How This Dedicated Team Is Protecting Our Planet
Duke Energy's Natural Resources Group is leading initiatives to protect land, water, and habitats while maintaining utility infrastructure. The company's efforts include:
- Planting milkweed to support pollinators
- Preserving habitats in transmission and distribution rights of way
- Safely relocating bird nests from utility infrastructure
- Sponsoring the Island Habitat Program
- Supporting the Catawba-Wateree Habitat Enhancement Program
- Participating in a voluntary conservation agreement to save monarch butterflies
- Working with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to protect bat species
These initiatives demonstrate Duke Energy's commitment to environmental stewardship beyond regulatory compliance, aiming to create a better future for communities and ecosystems.
Il Gruppo Risorse Naturali di Duke Energy sta guidando iniziative per proteggere terre, acqua e habitat, mantenendo al contempo l'infrastruttura delle utilities. Gli sforzi dell'azienda includono:
- Piantare asclepiade per supportare gli impollinatori
- Preservare gli habitat lungo le vie di trasmissione e distribuzione
- Rimuovere in sicurezza i nidi degli uccelli dalle infrastrutture delle utilities
- Finanziare il Programma Habitat delle Isole
- Supportare il Programma di Miglioramento dell'Habitat Catawba-Wateree
- Partecipare a un accordo di conservazione volontaria per salvare le farfalle monarca
- Collaborare con il Servizio Fish and Wildlife degli Stati Uniti per proteggere le specie di pipistrelli
Queste iniziative dimostrano l'impegno di Duke Energy per la gestione ambientale oltre il rispetto delle normative, con l'obiettivo di creare un futuro migliore per le comunità e gli ecosistemi.
El Grupo de Recursos Naturales de Duke Energy lidera iniciativas para proteger tierras, aguas y hábitats mientras mantiene la infraestructura de servicios públicos. Los esfuerzos de la empresa incluyen:
- Plantación de asclepiadac para apoyar a los polinizadores
- Preservación de hábitats en las vías de transmisión y distribución
- Reubicación segura de nidos de aves de la infraestructura de servicios públicos
- Patrocinio del Programa de Hábitat de las Islas
- Apoyo al Programa de Mejora del Hábitat Catawba-Wateree
- Participación en un acuerdo voluntario de conservación para salvar mariposas monarca
- Colaboración con el Servicio de Pesca y Vida Silvestre de EE. UU. para proteger especies de murciélagos
Estas iniciativas demuestran el compromiso de Duke Energy con la gestión ambiental más allá del cumplimiento normativo, con el objetivo de crear un futuro mejor para las comunidades y los ecosistemas.
Duke Energy의 자연 자원 그룹은 유틸리티 인프라를 유지하면서 땅, 물, 서식지를 보호하기 위한 이니셔티브를 주도하고 있습니다. 회사의 노력은 다음과 같습니다:
- 수분 매개체를 지원하기 위한 밀크위드 식재
- 송전 및 배전의 권리 과정을 따라 서식지 보존
- 유틸리티 인프라에서 새 둥지를 안전하게 이동
- 섬 서식지 프로그램 후원
- 카타우바-워터리 서식지 개선 프로그램 지원
- 황제 나비를 구하기 위한 자발적인 보존 협약 참여
- 미국 어류 및 야생 동물 서비스와 협력하여 박쥐 종 보호
이러한 이니셔티브는 규제 준수를 넘어서는 Duke Energy의 환경 관리에 대한 헌신을 보여 주며, 커뮤니티와 생태계를 위한 더 나은 미래를 창조하는 것을 목표로 합니다.
Le Groupe des Ressources Naturelles de Duke Energy mène des initiatives pour protéger les terres, l'eau et les habitats tout en maintenant l'infrastructure des services publics. Les efforts de l'entreprise comprennent :
- Plantation de plantes à latex pour soutenir les pollinisateurs
- Préservation des habitats le long des droits de passage pour la transmission et la distribution
- Relocalisation en toute sécurité des nids d'oiseaux de l'infrastructure des services publics
- Parrainage du Programme d'Habitat des Îles
- Support au Programme d'Amélioration de l'Habitat Catawba-Wateree
- Participation à un accord volontaire de conservation pour sauver les papillons monarques
- Collaboration avec le Service de la Faune et des Pêches des États-Unis pour protéger les espèces de chauves-souris
Ces initiatives démontrent l'engagement de Duke Energy envers la gestion environnementale au-delà de la conformité réglementaire, visant à créer un avenir meilleur pour les communautés et les écosystèmes.
