Duke Energy Florida continues with power restoration; vast majority of Hurricane Milton-impacted counties to be restored by tonight

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Duke Energy Florida is making significant progress in power restoration following Hurricane Milton. As of 9 a.m. ET on Sunday, Oct. 13, outages have decreased from over 1 million to approximately 390,000. Most affected counties are expected to have power restored by 11:59 p.m. ET tonight, while Pinellas and Pasco counties will be restored by 11:59 p.m. ET on Tuesday, Oct. 15.

Todd Fountain, Duke Energy Florida storm director, praised customers' patience and support. The company continues to work day and night to restore power as quickly as possible. However, customers with extensive damage or flooding may face extended outages. Duke Energy Florida provides multiple ways to report outages, including their website, mobile app, text messaging, and phone line.

Duke Energy Florida, a subsidiary of Duke Energy, serves 2 million customers across a 13,000-square-mile service area in Florida. The parent company, Duke Energy (NYSE: DUK), is executing an ambitious clean energy transition, aiming for net-zero methane emissions from its natural gas business by 2030 and net-zero carbon emissions from electricity generation by 2050.

Duke Energy Florida sta facendo significativi progressi nel ripristino dell'elettricità dopo l'uragano Milton. Alle 9 del mattino ET di domenica 13 ottobre, le interruzioni sono diminuite da oltre 1 milione a circa 390.000. Le contee più colpite dovrebbero avere l'elettricità ripristinata entro le 23:59 ET di questa sera, mentre le contee di Pinellas e Pasco saranno ripristinate entro le 23:59 ET di martedì 15 ottobre.

Todd Fountain, direttore della tempesta di Duke Energy Florida, ha lodato la pazienza e il supporto dei clienti. L'azienda continua a lavorare giorno e notte per ripristinare l'elettricità il più rapidamente possibile. Tuttavia, i clienti con danni estesi o allagamenti potrebbero affrontare interruzioni prolungate. Duke Energy Florida offre diversi modi per segnalare interruzioni, tra cui il loro sito web, l'app mobile, i messaggi di testo e la linea telefonica.

Duke Energy Florida, una sussidiaria di Duke Energy, serve 2 milioni di clienti in una zona di servizio di 13.000 miglia quadrate in Florida. La società madre, Duke Energy (NYSE: DUK), sta attuando una transizione ambiziosa verso l'energia pulita, puntando a zero emissioni di metano dalla sua attività di gas naturale entro il 2030 e zero emissioni di carbonio dalla generazione di elettricità entro il 2050.

Duke Energy Florida está logrando un progreso significativo en la restauración del servicio eléctrico tras el huracán Milton. A las 9 a.m. ET del domingo 13 de octubre, las interrupciones han disminuido de más de 1 millón a aproximadamente 390,000. Se espera que los condados más afectados tengan el servicio restaurado antes de las 11:59 p.m. ET de esta noche, mientras que los condados de Pinellas y Pasco se restaurarán antes de las 11:59 p.m. ET del martes 15 de octubre.

Todd Fountain, director de tormentas de Duke Energy Florida, elogió la paciencia y el apoyo de los clientes. La empresa continúa trabajando día y noche para restaurar la electricidad lo más rápido posible. Sin embargo, los clientes con daños extensos o inundaciones pueden enfrentar interrupciones prolongadas. Duke Energy Florida ofrece múltiples formas de informar sobre las interrupciones, incluyendo su sitio web, aplicación móvil, mensajes de texto y línea telefónica.

Duke Energy Florida, una subsidiaria de Duke Energy, atiende a 2 millones de clientes en un área de servicio de 13,000 millas cuadradas en Florida. La empresa matriz, Duke Energy (NYSE: DUK), está llevando a cabo una ambiciosa transición a la energía limpia, con el objetivo de alcanzar cero emisiones de metano de su negocio de gas natural para 2030 y cero emisiones de carbono de la generación de electricidad para 2050.

듀크 에너지 플로리다는 허리케인 밀턴 이후 전력 복구에 있어 상당한 진전을 이루고 있습니다. 10월 13일 일요일 오전 9시 ET 기준으로 정전 가구 수는 100만 가구 이상에서 약 39만 가구로 감소했습니다. 가장 영향을 받은 카운티들은 오늘 밤 오후 11시 59분 ET 까지 전력이 복구될 것으로 예상됩니다, 반면 핀ellas 카운티와 파스코 카운티는 10월 15일 화요일 오후 11시 59분 ET 까지 복구될 것입니다.

듀크 에너지 플로리다의 폭풍 이사인 토드 파운틴은 고객들의 인내와 지원에 감사의 뜻을 전했습니다. 회사는 가능한 한 빠르게 전력을 복구하기 위해 밤낮으로 계속 노력하고 있습니다. 그러나 광범위한 피해나 침수로 어려움을 겪고 있는 고객들은 장기적인 정전을 겪을 수 있습니다. 듀크 에너지 플로리다는 웹사이트, 모바일 앱, 문자 메시지 및 전화 등을 통해 정전 신고를 할 수 있는 여러 가지 방법을 제공합니다.

