Precision BioSciences Announces Clearance of Investigational New Drug Application by the U.S. FDA for First-in-Class PBGENE-HBV Designed to Eliminate Root Cause of Chronic Hepatitis B
Precision BioSciences (NASDAQ: DTIL) has received FDA clearance for its Investigational New Drug (IND) application for PBGENE-HBV, marking a significant milestone as the first-ever in vivo gene editing therapy cleared for clinical trials in treating chronic hepatitis B in the United States.
The company will expand its Phase 1 ELIMINATE-B study to the U.S., specifically at the Liver Center at Massachusetts General Hospital, adding to existing trial sites in Moldova, Hong Kong, and New Zealand. The trial's first cohort is currently receiving doses at 0.2 mg/kg, with plans to escalate to a higher dose level in Cohort 2.
PBGENE-HBV, developed using Precision's proprietary ARCUS® platform, aims to cure chronic hepatitis B by eliminating cccDNA and inactivating integrated HBV DNA in hepatocytes. The company plans to expand the study to the UK and will share detailed clinical data throughout 2025. The development addresses a significant medical need, as up to 2.4 million people in the U.S. live with chronic hepatitis B, with numbers remaining largely unchanged over the past 15 years despite existing treatments.
Precision BioSciences (NASDAQ: DTIL) ha ricevuto l'approvazione della FDA per la sua domanda di Nuovo Farmaco Investigativo (IND) per PBGENE-HBV, segnando un traguardo significativo come la prima terapia di editing genetico in vivo mai autorizzata per studi clinici nel trattamento dell'epatite B cronica negli Stati Uniti.
L'azienda espanderà il suo studio di Fase 1 ELIMINATE-B negli Stati Uniti, specificamente presso il Centro per il Fegato del Massachusetts General Hospital, aggiungendo ai siti di prova esistenti in Moldova, Hong Kong e Nuova Zelanda. Il primo gruppo dello studio sta attualmente ricevendo dosi di 0,2 mg/kg, con piani di aumentare il livello della dose nel Gruppo 2.
PBGENE-HBV, sviluppato utilizzando la piattaforma proprietaria ARCUS® di Precision, mira a curare l'epatite B cronica eliminando il cccDNA e inattivando il DNA HBV integrato negli epatociti. L'azienda prevede di espandere lo studio nel Regno Unito e condividerà dati clinici dettagliati durante il 2025. Questo sviluppo affronta un'importante necessità medica, poiché fino a 2,4 milioni di persone negli Stati Uniti vivono con l'epatite B cronica, con numeri rimasti sostanzialmente invariati negli ultimi 15 anni nonostante i trattamenti esistenti.
Precision BioSciences (NASDAQ: DTIL) ha recibido la aprobación de la FDA para su solicitud de Nuevo Medicamento en Investigación (IND) para PBGENE-HBV, marcando un hito significativo como la primera terapia de edición genética in vivo autorizada para ensayos clínicos en el tratamiento de la hepatitis B crónica en los Estados Unidos.
La empresa ampliará su estudio de Fase 1 ELIMINATE-B en EE. UU., específicamente en el Centro Hepático del Hospital General de Massachusetts, sumando a los sitios de ensayo existentes en Moldavia, Hong Kong y Nueva Zelanda. El primer grupo del ensayo está recibiendo actualmente dosis de 0.2 mg/kg, con planes de aumentar a un nivel de dosis más alto en el Grupo 2.
PBGENE-HBV, desarrollado utilizando la plataforma ARCUS® de Precision, tiene como objetivo curar la hepatitis B crónica eliminando el cccDNA e inactivando el ADN del HBV integrado en los hepatocitos. La empresa planea expandir el estudio al Reino Unido y compartirá datos clínicos detallados durante 2025. Este desarrollo aborda una necesidad médica significativa, ya que hasta 2.4 millones de personas en EE. UU. viven con hepatitis B crónica, con números que han permanecido en gran medida sin cambios durante los últimos 15 años a pesar de los tratamientos existentes.
프리시전 바이오사이언스 (NASDAQ: DTIL)는 PBGENE-HBV에 대한 임상시험용 신약 신청(IND)이 FDA의 승인을 받았으며, 이는 미국에서 만성 B형 간염 치료를 위한 최초의 인 비보 유전자 편집 치료제로 임상 시험에 승인된 중요한 이정표입니다.
