Duke Energy restores 90% of Carolinas customers capable of receiving power following Helene

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Duke Energy has restored power to 90% of Carolinas customers capable of receiving power following Hurricane Helene. As of 4 p.m. ET, fewer than 105,000 customers in South Carolina and approximately 141,000 customers in North Carolina remain without power. The company expects to complete most restorations by the end of the weekend, but warns it could take days for all customers in the hardest-hit areas.

Duke Energy's restoration strategy has focused on repairing the backbone of its system first, likened to interstate highways of the power grid. The company is now shifting to restore thousands of miles of lines serving individual homes and businesses. Jason Hollifield, Duke Energy storm director, noted the unprecedented scale and severity of damage, requiring an unprecedented amount of equipment, people, and time to restore service.

Duke Energy ha ripristinato l'energia per il 90% dei clienti delle Carolinas in grado di ricevere elettricità dopo l'uragano Helene. Alle 16:00 ET, meno di 105.000 clienti in Carolina del Sud e circa 141.000 clienti in Carolina del Nord sono ancora senza energia. L'azienda prevede di completare la maggior parte dei ripristini entro la fine del fine settimana, ma avverte che potrebbe richiedere giorni per tutti i clienti nelle zone più colpite.

La strategia di ripristino di Duke Energy si è concentrata prima sulla riparazione della spina dorsale del suo sistema, paragonabile alle autostrade interstatali della rete elettrica. L'azienda sta ora spostando il focus per ripristinare migliaia di miglia di linee che servono case e aziende singole. Jason Hollifield, direttore delle tempeste di Duke Energy, ha sottolineato la scala e la gravità senza precedenti dei danni, richiedendo un'eccezionale quantità di attrezzature, persone e tempo per ripristinare il servizio.

Duke Energy ha restaurado la energía al 90% de los clientes de las Carolinas capaces de recibir electricidad tras el huracán Helene. A las 4 p.m. ET, menos de 105,000 clientes en Carolina del Sur y aproximadamente 141,000 clientes en Carolina del Norte permanecen sin energía. La compañía espera completar la mayoría de las restauraciones para el final del fin de semana, pero advierte que podría tomar días para todos los clientes en las áreas más afectadas.

La estrategia de restauración de Duke Energy se ha centrado en reparar primero la columna vertebral de su sistema, comparada con las autopistas interestatales de la red eléctrica. La empresa ahora está cambiando su enfoque para restaurar miles de millas de líneas que sirven a hogares y negocios individuales. Jason Hollifield, director de tormentas de Duke Energy, señaló la escala y gravedad sin precedentes de los daños, lo que requiere una cantidad sin precedentes de equipos, personas y tiempo para restaurar el servicio.

Duke Energy는 허리케인 헬렌 이후 전기를 받을 수 있는 캐롤리나 고객의 90%에 전력을 복구했습니다. 동부표준시 기준 오후 4시 현재, 사우스 캐롤라이나의 고객 105,000명 미만노스 캐롤라이나의 고객 약 141,000명이 여전히 전력이 끊긴 상태입니다. 회사는 주말 말까지 대부분의 복구를 완료할 것으로 예상하고 있지만, 가장 피해가 큰 지역의 모든 고객에게는 며칠이 걸릴 수 있다고 경고하고 있습니다.

Duke Energy의 복구 전략은 먼저 시스템의 척추를 수리하는 데 중점을 두었으며, 이는 전력망의 주간선에 비유될 수 있습니다. 현재 회사는 개별 주택과 비즈니스를 지원하는 수천 마일의 전선 복구로 초점을 옮기고 있습니다. Duke Energy의 폭풍 디렉터인 제이슨 홀리필드는 앞서 본 적 없는 손상 규모와 심각성을 언급하며, 서비스 복구를 위해 전례 없는 장비, 인력 및 시간이 필요하다고 말했습니다.

Duke Energy a restauré l'alimentation pour 90 % des clients des Carolines capables de recevoir de l'électricité suite à l'ouragan Helene. À 16h00 ET, moins de 105 000 clients en Caroline du Sud et environ 141 000 clients en Caroline du Nord restent sans électricité. La société s'attend à terminer la plupart des restaurations d'ici la fin du week-end, mais prévient que cela pourrait prendre des jours pour tous les clients des zones les plus touchées.

La stratégie de restauration de Duke Energy s'est d'abord concentrée sur la réparation des infrastructures de base de son système, comparable aux autoroutes inter-étatiques du réseau électrique. L'entreprise change maintenant son attention pour restaurer des milliers de kilomètres de lignes qui desservent des maisons et des entreprises individuelles. Jason Hollifield, directeur des tempêtes de Duke Energy, a noté l'ampleur et la gravité sans précédent des dommages, nécessitant une quantité sans précédent d'équipements, de personnel et de temps pour rétablir le service.

