Duke Energy Florida announces estimated times of restoration will be issued for customers impacted by Hurricane Milton by tomorrow afternoon

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Duke Energy Florida has announced that estimated times of restoration will be issued for all customers impacted by Hurricane Milton on the afternoon of Friday, Oct. 11, less than 24 hours after the storm made landfall. The company is working to assess the damage and confirm restoration times to help customers plan accordingly.

Duke Energy is prioritizing public health and safety facilities in its restoration sequence. Customers with extensive damage or flooding may face extended outages. The company reminds customers that downed power lines are hazardous and should be avoided. For homes with flood or meter box damage, inspections by licensed electricians may be required before power can be reconnected.

Customers using generators are advised to turn them off when utility crews are in the area to ensure worker safety. Power outages can be reported through various channels, including Duke Energy's website, mobile app, text message, or phone.

Duke Energy Florida ha annunciato che i tempi stimati di ripristino saranno comunicati a tutti i clienti colpiti dall'uragano Milton nel pomeriggio di venerdì 11 ottobre, meno di 24 ore dopo l'impatto della tempesta. L'azienda sta lavorando per valutare i danni e confermare i tempi di ripristino per aiutare i clienti a pianificare di conseguenza.

Duke Energy sta dando priorità a strutture per la salute pubblica e la sicurezza nella sua sequenza di ripristino. I clienti con danni estesi o allagamenti potrebbero dover affrontare interruzioni prolungate. L'azienda ricorda ai clienti che i cavi elettrici a terra sono pericolosi e devono essere evitati. Per le abitazioni con danni da allagamento o alla scatola del contatore, potrebbero essere necessarie ispezioni da parte di elettricisti autorizzati prima che l'energia possa essere ripristinata.

Si consiglia ai clienti che utilizzano generatori di spegnerli quando le squadre di utility sono nella zona per garantire la sicurezza dei lavoratori. Le interruzioni di corrente possono essere segnalate attraverso vari canali, incluso il sito web di Duke Energy, l'app mobile, un messaggio di testo o telefono.

Duke Energy Florida ha anunciado que los tiempos estimados de restauración se emitirán para todos los clientes afectados por el huracán Milton en la tarde del viernes 11 de octubre, menos de 24 horas después de que la tormenta tocará tierra. La compañía está trabajando para evaluar los daños y confirmar los tiempos de restauración para ayudar a los clientes a planificar en consecuencia.

Duke Energy está priorizando las instalaciones de salud pública y seguridad en su secuencia de restauración. Los clientes con daños extensos o inundaciones pueden enfrentar cortes prolongados. La compañía recuerda a los clientes que las líneas eléctricas caídas son peligrosas y deben ser evitadas. Para las casas con daños por inundación o en la caja del medidor, pueden ser necesarias inspecciones por electricistas autorizados antes de que la energía pueda ser reconectada.

Se aconseja a los clientes que utilizan generadores que los apaguem cuando las cuadrillas de servicios públicos estén en la zona para garantizar la seguridad de los trabajadores. Los cortes de energía se pueden informar a través de varios canales, incluido el sitio web de Duke Energy, la aplicación móvil, un mensaje de texto o por teléfono.

Duke Energy Florida는 10월 11일 금요일 오후 허리케인 밀턴으로 영향을 받은 모든 고객을 위한 복구 예상 시간을 발표할 것이라고 전했습니다. 이는 폭풍이 본토에 상륙한 지 24시간이 채 되지 않은 시점입니다. 회사는 피해 평가를 위해 노력하고 있습니다 및 고객이 적절히 계획할 수 있도록 복구 시간을 확인할 것입니다.

Duke Energy는 복구 순서에서 공공 건강 및 안전 시설을 우선시하고 있습니다. 광범위한 피해나 침수로 인해 고객은 장기적인 정전을 겪을 수 있습니다. 회사는 고객에게 낙뢰 전선이 위험하므로 피해야 한다고 상기시킵니다. 침수 또는 계량기 상자 손상이 있는 경우 전원 재연결 전에 면허가 있는 전기기사의 검사가 필요할 수 있습니다.

발전기를 사용하는 고객은 유틸리티 팀이 해당 지역에 있는 경우 발전기를 끄라고 권장합니다. 전력 중단은 Duke Energy의 웹사이트, 모바일 앱, 문자 메시지 또는 전화 등을 통해 보고할 수 있습니다.

Duke Energy Florida a annoncé que des délais de rétablissement estimés seront communiqués à tous les clients touchés par l'ouragan Milton dans l'après-midi du vendredi 11 octobre, moins de 24 heures après le passage de la tempête. L'entreprise travaille à évaluer les dommages et à confirmer les délais de rétablissement pour aider les clients à planifier en conséquence.

