Fortune recognizes Duke Energy as one of the World's Most Admired Companies
Duke Energy (NYSE: DUK) has been named one of Fortune magazine's World's Most Admired Companies for 2025, marking its eighth consecutive year on the list. The company ranked among the top four gas and electric utilities for the fourth straight year.
Key achievements in 2024 include:
- Smart technology helped avoid 2.3 million customer outages, saving 11 million hours of outage time
- Currently serving 60% of customers with self-healing technology, aiming for 80% coverage
- Invested over $22 million since 2019 in disaster preparedness and response
- Projecting 1.5% to 2% annual load growth through 2028
The company serves 8.4 million electric customers and 1.7 million natural gas customers across six states. Duke Energy is pursuing ambitious clean energy goals, including net-zero methane emissions from natural gas by 2030 and net-zero carbon emissions from electricity generation by 2050.
Duke Energy (NYSE: DUK) è stata nominata una delle Aziende più Ammirate al Mondo dalla rivista Fortune per il 2025, segnando il ottavo anno consecutivo nella lista. L'azienda si è classificata tra le prime quattro utility di gas ed elettricità per il quarto anno di fila.
I principali risultati nel 2024 includono:
- La tecnologia intelligente ha contribuito ad evitare 2,3 milioni di interruzioni per i clienti, risparmiando 11 milioni di ore di inattività
- Attualmente serve il 60% dei clienti con tecnologia di auto-riparazione, puntando a una copertura dell'80%
- Investito oltre 22 milioni di dollari dal 2019 nella preparazione e risposta a disastri
- Previsione di una crescita annuale del carico dell'1,5% al 2% fino al 2028
L'azienda serve 8,4 milioni di clienti elettrici e 1,7 milioni di clienti di gas naturale in sei stati. Duke Energy sta perseguendo ambiziosi obiettivi di energia pulita, inclusi emissioni nette di metano zero da gas naturale entro il 2030 e emissioni nette di carbonio zero dalla generazione elettrica entro il 2050.
Duke Energy (NYSE: DUK) ha sido nombrada una de las Empresas Más Admiradas del Mundo por la revista Fortune para 2025, marcando su octavo año consecutivo en la lista. La compañía se posicionó entre las cuatro principales empresas de servicios públicos de gas y electricidad por cuarto año consecutivo.
Los logros clave en 2024 incluyen:
- La tecnología inteligente ayudó a evitar 2,3 millones de cortes de servicio, ahorrando 11 millones de horas de tiempo de interrupción
- Currently se presta servicio al 60% de los clientes con tecnología de auto-reparación, con el objetivo de cubrir el 80%
- Invertido más de 22 millones de dólares desde 2019 en preparación y respuesta ante desastres
- Proyección de un crecimiento anual de la carga del 1,5% al 2% hasta 2028
La empresa atiende a 8,4 millones de clientes eléctricos y 1,7 millones de clientes de gas natural en seis estados. Duke Energy está persiguiendo ambiciosos objetivos de energía limpia, incluyendo emisiones netas de metano cero de gas natural para 2030 y emisiones netas de carbono cero de generación eléctrica para 2050.
듀크 에너지(Duke Energy) (NYSE: DUK)가 포춘(Fortune) 잡지의 2025 세계에서 가장 존경받는 회사 중 하나로 선정되어 8년 연속 이 리스트에 올랐습니다. 이 회사는 4년 연속으로 가스 및 전기 유틸리티 분야에서 상위 4위 안에 들어갔습니다.
2024년 주요 성과는 다음과 같습니다:
- 스마트 기술을 통해 230만 고객의 정전을 예방하여 1100만 시간의 정전 시간을 절약했습니다.
- 현재 자가 복구 기술로 60%의 고객에게 서비스를 제공하고 있으며, 80% 커버리지 목표를 설정하고 있습니다.
- 2019년 이후 재난 대비 및 대응에 2200만 달러 이상 투자
- 2028년까지 연간 1.5%에서 2%의 부하 성장 전망
이 회사는 6개 주에서 840만 전기 고객과 170만 가스 고객에게 서비스를 제공합니다. 듀크 에너지는 2030년까지 천연가스의 메탄 배출을 제로로, 2050년까지 전력 생산에서 탄소 배출을 제로로 하는 야심찬 청정 에너지 목표를 추구하고 있습니다.
Duke Energy (NYSE: DUK) a été désignée comme l'une des entreprises les plus admirées au monde par le magazine Fortune pour 2025, marquant ainsi sa huitième année consécutive sur la liste. L'entreprise se classe parmi les quatre premières entreprises de gaz et d'électricité pour la quatrième année consécutive.
