Piedmont Natural Gas monitoring areas impacted by Tropical Storm Debby, advises customers on flood-related equipment damage

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Piedmont Natural Gas, a subsidiary of Duke Energy (NYSE: DUK), is actively monitoring areas affected by Tropical Storm Debby in the Carolinas. The company is taking steps to ensure customer safety by inspecting natural gas meters for flood damage. Adam Long, Piedmont's chief operations officer, emphasized that flooded equipment can pose hazards and safety is their top priority.

Key points:

  • Crews will inspect and potentially remove submerged meters
  • Affected customers will need licensed contractor inspections before service restoration
  • Piedmont offers comprehensive safety tips for flood-affected residents
  • Customers are advised not to attempt repairs on their own
  • The company provides a 24-hour hotline (800.752.7504) for emergencies

Piedmont Natural Gas, una filiale di Duke Energy (NYSE: DUK), sta monitorando attivamente le aree colpite dalla tempesta tropicale Debby nelle Carolinas. L'azienda sta adottando misure per garantire la sicurezza dei clienti ispezionando i contatori del gas naturale per eventuali danni da alluvione. Adam Long, direttore operativo di Piedmont, ha sottolineato che l'attrezzatura allagata può rappresentare un pericolo e la sicurezza è la loro massima priorità.

Punti chiave:

  • Le squadre ispezioneranno e potrebbero rimuovere i contatori sommersi
  • I clienti interessati avranno bisogno di ispezioni da parte di appaltatori autorizzati prima del ripristino del servizio
  • Piedmont offre consigli di sicurezza completi per i residenti colpiti dalle inondazioni
  • Si consiglia ai clienti di non tentare riparazioni da soli
  • L'azienda fornisce una hotline attiva 24 ore su 24 (800.752.7504) per le emergenze

Piedmont Natural Gas, una subsidiaria de Duke Energy (NYSE: DUK), está monitoreando activamente las áreas afectadas por la tormenta tropical Debby en las Carolinas. La compañía está tomando medidas para garantizar la seguridad del cliente inspeccionando los medidores de gas natural por daños por inundación. Adam Long, director de operaciones de Piedmont, enfatizó que el equipo inundado puede representar riesgos y la seguridad es su máxima prioridad.

Puntos clave:

  • Los equipos inspeccionarán y potencialmente removerán los medidores sumergidos
  • Los clientes afectados necesitarán inspecciones de contratistas licenciados antes de la restauración del servicio
  • Piedmont ofrece consejos de seguridad integrales para los residentes afectados por inundaciones
  • Se aconseja a los clientes que no intenten reparaciones por su cuenta
  • La compañía proporciona una línea de emergencia 24 horas (800.752.7504)

Piedmont Natural Gas는 Duke Energy(NYSE: DUK)의 자회사로, 카롤라이나 지역에서 열대 폭풍 Debby의 영향을 모니터링하고 있습니다. 이 회사는 고객의 안전을 보장하기 위해 홍수 피해를 위한 천연가스 계량기를 점검하고 있습니다. Adam Long Piedmont의 운영 담당자는 침수된 장비가 위험을 초래할 수 있으며, 안전이 최우선 사항이라고 강조했습니다.

주요 사항:

  • 작업팀이 잠긴 계량기를 점검하고 제거할 수 있습니다
  • 영향을 받은 고객은 서비스 복구 전에 라이센스가 있는 계약자의 점검이 필요합니다
  • Piedmont는 홍수 피해를 입은 거주자를 위한 종합적인 안전 팁을 제공합니다
  • 고객은 스스로 수리를 시도하지 말 것을 권장합니다
  • 회사는 비상사태를 위한 24시간 핫라인(800.752.7504)을 제공합니다

Piedmont Natural Gas, une filiale de Duke Energy (NYSE: DUK), surveille activement les zones touchées par la tempête tropicale Debby dans les Carolines. L'entreprise prend des mesures pour garantir la sécurité des clients en inspectant les compteurs de gaz naturel pour détecter d'éventuels dommages dus aux inondations. Adam Long, directeur des opérations de Piedmont, a souligné que les équipements inondés peuvent présenter des risques et que la sécurité est leur priorité absolue.

Points clés :

  • Les équipes inspecteront et pourraient retirer les compteurs submergés
  • Les clients concernés devront faire inspecter leur installation par un entrepreneur agréé avant la restauration du service
  • Piedmont propose des conseils de sécurité complets pour les résidents touchés par les inondations
  • Il est conseillé aux clients de ne pas tenter de réparations par eux-mêmes
  • L'entreprise met à disposition une ligne d'urgence 24 heures sur 24 (800.752.7504)

Piedmont Natural Gas, eine Tochtergesellschaft von Duke Energy (NYSE: DUK), überwacht aktiv die von Tropensturm Debby betroffenen Gebiete in den Carolinas. Das Unternehmen ergreift Maßnahmen, um die Sicherheit der Kunden zu gewährleisten, indem es die Erdgaszähler auf Hochwasserschäden überprüft. Adam Long, Chief Operating Officer von Piedmont, betonte, dass überflutetes Equipment Gefahren darstellen kann und die Sicherheit oberste Priorität hat.

