Duke Energy Florida, Coastal Conservation Association Florida sign collaborative agreement to preserve Florida's natural resources
Duke Energy Florida and Coastal Conservation Association Florida (CCA Florida) have signed a new collaborative agreement to continue environmental protection efforts in Florida. Duke Energy is providing an additional $100,000 to support CCA Florida's conservation initiatives.
The partnership, which began in 2017, has achieved significant milestones through Duke Energy's Crystal River Mariculture Center, including the release of over 5.3 million fish and crustaceans along Florida's coast and the planting of 40 million clams in the Indiana River Lagoon. The center has also planted more than 100,000 eelgrass, mangroves, and marsh grass.
The renewed agreement focuses on restocking fish species, habitat restoration, and protecting Florida's natural resources, demonstrating both organizations' commitment to environmental stewardship and sustainable marine ecosystems.
Duke Energy Florida e Coastal Conservation Association Florida (CCA Florida) hanno firmato un nuovo accordo di collaborazione per continuare gli sforzi di protezione ambientale in Florida. Duke Energy sta fornendo un ulteriore $100.000 per sostenere le iniziative di conservazione di CCA Florida.
La partnership, iniziata nel 2017, ha raggiunto traguardi significativi attraverso il Crystal River Mariculture Center di Duke Energy, compresa la liberazione di oltre 5,3 milioni di pesci e crostacei lungo la costa della Florida e la piantagione di 40 milioni di vongole nella Indian River Lagoon. Il centro ha anche piantato più di 100.000 piante di anguille, mangrovie e erba di marisma.
Il rinnovato accordo si concentra sul ripopolamento delle specie ittiche, il ripristino degli habitat e la protezione delle risorse naturali della Florida, dimostrando l'impegno di entrambe le organizzazioni per la gestione ambientale e gli ecosistemi marini sostenibili.
Duke Energy Florida y Coastal Conservation Association Florida (CCA Florida) han firmado un nuevo acuerdo de colaboración para continuar los esfuerzos de protección ambiental en Florida. Duke Energy está proporcionando $100,000 adicionales para apoyar las iniciativas de conservación de CCA Florida.
La asociación, que comenzó en 2017, ha alcanzado hitos significativos a través del Crystal River Mariculture Center de Duke Energy, incluida la liberación de más de 5.3 millones de peces y crustáceos a lo largo de la costa de Florida y la siembra de 40 millones de almejas en la Laguna Indian River. El centro también ha plantado más de 100,000 pastos marinos, manglares y hierba de marisma.
El acuerdo renovado se centra en el repoblamiento de especies de peces, la restauración de hábitats y la protección de los recursos naturales de Florida, demostrando el compromiso de ambas organizaciones con la gestión ambiental y los ecosistemas marinos sostenibles.
듀크 에너지 플로리다와 코스타리카 보존 협회 플로리다 (CCA 플로리다)는 플로리다의 환경 보호 노력을 계속하기 위한 새로운 협력 협정을 체결했습니다. 듀크 에너지는 CCA 플로리다의 보존 이니셔티브를 지원하기 위해 추가로 $100,000를 제공하고 있습니다.
2017년에 시작된 파트너십은 듀크 에너지의 크리스탈 리버 수산 양식 센터를 통해 중요한 이정표를 달성했으며, 플로리다 해안을 따라 530만 마리 이상의 물고기와 갑각류를 방류하고 인디언 리버 라군에 4천만 개의 조개를 심었습니다. 이 센터는 또한 10만 개 이상의 다양한 해초, 맹그로브, 해변 풀을 심었습니다.
갱신된 협정은 물고기 종의 재배양, 서식지 복원 및 플로리다의 자연 자원 보호에 중점을 두어 양 기관의 환경 관리 및 지속 가능한 해양 생태계에 대한 헌신을 보여줍니다.