Duke Energy hat die Stromversorgung für 90% der Kunden in den Carolinas wiederhergestellt, die nach dem Hurrikan Helene Strom empfangen können. Um 16:00 Uhr ET sind weniger als 105.000 Kunden in South Carolina und ca. 141.000 Kunden in North Carolina weiterhin ohne Strom. Das Unternehmen rechnet damit, die meisten Wiederherstellungen bis zum Ende des Wochenendes abzuschließen, warnt jedoch, dass es Tage dauern könnte, bis alle Kunden in den am schlimmsten betroffenen Gebieten wieder mit Strom versorgt werden.

Die Wiederherstellungsstrategie von Duke Energy konzentrierte sich zuerst auf die Reparatur des Rückgrats seines Systems, das mit den Autobahnnetzen des Stromnetzes verglichen wurde. Das Unternehmen wechselt nun dazu, Tausende von Meilen von Leitungen, die einzelne Haushalte und Geschäfte versorgen, wiederherzustellen. Jason Hollifield, Sturmleiter von Duke Energy, wies auf die beispiellose Ausmaß und Schwere der Schäden hin, was eine beispiellose Menge an Ausrüstung, Personal und Zeit erforderte, um den Dienst wiederherzustellen.

  • 90% of Carolinas customers capable of receiving power have been restored
  • Most restorations expected to be completed by the end of the weekend
  • Duke Energy has deployed more restoration crews than ever before in the affected regions
  • Approximately 246,000 customers still without power across both Carolinas
  • Complete restoration in hardest-hit areas could take days
  • Unprecedented scale and severity of damage causing slower restoration progress
  • More than 1 million customers restored in South Carolina
  • More than 1.3 million customers restored in North Carolina
  • Severity and scale of damage unprecedented

Editor's note: Visit the Duke Energy News Center for storm director videos, downloadable B-roll and high-resolution images.

CHARLOTTE, N.C., Oct. 5, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Duke Energy restored power to 90% of Carolinas customers able to receive power following Helene and will continue working until all customers are restored. The company says it could be days before it completes restoration work for all customers capable of receiving service, especially in the hardest-hit areas.

As of 4 p.m. ET, fewer than 105,000 customers in South Carolina remain without power, but many will be restored by the end of the weekend. Approximately 141,000 customer outages remain in the mountains of North Carolina. Duke Energy will continue to update estimated times of restoration for customers who remain without power and will communicate updates directly with customers.

The company's strategy over the past week has been to prioritize the restoration of the backbone of its system, which can be compared to the interstate highways and interchanges of the power grid. As the backbone work is completed, Duke Energy is moving personnel to work on the power grid's thousands of miles of lines and poles that serve individual homes and businesses. This work can feel slower because the same amount of work restores fewer customers.

"As more of our workers move into the areas hardest hit by Helene, they're encountering more severe damage on a larger scale than we've ever experienced," said Jason Hollifield, Duke Energy storm director in the Carolinas. "Restoring this unprecedented damage is requiring an unprecedented amount of equipment, people and time. We set aggressive restoration goals and have more restoration crews in these regions than ever before, working night and day to restore service to our customers."

Information on estimated restoration times is continually updated on Duke Energy's Outage Maps tool. Customers also can enroll in Outage Alerts to get information about area outages and restoration efforts via text message, voice message or email. 

Duke Energy

Duke Energy (NYSE: DUK), a Fortune 150 company headquartered in Charlotte, N.C., is one of America's largest energy holding companies. The company's electric utilities serve 8.4 million customers in North Carolina, South Carolina, Florida, Indiana, Ohio, and Kentucky, and collectively own 54,800 megawatts of energy capacity. Its natural gas utilities serve 1.7 million customers in North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Ohio, and Kentucky.

Duke Energy is executing an ambitious clean energy transition, keeping reliability, affordability, and accessibility at the forefront as the company works toward net-zero methane emissions from its natural gas business by 2030 and net-zero carbon emissions from electricity generation by 2050. The company is investing in major electric grid upgrades and cleaner generation, including expanded energy storage, renewables, natural gas and nuclear.

More information is available at and the Duke Energy News Center. Follow Duke Energy on X, LinkedIn, Instagram and Facebook, and visit illumination for stories about the people and innovations powering our energy transition.

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How many Duke Energy (DUK) customers are still without power after Hurricane Helene?

As of October 5, 2024, approximately 246,000 Duke Energy customers are still without power: fewer than 105,000 in South Carolina and about 141,000 in North Carolina.

What percentage of Duke Energy (DUK) customers have had power restored after Hurricane Helene?

Duke Energy has restored power to 90% of Carolinas customers capable of receiving power following Hurricane Helene.

When does Duke Energy (DUK) expect to complete power restoration after Hurricane Helene?

Duke Energy expects to complete most restorations by the end of the weekend, but warns it could take days for all customers in the hardest-hit areas to have power restored.

What is Duke Energy's (DUK) restoration strategy following Hurricane Helene?

Duke Energy's strategy has been to prioritize restoring the backbone of its system first, then moving to repair thousands of miles of lines serving individual homes and businesses.

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