회사는 미국의 매사추세츠 종합병원 간센터에서 ELIMINATE-B 1상 연구를 확대하며, 몰도바, 홍콩, 뉴질랜드에 있는 기존 시험 장소에 추가합니다. 시험의 첫 번째 집단은 현재 0.2 mg/kg의 용량을 받고 있으며, 2집단에서 더 높은 용량으로 증가할 계획입니다.
PBGENE-HBV는 프리시전의 독점 ARCUS® 플랫폼을 사용하여 개발되었으며, 만성 B형 간염을 치료하기 위해 cccDNA를 제거하고 간세포 내 통합된 HBV DNA를 비활성화하는 것을 목표로 합니다. 회사는 연구를 영국으로 확장할 계획이며, 2025년 동안 자세한 임상 데이터를 공유할 것입니다. 이 개발은 미국에서 최대 240만 명이 만성 B형 간염을 앓고 있는 중요한 의료 필요를 해결하고 있으며, 기존 치료에도 불구하고 지난 15년 동안 숫자는 크게 변하지 않았습니다.
Precision BioSciences (NASDAQ: DTIL) a reçu l'approbation de la FDA pour sa demande de Médicament Investigational Nouveau (IND) pour PBGENE-HBV, marquant une étape significative en tant que première thérapie d'édition génétique in vivo approuvée pour des essais cliniques dans le traitement de l'hépatite B chronique aux États-Unis.
L'entreprise étendra son étude de Phase 1 ELIMINATE-B aux États-Unis, spécifiquement au Centre du Foie de l'Hôpital Général du Massachusetts, en ajoutant aux sites d'essai existants en Moldavie, à Hong Kong et en Nouvelle-Zélande. La première cohorte de l'essai reçoit actuellement des doses de 0,2 mg/kg, avec des plans pour augmenter à un niveau de dose plus élevé dans la Cohorte 2.
PBGENE-HBV, développé en utilisant la plateforme propriétaire ARCUS® de Precision, vise à guérir l'hépatite B chronique en éliminant le cccDNA et en inactivant l'ADN du HBV intégré dans les hépatocytes. L'entreprise prévoit d'étendre l'étude au Royaume-Uni et partagera des données cliniques détaillées tout au long de 2025. Ce développement répond à un besoin médical significatif, car jusqu'à 2,4 millions de personnes aux États-Unis vivent avec l'hépatite B chronique, les chiffres restant largement inchangés au cours des 15 dernières années malgré les traitements existants.
Precision BioSciences (NASDAQ: DTIL) hat die FDA-Genehmigung für seinen Antrag auf ein Investigational New Drug (IND) für PBGENE-HBV erhalten, was einen bedeutenden Meilenstein darstellt, da es sich um die erste in vivo-Gentherapie handelt, die in den USA für klinische Studien zur Behandlung von chronischer Hepatitis B zugelassen wurde.
Das Unternehmen wird seine Phase-1-Studie ELIMINATE-B in den USA ausweiten, insbesondere im Leberzentrum des Massachusetts General Hospital, und zu bestehenden Prüfstandorten in Moldawien, Hongkong und Neuseeland hinzufügen. Die erste Kohorte der Studie erhält derzeit Dosen von 0,2 mg/kg, mit Plänen zur Erhöhung auf ein höheres Doseniveau in Kohorte 2.
PBGENE-HBV, entwickelt mit Precision's proprietärer ARCUS®-Plattform, zielt darauf ab, chronische Hepatitis B zu heilen, indem cccDNA eliminiert und integriertes HBV-DNA in Hepatozyten inaktiviert wird. Das Unternehmen plant, die Studie auf das Vereinigte Königreich auszuweiten und wird im Laufe des Jahres 2025 detaillierte klinische Daten veröffentlichen. Die Entwicklung adressiert einen erheblichen medizinischen Bedarf, da bis zu 2,4 Millionen Menschen in den USA mit chronischer Hepatitis B leben, wobei die Zahlen trotz bestehender Behandlungen in den letzten 15 Jahren weitgehend unverändert geblieben sind.
- First-ever FDA clearance for in vivo gene editing therapy for hepatitis B in U.S.