Duke Energy priorise les installations de santé publique et de sécurité dans sa séquence de rétablissement. Les clients ayant subi des dommages importants ou des inondations pourraient faire face à des coupures prolongées. L'entreprise rappelle aux clients que les lignes électriques tombées sont dangereuses et doivent être évitées. Pour les maisons ayant des dommages dus aux inondations ou à des boîtes de compteur, des inspections par des électriciens agréés peuvent être nécessaires avant que l'électricité puisse être reconnectée.

Les clients utilisant des générateurs sont avisés de les éteindre lorsque les équipes de services publics se trouvent dans la zone afin de garantir la sécurité des travailleurs. Les pannes de courant peuvent être signalées par divers canaux, y compris le site web de Duke Energy, l'application mobile, un message texte ou un appel téléphonique.

Duke Energy Florida hat angekündigt, dass geschätzte Wiederherstellungszeiten für alle von Hurrikan Milton betroffenen Kunden am Freitagnachmittag, den 11. Oktober, veröffentlicht werden, weniger als 24 Stunden nachdem der Sturm an Land gegangen ist. Das Unternehmen arbeitet daran, die Schäden zu bewerten und die Wiederherstellungszeiten zu bestätigen, um den Kunden bei der Planung zu helfen.

Duke Energy priorisiert Einrichtungen für öffentliche Gesundheit und Sicherheit in seiner Wiederherstellungssequenz. Kunden mit umfangreichen Schäden oder Überflutungen müssen möglicherweise mit längeren Ausfällen rechnen. Das Unternehmen erinnert die Kunden daran, dass heruntergefallene Stromleitungen gefährlich sind und vermieden werden sollten. Für Häuser mit Überschwemmungs- oder Zählerkasten-Schäden können Inspektionen durch lizenzierte Elektriker erforderlich sein, bevor der Strom wiederhergestellt werden kann.

Kunden, die Generatoren verwenden, wird geraten, diese auszuschalten, wenn Versorgungsmitarbeiter in der Nähe sind, um die Sicherheit der Arbeiter zu gewährleisten. Stromausfälle können über verschiedene Kanäle gemeldet werden, einschließlich der Website von Duke Energy, der mobilen App, einer SMS oder telefonisch.

  • Quick response time: Estimated restoration times to be issued within 24 hours of hurricane landfall
  • Prioritizing critical infrastructure: Focus on restoring power to public health and safety facilities first
  • Multiple reporting channels: Customers can report outages via website, mobile app, text, or phone
  • Potential for extended outages in areas with extensive damage or flooding
  • Customers with flood or meter box damage may face additional delays and costs for electrician inspections


Hurricane Milton's impact on Duke Energy Florida's infrastructure is significant, requiring extensive damage assessment and repair efforts. The company's commitment to providing estimated restoration times by Friday afternoon demonstrates a proactive approach to customer communication. This is important for both residential and commercial customers to plan their recovery efforts.

The focus on restoring power to public health and safety facilities first, followed by areas that impact the most customers, is a standard and efficient approach in disaster recovery. However, the mention of potential extended outages for severely damaged areas suggests the possibility of prolonged economic impacts in certain regions.

The company's emphasis on safety, particularly regarding downed power lines and generator usage, is critical to prevent further incidents during the restoration process. This cautious approach may slightly extend restoration times but is necessary to ensure worker and public safety.

Overall, while the immediate impact is negative due to widespread outages, Duke Energy's organized response and clear communication strategy may help mitigate long-term reputational damage and customer dissatisfaction.

Duke Energy Florida's response to Hurricane Milton showcases a well-prepared emergency management strategy. The rapid announcement of forthcoming restoration estimates, less than 24 hours after landfall, indicates efficient damage assessment protocols and resource mobilization.

Key points to consider:

  • The company's prioritization of public health and safety facilities aligns with best practices in disaster response.
  • Clear communication about potential extended outages and the need for electrical inspections in flood-damaged areas helps manage customer expectations.
  • Multiple reporting options for outages, including mobile apps and text services, enhance customer engagement and data collection efficiency.
  • Safety warnings about downed power lines and proper generator usage are important for preventing secondary incidents during recovery.

While the immediate impact is disruptive, Duke Energy's structured approach to restoration and emphasis on customer communication may help maintain public trust and potentially mitigate regulatory scrutiny in the aftermath of the hurricane.

ST. PETERSBURG, Fla., Oct. 10, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Less than 24 hours after Hurricane Milton made landfall, Duke Energy Florida is announcing estimated times of restoration will be issued for all customers impacted by the storm on the afternoon of Friday, Oct. 11.  

