Be alert for DTE Energy impersonators

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DTE Energy is urging media outlets to alert the public about DTE impersonators following a tragic homicide in Rochester Hills on October 11, 2024, allegedly committed by imposters posing as DTE employees. The company emphasizes the importance of verifying the identity of anyone claiming to be from DTE by asking to see a photo ID badge.

Key points for customers:

  • Know your gas provider, as DTE may not supply both electricity and gas
  • DTE typically contacts customers in advance for routine visits
  • All DTE employees and contractors must carry and show photo ID badges when asked
  • Call 800-477-4747 to confirm if unsure about a visit
  • Keep doors locked while verifying identity
  • For gas service, DTE employees only need to enter homes with indoor gas meters

If someone refuses to show a badge or acts suspiciously, customers are advised to call 911 immediately.

DTE Energy invita i media a informare il pubblico riguardo agli impersonatori di DTE dopo un tragico omicidio avvenuto a Rochester Hills l'11 ottobre 2024, presumibilmente commesso da impostori che si spacciavano per dipendenti DTE. L'azienda sottolinea l'importanza di verificare l'identità di chiunque affermi di essere un rappresentante di DTE, chiedendo di mostrare un tesserino identificativo con foto.

Punti chiave per i clienti:

  • Conosci il tuo fornitore di gas, poiché DTE potrebbe non fornire sia elettricità che gas
  • DTE solitamente contatta i clienti in anticipo per visite di routine
  • Tutti i dipendenti e i contrattisti DTE devono portare e mostrare tesserini identificativi con foto quando richiesto
  • Chiama il 800-477-4747 per confermare se hai dubbi riguardo a una visita
  • Tieni le porte chiuse a chiave mentre verifichi l'identità
  • Per il servizio di gas, i dipendenti DTE possono entrare nelle abitazioni solo se dotate di contatori di gas interni

Se qualcuno rifiuta di mostrare un tesserino o si comporta in modo sospetto, si consiglia ai clienti di chiamare immediatamente il 911.

DTE Energy insta a los medios a alertar al público sobre los suplantadores de DTE tras un trágico homicidio en Rochester Hills el 11 de octubre de 2024, supuestamente cometido por impostores que se hacían pasar por empleados de DTE. La compañía enfatiza la importancia de verificar la identidad de cualquier persona que afirme ser de DTE pidiendo que muestre una identificación con foto.

Puntos clave para los clientes:

  • Conozca a su proveedor de gas, ya que DTE puede no suministrar electricidad y gas al mismo tiempo
  • DTE generalmente contacta a los clientes con anticipación para visitas de rutina
  • Todos los empleados y contratistas de DTE deben llevar y mostrar identificaciones con foto cuando se les solicite
  • Llame al 800-477-4747 para confirmar si tiene dudas sobre una visita
  • Mantenga las puertas cerradas mientras verifica la identidad
  • Para el servicio de gas, los empleados de DTE solo necesitan entrar en casas con medidores de gas interiores

Si alguien se niega a mostrar una identificación o actúa de manera sospechosa, se aconseja a los clientes llamar al 911 de inmediato.

DTE 에너지는 DTE 사칭범에 대해 대중에게 알릴 것을 언론에 촉구하고 있습니다 2024년 10월 11일 로체스터 힐스에서 발생한 비극적인 살인 사건에 이어, DTE 직원으로 가장한 사칭범들이 연루되어 있다는 주장이 제기되었습니다. 이 회사는 DTE 소속이라고 주장하는 사람의 신원을 확인하는 것이 중요하다고 강조하며, 사진이 부착된 신분증을 보여달라고 요청합니다.

고객을 위한 주요 사항:

  • 가스 공급업체를 알고 계세요. DTE가 전기와 가스를 모두 공급하지 않을 수 있습니다.
  • DTE는 일반적으로 정기 방문을 위해 고객에게 사전 연락을 합니다.
  • 모든 DTE 직원과 계약자는 요청 시 사진이 있는 신분증을 제시해야 합니다.
  • 방문에 대해 불확실할 경우 800-477-4747로 확인 전화를 하세요.
  • 신원 확인하는 동안 문을 잠그세요.
  • 가스 서비스의 경우, DTE 직원은 실내 가스 계량기가 있는 집에만 들어갈 수 있습니다.

만약 누군가가 신분증을 보여주기를 거부하거나 의심스럽게 행동한다면, 고객은 즉시 911에 전화할 것을 권장합니다.

DTE Energy demande aux médias d'alerter le public sur les imposteurs de DTE suite à un tragique homicide survenu à Rochester Hills le 11 octobre 2024, apparemment commis par des imposteurs se faisant passer pour des employés de DTE. La société souligne l'importance de vérifier l'identité de toute personne prétendant être de DTE en demandant à voir une pièce d'identité avec photo.

Points clés pour les clients :

  • Connaissez votre fournisseur de gaz, car DTE peut ne pas fournir à la fois l'électricité et le gaz.
  • DTE contacte généralement les clients à l'avance pour des visites de routine.
  • Tous les employés et sous-traitants de DTE doivent porter et montrer des pièces d'identité avec photo sur demande.
  • Appelez le 800-477-4747 pour confirmer si vous avez des doutes sur une visite.
  • Gardez les portes verrouillées pendant la vérification d'identité.
  • Pour le service de gaz, les employés de DTE ne doivent entrer chez les clients que s'ils disposent de compteurs de gaz intérieurs.