Die Gruppe für natürliche Ressourcen von Duke Energy leitet Initiativen zum Schutz von Land, Wasser und Lebensräumen, während die Infrastruktur der Versorgungsunternehmen aufrechterhalten wird. Die Bemühungen des Unternehmens umfassen:
- Das Pflanzen von Seidenpflanzen zur Unterstützung von Bestäubern
- Die Erhaltung von Lebensräumen auf Übertragungs- und Verteilungswegen
- Die sichere Umsiedlung von Vogelnestern aus der Infrastruktur der Versorgungsunternehmen
- Die Unterstützung des Inselhabitatprogramms
- Die Unterstützung des Catawba-Wateree-Programms zur Verbesserung des Lebensraums
- Die Teilnahme an einer freiwilligen Vereinbarung zur Erhaltung der Monarchfalter
- Die Zusammenarbeit mit dem U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service zum Schutz von Fledermausarten
Diese Initiativen zeigen das Engagement von Duke Energy für Umweltverantwortung über die Einhaltung von Vorschriften hinaus und zielen darauf ab, eine bessere Zukunft für Gemeinschaften und Ökosysteme zu schaffen.
- Duke Energy is actively involved in environmental conservation efforts beyond regulatory requirements
- The company's initiatives cover a wide range of ecological aspects, including land, water, and habitat protection
- Duke Energy collaborates with various organizations and government agencies for conservation projects
- None.
NORTHAMPTON, MA / ACCESSWIRE / August 29, 2024 / Duke Energy:
From our power plant sites to across the whole community, Duke Energy's commitment to land, water and habitat preservation runs deep
Trudging up an isolated dirt path at Conestee Nature Preserve in Greenville, S.C., a vast meadow comes into view. It's a uniquely special place, surrounded by hundreds of acres of natural habitats.
Piedmont Natural Gas volunteers gathered here on a sticky summer morning - not to hike, bike or escape into nature - but to plant milkweed, a critical food source for important pollinators like bees and butterflies.
"This is our home, this is where we live, so anything that I can do to help out to make it better, I'm all for it," said volunteer Brent Laney of Piedmont Natural Gas, a business unit of Duke Energy, and trusted natural gas provider for more than 1.1 million residential and business customers in the Carolinas and Tennessee.
But Duke Energy's efforts to protect the beauty and diversity of our natural resources is so much more than just sweat equity. That commitment is exemplified through its proactive initiatives headed by the Natural Resources Group. By promoting conservation projects, habitat enhancement, biodiversity and other environmental initiatives, they strive to preserve our planet and create a better future for all. This vision is carried out all while ensuring utility infrastructure can be maintained and improved without harming the environment.
Lead Environmental Scientist James McRacken has spent nearly eight years protecting wildlife and habitat areas where the company operates. And he understands the importance of milkweed, a flowering plant that attracts pollinators such as butterflies, birds and bees that transfer pollen from plant to plant. This transfer of pollen contributes to a thriving ecosystem and the fruit and vegetables we consume.
Many are surprised to learn about McRacken's job with the electric utility.
When doing field work, sightseers often approach him to ask what he is doing. "I'm a wildlife biologist for Duke Energy," he'll say. "And they're so surprised that we do that. They also seem thankful to learn we're out there doing these types of studies and caring for the many plants and animals that call this home."
The Natural Resources Group also preserves habitats in transmission and distribution rights of ways, corridors with vital infrastructure that delivers electricity from power plants to homes and businesses. And McRacken oversees the bird hotline, ensuring nests are safely relocated when people notice a bird nesting in a meter box or other Duke Energy infrastructure. They're not just doing the bare minimum.
"It's about more than compliancy," he said. "Duke Energy wants to be a good steward of the environment."
Hank McCullough, a veteran community relations manager at Piedmont Natural Gas in South Carolina, organized the milkweed planting event at the nature preserve. Knowing these events positively and directly influence surrounding communities, McCullough is in the process of setting up more volunteering opportunities, including a sustainable tree planting event in some of the neighborhoods located in Greenville and Spartanburg counties.
"We want to be able to do things that keep the communities we serve vibrant and a place for all people, a place where families can do interesting things, where they can engage young people to understand the value of nature in the outdoors," McCullough said.
Land, water and habitat protection
Duke Energy and Piedmont Natural Gas employees focus on all aspects of natural resource conservation and the environment, including forest management and aquatic protection among other things, such as:
The Island Habitat Program, sponsored by the N.C. Wildlife Federation and Duke Energy, encourages homeowners associations, boating groups and more to "adopt" an island. Participating groups agree to clean up litter and debris from their island, while providing data on wildlife species that occupy the land.
Another initiative, the Catawba-Wateree Habitat Enhancement Program, created a Habitat Enhancement Fund to help sustain the Catawba-Wateree reservoirs and surrounding area's ecosystem. It's funded by fees charged to property owners and developers applying for lake use permits.
Through a voluntary conservation agreement to save the monarch butterfly, Duke Energy helps the energy and transportation sectors evaluate population trends for monarchs nationwide. These insights help experts develop conservation strategies, like adjusting vegetation management practices or planting more milkweed, vital to the monarch's survival.
Duke Energy also works with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to address a decline in protected bat species. Learn more about the bat Habitat Conversation Plan.
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SOURCE: Duke Energy
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What conservation initiatives is Duke Energy (DUK) involved in?
How is Duke Energy (DUK) supporting pollinators?
What is the role of Duke Energy's Natural Resources Group?