Duke Energy commits $500,000 to boost local storm preparedness initiatives in North Carolina
Duke Energy Foundation has announced a $500,000 commitment to support storm preparedness initiatives across North Carolina. Organizations can apply for grants up to $25,000 through April 25, 2025. The funding will support various initiatives including inter-agency collaboration programs, innovative planning, community education, and specialized first responder training.
This initiative builds on Duke Energy Foundation's track record of storm preparedness funding, having provided $5.6 million since 2020. Previous grants have supported projects like flood gauges in Wilmington, weather radios in Raleigh, and specialized equipment for Harrisburg's swift water rescue team.
Duke Energy (NYSE: DUK), a Fortune 150 company, serves 8.4 million electric customers and 1.7 million natural gas customers across multiple states. The Foundation, funded by shareholders, provides over $30 million annually in philanthropic support.
La Fondazione Duke Energy ha annunciato un impegno di 500.000 dollari per supportare iniziative di preparazione agli eventi atmosferici in tutta la Carolina del Nord. Le organizzazioni possono fare domanda per sovvenzioni fino a 25.000 dollari fino al 25 aprile 2025. I fondi sosterranno varie iniziative, tra cui programmi di collaborazione interagenzia, pianificazione innovativa, educazione della comunità e formazione specializzata per i primi soccorritori.
Questa iniziativa si basa sul record della Fondazione Duke Energy in materia di finanziamenti per la preparazione agli eventi atmosferici, avendo fornito 5,6 milioni di dollari dal 2020. Le sovvenzioni precedenti hanno supportato progetti come i misuratori di alluvione a Wilmington, le radio meteorologiche a Raleigh e attrezzature specializzate per il team di salvataggio in acque rapide di Harrisburg.
Duke Energy (NYSE: DUK), una società Fortune 150, serve 8,4 milioni di clienti elettrici e 1,7 milioni di clienti di gas naturale in diversi stati. La Fondazione, finanziata dagli azionisti, fornisce oltre 30 milioni di dollari all'anno in supporto filantropico.
La Fundación Duke Energy ha anunciado un compromiso de 500,000 dólares para apoyar iniciativas de preparación ante tormentas en Carolina del Norte. Las organizaciones pueden solicitar subvenciones de hasta 25,000 dólares hasta el 25 de abril de 2025. La financiación apoyará diversas iniciativas, incluyendo programas de colaboración entre agencias, planificación innovadora, educación comunitaria y capacitación especializada para los primeros respondedores.
Esta iniciativa se basa en el historial de la Fundación Duke Energy en financiación para la preparación ante tormentas, habiendo proporcionado 5.6 millones de dólares desde 2020. Las subvenciones anteriores han apoyado proyectos como medidores de inundaciones en Wilmington, radios meteorológicas en Raleigh y equipos especializados para el equipo de rescate en aguas rápidas de Harrisburg.
Duke Energy (NYSE: DUK), una empresa Fortune 150, atiende a 8.4 millones de clientes eléctricos y 1.7 millones de clientes de gas natural en varios estados. La Fundación, financiada por los accionistas, proporciona más de 30 millones de dólares anuales en apoyo filantrópico.
듀크 에너지 재단은 노스캐롤라이나 전역의 폭풍 대비 이니셔티브를 지원하기 위해 500,000달러의 기부를 발표했습니다. 조직은 2025년 4월 25일까지 25,000달러까지의 보조금을 신청할 수 있습니다. 이 자금은 기관 간 협력 프로그램, 혁신적인 계획, 지역 사회 교육, 전문 응급 구조원 교육 등 다양한 이니셔티브를 지원할 것입니다.
이 이니셔티브는 2020년 이후 560만 달러를 제공한 듀크 에너지 재단의 폭풍 대비 자금 지원 실적을 기반으로 하고 있습니다. 이전 보조금은 윌밍턴의 홍수 측정기, 롤리의 기상 라디오, 해리스버그의 신속 수중 구조 팀을 위한 전문 장비와 같은 프로젝트를 지원했습니다.
듀크 에너지 (NYSE: DUK)는 포춘 150대 기업으로, 여러 주에서 840만 명의 전기 고객과 170만 명의 천연 가스 고객에게 서비스를 제공합니다. 주주가 자금을 지원하는 이 재단은 매년 3천만 달러 이상의 자선 지원을 제공합니다.
