de Duos Edge AI, a souligné l'engagement de l'entreprise à combler la fracture numérique dans les zones mal desservies. Chuck Ferry, PDG de Duos, a mis en avant l'expansion stratégique dans le secteur de l'éducation, tandis que Michael Keough, CTO de la Région 16, a souligné l'importance de cette initiative pour la compétitivité future de la région.

Duos Technologies Group (Nasdaq: DUOT) hat die Eröffnung seines ersten Edge Data Centers (EDC) im Region 16 Bildungsdienstleistungszentrum in Amarillo, Texas, bekannt gegeben. Diese Initiative, geleitet von Duos Edge AI, zielt darauf ab, das Lernen der Schülerinnen und Schüler zu verbessern und das Wirtschaftswachstum im Texas Panhandle durch die Bereitstellung von Hochgeschwindigkeitskonnektivität und fortschrittlichen technologischen Lösungen voranzutreiben.

Das EDC wird 60 öffentliche Schulbezirke im ländlichen Texas Panhandle unterstützen und zuverlässigen Internetzugang und skalierbare IT-Ressourcen bieten. Es wird erwartet, dass das Projekt bis Mitte September betriebsbereit ist und die Bildungsergebnisse verbessert, lokale Unternehmen unterstützt und digitale Gleichstellung in der Region fördert.

Doug Recker, Präsident von Duos Edge AI, betonte das Engagement des Unternehmens zur Schließung der digitalen Kluft in unterversorgten Gebieten. Chuck Ferry, CEO von Duos, hob die strategische Expansion in den Bildungssektor hervor, während Michael Keough, CTO der Region 16, die Bedeutung dieser Initiative für die zukünftige Wettbewerbsfähigkeit der Region betonte.

  • Launch of first Edge Data Center in Amarillo, Texas, expanding into the education sector
  • Partnership with Region 16 Education Service Center to serve 60 public school districts
  • Potential for improved educational outcomes and economic growth in the Texas Panhandle
  • Operational date set for mid-September, with plans for further expansion
  • None.

The launch of Duos Edge AI's first Edge Data Center (EDC) in Amarillo, Texas, represents a significant technological advancement for the region. This initiative addresses the critical issue of the digital divide in rural areas, particularly in education. By providing high-speed connectivity and advanced IT resources, the EDC will enable schools to access modern educational tools and resources previously unavailable.

From a technical perspective, the EDC's ability to offer scalable IT resources is crucial. This flexibility allows for future growth and adaptation to evolving technological needs, ensuring long-term viability. The focus on Infrastructure 4.0 also suggests a forward-thinking approach, potentially incorporating IoT, AI and other advanced technologies to create a smart, interconnected ecosystem for education and local businesses.

This partnership between Duos Edge AI and Region 16 Education Service Center could serve as a model for similar initiatives in other underserved areas. The market potential for EDCs in rural education is significant, considering the 60 public school districts in the Texas Panhandle alone. If successful, this project could open up new market opportunities for Duos in the education sector across rural America.

Moreover, by supporting local businesses with enhanced connectivity, the EDC could stimulate economic growth in the region. This dual benefit of improving both education and local economy positions Duos Edge AI as a key player in rural development, potentially leading to increased demand for their services in similar markets nationwide.

Region 16 Partnership Aims to Enhance Student Learning and Economic Growth in the Texas Panhandle

JACKSONVILLE, Fla., Sept. 04, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Duos Technologies Group, Inc. (“Duos” or the “Company”) (Nasdaq: DUOT), through its operating subsidiary Duos Edge AI, Inc. (“Duos Edge AI”), a provider of adaptive, versatile, and streamlined Edge Data Center (“EDC”) solutions tailored to meet evolving needs in any environment, proudly announces the launch of its first Edge Data Center (EDC) at the Region 16 Education Service Center in Amarillo, Texas. This strategic partnership marks a significant milestone in bringing high-speed connectivity and advanced technological solutions to classrooms throughout the Texas Panhandle.


The new EDC will provide vital infrastructure to support student learning by delivering reliable and high-speed internet access. This will enable innovative educational tools and resources, ensuring that students have access to the same quality of education as those in urban centers. Additionally, the EDC will offer scalable IT resources that can grow with the needs of the community, fostering economic prosperity by supporting local businesses with enhanced connectivity and computing capabilities.

“We are thrilled to launch our first Edge Data Center in Amarillo, a location that will serve as a critical hub for education and economic development in the region,” said Doug Recker, President of Duos Edge AI. “Our collaboration with Region 16 Education Service Center underscores our commitment to improving educational outcomes and driving economic growth in underserved areas. This initiative exemplifies our mission to close the digital divide by delivering cutting-edge technology to areas that need it most. The partnership with Region 16 demonstrates how Duos Edge AI can play a pivotal role in transforming local communities by providing the infrastructure needed for future success.”