- Successful initial patient enrollment and dosing in first cohort
- Global trial expansion across multiple countries
- Large addressable market of 2.4 million patients in U.S. alone
- Four regulatory approvals secured in four months
- Currently only at lowest dose level (0.2 mg/kg) in trials
- Detailed clinical efficacy data not yet available
- Higher dose levels still untested
Precision BioSciences has achieved a significant regulatory milestone with FDA clearance of its IND application for PBGENE-HBV, representing a breakthrough as the first-ever in vivo gene editing therapy cleared for clinical trials targeting chronic hepatitis B in the United States. This clearance enables the company to expand its ongoing Phase 1 ELIMINATE-B trial to the U.S., complementing active enrollment already underway in Moldova, Hong Kong, and New Zealand.
The ARCUS-based PBGENE-HBV therapy aims to cure chronic hepatitis B through a dual mechanism: eliminating cccDNA (the primary source of viral replication) and inactivating integrated HBV DNA in liver cells. This approach addresses a substantial unmet need, with up to 2.4 million Americans affected by chronic hepatitis B - a condition that has seen little change in prevalence despite vaccination efforts.
Clinical execution appears strong, with the company completing enrollment of the first cohort within one month. Patients in Cohort 1 are receiving the 0.2 mg/kg dose, with preliminary safety and efficacy data described as promising. The company is preparing to escalate to higher dosing in Cohort 2, working toward defining optimal dosing parameters.
From a strategic perspective, Precision has secured four regulatory approvals across different jurisdictions in just four months, validating their parallel global development approach. The U.S. expansion strengthens their development program by incorporating a more genetically diverse patient population while enabling access to world-class clinical infrastructure at Massachusetts General Hospital.
For a micro-cap company (
- PBGENE-HBV is the first-ever investigational in vivo gene editing therapy cleared to enter clinical trials for the treatment of chronic hepatitis B in
- IND clearance represents a significant regulatory milestone for PBGENE-HBV –
- Company to expand its Phase 1 ELIMINATE-B study to the
“IND clearance to expand the ELIMINATE-B trial for chronic hepatitis B is a first for the gene editing space. This marks the advancement of potentially curative gene editing modalities into major markets for diseases where enormous global disease burden and lack of curative options have unfortunately become the norm,” said Michael Amoroso, President and Chief Executive Officer of Precision BioSciences. “With four regulatory approvals in four months, this clearance validates our parallel global development strategy backed by our robust pre-clinical safety and efficacy package. The ELIMINATE-B trial remains on track following the recent completion of initial dose administration in our first cohort of patients and we look forward to continuing to share clinical data throughout 2025.”
“The IND clearance milestone marks a significant step forward in our mission to advance potential curative treatment options for hepatitis B patients,” said Murray A. Abramson, MD, MPH, Head of Clinical Development at Precision BioSciences. “We’re very excited to extend the ELIMINATE-B trial to the
Investigators in the ELIMINATE-B trial accrued the first cohort of patients within the first month of open enrollment and are currently administering additional doses to patients in Cohort 1 at the same dose level (0.2 mg/kg). In addition, the Company expects to escalate to a higher dose level in Cohort 2 with the goal to define the optimal dose and number of dose administrations for safely eliminating cccDNA and inactivating integrated HBV DNA. Precision plans to further expand the study to the
“Hepatitis B has a significant impact on the lives of people living with hepatitis B in the
About Hepatitis B:
Hepatitis B is a leading cause of morbidity in the US and death globally, with no curative options currently available for patients. Despite the availability of approved antiviral therapies, an estimated 300 million people globally and 1-2 million people in the US are estimated to have chronic hepatitis B infection. An estimated
Chronic hepatitis B infection is primarily driven by persistence of HBV cccDNA and integration of HBV DNA into the human genome in liver cells, the primary source of hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg) in late-stage disease. Current treatments for patients with HBV infection include agents that result in long-term viral suppression as indicated by reduction of circulating HBV DNA, but these therapies do not eradicate HBV cccDNA, rarely lead to functional cure, and require lifelong administration.