La Fondation Duke Energy a annoncé un engagement de 500 000 dollars pour soutenir des initiatives de préparation aux tempêtes en Caroline du Nord. Les organisations peuvent demander des subventions allant jusqu'à 25 000 dollars jusqu'au 25 avril 2025. Le financement soutiendra diverses initiatives, notamment des programmes de collaboration inter-agences, une planification innovante, l'éducation communautaire et une formation spécialisée pour les premiers intervenants.
Cette initiative s'appuie sur le bilan de la Fondation Duke Energy en matière de financement de la préparation aux tempêtes, ayant fourni 5,6 millions de dollars depuis 2020. Les subventions précédentes ont soutenu des projets tels que des jauges de crue à Wilmington, des radios météo à Raleigh et du matériel spécialisé pour l'équipe de sauvetage en eaux vives de Harrisburg.
Duke Energy (NYSE: DUK), une entreprise du Fortune 150, sert 8,4 millions de clients électriques et 1,7 million de clients de gaz naturel dans plusieurs États. La Fondation, financée par des actionnaires, fournit chaque année plus de 30 millions de dollars de soutien philanthropique.
Die Duke Energy Stiftung hat ein Engagement von 500.000 Dollar angekündigt, um Initiativen zur Sturmvorbereitung in North Carolina zu unterstützen. Organisationen können bis zum 25. April 2025 Förderanträge von bis zu 25.000 Dollar stellen. Die Mittel werden verschiedene Initiativen unterstützen, darunter Programme zur interinstitutionellen Zusammenarbeit, innovative Planung, Gemeindebildung und spezialisierte Schulungen für Ersthelfer.
Diese Initiative baut auf der Erfolgsbilanz der Duke Energy Stiftung in der Finanzierung von Sturmvorbereitungen auf, die seit 2020 5,6 Millionen Dollar bereitgestellt hat. Frühere Zuschüsse unterstützten Projekte wie Hochwassermessgeräte in Wilmington, Wetterradios in Raleigh und spezialisierte Ausrüstung für das Schnellwasserrettungsteam in Harrisburg.
Duke Energy (NYSE: DUK), ein Fortune-150-Unternehmen, bedient 8,4 Millionen Stromkunden und 1,7 Millionen Erdgas-Kunden in mehreren Bundesstaaten. Die Stiftung, die von Aktionären finanziert wird, stellt jährlich über 30 Millionen Dollar an philanthropischer Unterstützung zur Verfügung.
- Foundation provides substantial $30M+ annual philanthropic support
- Large customer base: 8.4M electric and 1.7M gas customers
- Significant energy capacity of 54,800 megawatts
- Continued investment in infrastructure and clean energy transition
- None.
- Grants will support storm preparedness and natural disaster readiness
- Applications will be accepted through April 25 for eligible organizations
"The impact of Hurricane Helene last fall showed us the importance of strong collaboration between emergency management agencies, first responders and nonprofit organizations when it comes to natural disasters," said Kendal Bowman, Duke Energy North Carolina state president. "We're proud to support storm preparedness efforts in the communities we serve as they continue to grow and see new opportunities to bolster resilience to severe weather events."
These grants will support various storm preparedness and natural disaster readiness initiatives, including but not limited to:
- Programs facilitating collaboration across agencies, sectors and communities for disaster preparedness and response.
- Innovative planning initiatives for local communities to prepare for natural disasters and extreme weather.
- Local storm preparedness trainings, materials, kits and other community engagement and education initiatives.
- Specialized training for first responders for natural disaster scenarios.
This is a long-standing priority for Duke Energy Foundation, which has awarded nearly
Applications will be accepted until April 25 at 5 p.m. ET. Interested organizations can apply through the Duke Energy Foundation's website.
Duke Energy Foundation
Duke Energy Foundation provides more than
Duke Energy
Duke Energy (NYSE: DUK), a Fortune 150 company headquartered in
Duke Energy is executing an ambitious energy transition, keeping customer reliability and value at the forefront as it builds a smarter energy future. The company is investing in major electric grid upgrades and cleaner generation, including natural gas, nuclear, renewables and energy storage.
More information is available at duke-energy.com and the Duke Energy News Center. Follow Duke Energy on X, LinkedIn, Instagram and Facebook, and visit illumination for stories about the people and innovations powering our energy transition.
Contact: Garrett Poorman
24-Hour: 800.559.3853
Twitter: @DE_GarrettP
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SOURCE Duke Energy
How much is Duke Energy (DUK) investing in North Carolina storm preparedness initiatives in 2025?
What is the maximum grant amount organizations can receive from Duke Energy's 2025 storm preparedness program?
How much has Duke Energy (DUK) invested in North Carolina storm preparedness since 2020?