Duke Energy expands North Carolina program that helps businesses become more renewable and carbon-free

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Duke Energy (NYSE: DUK) has received approval for Green Source Advantage Choice (GSA-C) in North Carolina, an expanded program helping large businesses access 100% renewable, carbon-free energy. Key features include:

1. Up to 5,000 megawatts (MW) of capacity, over five times the original program's capacity.
2. New bill credit option and increased capacity for customers to match 100% of their energy usage.
3. Flexibility for customers to select and negotiate with renewable suppliers.
4. Option to combine battery storage at renewable facilities.
5. Several customer options: Bring Your Own PPA, Resource Acceleration Option, and a new 'easy option' to work directly with Duke Energy.

The program is fully funded by participating businesses, with no cost to non-participants. Duke Energy plans to file a subscription-based community solar program later this year.

Duke Energy (NYSE: DUK) ha ricevuto l'approvazione per Green Source Advantage Choice (GSA-C) in North Carolina, un programma ampliato che aiuta le grandi aziende ad accedere a energia rinnovabile al 100%, priva di carbonio. Le caratteristiche principali includono:

1. Fino a 5.000 megawatt (MW) di capacità, più di cinque volte la capacità del programma originale.
2. Nuova opzione di credito sulla bolletta e capacità aumentata per i clienti per allineare il 100% del loro consumo energetico.
3. Flessibilità per i clienti di selezionare e negoziare con i fornitori di energia rinnovabile.
4. Opzione di combinare l'immagazzinamento di batterie presso le strutture rinnovabili.
5. Diverse opzioni per i clienti: Porta il tuo PPA, Opzione di Accelerazione delle Risorse, e una nuova 'opzione facile' per lavorare direttamente con Duke Energy.

Il programma è interamente finanziato dalle aziende partecipanti, senza alcun costo per i non partecipanti. Duke Energy prevede di presentare un programma solare comunitario basato su abbonamento entro la fine di quest'anno.

Duke Energy (NYSE: DUK) ha recibido la aprobación para Green Source Advantage Choice (GSA-C) en Carolina del Norte, un programa ampliado que ayuda a las grandes empresas a acceder a energía 100% renovable y libre de carbono. Las características clave incluyen:

1. Hasta 5.000 megavatios (MW) de capacidad, más de cinco veces la capacidad del programa original.
2. Nueva opción de crédito en la factura y capacidad aumentada para que los clientes igualen el 100% de su consumo energético.
3. Flexibilidad para que los clientes seleccionen y negocien con proveedores de energía renovable.
4. Opción de combinar almacenamiento de baterías en instalaciones renovables.
5. Varias opciones para los clientes: Trae tu propio PPA, Opción de Aceleración de Recursos y una nueva 'opción fácil' para trabajar directamente con Duke Energy.

El programa es completamente financiado por las empresas participantes, sin costo para los no participantes. Duke Energy planea presentar un programa solar comunitario basado en suscripción a finales de este año.

Duke Energy (NYSE: DUK)는 노스캐롤라이나에서 Green Source Advantage Choice (GSA-C)의 승인을 받았으며, 이는 대규모 기업들이 100% 재생 가능하고 탄소가 없는 에너지에 접근할 수 있도록 돕는 확장된 프로그램입니다. 주요 기능은 다음과 같습니다:

1. 5,000 메가와트 (MW)의 용량, 원래 프로그램의 용량보다 다섯 배 이상.
2. 고객이 에너지 사용량의 100%를 일치시킬 수 있도록 하는 새로운 청구서 크레딧 옵션과 증가된 용량.
3. 고객이 재생 가능한 공급자와 선택하고 협상할 수 있는 유연성.
4. 재생 가능 시설에서 배터리 저장을 조합할 수 있는 옵션.
5. 고객을 위한 여러 옵션: PPA 가져오기, 자원 가속화 옵션, 및 Duke Energy와 직접 작업할 수 있는 새로운 '간단한 옵션'.

이 프로그램은 참여하는 기업들이 전액 자금을 지원하며, 비참여자에게는 비용이 없습니다. Duke Energy는 올해 말 구독 기반의 커뮤니티 태양광 프로그램을 제출할 계획입니다.

