Duke Energy Corporation’s Recent Data Breach Under Investigation - See If You Qualify for Probable Compensation
Duke Energy (DUK) has disclosed a significant data breach affecting approximately 370,000 individuals. The security incident, discovered in May 2024, involved unauthorized third-party access to DEC's IT Network, compromising sensitive customer information.
The breached data potentially includes utility account numbers, names, email addresses, mailing addresses, dates of birth, phone numbers, and partial Social Security numbers for residential customers, as well as partial federal tax IDs for businesses. Law firm Levi & Korsinsky is investigating the breach and exploring potential compensation for affected individuals who received breach notification letters.
The firm, operating on a contingency basis, is examining whether affected customers are entitled to compensation due to the company's potential failure to secure personal data, which could lead to identity theft and financial fraud risks.
Duke Energy (DUK) ha rivelato una significativa violazione dei dati che ha colpito circa 370.000 individui. L'incidente di sicurezza, scoperto a maggio 2024, ha coinvolto l'accesso non autorizzato da parte di terzi alla rete IT di DEC, compromettendo informazioni sensibili dei clienti.
I dati violati possono includere numeri di conto utenza, nomi, indirizzi email, indirizzi di corrispondenza, date di nascita, numeri di telefono e numeri di previdenza sociale parziali per i clienti residenziali, oltre a identificativi fiscali federali parziali per le aziende. Lo studio legale Levi & Korsinsky sta indagando sulla violazione ed esplorando possibili indennizzi per gli individui colpiti che hanno ricevuto lettere di notifica della violazione.
Lo studio, operante su base di contingenza, sta esaminando se i clienti interessati abbiano diritto a un risarcimento a causa della potenziale incapacità dell'azienda di proteggere i dati personali, che potrebbe portare a rischi di furto d'identità e frodi finanziarie.
Duke Energy (DUK) ha revelado una importante violación de datos que afecta a aproximadamente 370,000 individuos. El incidente de seguridad, descubierto en mayo de 2024, involucró el acceso no autorizado de terceros a la red de TI de DEC, comprometiendo información sensible de los clientes.
Los datos comprometidos podrían incluir números de cuentas de servicios, nombres, direcciones de correo electrónico, direcciones postales, fechas de nacimiento, números de teléfono y números de seguro social parciales de clientes residenciales, así como identificaciones fiscales federales parciales para empresas. La firma de abogados Levi & Korsinsky está investigando la violación y explorando posibles compensaciones para los individuos afectados que recibieron cartas de notificación sobre la violación.
La firma, que opera bajo un acuerdo de contingencia, está examinando si los clientes afectados tienen derecho a compensación debido al posible incumplimiento de la empresa en proteger los datos personales, lo que podría llevar a riesgos de robo de identidad y fraude financiero.
Duke Energy (DUK)는 약 37만 명에게 영향을 미치는 중요한 데이터 유출 사건을 공개했습니다. 2024년 5월에 발견된 이 보안 사고는 DEC의 IT 네트워크에 대한 무단 제3자의 접근과 관련되어 고객의 민감한 정보를 유출했습니다.
유출된 데이터에는 공공 요금 계좌 번호, 이름, 이메일 주소, 우편 주소, 생년월일, 전화번호, 및 주거 고객의 부분적인 사회 보장 번호와 사업체의 부분적인 연방 세금 ID가 포함될 수 있습니다. 법률 회사인 Levi & Korsinsky가 이 사건을 조사하고 있으며, 유출 통지서를 받은 피해자들에 대한 보상 가능성을 탐색하고 있습니다.
이 회사는 우선 지급 조건에 따라 운영되며, 피해 고객이 개인 데이터 보호를 위한 회사의 잠재적 실패로 인한 보상을 받을 자격이 있는지 여부를 조사하고 있습니다. 이는 신원 도용 및 금융 사기 리스크로 이어질 수 있습니다.
Duke Energy (DUK) a révélé une violation de données importante affectant environ 370 000 individus. L'incident de sécurité, découvert en mai 2024, impliquait un accès non autorisé d'un tiers au réseau informatique de DEC, compromettant des informations sensibles sur les clients.
