Duke Energy continues rebuild of power infrastructure following Hurricane Helene

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Duke Energy (NYSE: DUK) continues to rebuild power infrastructure following Hurricane Helene. As of October 4, 2024, more than 2.16 million customers have been restored in the Carolinas, with approximately 85,000 restored since 4 p.m. the previous day. However, 334,000 customers remain without service in Upstate South Carolina and the mountains of North Carolina.

The company is using drones and helicopters to inspect for additional damage and locate equipment in hard-to-reach communities. Some customers may be unable to receive power due to loss or destruction of their homes or businesses. Duke Energy is prioritizing restoration of schools, medical facilities, and water and sewer facilities, as well as customers with special medical needs.

In North Carolina, the focus is on rebuilding the backbone of electrical infrastructure damaged by high winds and flooding. The company expects to restore nearly all customers in upstate South Carolina by Sunday, but restoration may be extended in areas with catastrophic damage.

Duke Energy (NYSE: DUK) continua a ricostruire le infrastrutture energetiche dopo l'uragano Helene. A partire dal 4 ottobre 2024, più di 2,16 milioni di clienti sono stati riattivati nelle Carolina, con circa 85.000 riattivati dalle 16:00 del giorno precedente. Tuttavia, 334.000 clienti sono ancora senza servizio nel Risalente della Carolina del Sud e nelle montagne della Carolina del Nord.

L'azienda sta utilizzando droni ed elicotteri per ispezionare eventuali danni aggiuntivi e localizzare attrezzature in comunità difficili da raggiungere. Alcuni clienti potrebbero non essere in grado di ricevere energia a causa della perdita o della distruzione delle loro abitazioni o attività commerciali. Duke Energy sta dando priorità alla riparazione delle scuole, delle strutture mediche e delle strutture idriche e fognarie, così come ai clienti con particolari esigenze mediche.

In Carolina del Nord, l'attenzione è rivolta alla ricostruzione della spina dorsale dell'infrastruttura elettrica danneggiata da venti forti e alluvioni. L'azienda prevede di riattivare quasi tutti i clienti nella Carolina del Sud settentrionale entro domenica, ma il ripristino potrebbe essere prolungato in aree con danni catastrofici.

Duke Energy (NYSE: DUK) continúa reconstruyendo la infraestructura eléctrica tras el huracán Helene. A partir del 4 de octubre de 2024, más de 2,16 millones de clientes han sido restablecidos en las Carolinas, con aproximadamente 85,000 restablecidos desde las 4 p.m. del día anterior. Sin embargo, 334,000 clientes siguen sin servicio en el Upstate de Carolina del Sur y las montañas de Carolina del Norte.

La empresa está utilizando drones y helicópteros para inspeccionar daños adicionales y localizar equipos en comunidades de difícil acceso. Algunos clientes pueden no poder recibir electricidad debido a la pérdida o destrucción de sus hogares o negocios. Duke Energy está priorizando la restauración de escuelas, instalaciones médicas y de agua y alcantarillado, así como de clientes con necesidades médicas especiales.

En Carolina del Norte, el enfoque está en reconstruir la columna vertebral de la infraestructura eléctrica dañada por vientos fuertes e inundaciones. La empresa espera restablecer casi todos los clientes en el Upstate de Carolina del Sur para el domingo, aunque la restauración podría extenderse en áreas con daños catastróficos.

Duke Energy (NYSE: DUK)는 허리케인 헬렌 이후 전력 인프라를 계속해서 재건하고 있습니다. 2024년 10월 4일 현재, 216만 명 이상의 고객이 복구되었습니다 노스 캐롤라이나와 사우스 캐롤라이나에서, 전날 오후 4시 이후 약 85,000명이 복구되었습니다. 그러나 334,000명의 고객은 여전히 전기가 복구되지 않았습니다 사우스 캐롤라이나의 업스테이트와 노스 캐롤라이나의 산악 지역에서.

회사는 드론과 헬리콥터를 사용하여 추가 손상을 점검하고 접근하기 어려운 커뮤니티의 장비를 찾아보고 있습니다. 일부 고객은 집이나 사업체의 손실 또는 파괴로 인해 전기를 받을 수 없을 수 있습니다. Duke Energy는 학교, 의료 시설, 수도 및 하수 시설, 그리고 특별한 의료적 필요가 있는 고객의 복구를 우선시하고 있습니다.

노스캐롤라이나에서는 강풍과 홍수로 손상된 전력 인프라의 뼈대 재건에 집중하고 있습니다. 회사는 일요일까지 사우스 캐롤라이나 업스테이트의 거의 모든 고객을 복구할 것으로 예상하지만, 재해 피해가 심한 지역에서는 복구가 연장될 수 있습니다.