"We know Floridians impacted by Hurricane Milton are eager to begin the recovery process," said Todd Fountain, Duke Energy Florida storm director. "We are working tirelessly to assess the damage caused by this storm and confirm estimated times of restoration as soon as possible, so it's our hope that providing this information and communicating regularly with our customers will allow them to plan accordingly."

Duke Energy focuses on restoring power as safely and quickly as possible and in a sequence that begins with public health and safety facilities, while also considering how to impact the greatest number of customers. It is important to note that customers who experienced extensive damage or flooding may require additional time for restoration and some should be prepared for extended outages. Updates will be communicated to customers as soon as possible.

Flood and meter box damage 

For customers whose home or business is flooded, Duke Energy cannot reconnect power until the electrical system has been inspected by a licensed electrician. If there is damage, an electrician will need to make repairs and obtain verification from the local building inspection authority before power can be restored.

If the meter box is pulled away from a customer's house or mobile home service pole and power is not being received, the homeowner is responsible for contacting an electrician to reattach the meter box and/or provide a permanent fix. In some instances, an electrical inspection may be required by the county before Duke Energy can reconnect service. An electrician can advise customers on next steps.

Downed power lines are hazardous 

Duke Energy reminds customers and the public to stay away from downed power lines that have fallen or are sagging, and to consider all power lines – and trees, limbs or anything in contact with power lines – energized and dangerous.

If a power line falls across a vehicle you are in, stay in the car. If you MUST get out of the car due to a fire or other immediate life-threatening situation, try to jump clear of the car and land on both feet. Be sure that no part of your body is touching the car when your feet touch the ground.

Customers using generators

If you use a generator at home to provide power until your service is restored, please watch for utility crews and turn the generator off when crews are in your area. The electrical load on the power lines can be dangerous for crews making repairs. The excess electricity created by a generator can feed back onto the electric lines, severely injuring a line technician who might be working on a power line, believing it to be de-energized.

Power outages can be reported in the following ways:

  • Visit on a desktop computer or mobile device.
  • Use the Duke Energy mobile app (download from a smartphone via Apple Store or Google Play).
  • Text OUT to 57801 (standard text and data charges may apply).
  • Call the automated outage reporting system at 800.228.8485.

Customers who cannot receive power as a result of damage to the property's meter base, breaker panel or customer-owned electrical wiring should contact their local municipalities for guidance. Inspections may be required after repairs are complete.   

The most up-to-date information about power outages can be accessed on Duke Energy's Outage Map or by enrolling in Outage Alerts.

Duke Energy Florida
Duke Energy Florida, a subsidiary of Duke Energy, owns 12,300 megawatts of energy capacity, supplying electricity to 2 million residential, commercial and industrial customers across a 13,000-square-mile service area in Florida.  

Duke Energy
Duke Energy (NYSE: DUK), a Fortune 150 company headquartered in Charlotte, N.C., is one of America's largest energy holding companies. The company's electric utilities serve 8.4 million customers in North Carolina, South Carolina, Florida, Indiana, Ohio and Kentucky, and collectively own 54,800 megawatts of energy capacity. Its natural gas utilities serve 1.7 million customers in North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Ohio and Kentucky. 

Duke Energy is executing an ambitious clean energy transition, keeping reliability, affordability and accessibility at the forefront as the company works toward net-zero methane emissions from its natural gas business by 2030 and net-zero carbon emissions from electricity generation by 2050. The company is investing in major electric grid upgrades and cleaner generation, including expanded energy storage, renewables, natural gas and nuclear.  

More information is available at and the Duke Energy News Center. Follow Duke Energy on X, LinkedIn, Instagram and Facebook, and visit illumination for stories about the people and innovations powering our energy transition. 

Contact: Ana Gibbs
24-Hour: 800.559.3853

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SOURCE Duke Energy


When will Duke Energy Florida (DUK) issue estimated restoration times for Hurricane Milton?

Duke Energy Florida will issue estimated restoration times for customers impacted by Hurricane Milton on the afternoon of Friday, Oct. 11, 2024.

How is Duke Energy (DUK) prioritizing power restoration after Hurricane Milton?

Duke Energy is prioritizing public health and safety facilities first, while also considering how to impact the greatest number of customers in its restoration sequence.

What should Duke Energy (DUK) customers do if their meter box is damaged by Hurricane Milton?

If the meter box is damaged, customers are responsible for contacting a licensed electrician to reattach it and may need to obtain an electrical inspection before Duke Energy can reconnect service.

How can Duke Energy Florida (DUK) customers report power outages after Hurricane Milton?

Customers can report outages through Duke Energy's website, mobile app, by texting OUT to 57801, or by calling the automated outage reporting system at 800.228.8485.

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