Les données compromises pourraient inclure numéros de compte de services publics, noms, adresses e-mail, adresses postales, dates de naissance, numéros de téléphone et numéros de sécurité sociale partiels pour les clients résidentiels, ainsi que des identifiants fiscaux fédéraux partiels pour les entreprises. Le cabinet d'avocats Levi & Korsinsky enquête sur la violation et explore les possibilités d'indemnisation pour les personnes affectées qui ont reçu des lettres de notification de violation.
Ce cabinet, fonctionnant sur la base d'un honoraire conditionnel, examine si les clients concernés ont droit à une indemnisation en raison de l'éventuel échec de l'entreprise à protéger les données personnelles, ce qui pourrait entraîner des risques de vol d'identité et de fraude financière.
Duke Energy (DUK) hat einen erheblichen Datenbruch bekannt gegeben, der etwa 370.000 Personen betrifft. Der Sicherheitsvorfall, der im Mai 2024 entdeckt wurde, betraf den unbefugten Zugriff von Dritten auf das IT-Netzwerk von DEC und kompromittierte sensible Kundeninformationen.
Die betroffenen Daten könnten Versorgungsbeginnnummern, Namen, E-Mail-Adressen, Anschriften, Geburtsdaten, Telefonnummern und teilweise Sozialversicherungsnummern von privaten Kunden sowie teilweise Bundessteuer-IDs für Unternehmen umfassen. Die Kanzlei Levi & Korsinsky untersucht den Vorfall und prüft mögliche Entschädigungen für betroffene Personen, die Benachrichtigungsschreiben wegen der Verletzung erhalten haben.
Die Kanzlei arbeitet auf Provisionsbasis und überprüft, ob betroffene Kunden Anspruch auf Entschädigung haben, wenn das Unternehmen möglicherweise versagt hat, persönliche Daten zu sichern, was zu Risiken von Identitätsdiebstahl und finanziellen Betrugsfällen führen könnte.
- None.
- None.
NEW YORK, NY / ACCESSWIRE / December 27, 2024 / Duke Energy Corporation ("DEC") recently disclosed that it suffered a data breach that compromised the sensitive personal data of 370,000 individuals. This data breach has led to concerns over the security of sensitive personal information entrusted to DEC.
On or around May 2024, DEC became aware of a security incident on its IT Network. DEC launched an investigation to determine the nature and scope of the incident. The investigation determined that an unauthorized third-party gained access to DEC's IT Network and obtained sensitive personal information of its customers.
Upon information and belief, the following sensitive personal information may have been breached: utility account numbers, names, email addresses, mailing addresses, dates of birth, phone numbers, last four digits of Social Security numbers for residential customers, and last four digits of federal tax IDs for businesses. Although, it is not confirmed yet, whether DEC emailed or sent notice letters to the impacted individuals.Compensation may be available for those individuals who received notice that their personal information was compromised.
Data breaches are serious matters that can cause long-term damage. Hackers may use stolen information to commit identity theft, financial fraud, or other crimes. Companies that fail to secure your personal data may be held liable for the resulting harm.
If you received a data breach notification letter from DEC you are likely affected. Follow the link below to find out if you may be eligible for compensation.
Levi Korsinsky, LLP is investigating whether affected individuals are entitled to compensation. If you have received a notice about the data breach, you may be entitled to compensation. There is no cost or obligation to participate. Follow the link below to find out:
Levi & Korsinsky is a nationally recognized consumer advocacy law firm that has recovered hundreds of millions of dollars against large corporations. The firm's team of over 70 extraordinary attorneys and professionals have a winning track record going against the most powerful defense attorneys in the world and know how to maximize your compensation. The firm is a
Levi & Korsinsky, LLP
Joseph E. Levi, Esq.
Ed Korsinsky, Esq.
33 Whitehall Street, 17th Floor
New York, NY 10004
Tel: (212) 363-7500
Fax: (212) 363-7171
SOURCE: Levi & Korsinsky, LLP
View the original press release on accesswire.com
How many customers were affected by Duke Energy's May 2024 data breach?
What personal information was compromised in the Duke Energy 2024 data breach?
When did Duke Energy discover the 2024 security breach?
How can affected customers claim compensation for the Duke Energy data breach?