DTE Energy statement in response to third-party audit of electric distribution system

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DTE Energy (NYSE:DTE) has responded to a third-party audit of its electric distribution system issued by the Michigan Public Service Commission. Matt Paul, president and COO of DTE Electric, reaffirmed the company's commitment to reducing power outages by 30% and cutting outage time in half by 2029.

To achieve these goals, DTE is making significant investments in transitioning to a smarter grid, aggressive tree trimming, updating existing infrastructure, and rebuilding portions of the grid. The audit team confirmed that DTE's proposed investment plan will deliver the expected improvements in reliability within the next five years.

DTE appreciates the recognition of their team's talent and experience, as well as the audit's recommendations for improvement. The company is reviewing the full report and will provide a formal response through the regulatory process.

DTE Energy (NYSE:DTE) ha risposto a un audit di terza parte del suo sistema di distribuzione elettrica emesso dalla Commissione per i Servizi Pubblici del Michigan. Matt Paul, presidente e COO di DTE Electric, ha riaffermato l'impegno dell'azienda a ridurre le interruzioni di corrente del 30% e a dimezzare il tempo di inattività entro il 2029.

Per raggiungere questi obiettivi, DTE sta effettuando investimenti significativi per passare a una rete più intelligente, potare alberi in modo aggressivo, aggiornare le infrastrutture esistenti e ricostruire parti della rete. Il team di audit ha confermato che il piano di investimento proposto da DTE porterà ai miglioramenti attesi in termini di affidabilità entro i prossimi cinque anni.

DTE apprezza il riconoscimento del talento e dell'esperienza del loro team, così come le raccomandazioni di miglioramento fornite dall'audit. L'azienda sta esaminando il rapporto completo e fornirà una risposta formale attraverso il processo di regolamentazione.

DTE Energy (NYSE:DTE) ha respondido a una auditoría de terceros de su sistema de distribución eléctrica emitida por la Comisión de Servicios Públicos de Michigan. Matt Paul, presidente y COO de DTE Electric, reafirmó el compromiso de la empresa de reducir las interrupciones de energía en un 30% y de reducir a la mitad el tiempo de interrupción para 2029.

Para lograr estos objetivos, DTE está realizando inversiones significativas para pasar a una red más inteligente, realizar una poda agresiva de árboles, actualizar la infraestructura existente y reconstruir partes de la red. El equipo de auditoría confirmó que el plan de inversión propuesto por DTE entregará las mejoras esperadas en confiabilidad dentro de los próximos cinco años.

DTE agradece el reconocimiento del talento y la experiencia de su equipo, así como las recomendaciones para mejorar realizadas por la auditoría. La empresa está revisando el informe completo y proporcionará una respuesta formal a través del proceso regulatorio.

DTE 에너지(NYSE:DTE)는 미시간 공공 서비스 위원회에서 발행한 전기 분배 시스템에 대한 제3자 감사에 응답했습니다. DTE 전기의 회장 및 COO인 Matt Paul은 회사의 2029년까지 전력 중단을 30% 줄이고 중단 시간을 절반으로 줄이겠다는 약속을 재확인했습니다.

이러한 목표를 달성하기 위해 DTE는 더 스마트한 전력망으로의 전환, 과감한 나무 가지치기, 기존 인프라의 업데이트 및 전력망 일부의 재건에 상당한 투자를 하고 있습니다. 감사 팀은 DTE가 제안한 투자 계획이 향후 5년 이내에 신뢰성 향상에 기대되는 개선 사항을 제공할 것이라고 확인했습니다.

DTE는 팀의 재능과 경험을 인정받은 것과 감사의 개선 권고 사항에 대해 감사하게 생각합니다. 회사는 전체 보고서를 검토하고 규제 과정을 통해 공식 응답을 제공할 것입니다.

DTE Energy (NYSE:DTE) a répondu à un audit externe de son système de distribution électrique émis par la Commission des services publics du Michigan. Matt Paul, président et COO de DTE Electric, a réaffirmé l'engagement de l'entreprise à réduire les pannes d'électricité de 30 % et à diviser par deux le temps d'interruption d'ici 2029.

Pour atteindre ces objectifs, DTE réalise des investissements significatifs pour passer à un réseau plus intelligent, effectuer un élagage agressif des arbres, mettre à jour l'infrastructure existante et reconstruire certaines parties du réseau. L'équipe d'audit a confirmé que le plan d'investissement proposé par DTE apportera les améliorations escomptées en termes de fiabilité dans les cinq prochaines années.