Duke Energy (NYSE: DUK) a reçu l'approbation pour Green Source Advantage Choice (GSA-C) en Caroline du Nord, un programme élargi qui aide les grandes entreprises à accéder à une énergie renouvelable à 100 % et sans carbone. Les principales caractéristiques incluent :

1. Jusqu'à 5.000 mégawatts (MW) de capacité, plus de cinq fois la capacité du programme original.
2. Nouvelle option de crédit sur la facture et capacité accrue pour que les clients égalent 100 % de leur consommation énergétique.
3. Flexibilité pour les clients de sélectionner et de négocier avec des fournisseurs d'énergie renouvelable.
4. Option de combiner le stockage de batteries dans des installations renouvelables.
5. Plusieurs options pour les clients : Apportez votre propre PPA, Option d'accélération des ressources et une nouvelle 'option facile' pour travailler directement avec Duke Energy.

Le programme est entièrement financé par les entreprises participantes, sans coût pour les non-participants. Duke Energy prévoit de soumettre un programme solaire communautaire basé sur l'abonnement plus tard cette année.

Duke Energy (NYSE: DUK) hat die Genehmigung für Green Source Advantage Choice (GSA-C) in North Carolina erhalten, ein erweitertes Programm, das großen Unternehmen den Zugang zu 100% erneuerbarer, kohlenstofffreier Energie ermöglicht. Die wichtigsten Merkmale sind:

1. Bis zu 5.000 Megawatt (MW) an Kapazität, mehr als das Fünffache der ursprünglichen Programmkapazität.
2. Neue Rechnungs- und Gutschriftoption sowie erhöhte Kapazität für Kunden zur Deckung von 100% ihres Energieverbrauchs.
3. Flexibilität für Kunden, renewable Anbieter auszuwählen und zu verhandeln.
4. Möglichkeit, Batteriespeicherung an erneuerbaren Anlagen zu kombinieren.
5. Mehrere Optionen für Kunden: Bringen Sie Ihr eigenes PPA, Ressourcenbeschleunigungsoption und eine neue 'einfache Option', um direkt mit Duke Energy zusammenzuarbeiten.

Das Programm wird vollständig von teilnehmenden Unternehmen finanziert, ohne Kosten für Nichtteilnehmer. Duke Energy plant, später in diesem Jahr ein abonnementsbasiertes Gemeinschaftssolarprogramm einzureichen.

  • Expansion of renewable energy program to 5,000 MW capacity, over five times the original
  • New options for large businesses to access 100% renewable, carbon-free energy
  • Increased flexibility for customers in selecting and negotiating with renewable suppliers
  • Addition of battery storage option at renewable facilities
  • No cost to non-participating customers
  • None.


Duke Energy's expansion of the Green Source Advantage Choice (GSA-C) program in North Carolina marks a significant step towards facilitating large businesses' transition to renewable energy. The program's increased capacity to 5,000 MW, more than five times the original, demonstrates a substantial commitment to clean energy infrastructure. The flexibility offered through various options, including the new "Work with Duke Energy" choice, caters to diverse customer needs. This move aligns with the growing corporate demand for sustainability solutions and could potentially accelerate renewable energy adoption in the region. The program's structure, which allows customers to negotiate directly with suppliers and includes carbon emission reduction attributes, offers a comprehensive approach to decarbonization. However, the impact on Duke Energy's financials may be as the program is funded by participating businesses, suggesting a low-risk strategy for the company to support clean energy initiatives while maintaining financial stability.

The expanded GSA-C program represents a significant opportunity for large businesses to align their operations with sustainability goals. The program's flexibility, including options for 24/7 clean energy and the ability to match 100% of energy usage, addresses the growing corporate demand for comprehensive renewable solutions. The inclusion of battery storage options and customizable contract lengths further enhances its appeal. This program could become a competitive advantage for Duke Energy in attracting and retaining large business customers who are increasingly prioritizing environmental commitments. The sharing of clean energy benefits with all retail customers, even non-participants, through the sale of clean energy environmental attributes (CEEAs) is a noteworthy feature that could improve public perception and regulatory relationships. However, the program's success will depend on the actual uptake by businesses and the realized impact on carbon reduction, which will need to be monitored over time.
  • With added options, Green Source Advantage Choice helps large businesses access renewable energy on Duke Energy's grid

CHARLOTTE, N.C., Oct. 22, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Duke Energy (NYSE: DUK) has received approval for Green Source Advantage Choice (GSA-C) in North Carolina, a program that provides the opportunity for large business customers to support renewable energy development by supplementing their power usage with 100% renewable, carbon-free generation.

"Green Source Advantage Choice builds upon the success with our legacy Green Source Advantage program that has allowed large business customers to make decarbonization a long-term part of business plans," said Kendal Bowman, Duke Energy North Carolina state president. "We started with stakeholder discussions in 2022, and it has been a priority to develop an offering that meets the needs of customers while working within the regulatory framework."