About PBGENE-HBV (Viral Elimination Program):
PBGENE-HBV is Precision’s wholly owned in vivo gene editing program under investigation in a global first-in-human clinical trial, which is designed to potentially cure chronic hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection. Currently, it is estimated that 300 million people worldwide are afflicted with chronic hepatitis B. PBGENE-HBV is the first and only potentially curative gene editing program to enter clinical investigation that is specifically designed to eliminate cccDNA and inactivate integrated HBV DNA. Lipid nanoparticle technology for PBGENE-HBV has been provided by Acuitas Therapeutics Inc.
About Precision BioSciences, Inc.
Precision BioSciences, Inc. is a clinical stage gene editing company dedicated to improving life (DTIL) with its novel and proprietary ARCUS® genome editing platform that differs from other technologies in the way it cuts, its smaller size, and its simpler structure. Key capabilities and differentiating characteristics may enable ARCUS nucleases to drive more intended, defined therapeutic outcomes. Using ARCUS, the Company’s pipeline is comprised of in vivo gene editing candidates designed to deliver lasting cures for the broadest range of genetic and infectious diseases where no adequate treatments exist. For more information about Precision BioSciences, please visit
The ARCUS® platform is being used to develop in vivo gene editing therapies for sophisticated gene edits, including gene insertion (inserting DNA into gene to cause expression/add function), elimination (removing a genome e.g. viral DNA or mutant mitochondrial DNA), and excision (removing a large portion of a defective gene by delivering two ARCUS nucleases in a single AAV).
Forward-Looking Statements
This press release contains forward-looking statements within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. All statements contained in this press release that do not relate to matters of historical fact should be considered forward-looking statements, including, without limitation, statements regarding the safety profile and substantial antiviral activity established after the first administration at dose level 1 of PBGENE-HBV; the clinical development and demonstrated, potential and expected safety, efficacy and benefit of PBGENE-HBV, our other product candidates and those being developed by partners; the unique design of PBGENE-HBV to eliminate cccDNA and inactivate integrated HBV DNA with high specificity, potentially leading to functional cures; the expected timing of regulatory processes (including filings such as IND’s and CTA’s and studies for PBGENE-HBV and the acceptance of these filings by regulatory agencies); the suitability of PBGENE-HBV for the treatment of hepatitis and the targeting of the root cause of the disease; the key advantages of ARCUS and its key capabilities and differentiating characteristics ; expectations about operational initiatives, strategies, and further development of PBGENE-HBV; plans to provide additional administrations of PBGENE-HBV at the first dose level; plans to escalate to higher dose levels and next cohorts in the ELIMINATE-B clinical trial to define the optimal dose and number of dose administrations for safely eliminating cccDNA and inactivating integrated HBV DNA; expansion of the ELIMINATE-B clinical trial to
Forward-looking statements are based on management’s current expectations, beliefs, and assumptions and on information currently available to us. These statements are neither promises nor guarantees, and involve a number of known and unknown risks, uncertainties and assumptions, and actual results may differ materially from those expressed or implied in the forward-looking statements due to various important factors, including, but not limited to, our ability to become profitable; our ability to procure sufficient funding to advance our programs; risks associated with our capital requirements, anticipated cash runway, requirements under our current debt instruments and effects of restrictions thereunder, including our ability to raise additional capital due to market conditions and/or our market capitalization; our operating expenses and our ability to predict what those expenses will be; our limited operating history; the progression and success of our programs and product candidates in which we expend our resources; our limited ability or inability to assess the safety and efficacy of our product candidates; the risk that other genome-editing technologies may provide significant advantages over our ARCUS technology; our dependence on our ARCUS technology; the initiation, cost, timing, progress, achievement of milestones and results of research and development activities and preclinical and clinical studies, including clinical trial and investigational new drug applications; public perception about genome editing technology and its applications; competition in the genome editing, biopharmaceutical, and biotechnology fields; our or our collaborators’ or other licensees’ ability to identify, develop and commercialize product candidates; pending and potential product liability lawsuits and penalties against us or our collaborators or other licensees related to our technology and our product candidates; the
All forward-looking statements speak only as of the date of this press release and, except as required by applicable law, we have no obligation to update or revise any forward-looking statements contained herein, whether as a result of any new information, future events, changed circumstances or otherwise.
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Investor and Media Contact:
Naresh Tanna
Vice President of Investor Relations
Source: Precision BioSciences, Inc.