Artic blast brings sustained freezing temperatures; Duke Energy prepares and encourages customers to save energy and money
Duke Energy (NYSE: DUK) is preparing for sustained freezing temperatures in the Carolinas and potential snow, while providing customers with energy-saving tips to manage higher winter bills. The company emphasizes that cold temperatures significantly increase energy demand and costs as households maintain warmth.
Key energy-saving recommendations include: reducing thermostat settings by 7-10 degrees to save up to 10% annually on heating costs, setting water heaters to 120 degrees or less, utilizing natural sunlight for warming, and proper maintenance of heating systems. Duke Energy offers personalized usage alerts through their app to help customers monitor consumption and costs.
The company has resources ready to respond to potential power outages due to winter weather conditions. They serve 8.4 million electric customers across six states and are implementing an ambitious clean energy transition targeting net-zero carbon emissions from electricity generation by 2050.
Duke Energy (NYSE: DUK) si sta preparando per temperature sotto zero prolungate nelle Carolinas e potenziali nevicate, offrendo ai clienti consigli per risparmiare energia e gestire le bollette invernali più elevate. L'azienda sottolinea che le basse temperature aumentano significativamente la domanda e i costi energetici, poiché le famiglie cercano di mantenersi al caldo.
Le principali raccomandazioni per il risparmio energetico includono: ridurre le impostazioni del termostato di 7-10 gradi per risparmiare fino al 10% all'anno sui costi di riscaldamento, impostare i scaldabagni a 120 gradi o meno, utilizzare la luce naturale per riscaldare gli ambienti e mantenere correttamente i sistemi di riscaldamento. Duke Energy offre avvisi personalizzati sull'uso tramite la loro app per aiutare i clienti a monitorare i consumi e i costi.
L'azienda ha risorse pronte per rispondere a potenziali interruzioni di corrente dovute a condizioni meteorologiche invernali. Serve 8,4 milioni di clienti elettrici in sei stati e sta attuando una transizione energetica pulita e ambiziosa, mirata a emissioni di carbonio nette pari a zero dalla produzione di elettricità entro il 2050.
Duke Energy (NYSE: DUK) se está preparando para unas temperaturas de congelación sostenidas en las Carolinas y potencialmente nieve, mientras proporciona a los clientes consejos para ahorrar energía y manejar las facturas invernales más altas. La empresa enfatiza que las temperaturas frías aumentan significativamente la demanda energética y los costos, ya que los hogares deben mantenerse calientes.
Las principales recomendaciones para el ahorro de energía incluyen: reducir la configuración del termostato en 7-10 grados para ahorrar hasta un 10% anualmente en costos de calefacción, ajustar los calentadores de agua a 120 grados o menos, utilizar la luz solar natural para calentar y mantener adecuadamente los sistemas de calefacción. Duke Energy ofrece alertas personalizadas de uso a través de su aplicación para ayudar a los clientes a monitorear el consumo y los costos.
La empresa tiene recursos listos para responder a posibles cortes de energía debido a las condiciones invernales. Atiende a 8.4 millones de clientes eléctricos en seis estados y está implementando una ambiciosa transición energética limpia con el objetivo de lograr emisiones netas de carbono cero en la generación de electricidad para 2050.
Duke Energy (NYSE: DUK)는 캐롤라이나 지역의 지속적인 한파와 잠재적인 눈에 대비하고 있으며, 고객들이 겨울철에 더 높은 요금을 관리할 수 있도록 에너지 절약 팁을 제공하고 있습니다. 이 회사는 추운 날씨가 가정에서 따뜻함을 유지하는 데 필요한 에너지 수요와 비용을 상당히 증가시킨다고 강조합니다.
핵심 에너지 절약 추천 사항에는 다음이 포함됩니다: 난방 비용을 연간 최대 10% 절감하기 위해 온도 조절기를 7-10도 낮추고, 온수기를 120도 이하로 설정하며, 자연광을 활용하여 따뜻하게 하고, 난방 시스템의 적절한 유지 관리를 수행하는 것입니다. Duke Energy는 고객들이 소비와 비용을 모니터링할 수 있도록 앱을 통한 개인화된 사용 알림을 제공합니다.
이 회사는 겨울 기상 조건으로 인한 정전 사태에 대응할 준비가 된 자원을 보유하고 있습니다. 6개 주에서 840만 명의 전기 고객에게 서비스를 제공하며, 2050년까지 전기 생산에서 탄소 배출 제로를 목표로 하는 야심찬 청정 에너지 전환을 실행하고 있습니다.