Duke Energy Florida et Coastal Conservation Association Florida (CCA Florida) ont signé un nouvel accord de collaboration pour poursuivre les efforts de protection de l'environnement en Floride. Duke Energy fournit 100 000 $ supplémentaires pour soutenir les initiatives de conservation de CCA Florida.
Le partenariat, qui a commencé en 2017, a atteint des jalons significatifs grâce au Crystal River Mariculture Center de Duke Energy, notamment avec la libération de plus de 5,3 millions de poissons et de crustacés le long de la côte de Floride et la plantation de 40 millions de palourdes dans la lagune d'Indian River. Le centre a également planté plus de 100 000 herbes marines, mangroves et herbes de marais.
L'accord renouvelé se concentre sur le réapprovisionnement des espèces de poissons, la restauration des habitats et la protection des ressources naturelles de la Floride, démontrant ainsi l'engagement des deux organisations envers la gestion environnementale et les écosystèmes marins durables.
Duke Energy Florida und Coastal Conservation Association Florida (CCA Florida) haben eine neue Zusammenarbeit vereinbart, um die Umweltschutzmaßnahmen in Florida fortzusetzen. Duke Energy stellt zusätzlich 100.000 $ zur Verfügung, um die Naturschutzinitiativen von CCA Florida zu unterstützen.
Die Partnerschaft, die 2017 begann, hat bedeutende Meilensteine durch das Crystal River Mariculture Center von Duke Energy erreicht, einschließlich der Freisetzung von über 5,3 Millionen Fischen und Krebstieren entlang der Küste Floridas und der Pflanzung von 40 Millionen Muscheln in der Indian River Lagoon. Das Zentrum hat außerdem mehr als 100.000 Zostera, Mangroven und Schilf gepflanzt.
Der erneuerte Vertrag konzentriert sich auf das Wiederauffüllen von Fischarten, die Wiederherstellung von Lebensräumen und den Schutz der natürlichen Ressourcen Floridas, was das Engagement beider Organisationen für die Umweltverantwortung und nachhaltige marine Ökosysteme demonstriert.
- Partnership demonstrates environmental commitment, potentially enhancing corporate reputation
- Successful track record of environmental initiatives through Crystal River Mariculture Center
- None.
- Company donates additional
to support Coastal Conservation Association Florida preservation efforts$100,000 - More than 5.3 million fish, crustaceans raised and released; more than 100,000 eelgrass, mangroves, and marsh grass grown and planted
Additionally, Duke Energy Florida is providing
CCA Florida, the state's leading organization dedicated to marine fisheries and conservation, education and advocacy, first established a relationship with the company in 2017 with a shared vision of responsible environmental stewardship.
This new agreement solidifies a continued commitment to work together in
"CCA Florida is focused on improving and creating sustainable fisheries, coastal habitats and water quality in
Duke Energy Florida's Crystal River Mariculture Center has been in operation for more than 30 years, establishing itself as one of
"Duke Energy Florida values environmental stewardship and the important benefits it provides to the communities we serve," Melissa Seixas, Duke Energy Florida state president said. "This new agreement with CCA Florida demonstrates our commitment to preserving
About CCA Florida
The Coastal Conservation Association (CCA) was founded in 1977 after drastic commercial overfishing along the
About Duke Energy Florida
Duke Energy Florida, a subsidiary of Duke Energy (NYSE: DUK), owns 12,300 megawatts of energy capacity, supplying electricity to 2 million residential, commercial and industrial customers across a 13,000-square-mile service area in
More information is available at duke-energy.com and the Duke Energy News Center. Follow Duke Energy on Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram and Facebook, and visit illumination for stories about the people and innovations powering our energy transition.
Contact: Ana Gibbs
Media line: 800.559.3853
Email: ana.gibbs@duke-energy.com
X @DE_AnaGibbs
CCA Media Contact: MHP Walther
Phone: 407.617.0604
Email: mhpwalther@ccaflorida.org
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SOURCE Duke Energy