Duke Energy (NYSE: DUK) continue de reconstruire les infrastructures électriques suite à l'ouragan Helene. Au 4 octobre 2024, plus de 2,16 millions de clients ont été rétablis dans les Carolines, avec environ 85 000 rétablis depuis 16 heures la veille. Cependant, 334 000 clients restent sans service dans le haut de la Caroline du Sud et les montagnes de la Caroline du Nord.

L'entreprise utilise des drones et des hélicoptères pour inspecter d'éventuels dommages supplémentaires et localiser des équipements dans des communautés difficiles d'accès. Certains clients peuvent ne pas être en mesure de recevoir d'électricité en raison de la perte ou de la destruction de leurs maisons ou commerces. Duke Energy privilégie la restauration des écoles, des établissements médicaux et des infrastructures d'eau et d'assainissement, ainsi que des clients ayant des besoins médicaux spécifiques.

En Caroline du Nord, l'accent est mis sur la reconstruction de la colonne vertébrale de l'infrastructure électrique endommagée par des vents violents et des inondations. L'entreprise prévoit de rétablir presque tous les clients dans le haut de la Caroline du Sud d'ici dimanche, mais la restauration pourrait être prolongée dans les zones ayant subi des dommages catastrophiques.

Duke Energy (NYSE: DUK) setzt den Wiederaufbau der Strominfrastruktur nach dem Hurrikan Helene fort. Stand 4. Oktober 2024, über 2,16 Millionen Kunden wurden wiederhergestellt in den Carolinas, wobei seit 16 Uhr des Vortages etwa 85.000 Kunden wiederhergestellt wurden. Dennoch sind 334.000 Kunden weiterhin ohne Strom in Ober Carolina und den Bergen von North Carolina.

Das Unternehmen setzt Drohnen und Hubschrauber ein, um zusätzliche Schäden zu inspizieren und Geräte in schwer erreichbaren Gemeinden zu lokalisieren. Einige Kunden können möglicherweise keinen Strom erhalten, da ihre Häuser oder Unternehmen Verlust oder Zerstörung erlitten haben. Duke Energy priorisiert die Wiederherstellung von Schulen, medizinischen Einrichtungen sowie Wasser- und Abwasseranlagen und Kunden mit besonderen medizinischen Bedürfnissen.

In North Carolina konzentriert sich das Unternehmen auf den Wiederaufbau der elektrischen Infrastruktur, die durch starke Winde und Überschwemmungen beschädigt wurde. Das Unternehmen erwartet, dass nahezu alle Kunden in Ober Carolina bis Sonntag wiederhergestellt werden, aber in Gebieten mit katastrophalen Schäden kann sich die Wiederherstellung verlängern.

  • 2.16 million customers restored in the Carolinas
  • 85,000 customer outages restored since previous day
  • Use of advanced technology (drones and helicopters) for damage assessment
  • Prioritization of critical infrastructure restoration
  • Expected restoration of nearly all customers in upstate South Carolina by Sunday
  • 334,000 customers still without power in Carolinas
  • Extensive damage to electrical infrastructure requiring rebuilding
  • Potential extended restoration times in catastrophically damaged areas
  • Some customers unable to receive power due to property destruction


The aftermath of Hurricane Helene presents significant challenges for Duke Energy's power infrastructure. With over 2.16 million customers restored and 334,000 still without power, the scale of the damage is extensive. The company's use of drones and helicopters for damage assessment demonstrates a modern approach to disaster recovery.

The focus on restoring critical infrastructure like schools, medical facilities and water treatment plants is important for community resilience. However, the extended restoration timeline, particularly in North Carolina's mountainous regions, indicates severe damage to the electrical backbone. This could have long-term implications for Duke Energy's capital expenditure and potentially impact future rate cases.

The distinction between customers who can and cannot receive power due to property damage is important. It suggests that full restoration numbers may be delayed not just by utility repairs, but also by customer-side issues. This complexity could affect Duke Energy's reported restoration metrics and customer satisfaction scores in the coming quarters.

While the immediate financial impact of Hurricane Helene on Duke Energy is negative, the long-term effects are more nuanced. The company will likely face significant repair and restoration costs, which could pressure short-term earnings. However, utilities often have regulatory mechanisms to recover storm-related expenses, potentially mitigating the long-term financial impact.

Investors should watch for:

  • Any guidance updates on storm-related costs and their impact on 2024 earnings
  • Potential regulatory filings for cost recovery
  • Changes in capital expenditure plans to reinforce infrastructure against future storms

Duke Energy's ambitious clean energy transition, including net-zero targets for 2030 and 2050, remains a key long-term value driver. The storm's aftermath might accelerate grid modernization efforts, potentially creating opportunities for investment in more resilient and efficient infrastructure. This could align with the company's broader strategic goals and appeal to ESG-focused investors.