Duke Energy (NYSE: DUK) se prépare à des températures de gel prolongées dans les Carolines et à d'éventuelles chutes de neige, tout en fournissant aux clients des conseils pour économiser de l'énergie et gérer des factures d'hiver plus élevées. L'entreprise souligne que les basses températures augmentent considérablement la demande d'énergie et les coûts, car les ménages doivent maintenir leur chaleur.
Les principales recommandations pour économiser de l'énergie comprennent : baisser les réglages du thermostat de 7 à 10 degrés pour économiser jusqu'à 10 % des coûts de chauffage par an, régler les chauffe-eaux à 120 degrés ou moins, utiliser la lumière naturelle pour se réchauffer et entretenir correctement les systèmes de chauffage. Duke Energy propose des alertes d'utilisation personnalisées via son application pour aider les clients à suivre leur consommation et leurs coûts.
L'entreprise a des ressources prêtes à répondre à de potentielles coupures de courant dues aux conditions hivernales. Elle dessert 8,4 millions de clients électriques dans six États et met en œuvre une transition énergétique propre ambitieuse visant des émissions de carbone nulles nettes provenant de la production d'électricité d'ici 2050.
Duke Energy (NYSE: DUK) bereitet sich auf anhaltend kalte Temperaturen in den Carolinas und potenziellen Schneefall vor, während sie den Kunden Energiespartipps zur Verfügung stellt, um höhere Winterrechnungen zu bewältigen. Das Unternehmen betont, dass kalte Temperaturen die Energienachfrage und -kosten erheblich erhöhen, da Haushalte Wärme aufrechterhalten müssen.
Wichtige Empfehlungen zum Energiesparen beinhalten: die Thermostateinstellungen um 7-10 Grad zu senken, um jährlich bis zu 10% der Heizkosten zu sparen, Warmwasserbereiter auf 120 Grad oder weniger einzustellen, natürliches Sonnenlicht zur Erwärmung zu nutzen und eine ordentliche Wartung der Heizsysteme sicherzustellen. Duke Energy bietet über ihre App personalisierte Nutzungshinweise an, um Kunden zu helfen, Verbrauch und Kosten zu überwachen.
Das Unternehmen hat Ressourcen bereit, um auf mögliche Stromausfälle aufgrund winterlicher Wetterbedingungen zu reagieren. Sie bedienen 8,4 Millionen Stromkunden in sechs Bundesstaaten und setzen eine ehrgeizige saubere Energieumstellung in Gang, die bis 2050 eine Netto-Null-CO2-Emission aus der Stromerzeugung anstrebt.
- Proactive preparation for winter weather conditions to maintain service reliability
- Implementation of customer-focused digital monitoring tools for energy usage
- Large established customer base of 8.4 million electric customers across six states
- Clear strategic direction with net-zero emissions targets
- Potential for weather-related service disruptions affecting revenue and operations
- Higher energy demand during cold weather may strain grid capacity
- Increased operational costs for emergency response preparation
This winter weather event presents both challenges and opportunities for Duke Energy's operational and financial performance. The arctic blast could drive significant revenue gains through increased power consumption, as heating demand typically accounts for 40-45% of winter residential electricity usage. However, this comes with elevated operational risks.
From a financial perspective, extreme weather events historically result in:
- Short-term revenue spikes from increased consumption
- Higher operational costs due to emergency preparedness and potential repair needs
- Increased pressure on grid infrastructure, potentially accelerating capital expenditure requirements
The company's emphasis on energy conservation might seem counterintuitive to profit motives, but it serves multiple strategic purposes:
- Reduces peak load stress on infrastructure, minimizing outage risks and maintenance costs
- Demonstrates regulatory compliance and consumer protection initiatives
- Helps maintain grid stability during extreme demand periods
For investors, the key metrics to monitor will be:
- System reliability performance during peak demand
- Cost recovery mechanisms for any storm-related damages
- Impact on Q1 2025 revenue and operating margins
While this event alone isn't likely to materially impact Duke's financial performance, it highlights the growing importance of grid resilience investments and the company's ability to manage extreme weather events, which are becoming more frequent and could influence long-term capital allocation strategies.
- Company also shares tips on ways to save energy and money as temperatures drop this week; b-roll of energy-saving tips available here
- Company prepares for possibility of snow
"When the temperatures drop, the demand for energy spikes as families combat the cold to stay warm, which causes bills to increase," says Sasha Weintraub, Duke Energy senior vice president and chief customer officer. "There are easy, but important adjustments you can make to help keep your home warm, but also to help cut down on heating costs and avoid billing surprises."