Duke Energy's foundational Green Source Advantage (GSA) program supports renewable energy development by providing large nonresidential customers the opportunity to offset their power purchases by securing renewable energy from new projects connected to the local Duke Energy grid. The GSA-C program builds upon that with key modifications, including up to 5,000 megawatts (MW) of capacity – more than five times the capacity that was available under the original versions of the program. GSA-C provides large business customers with a path toward having 24/7 clean energy and enables them to count the renewable energy generated to satisfy their sustainability goals.

The program incorporates key new features including an additional bill credit option and the ability for customers to increase the capacity they can apply to match 100% of their energy usage. As a voluntary program, GSA-C is fully funded by participating large business customers, with no cost to customers who choose not to participate.  

GSA-C continues to offer large business customers the flexibility of selecting and negotiating all price terms directly with a renewable supplier of their choice, including securing clean energy environmental attributes (CEEAs) generated by that renewable facility. CEEAs are comprised of both the renewable energy certificate (REC) and the carbon emission reduction attribute associated with renewable energy generation. Customers will have the option of combining battery storage at the renewable facility, and the customer and developer may choose a mutually agreeable contract length.

GSA-C offers customers several options, including:

  • Bring Your Own Purchased Power Agreement (PPA) – The continuation of the traditional "Bring Your Own PPA" option is currently available and offers 250 MW of capacity annually.
  • Resource Acceleration Option (RAO) – The RAO is available and modeled on the Bring Your Own PPA option but offers an additional 300 MW of capacity every two years.
  • Work with Duke Energy – A new 'easy option' allows customers to collaborate directly with Duke Energy on new facilities that will be coming online and operational in the future. These facilities can be Duke Energy-generated or operated and maintained by a third party. With planning and construction of these new projects underway, additional details on this option will be available in the coming months.

"The revenue from the sale of clean energy environmental attributes (CEEAs), or carbon-free attributes, means that Green Source Advantage Choice not only provides a valuable solution to our customers but allows all of our retail customers to share in the advantages of clean energy benefits – regardless of whether they participate in the program," said Bowman.

Later this year, Duke Energy also plans to file Clean Energy Connection with the North Carolina Utilities Commission (NCUC).  The proposed is a subscription-based community solar program will allow for an additional way for customers to meet their sustainability goals.

Similar programs have also been approved and are underway in South Carolina.

More information: Green Source Advantage Program - Duke Energy (

Duke Energy

Duke Energy (NYSE: DUK), a Fortune 150 company headquartered in Charlotte, N.C., is one of America's largest energy holding companies. The company's electric utilities serve 8.4 million customers in North Carolina, South Carolina, Florida, Indiana, Ohio and Kentucky, and collectively own 54,800 megawatts of energy capacity. Its natural gas utilities serve 1.7 million customers in North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Ohio and Kentucky.

Duke Energy is executing an ambitious clean energy transition, keeping reliability, affordability and accessibility at the forefront as the company works toward net-zero methane emissions from its natural gas business by 2030 and net-zero carbon emissions from electricity generation by 2050. The company is investing in major electric grid upgrades and cleaner generation, including expanded energy storage, renewables, natural gas and nuclear.

More information is available at and the Duke Energy News Center. Follow Duke Energy on X, LinkedIn, Instagram and Facebook, and visit illumination for stories about the people and innovations powering our energy transition. 

Contact: Logan Stewart
24-Hour: 800.559.3853 

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SOURCE Duke Energy


What is Duke Energy's Green Source Advantage Choice (GSA-C) program?

Green Source Advantage Choice (GSA-C) is Duke Energy's expanded program in North Carolina that allows large business customers to support renewable energy development by supplementing their power usage with 100% renewable, carbon-free generation.

How much capacity does the GSA-C program offer compared to the original program?

The GSA-C program offers up to 5,000 megawatts (MW) of capacity, which is more than five times the capacity available under the original versions of the program.

What new features does the GSA-C program include for Duke Energy (DUK) customers?

The GSA-C program includes new features such as an additional bill credit option, increased capacity for customers to match 100% of their energy usage, flexibility in selecting renewable suppliers, and the option to combine battery storage at renewable facilities.

What are the different options available in Duke Energy's GSA-C program?

The GSA-C program offers several options including Bring Your Own Purchased Power Agreement (PPA), Resource Acceleration Option (RAO), and a new 'easy option' to work directly with Duke Energy on new facilities.

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