Duke Energy prepares for Tropical Storm Debby in the Carolinas; encourages customers to plan ahead

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Duke Energy Carolinas is preparing for Tropical Storm Debby expected to hit the Carolinas mid to late week. The company is positioning over 6,100 skilled workers to respond to potential widespread outages caused by heavy rain and strong winds. Duke Energy (NYSE: DUK) encourages customers to:

  • Create or update emergency supply kits
  • Keep portable radios or TVs for weather updates
  • Charge electronic devices in advance
  • Plan for alternative locations if evacuation is needed
  • Update contact information for proactive updates
  • Download the American Red Cross Emergency app

Duke Energy Carolinas serves 2.9 million customers across a 24,000-square-mile area in North and South Carolina. The parent company, Duke Energy, is executing an ambitious clean energy transition, aiming for net-zero methane emissions by 2030 and net-zero carbon emissions by 2050.

Duke Energy Carolinas si sta preparando per la Tempesta Tropicale Debby, prevista per colpire le Carolinas a metà o fine settimana. L'azienda sta posizionando oltre 6.100 lavoratori qualificati per rispondere a potenziali interruzioni di corrente su vasta scala causate da forti piogge e venti. Duke Energy (NYSE: DUK) incoraggia i clienti a:

  • Creare o aggiornare kit di emergenza
  • Mantenere radio o TV portatili per aggiornamenti meteo
  • Caricare in anticipo i dispositivi elettronici
  • Pianificare luoghi alternativi in caso di evacuazione
  • Aggiornare le informazioni di contatto per aggiornamenti proattivi
  • Scaricare l'app di emergenza della Croce Rossa Americana

Duke Energy Carolinas serve 2,9 milioni di clienti su un'area di 24.000 miglia quadrate nelle Carolinas del Nord e del Sud. La società madre, Duke Energy, sta attuando una transizione energetica pulita ambiziosa, puntando a emissioni nette di metano pari a zero entro il 2030 e emissioni nette di carbonio pari a zero entro il 2050.

Duke Energy Carolinas se está preparando para la Tormenta Tropical Debby, que se espera que golpee las Carolinas a mediados o finales de esta semana. La compañía está posicionando a más de 6,100 trabajadores calificados para responder a posibles cortes de suministro generalizados causados por fuertes lluvias y vientos. Duke Energy (NYSE: DUK) anima a sus clientes a:

  • Crear o actualizar kits de emergencia
  • Conservar radios o televisores portátiles para actualizaciones meteorológicas
  • Cargar los dispositivos electrónicos por adelantado
  • Planificar lugares alternativos en caso de evacuación
  • Actualizar la información de contacto para recibir actualizaciones proactivas
  • Descargar la aplicación de emergencia de la Cruz Roja Americana

Duke Energy Carolinas atiende a 2.9 millones de clientes en un área de 24,000 millas cuadradas en Carolina del Norte y del Sur. La empresa matriz, Duke Energy, está llevando a cabo una ambiciosa transición energética limpia, con el objetivo de emisiones netas de metano cero para 2030 y emisiones netas de carbono cero para 2050.

Duke Energy Carolinas는 열대 폭풍 데비가 주 중후반에 캐롤라이나를 강타할 것으로 예상됨에 따라 준비하고 있습니다. 이 회사는 강한 비와 바람으로 인한 광범위한 정전 사태에 대응하기 위해 6,100명의 숙련된 근무자를 배치하고 있습니다. Duke Energy (NYSE: DUK)는 고객에게 다음 사항을 권장합니다:

  • 비상 용품 키트를 만들거나 업데이트하기
  • 기상 업데이트를 위한 휴대용 라디오 또는 TV 유지하기
  • 전자기기를 미리 충전하기
  • 대피가 필요할 경우 대체 위치 계획하기
  • 사전 업데이트를 위한 연락처 정보 업데이트하기
  • 미국 적십자의 비상 앱 다운로드하기

Duke Energy Carolinas는 노스캐롤라이나와 사우스캐롤라이나에서 290만 고객에게 24,000 제곱 마일의 지역을 서비스합니다. 모회사인 Duke Energy는 2030년까지 메탄 배출량 제로2050년까지 탄소 배출량 제로를 목표로 하는 야심찬 청정 에너지 전환을 추진하고 있습니다.

Duke Energy Carolinas se prépare à la tempête tropicale Debby qui devrait frapper les Carolines au milieu ou à la fin de la semaine. L'entreprise positionne plus de 6 100 travailleurs qualifiés pour répondre aux éventuelles pannes d'électricité généralisées causées par de fortes pluies et des vents violents. Duke Energy (NYSE: DUK) encourage les clients à :

  • Créer ou mettre à jour des kits de secours
  • Conserver des radios ou des téléviseurs portables pour les mises à jour météo
  • Charger les appareils électroniques à l'avance
  • Prévoir des lieux alternatifs en cas d'évacuation
  • Mettre à jour les informations de contact pour des mises à jour proactives
  • Télécharger l'application d'urgence de la Croix-Rouge Américaine

Duke Energy Carolinas sert 2,9 millions de clients sur une zone de 24 000 miles carrés en Caroline du Nord et en Caroline du Sud. La société mère, Duke Energy, mène une transition énergétique propre ambitieuse, visant à atteindre des émissions nettes de méthane nulles d'ici 2030 et des émissions nettes de carbone nulles d'ici 2050.