  • More than 2.16 million customers restored in the Carolinas – approximately 85,000 since 4 p.m. yesterday.
  • 334,000 customers are still without service in Upstate South Carolina and mountains of North Carolina.
  • Some left without power may be unable to receive power due to loss or destruction of their homes or businesses.
  • Company is using drones and helicopters to inspect for additional damage, locate equipment in hard-to-reach communities.

Editor's note: Visit the Duke Energy News Center for storm director videos, downloadable B-roll and high-resolution images.

CHARLOTTE, N.C., Oct. 4, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- More than 2.16 million customers have been restored in the Carolinas as of 2:30 p.m. About 167,000 in Upstate South Carolina are still without service while about 167,000 in the mountains of North Carolina remain without power.  

Since 4 p.m. ET Thursday, approximately 85,000 customer outages have been restored in the Carolinas. The company continues to make progress restoring customers who can receive power and will provide individual times of restoration to those customers without power as soon as they are available. Some customers may be unable to receive power due to loss or destruction of their homes or businesses.

The company is using helicopters to move power poles into the hardest-hit areas so that needed equipment is in place to restore power as soon as it is safe to do so. The company is also flying drones and helicopters and dispersing damage assessment crews across the system in search of any additional threats, like leaning trees and washed-out equipment, which could further damage the system or inhibit ongoing repairs and restorations.

"In the face of the extraordinary damage and destruction caused by Hurricane Helene, our communities have shown exceptional resiliency," said Jason Hollifield, Duke Energy's storm director for the Carolinas. "Duke Energy will be with the communities we serve every step of the way as they recover."

South Carolina 
In upstate South Carolina, the company is prioritizing restoration of schools, medical facilities, water and sewer facilities as well as customers who have special medical needs. The company is still on track to restore nearly all customers in upstate South Carolina by Sunday.

North Carolina
In Avery, Buncombe, Haywood, Henderson, Madison, northern McDowell, Mitchell and Rutherford counties in North Carolina, Duke Energy is focused on rebuilding the backbone of its electrical infrastructure that was damaged by high winds and significant flooding from Hurricane Helene. This work includes installing new transformers, main power lines and the infrastructure needed to provide power to customers when they are ready for service.

Restoration of service may be extended in particular areas where catastrophic damage has occurred to electrical infrastructure, roads/bridges or both. We will continue to work alongside government agencies to coordinate access and restoration efforts in these areas.

Damage to Customer Property

  • If your home or business is flooded or damaged, an electrician will need to make necessary repairs and obtain verification from your local building inspection authority before power can be restored.
  • If the meter box is pulled away from your house or mobile home service pole and you have no power, the homeowner is responsible for contacting an electrician to reattach the meter box and/or provide a permanent fix.

We'll continue to communicate with customers via email, text and outbound call as their site-specific details become available. Customers can also visit for the latest updates on their outage.

Duke Energy
Duke Energy (NYSE: DUK), a Fortune 150 company headquartered in Charlotte, N.C., is one of America's largest energy holding companies. The company's electric utilities serve 8.4 million customers in North Carolina, South Carolina, Florida, Indiana, Ohio, and Kentucky, and collectively own 54,800 megawatts of energy capacity. Its natural gas utilities serve 1.7 million customers in North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Ohio, and Kentucky.

Duke Energy is executing an ambitious clean energy transition, keeping reliability, affordability, and accessibility at the forefront as the company works toward net-zero methane emissions from its natural gas business by 2030 and net-zero carbon emissions from electricity generation by 2050. The company is investing in major electric grid upgrades and cleaner generation, including expanded energy storage, renewables, natural gas and nuclear.

More information is available at and the Duke Energy News Center. Follow Duke Energy on X, LinkedIn, Instagram and Facebook, and visit illumination for stories about the people and innovations powering our energy transition.

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SOURCE Duke Energy


How many customers has Duke Energy (DUK) restored power to after Hurricane Helene?

Duke Energy has restored power to more than 2.16 million customers in the Carolinas as of October 4, 2024.

How many Duke Energy (DUK) customers are still without power after Hurricane Helene?

As of October 4, 2024, approximately 334,000 customers are still without power in Upstate South Carolina and the mountains of North Carolina.

What methods is Duke Energy (DUK) using to assess damage from Hurricane Helene?

Duke Energy is using drones and helicopters to inspect for additional damage and locate equipment in hard-to-reach communities affected by Hurricane Helene.

When does Duke Energy (DUK) expect to restore power to most customers in upstate South Carolina?

Duke Energy expects to restore power to nearly all customers in upstate South Carolina by Sunday following Hurricane Helene.

What is Duke Energy's (DUK) focus in North Carolina after Hurricane Helene?

In North Carolina, Duke Energy is focusing on rebuilding the backbone of its electrical infrastructure that was damaged by high winds and significant flooding from Hurricane Helene.

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