Wichtige Punkte:

  • Teams werden überflutete Zähler überprüfen und möglicherweise entfernen
  • Betroffene Kunden benötigen vor der Wiederherstellung des Dienstes die Inspektion durch lizenzierte Auftragnehmer
  • Piedmont bietet umfassende Sicherheitstipps für von Hochwasser betroffene Anwohner an
  • Kunden wird geraten, keine eigenen Reparaturen vorzunehmen
  • Das Unternehmen bietet eine 24-Stunden-Notfallhotline (800.752.7504) an
  • Proactive approach to customer safety during natural disaster
  • Comprehensive safety information and guidelines provided to customers
  • 24-hour emergency hotline available for customer support
  • Potential service disruptions and equipment damage due to flooding
  • Customers may face costs for inspections and possible appliance replacements

CHARLOTTE, N.C., Aug. 9, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- As Tropical Storm Debby moves beyond the Carolinas, Piedmont Natural Gas is closely monitoring for damages caused by heavy rains and flooding. Piedmont crews will canvass flood-impacted areas to inspect natural gas meters for signs of submersion as conditions become safe and floodwaters recede.

"Piedmont is taking the necessary steps to make sure our customers can safely operate their natural gas equipment and appliances in the aftermath of Debby," said Adam Long, Piedmont Natural Gas chief operations officer.

"Flooded natural gas equipment and appliances can pose a hazard, which is why our crews will be inspecting equipment as quickly as it's safe to do so," Long said. "The safety of our customers and employees will always be our top priority."

Any natural gas meter believed to have been even partially submerged will be removed, and natural gas service to the home or business will be turned off. Customers whose natural gas service is turned off will be notified, and natural gas appliances in the home or business will need to be inspected for safe operation by a licensed contractor before service can be restored. Customers are advised that appliances may need to be replaced if an inspection finds they have been damaged by floodwaters and cannot operate safely.

Piedmont's safety webpage, available at, offers comprehensive safety information, including the following tips for residents affected by flooding:

If water enters your home:

  • Do not attempt to disconnect or work on or around your natural gas meter.
  • Do not attempt to relight any of your natural gas appliances. Call Piedmont at 800.752.7504 so we can inspect your meter and your natural gas appliances for possible damage.
  • Do not attempt to clear flood debris from your natural gas meter or from any other natural gas appliance, including your water heater. Call Piedmont for an assessment.
  • Never use outdoor equipment indoors for cooking or heating. This includes natural gas grills, generators, etc.

If your natural gas appliances are damaged by water:

  • Natural gas appliances damaged by water may need to be replaced according to manufacturer guidelines and instructions. 
  • When choosing a contractor for repair or replacement of your natural gas appliances, make sure the contractor is licensed, committed to safety and follows all manufacturer safety guidelines.
  • You can choose to work with Piedmont Natural Gas, one of our approved Gas Advantage Dealers, or any other licensed contractor to repair or replace damaged appliances.
  • View a list of Piedmont's Gas Advantage Dealers
  • Note that unauthorized repairs can be unsafe and may void your warranty according to manufacturer guidelines.
  • Call your appliance manufacturer if you are unsure that the work being performed is an approved repair.

If you suspect a natural gas leak (natural gas smells like rotten eggs):

  • Leave the premises immediately.
  • Call Piedmont Natural Gas at 800.752.7504 or dial 911.
    • Call from a neighbor's house or from another location far from the smell of natural gas.
  • DO NOT use anything electrical that may create a spark; this includes cellphones.
  • DO NOT operate any light switches.
  • DO NOT light a match.
  • DO NOT attempt to locate the source of the leak.
  • DO NOT attempt to stop the leak.
  • DO NOT return to the area until Piedmont Natural Gas or the emergency services have declared the area safe. 
  • DO NOT attempt to operate pipeline valves yourself. You may inadvertently cause more danger or additional damage.
  • DO NOT attempt to extinguish a natural gas fire.  

Wind-related damage:

  • If you see or suspect damage to natural gas lines or facilities due to uprooted trees or wind-related damage, call Piedmont Natural Gas at 800.752.7504 or call 911.

Call 811 before you dig:

  • Call 811 to have your natural gas lines located and marked (for free) before you remove uprooted trees, rebuild storm-damaged structures or dig anywhere on your property.

Customers with immediate questions or concerns should call Piedmont Natural Gas at 800.752.7504.

Piedmont Natural Gas
Piedmont Natural Gas, a subsidiary of Duke Energy (NYSE: DUK), distributes natural gas to more than 1.2 million residential, commercial, industrial and power generation customers in North Carolina, South Carolina and Tennessee. Piedmont Natural Gas earned the No. 1 spot in customer satisfaction with residential natural gas service in the South among large utilities, according to the J.D. Power 2023 U.S. Gas Utility Residential Customer Satisfaction Study. More information: Follow Piedmont Natural Gas: Twitter, Facebook.

Contact: Zach Vavricka
24-Hour: 877.348.3612

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SOURCE Piedmont Natural Gas


What is Piedmont Natural Gas doing in response to Tropical Storm Debby?

Piedmont Natural Gas is monitoring flood-impacted areas, inspecting natural gas meters for submersion damage, and providing safety guidelines to customers affected by Tropical Storm Debby.

How does flooding affect Piedmont Natural Gas service?

Flooding can damage natural gas equipment and appliances. Piedmont will turn off service to affected areas, requiring inspections and possible equipment replacement before restoration.

What should Piedmont Natural Gas customers do if they suspect flood damage?

Customers should not attempt repairs themselves. They should call Piedmont at 800.752.7504 for inspection and await professional assessment before using any gas appliances.

How can Piedmont Natural Gas customers report a suspected gas leak?

Customers suspecting a gas leak should leave the premises immediately and call Piedmont Natural Gas at 800.752.7504 or dial 911 from a safe location.

What is Duke Energy's (NYSE: DUK) role in the Tropical Storm Debby response?

Duke Energy (NYSE: DUK) is the parent company of Piedmont Natural Gas, which is leading the response to potential natural gas issues caused by Tropical Storm Debby in its service areas.

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