듀크 에너지 플로리다는 듀크 에너지의 자회사로 플로리다의 13,000 제곱 마일 서비스 지역에서 200만 고객에게 서비스를 제공하고 있습니다. 모회사인 듀크 에너지(NYSE: DUK)는 2030년까지 천연 가스 사업에서 메탄 배출 제로를 목표로 하고 있으며, 2050년까지 전기 생산에서 탄소 배출 제로를 목표로 하는 야심찬 청정 에너지 전환을 실행하고 있습니다.

Duke Energy Florida progresse considérablement dans la restauration de l'alimentation électrique après l'ouragan Milton. À 9 h, heure de l'Est, le dimanche 13 octobre, les pannes sont passées de plus d'un million à environ 390 000. Les comtés les plus touchés devraient avoir l'électricité rétablie d'ici 23 h 59, heure de l'Est, ce soir, tandis que les comtés de Pinellas et de Pasco devraient être rétablis d'ici 23 h 59, heure de l'Est, le mardi 15 octobre.

Todd Fountain, directeur des tempêtes de Duke Energy Florida, a salué la patience et le soutien des clients. L'entreprise continue de travailler jour et nuit pour rétablir l'alimentation le plus rapidement possible. Cependant, les clients ayant subi des dommages importants ou des inondations pourraient faire face à des pannes prolongées. Duke Energy Florida propose plusieurs moyens de signaler les pannes, y compris son site web, son application mobile, les messages texte et la ligne téléphonique.

Duke Energy Florida, une filiale de Duke Energy, sert 2 millions de clients sur une zone de service de 33 000 kilomètres carrés en Floride. La société mère, Duke Energy (NYSE: DUK), met en œuvre une transition ambitieuse vers une énergie propre, visant zéro émission de méthane dans ses activités de gaz naturel d'ici 2030 et zéro émission de carbone dans la production d'électricité d'ici 2050.

Duke Energy Florida macht erhebliche Fortschritte beim Wiederherstellen der Stromversorgung nach dem Hurrikan Milton. Am Sonntag, dem 13. Oktober, um 9 Uhr ET, sind die Ausfälle von über 1 Million auf etwa 390.000 gesunken. Die am stärksten betroffenen Landkreise sollen bis 23:59 Uhr ET heute Abend wieder Strom haben, während die Landkreise Pinellas und Pasco bis 23:59 Uhr ET am Dienstag, dem 15. Oktober, wiederhergestellt werden.

Todd Fountain, Sturmleiter von Duke Energy Florida, lobte die Geduld und Unterstützung der Kunden. Das Unternehmen arbeitet weiterhin Tag und Nacht daran, den Strom schnellstmöglich wiederherzustellen. Kunden mit umfangreichen Schäden oder Überschwemmungen könnten jedoch längere Ausfälle erleben. Duke Energy Florida bietet mehrere Möglichkeiten zur Meldung von Ausfällen an, einschließlich ihrer Website, mobilen App, SMS und Hotlines.

Duke Energy Florida, eine Tochtergesellschaft von Duke Energy, versorgt 2 Millionen Kunden in einem Servicegebiet von 13.000 Quadratmeilen in Florida. Das Mutterunternehmen, Duke Energy (NYSE: DUK), verfolgt einen ehrgeizigen Übergang zu sauberer Energie und strebt bis 2030 null Methanemissionen aus seiner Erdgaswirtschaft und bis 2050 null Kohlenstoffemissionen aus der Stromerzeugung an.

  • Outages reduced from over 1 million to approximately 390,000
  • Most affected counties expected to have power restored by tonight
  • Company working day and night to restore power quickly
  • Some customers may face extended outages due to extensive damage or flooding
  • Pinellas and Pasco counties will have power restored later, by Tuesday night


Duke Energy Florida's rapid response to Hurricane Milton demonstrates strong operational resilience. Reducing outages from over 1 million to 390,000 in a short time frame is impressive, showcasing effective disaster preparedness and resource mobilization. The company's ability to provide specific restoration timelines for different counties indicates well-coordinated logistics and communication strategies.

The phased restoration approach, prioritizing most areas by tonight and extending to Tuesday for Pinellas and Pasco counties, reflects a strategic allocation of resources. This method likely optimizes crew efficiency and manages public expectations. However, the mention of potential extended outages for severely damaged areas suggests possible infrastructure vulnerabilities that may require long-term investment.

From an investor perspective, Duke Energy's performance during this crisis could positively impact customer satisfaction and regulatory relationships, potentially supporting future rate cases or infrastructure improvement proposals. The company's proactive communication and multiple outage reporting options also align with modern utility best practices, which could be viewed favorably by regulators and stakeholders.