Ways to save energy and money as temperatures drop
- During the winter, reduce your thermostat to the lowest comfortable setting. The longer your house remains at the lower temperature the more energy you save. You can save as much as
10% a year on heating and cooling by simply turning your thermostat back 7 to 10 degrees per day. - Set your water heater to 120 degrees or less. Water heating is typically the second-biggest user of energy in your home.
- Leave drapes or blinds open on the sunny side of the home to allow the sun's rays to warm the house but close them at night to help insulate your home.
- Operate ceiling fans in a clockwise direction in the winter to push warm air back down into the room.
- Cover drafty windows. Use a heavy-duty, clear plastic sheet on a frame or tape clear plastic film to the inside of window frames during the cold winter months. Make sure the plastic is sealed tightly to the frame to help reduce infiltration.
- Install tight-fitting, insulating drapes or shades on windows that feel drafty after weatherizing.
- Change your air filter and schedule regular maintenance for your heating systems. Maintaining your heating systems can help increase efficiency.
- Seal cracks in windows, doors and vents with caulking and weatherstripping to save
10% to20% in heating costs. - Replace standard bulbs with LEDs. LEDs are more efficient than regular bulbs, while giving off the same amount of light.
Get personalized energy usage alerts
Let usage alerts take the stress out of managing energy use. Get notified when you reach your personalized limit, so you're able to make changes and find ways to save before the bill arrives.
The Duke Energy app can also provide daily and hourly usage information, so you can see your unique patterns.
By having a smart meter and an email address on file, customers are automatically enrolled to receive usage alerts that show how much electricity they are using and how much it may cost in time to adjust. Sign in to your online account or create one here.
Get more tips, learn about incentives and sign up for usage alerts and other tools to save money at
Winter storm safety reminders
Duke Energy continues to monitor forecasts including the potential for snow that could cause power outages in some areas across the Carolinas especially due to hazardous road conditions that could cause vehicle collisions with power equipment. Duke Energy has resources available to respond quickly to restore power when outages occur.
We encourage customers to prepare for a potential outage during the anticipated prolonged cold weather. Here are important safety reminders:
- Ensure mobile phones remain charged and you have an adequate supply of flashlights, batteries, bottled water, nonperishable foods and medicines.
- If you use a generator, follow the manufacturer's instructions to ensure safe and proper operation. Operate your generator outside, and never in a building or garage.
- Do not use grills or other outdoor appliances indoors for space heating or cooking, as these devices may emit carbon monoxide.
- Stay away from power lines that have fallen or are sagging. Consider all lines energized as well as trees or limbs in contact with lines. Report any downed power lines to Duke Energy or local emergency services.
- Make alternate shelter arrangements, as needed, if you are significantly affected by a loss of power – especially families who have special medical needs or elderly members.
- If a power line falls across a car that you are in, stay in the car. If you MUST get out of the car due to a fire or other immediate life-threatening situation, jump clear of the car and land on both feet. Be sure that no part of your body is touching the car when your feet touch the ground.
- Ice and snow can cause hazardous driving conditions. If you do have to travel and see utility or emergency crews working along the road, remember to move over or slow down.
More tips on what to do before, during and after a storm can be found at
Reporting an outage
Customers who experience an outage during a storm can report it the following ways:
- Text OUT to 57801 (standard text and data charges may apply).
- Use the Duke Energy mobile app. Download the Duke Energy app from a smartphone via Apple Store or Google Play.
- Visit on a desktop computer or mobile device.
- Call the automated outage reporting system at 800.POWERON (800.769.3766).
- Visit our interactive outage map to find up-to-date information on power outages, including the total number of outages systemwide and estimated times of restoration.
Duke Energy
Duke Energy (NYSE: DUK), a Fortune 150 company headquartered in
Duke Energy is executing an ambitious clean energy transition, keeping reliability, affordability and accessibility at the forefront as the company works toward net-zero methane emissions from its natural gas business by 2030 and net-zero carbon emissions from electricity generation by 2050. The company is investing in major electric grid upgrades and cleaner generation, including expanded energy storage, renewables, natural gas and nuclear.
More information is available at and the Duke Energy News Center. Follow Duke Energy on X, LinkedIn, Instagram and Facebook, and visit illumination for stories about the people and innovations powering our energy transition.
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