DTE apprécie la reconnaissance des talents et de l'expertise de son équipe, ainsi que les recommandations d'amélioration de l'audit. L'entreprise examine le rapport complet et fournira une réponse formelle via le processus réglementaire.

DTE Energy (NYSE:DTE) hat auf eine Drittanbieterprüfung seines elektrischen Verteilungssystems reagiert, die von der Michigan Public Service Commission durchgeführt wurde. Matt Paul, Präsident und COO von DTE Electric, bekräftigte das Engagement des Unternehmens, Stromausfälle bis 2029 um 30 % zu reduzieren und die Ausfallzeit zu halbieren.

Um diese Ziele zu erreichen, tätigt DTE signifikante Investitionen in den Übergang zu einem intelligenteren Netz, in aggressive Baumschnittmaßnahmen, in die Aktualisierung der bestehenden Infrastruktur sowie in den Wiederaufbau von Teilen des Netzes. Das Prüferteam bestätigte, dass der vorgeschlagene Investitionsplan von DTE die erwarteten Verbesserungen in der Zuverlässigkeit in den nächsten fünf Jahren liefern wird.

DTE schätzt die Anerkennung des Talents und der Erfahrung ihres Teams sowie die Verbesserungsempfehlungen des Audits. Das Unternehmen überprüft den vollständigen Bericht und wird im Rahmen des Regulierungsprozesses eine formelle Antwort geben.

  • Commitment to reduce power outages by 30% and cut outage time in half by 2029
  • Significant investments in grid modernization and infrastructure improvements
  • Audit team confirmed DTE's investment plan will deliver expected reliability improvements
  • Recognition of DTE team's talent and experience by audit team
  • None.

Detroit, Sept. 23, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- DTE Energy (NYSE:DTE) today released the following statement from Matt Paul, president and chief operating officer, DTE Electric, in response to the third-party audit of the electric distribution system issued by the Michigan Public Service Commission.

“We remain laser-focused on delivering on our commitment to our customers — reducing power outages by 30% and cutting outage time in half by 2029. 

“To meet that commitment, as well as the customer service standards set by the Michigan Public Service Commission, we’ve been making significant investments as part of our accelerated plan to quickly transition to a smarter grid, aggressively trimming trees, updating our existing infrastructure and rebuilding significant portions of the grid. 

“We appreciate the audit team confirming that DTE’s proposed investment plan will deliver the dramatic improvement in reliability that our customers demand and deserve in the next five years as well as recognizing the talent and experience of our team. They also point out that our plan is both ambitious and aggressive, and we accept that challenge.

“We are always looking for ways to improve our processes and programs and thank the audit team for recognizing our progress, as well as providing recommendations on improvements we can make to better serve our customers. 

“We are currently reviewing the full report and will provide a formal response through the regulatory process. We look forward to continuing to work with the Michigan Public Service Commission on ways to provide our customers with cleaner, more reliable, and affordable energy.”

Available images of reliability work. Please credit DTE Energy.

About DTE Energy

DTE Energy (NYSE:DTE) is a Detroit-based diversified energy company involved in the development and management of energy-related businesses and services nationwide. Its operating units include an electric company serving 2.3 million customers in Southeast Michigan and a natural gas company serving 1.3 million customers across Michigan. The DTE portfolio also includes energy businesses focused on custom energy solutions, renewable energy generation, and energy marketing and trading. DTE has continued to accelerate its carbon reduction goals to meet aggressive targets and is committed to serving with its energy through volunteerism, education and employment initiatives, philanthropy, emission reductions and economic progress. Information about DTE is available at and 

For further information, members of the media may contact: 
Colleen Rosso, DTE Energy, 313.235.5555   


What are DTE Energy's goals for improving electric reliability by 2029?

DTE Energy (NYSE:DTE) aims to reduce power outages by 30% and cut outage time in half by 2029.

How is DTE Energy (NYSE:DTE) planning to improve its electric distribution system?

DTE is making significant investments in transitioning to a smarter grid, aggressive tree trimming, updating existing infrastructure, and rebuilding portions of the grid.

What did the third-party audit say about DTE Energy's (NYSE:DTE) proposed investment plan?

The audit team confirmed that DTE's proposed investment plan will deliver the expected dramatic improvement in reliability within the next five years.

How is DTE Energy (NYSE:DTE) responding to the third-party audit of its electric distribution system?

DTE is reviewing the full report and will provide a formal response through the regulatory process. They appreciate the audit's recommendations and recognition of their progress.

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Utilities - Regulated Electric
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