Les réalisations clés en 2024 incluent :
- La technologie intelligente a permis d'éviter 2,3 millions de coupures de service, économisant ainsi 11 millions d'heures de temps d'interruption
- Actuellement, 60% des clients sont servis par une technologie d'auto-réparation, avec un objectif de couverture de 80%
- Investissement de plus de 22 millions de dollars depuis 2019 dans la préparation et la réponse aux catastrophes
- Prévision d'une croissance annuelle de la charge de 1,5% à 2% d'ici 2028
L'entreprise dessert 8,4 millions de clients électriques et 1,7 million de clients de gaz naturel dans six États. Duke Energy poursuit des objectifs ambitieux en matière d'énergie propre, y compris des émissions nettes de méthane nulles issues du gaz naturel d'ici 2030 et des émissions nettes de carbone nulles provenant de la production d'électricité d'ici 2050.
Duke Energy (NYSE: DUK) wurde von der Zeitschrift Fortune als eines der weltweit am meisten bewunderten Unternehmen für 2025 ausgezeichnet, was das achte Jahr in Folge auf dieser Liste markiert. Das Unternehmen belegt seit vier Jahren in Folge einen Platz unter den Top vier der Gas- und Elektrizitätsversorger.
Wichtige Errungenschaften im Jahr 2024 umfassen:
- Intelligente Technologie half dabei, 2,3 Millionen Kundenunterbrechungen zu vermeiden, was 11 Millionen Stunden Ausfallzeit einsparten
- Aktuell werden 60% der Kunden mit selbstheilender Technologie versorgt, mit dem Ziel, 80% abzudecken
- Seit 2019 wurden über 22 Millionen Dollar in Katastrophenvorbereitung und -reaktion investiert
- Prognose einer jährlichen Lastwachstums von 1,5% bis 2% bis 2028
Das Unternehmen bedient 8,4 Millionen Elektrizitätskunden und 1,7 Millionen Erdgaskunden in sechs Bundesstaaten. Duke Energy verfolgt ehrgeizige Ziele im Bereich der sauberen Energie, darunter netto-null Methanemissionen aus Erdgas bis 2030 und netto-null Kohlenstoffemissionen aus der Stromerzeugung bis 2050.
- None.
- None.
"Delivering safe, reliable and affordable energy to our customers and communities is at the core of everything we do," said Lynn Good, Duke Energy's chair and CEO. "Being recognized by our industry peers, directors and analysts in Fortune's list of World's Most Admired Companies is a testament to the dedication and hard work of our employees who drive innovation and power the communities we serve every day."
To determine the industry rankings, executives, directors and industry analysts are independently surveyed and companies are rated on nine attributes: innovation, people management, use of corporate assets, social responsibility, quality of management, financial soundness, long-term investment, quality of products/services, and global competitiveness.
Recent company performance highlights:
Prioritizing grid reliability – In 2024, smart, self-healing technology helped to avoid more than 2.3 million customer outages across Duke Energy's six-state service area, saving around 11 million hours of total outage time. More than
Supporting our communities – Duke Energy and its foundation marked the milestone of investing more than
Preparing for the future – We experienced robust economic development growth in our service territories across a diverse set of industries, including batteries, semiconductors, pharmaceuticals, data centers and more, which will lead to meaningful load growth and economic benefits for the communities we serve. Through 2028, we are projecting average overall load growth of
Duke Energy
Duke Energy (NYSE: DUK), a Fortune 150 company headquartered in
Duke Energy is executing an ambitious clean energy transition, keeping reliability, affordability and accessibility at the forefront as the company works toward net-zero methane emissions from its natural gas business by 2030 and net-zero carbon emissions from electricity generation by 2050. The company is investing in major electric grid upgrades and cleaner generation, including expanded energy storage, renewables, natural gas and advanced nuclear.
More information is available at and the Duke Energy News Center. Follow Duke Energy on X, LinkedIn, Instagram and Facebook, and visit illumination for stories about the people and innovations powering our energy transition.
Contact: Cedric Page
24-Hour: 800.559.3853
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SOURCE Duke Energy
What recognition did Duke Energy (DUK) receive from Fortune magazine in 2025?
How many customer outages did Duke Energy's (DUK) smart technology prevent in 2024?
What are Duke Energy's (DUK) clean energy transition goals?
How much has Duke Energy (DUK) invested in disaster preparedness since 2019?
What is Duke Energy's (DUK) projected load growth through 2028?