“We are delighted to have Doug Recker leading Duos Edge AI, especially as we expand our focus into the education sector,” said Chuck Ferry, CEO of Duos. “Doug's extensive experience and leadership have been instrumental in securing this partnership with Region 16, and we are excited about the positive impact our Edge Data Center will have on students and the broader community in the Texas Panhandle. This initiative will not only enhance educational opportunities but also support the region's economic growth.”

“The 60 public school districts in the rural Texas Panhandle rely on Region 16 for their educational and technological needs,” said Michael Keough, Region 16 Chief Technology Officer. “Introducing Edge Data Centers in our area is a critical step in ensuring that our students have the resources and connectivity they need to succeed. By laying innovative groundwork for Infrastructure 4.0 in our area, we are enhancing learning opportunities and creating pathways for our students to navigate future career fields and fostering economic development. In such a rural area, this solution serves as a vital catalyst for digital equity, ensuring that our schools and communities remain competitive both within Texas and across the nation.”

The Region 16 EDC will be operational by mid-September, with plans for further expansion to support the growing needs of the Texas Panhandle.

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About Region 16

Located in Amarillo, Texas, Region 16 Education Service Center serves 60 school districts and three charter schools with 226 campuses in a 26,000 square mile area. Region 16 school districts have an average daily attendance of over 83,000 students, with individual districts ranging from fewer than 30 to more than 29,000 students and the total regional school staff numbering more than 12,800.

About Duos Edge AI, Inc.

Duos Edge AI, Inc. is a subsidiary of Duos Technologies Group, Inc. (Nasdaq: DUOT). Duos Edge AI's mission is to bring advanced technology to underserved communities, particularly in education, healthcare, and rural industries, by deploying high-powered edge computing solutions that minimize latency and optimize performance. Duos Edge AI specializes in high-function Edge Data Center (“EDC”) solutions tailored to meet evolving needs in any environment. By focusing on providing scalable IT resources that seamlessly integrate with existing infrastructure, its solutions expand capabilities at the network edge, ensuring data uptime onsite services. With the ability to provide 100 kW+ per cabinet, rapid 90-day deployment, and continuous 24/7 data services, Duos Edge AI aims to position its edge data centers within 12 miles of end users or devices, significantly closer than traditional data centers. This approach enables timely processing of massive amounts of data for applications requiring real-time response and supporting current and future technologies without large capital investments. For more information, visit

About Duos Technologies Group, Inc.

Duos Technologies Group, Inc. (Nasdaq: DUOT), based in Jacksonville, Florida, through its wholly owned subsidiaries, Duos Technologies, Inc., Duos Edge AI, Inc., and Duos Energy Corporation, designs, develops, deploys, and operates intelligent technology solutions for Machine Vision and Artificial Intelligence (“AI”) applications including real-time analysis of fast-moving vehicles, Edge Data Centers and power consulting. For more information, visit and

Forward-Looking Statements

This news release includes forward-looking statements within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, regarding, among other things our plans, strategies and prospects -- both business and financial. Although we believe that our plans, intentions and expectations reflected in or suggested by these forward-looking statements are reasonable, we cannot assure you that we will achieve or realize these plans, intentions or expectations. Forward-looking statements are inherently subject to risks, uncertainties and assumptions. Many of the forward-looking statements contained in this news release may be identified by the use of forward-looking words such as “believe,” “expect,” “anticipate,” “should,” “planned,” “will,” “may,” “intend,” “estimated,” and “potential,” among others. Important factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from the forward-looking statements we make in this news release include market conditions and those set forth in reports or documents that we file from time to time with the United States Securities and Exchange Commission. We do not undertake or accept any obligation or undertaking to release publicly any updates or revisions to any forward-looking statements to reflect any change in our expectations or any change in events, conditions or circumstances on which any such statement is based, except as required by law. All forward-looking statements attributable to Duos Technologies Group, Inc. or a person acting on its behalf are expressly qualified in their entirety by this cautionary language.

A photo accompanying this announcement is available at

This press release was published by a CLEAR® Verified individual.


What is Duos Technologies Group's latest project in Amarillo, Texas?

Duos Technologies Group, through its subsidiary Duos Edge AI, has launched its first Edge Data Center (EDC) at the Region 16 Education Service Center in Amarillo, Texas, aimed at enhancing student learning and economic growth in the Texas Panhandle.

How many school districts will benefit from Duos' Edge Data Center in the Texas Panhandle?

The Edge Data Center will support 60 public school districts in the rural Texas Panhandle, providing them with high-speed connectivity and advanced technological solutions.

When will the Duos Edge Data Center in Amarillo be operational?

The Edge Data Center at Region 16 Education Service Center in Amarillo is set to be operational by mid-September 2024.

What are the potential benefits of Duos' Edge Data Center for the Texas Panhandle region?

The Edge Data Center is expected to improve educational outcomes, support local businesses with enhanced connectivity, foster digital equity, and drive economic growth in the Texas Panhandle region.

Duos Technologies Group, Inc.


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