Si quelqu'un refuse de montrer une pièce d'identité ou agit de manière suspecte, il est conseillé aux clients d'appeler immédiatement le 911.

DTE Energy fordert die Medien auf, die Öffentlichkeit über DTE-Imitatoren zu informieren, nach einem tragischen Mord in Rochester Hills am 11. Oktober 2024, der angeblich von Betrügern begangen wurde, die sich als DTE-Mitarbeiter ausgaben. Das Unternehmen betont die Wichtigkeit, die Identität von Personen zu überprüfen, die behaupten, von DTE zu sein, indem man nach einem Lichtbildausweis fragt.

Wichtige Punkte für Kunden:

  • Kennen Sie Ihren Gasversorger, da DTE möglicherweise nicht sowohl Strom als auch Gas liefert.
  • DTE kontaktiert Kunden in der Regel im Voraus für routinemäßige Besuche.
  • Alle DTE-Mitarbeiter und Auftragnehmer müssen bei Anfrage ein Lichtbildausweis vorzeigen.
  • Rufen Sie 800-477-4747 an, um zu bestätigen, wenn Sie sich über einen Besuch unsicher sind.
  • Halten Sie die Türen während der Identitätsprüfung abgeschlossen.
  • Für den Gasservice dürfen DTE-Mitarbeiter nur in Wohnungen mit Innen-Gaszählern eintreten.

Wenn jemand sich weigert, einen Ausweis zu zeigen oder sich verdächtig verhält, wird den Kunden geraten, sofort 911 zu wählen.

  • None.
  • None.

DTE encourages customers to know the red flags of impersonators and alert the police to suspicious activity

Detroit, Oct. 11, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- DTE Energy is urging all media outlets to make their audiences aware of DTE impersonators. On October 11, 2024, a homicide took place in Rochester Hills allegedly committed by imposters representing themselves as DTE employees. Our hearts go out to the victims of this horrific and tragic event, and we hope the perpetrators are quickly apprehended and brought to justice.

If anyone arrives at your home or business claiming they are from DTE, please ask to see a badge with a photo ID. If the person refuses to show their badge, do not allow them entry into your home. If the person becomes agitated or acts in a strange manner, call 911 immediately.

DTE customers should keep the following information in mind when dealing with someone who identifies themselves as a DTE employee and wants to enter your home. 

  • Know your gas provider. Just because DTE supplies your electricity, it does not mean they supply your gas as well. Impersonators aren’t always aware of our service territory. Please note that while DTE does not provide residential gas distribution in Rochester Hills, it does operate gas transmission pipelines in the area.
  • Before DTE makes a routine visit to your home, we will make every effort to contact you in advance, either through a phone call from our call center or via email or text message.
  • It is very rare that a DTE employee would need to enter your home, but it does happen. DTE will use every opportunity to make you aware of any work needing to be done at your home and if possible will contact you in advance to schedule time for the work to be completed.
  • Prior to allowing a person claiming to work for DTE in your home or on your property, you should look for and do the following:
    • All DTE Electric and DTE Gas employees and contractors carry photo identification badges, and are required to show their badge when asked.
    • Customers should ask the employee why they are there and, if necessary, call 800-477-4747 to confirm before allowing entry or access to their property. Keep your door locked while you are making the call, and only speak through a locked screen door if it’s necessary to talk to the person.
    • If an employee/contractor refuses to show their badge, the customer should refuse service and call 800-477-4747 to verify whether or not DTE is scheduled to be on site or at their home.
    • In regards to gas service, the only reason a DTE employee would need to enter your home is if your gas meter is indoors. This is common in older homes.

About DTE Energy

DTE Energy (NYSE:DTE) is a Detroit-based diversified energy company involved in the development and management of energy-related businesses and services nationwide. Its operating units include an electric company serving 2.3 million customers in Southeast Michigan and a natural gas company serving 1.3 million customers across Michigan. The DTE portfolio also includes energy businesses focused on custom energy solutions, renewable energy generation, and energy marketing and trading. DTE has continued to accelerate its carbon reduction goals to meet aggressive targets and is committed to serving with its energy through volunteerism, education and employment initiatives, philanthropy, emission reductions and economic progress. Information about DTE is available at,, and


What happened in Rochester Hills on October 11, 2024 involving DTE Energy impersonators?

On October 11, 2024, a homicide allegedly took place in Rochester Hills, committed by imposters representing themselves as DTE employees. This tragic event prompted DTE Energy to issue a warning about impersonators.

How can customers verify if someone claiming to be from DTE Energy (DTE) is legitimate?

Customers should ask to see a photo ID badge, which all DTE employees and contractors are required to carry and show when asked. If unsure, customers can call 800-477-4747 to confirm the visit's legitimacy.

Does DTE Energy provide gas service in Rochester Hills?

DTE does not provide residential gas distribution in Rochester Hills, but it does operate gas transmission pipelines in the area. Customers should be aware of their specific gas provider.

What should DTE Energy customers do if someone refuses to show their badge?

If someone claiming to be from DTE refuses to show their badge, customers should refuse service, keep their doors locked, and immediately call 800-477-4747 to verify the visit. If the person becomes agitated or acts suspiciously, call 911.

When would a DTE Energy employee need to enter a customer's home?

For gas service, a DTE employee would only need to enter a home if the gas meter is located indoors, which is common in older homes. DTE typically contacts customers in advance for routine visits.

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