Duke Energy Carolinas bereitet sich auf Tropensturm Debby vor, der voraussichtlich Mitte bis Ende der Woche die Carolinas treffen wird. Das Unternehmen positioniert über 6.100 Fachkräfte, um auf mögliche weitreichende Stromausfälle aufgrund von sintflutartigem Regen und starkem Wind zu reagieren. Duke Energy (NYSE: DUK) rät den Kunden,:

  • Notfallversorgungskits zu erstellen oder zu aktualisieren
  • Tragbare Radios oder Fernseher für Wetterupdates bereitzuhalten
  • Elektronische Geräte im Voraus aufzuladen
  • Alternative Standorte zu planen, falls eine Evakuierung erforderlich ist
  • Kontaktinformationen für proaktive Updates zu aktualisieren
  • Die Notfall-App des Amerikanischen Roten Kreuzes herunterzuladen

Duke Energy Carolinas versorgt 2,9 Millionen Kunden über ein Gebiet von 24.000 Quadratmeilen in North und South Carolina. Das Mutterunternehmen, Duke Energy, führt einen ehrgeizigen Übergang zur sauberen Energie durch, mit dem Ziel, bis 2030 netto null Methanemissionen und bis 2050 netto null Kohlenstoffemissionen zu erreichen.

  • Duke Energy is proactively preparing 6,100 skilled workers for potential storm response
  • The company serves a large customer base of 2.9 million in the Carolinas
  • Duke Energy is executing a clean energy transition plan with specific net-zero emission targets
  • Potential widespread power outages due to Tropical Storm Debby could affect service and revenues
  • Increased costs associated with storm preparation and potential damage repair

CHARLOTTE, N.C., Aug. 5, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Duke Energy Carolinas is monitoring and preparing for the approaching tropical storm-like weather expected mid to late week.

While the storm's projected path is not yet fully known, conditions are favorable for heavy rain and strong winds, which could lead to widespread outages. The company plans to have more than 6,100 skilled workers strategically placed and ready to respond as the storm moves through the Carolinas.

"We are closely monitoring weather conditions and are making preparations to respond quickly and safely if needed," said Jason Hollifield, Duke Energy Carolinas storm director. "While the storm's path is still uncertain, we encourage our customers to plan in advance."

Below are some recommended safety and preparedness tips before a storm: 

  • Create (or update) an emergency supply kit to save valuable time later. The kit should include everything an individual or family would need for at least two weeks, especially medicines, water, non-perishable foods and other supplies that might be hard to find after a storm hits. 
  • Keep a portable radio or TV or a NOAA weather radio on hand to monitor weather forecasts and important information from state and local officials. 
  • Charge cellphones, computers and other electronic devices in advance of storms to stay connected to important safety and response information. Consider purchasing portable chargers and make sure they are fully charged as well. 
  • Maintain a plan to move family members – especially those with special needs – to a safe, alternative location in case an extended power outage occurs, or evacuation is required.  
  • Pet owners should arrange to stay at evacuation shelters that accept pets; friends' or family members' homes; or pet-friendly hotels. 
  • Make sure contact information is up to date and communication preferences are noted in your account so you can receive proactive updates from Duke Energy on the status of power outages.  
  • Additionally, customers are encouraged to download the enhanced American Red Cross Emergency app for weather safety. The latest version of the app, sponsored by the Duke Energy Foundation, is free, available in both English and Spanish and offers a variety of features including emergency checklists, interactive maps of open shelters and the ability to monitor multiple locations for weather alerts. 

For more tips on how to prepare for severe weather, please visit, and make sure to follow the instructions and warnings of emergency management officials in your area.

Duke Energy Carolinas
Duke Energy Carolinas, a subsidiary of Duke Energy, owns 20,700 megawatts of energy capacity, supplying electricity to 2.9 million residential, commercial and industrial customers across a 24,000-square-mile service area in North Carolina and South Carolina.

Duke Energy
Duke Energy (NYSE: DUK), a Fortune 150 company headquartered in Charlotte, N.C., is one of America's largest energy holding companies. The company's electric utilities serve 8.4 million customers in North Carolina, South Carolina, Florida, Indiana, Ohio and Kentucky, and collectively own 54,800 megawatts of energy capacity. Its natural gas utilities serve 1.7 million customers in North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Ohio and Kentucky.

Duke Energy is executing an ambitious clean energy transition, keeping reliability, affordability and accessibility at the forefront as the company works toward net-zero methane emissions from its natural gas business by 2030 and net-zero carbon emissions from electricity generation by 2050. The company is investing in major electric grid upgrades and cleaner generation, including expanded energy storage, renewables, natural gas and nuclear.

More information is available at and the Duke Energy News Center. Follow Duke Energy on TwitterLinkedInInstagram and Facebook, and visit illumination for stories about the people and innovations powering our energy transition.

Contact: Shawna Berger
Media line: 800.559.3853
Twitter: @DE_ShawnaB




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SOURCE Duke Energy


How is Duke Energy (DUK) preparing for Tropical Storm Debby in the Carolinas?

Duke Energy is positioning over 6,100 skilled workers to respond to potential widespread outages caused by Tropical Storm Debby. The company is closely monitoring weather conditions and encouraging customers to prepare in advance with emergency supply kits and updated contact information.

What are Duke Energy's (DUK) clean energy goals?

Duke Energy aims to achieve net-zero methane emissions from its natural gas business by 2030 and net-zero carbon emissions from electricity generation by 2050. The company is investing in major electric grid upgrades and cleaner generation, including expanded energy storage, renewables, natural gas, and nuclear.

How many customers does Duke Energy Carolinas serve?

Duke Energy Carolinas serves 2.9 million residential, commercial, and industrial customers across a 24,000-square-mile service area in North Carolina and South Carolina.

What safety tips does Duke Energy (DUK) recommend for customers ahead of Tropical Storm Debby?

Duke Energy recommends creating an emergency supply kit, keeping a portable radio or TV for updates, charging electronic devices in advance, planning alternative locations if evacuation is needed, updating contact information, and downloading the American Red Cross Emergency app.

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