Duke Energy Florida's response to Hurricane Milton showcases a well-executed emergency management plan. The company's ability to restore power to a significant portion of affected customers within days of a major hurricane demonstrates robust preparedness and resource allocation. This efficiency in disaster response can lead to reduced economic impact and faster community recovery.

The clear communication of restoration timelines for specific counties is a critical aspect of effective crisis management. It helps manage public expectations and allows businesses and residents to plan accordingly. The company's multi-channel approach to outage reporting, including mobile apps and text services, aligns with modern emergency communication best practices.

However, the mention of potential extended outages for severely damaged areas highlights the ongoing challenges faced by utilities in hardening infrastructure against extreme weather events. This could indicate a need for increased investment in grid resilience, which may have implications for future capital expenditures and regulatory discussions.

  • Outages have decreased from over 1 million to approximately 390,000
  • Pinellas and Pasco counties will be restored by end of day Tuesday

Editor's note: Visit the Duke Energy News Center for downloadable B-roll and high-resolution images.

ST. PETERSBURG, Fla., Oct. 13, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Duke Energy Florida is continuing with power restoration post-Hurricane Milton. As of 9 a.m. ET today, Sunday, Oct. 13, outages have decreased from over 1 million to approximately 390,000.  

While some customers will have their power restored earlier, those in Brevard, Citrus, Hernando, Highlands, Lake, Marion, Orange, Osceola, Polk, Seminole, Sumter and Volusia will be restored by 11:59 p.m. ET tonight, Sunday, Oct. 13. Customers in Pinellas and Pasco counties will be restored by 11:59 p.m. ET on Tuesday, Oct. 15.

"Our customers' patience and support has been instrumental in our ongoing efforts to meet, and in many cases exceed, their estimated times of restoration," said Todd Fountain, Duke Energy Florida storm director. "We will continue to work day and night to get the lights back on as quickly as possible for all customers who are capable of receiving power."

It is important to note that customers who experienced extensive damage or flooding may require additional time for restoration and some should be prepared for extended outages. Updates will be communicated as soon as possible.

Customers who cannot receive power as a result of damage to the property's meter base, breaker panel or customer-owned electrical wiring should contact their local municipalities for guidance. Inspections may be required after repairs are complete.   

Power outages can be reported four different ways:

  • Visit on a desktop computer or mobile device.
  • Use the Duke Energy mobile app (download from a smartphone via Apple Store or Google Play).
  • Text OUT to 57801 (standard text and data charges may apply).
  • Call the automated outage reporting system at 800.228.8485.

The most up-to-date information about power outages can be accessed on Duke Energy's Outage Map or by enrolling in Outage Alerts.

Duke Energy Florida 
Duke Energy Florida, a subsidiary of Duke Energy, owns 12,300 megawatts of energy capacity, supplying electricity to 2 million residential, commercial and industrial customers across a 13,000-square-mile service area in Florida.  

Duke Energy
Duke Energy (NYSE: DUK), a Fortune 150 company headquartered in Charlotte, N.C., is one of America's largest energy holding companies. The company's electric utilities serve 8.4 million customers in North Carolina, South Carolina, Florida, Indiana, Ohio and Kentucky, and collectively own 54,800 megawatts of energy capacity. Its natural gas utilities serve 1.7 million customers in North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Ohio and Kentucky. 

Duke Energy is executing an ambitious clean energy transition, keeping reliability, affordability and accessibility at the forefront as the company works toward net-zero methane emissions from its natural gas business by 2030 and net-zero carbon emissions from electricity generation by 2050. The company is investing in major electric grid upgrades and cleaner generation, including expanded energy storage, renewables, natural gas and nuclear.  

More information is available at and the Duke Energy News Center. Follow Duke Energy on X, LinkedIn, Instagram and Facebook, and visit illumination for stories about the people and innovations powering our energy transition. 

Contact: Ana Gibbs
24-Hour: 800.559.3853

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SOURCE Duke Energy


When will Duke Energy Florida (DUK) restore power to most Hurricane Milton-affected counties?

Duke Energy Florida expects to restore power to most Hurricane Milton-affected counties by 11:59 p.m. ET on Sunday, October 13, 2024.

How many customers of Duke Energy Florida (DUK) are still without power after Hurricane Milton?

As of 9 a.m. ET on Sunday, October 13, 2024, approximately 390,000 Duke Energy Florida customers were still without power, down from over 1 million initially affected.

When will Duke Energy Florida (DUK) restore power to Pinellas and Pasco counties after Hurricane Milton?

Duke Energy Florida expects to restore power to customers in Pinellas and Pasco counties by 11:59 p.m. ET on Tuesday, October 15, 2024.

How can Duke Energy Florida (DUK) customers report power outages after Hurricane Milton?

Customers can report outages via Duke Energy's website, mobile app, by texting OUT to 57801, or by calling the automated outage reporting system at 800.228.8485.

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