Bright Minds Biosciences announces participation in upcoming scientific conferences and partnering events

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Bright Minds Biosciences (NASDAQ: DRUG), a company developing selective 5-HT2 agonists for CNS disorders, announces participation in upcoming scientific conferences and partnering events. The company will present at:

  • Neuroscience 2024 annual meeting in Chicago, October 5–9
  • Therapeutic Development at NINDS Chicago, October 7
  • BIO-Europe in Stockholm, November 4-6
  • Chicago Biocapital Summit, November 6-7
  • AES Annual Meeting 2024 in Los Angeles, December 6-10

Presentations will cover novel 5-HT2A-selective agonists, Phase I study results of BMB-101, and biased 5-HT2C agonism for epilepsy management. The company also granted 70,000 stock options to employees and board members, exercisable at $1.65 per share for five years, subject to vesting periods.

Bright Minds Biosciences (NASDAQ: DRUG), un'azienda che sviluppa agonisti selettivi 5-HT2 per disturbi del SNC, annuncia la sua partecipazione a prossimi congressi scientifici ed eventi di partenariato. L'azienda presenterà a:

  • Incontro annuale Neuroscience 2024 a Chicago, 5–9 ottobre
  • Sviluppo Terapeutico presso NINDS Chicago, 7 ottobre
  • BIO-Europe a Stoccolma, 4-6 novembre
  • Chicago Biocapital Summit, 6-7 novembre
  • Incontro Annuale AES 2024 a Los Angeles, 6-10 dicembre

Le presentazioni copriranno agonisti selettivi 5-HT2A innovativi, risultati dello studio di Fase I di BMB-101 e agonismo biased 5-HT2C per la gestione dell'epilessia. L'azienda ha anche concesso 70.000 opzioni su azioni ai dipendenti e ai membri del consiglio, esercitabili a $1,65 per azione per cinque anni, soggette a periodi di maturazione.

Bright Minds Biosciences (NASDAQ: DRUG), una empresa que desarrolla agonistas selectivos 5-HT2 para trastornos del SNC, anuncia su participación en próximas conferencias científicas y eventos de asociación. La empresa presentará en:

  • Reunión anual de Neuroscience 2024 en Chicago, del 5 al 9 de octubre
  • Desarrollo Terapéutico en NINDS Chicago, el 7 de octubre
  • BIO-Europe en Estocolmo, del 4 al 6 de noviembre
  • Cumbre de Biocapital de Chicago, del 6 al 7 de noviembre
  • Reunión Anual de AES 2024 en Los Ángeles, del 6 al 10 de diciembre

Las presentaciones cubrirán agonistas 5-HT2A selectivos novedosos, resultados del estudio de Fase I de BMB-101 y agonismo biased 5-HT2C para la gestión de la epilepsia. La empresa también otorgó 70,000 opciones sobre acciones a empleados y miembros de la junta, que se pueden ejercer a $1.65 por acción durante cinco años, sujeto a períodos de adquisición.

Bright Minds Biosciences (NASDAQ: DRUG), 중앙신경계 장애를 위한 선택적 5-HT2 작용제를 개발하는 회사가 다가오는 과학 회의 및 파트너십 행사에 참가한다고 발표했습니다. 이 회사는 다음 행사에서 발표할 예정입니다:

  • 2024 신경과학 연례 회의, 시카고, 10월 5-9일
  • NINDS 시카고에서의 치료 개발, 10월 7일
  • 스톡홀름의 BIO-Europe, 11월 4-6일
  • 시카고 바이오캐피탈 서밋, 11월 6-7일
  • 2024 AES 연례 회의, 로스앤젤레스, 12월 6-10일

발표 내용에는 새로운 5-HT2A 선택적 작용제, BMB-101의 1상 연구 결과, 그리고 간질 관리를 위한 편향된 5-HT2C 작용이 포함됩니다. 이 회사는 또한 직원 및 이사에게 70,000개의 주식 옵션을 부여했으며, 5년 동안 주당 $1.65에 행사할 수 있으며, 대부분의 경우 권리 확보 기간이 필요합니다.

Bright Minds Biosciences (NASDAQ: DRUG), une entreprise qui développe des agonistes sélectifs 5-HT2 pour les troubles du système nerveux central, annonce sa participation à des conférences scientifiques et des événements de partenariat à venir. L'entreprise présentera lors des événements suivants :

  • Réunion annuelle Neuroscience 2024 à Chicago, du 5 au 9 octobre
  • Développement thérapeutique chez NINDS Chicago, le 7 octobre
  • BIO-Europe à Stockholm, du 4 au 6 novembre
  • Sommet de Biocapital de Chicago, du 6 au 7 novembre
  • Réunion Annuelle AES 2024 à Los Angeles, du 6 au 10 décembre

Les présentations couvriront de nouveaux agonistes sélectifs 5-HT2A, les résultats de l'étude de Phase I de BMB-101, et l'agonisme biaisé 5-HT2C pour la gestion de l'épilepsie. L'entreprise a également accordé 70 000 options sur actions aux employés et aux membres du conseil d'administration, pouvant être exercées à 1,65 $ par action pendant cinq ans, sous réserve de périodes d'acquisition.

Bright Minds Biosciences (NASDAQ: DRUG), ein Unternehmen, das selektive 5-HT2-Agonisten für ZNS-Erkrankungen entwickelt, gibt seine Teilnahme an bevorstehenden wissenschaftlichen Konferenzen und Partnerveranstaltungen bekannt. Das Unternehmen wird auf folgenden Veranstaltungen präsentieren:

  • Jahrestagung Neuroscience 2024 in Chicago, 5.–9. Oktober
  • Therapeutische Entwicklung bei NINDS Chicago, 7. Oktober
  • BIO-Europe in Stockholm, 4.-6. November
  • Chicago Biocapital Summit, 6.-7. November
  • AES Jahrestagung 2024 in Los Angeles, 6.-10. Dezember

Die Präsentationen werden neuartige 5-HT2A-selektive Agonisten, Ergebnisse der Phase-I-Studie von BMB-101 und biased 5-HT2C-Agonismus für das Management von Epilepsie abdecken. Das Unternehmen hat außerdem 70.000 Aktienoptionen an Mitarbeiter und Vorstandsmitglieder gewährt, die für fünf Jahre zu einem Preis von 1,65 $ pro Aktie ausgeübt werden können, unter Vorbehalt der Vesting-Zeiträume.

  • None.
  • None.
  • Bright Minds Biosciences will present scientific posters about various programs in development, including BMB-101, BMB-201 and BMB-202
  • Bright Minds Biosciences will participate in BIO Europe partnering event and Chicago Biocapital Summit to present its innovation in neuroscience

NEW YORK, Oct. 03, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Bright Minds Biosciences Inc. (NASDAQ: DRUG), a pioneering company focused on developing highly selective 5-HT2 agonists for the treatment of drug-resistant epilepsy, depression, and other CNS disorders, is excited to announce its participation in the upcoming scientific conferences:

  • Neuroscience 2024 annual meeting, organized by the Society for Neuroscience (SfN), will take place in Chicago, October 5–9.
  • Therapeutic Development at NINDS Chicago, October 7, 2024. Bright Minds will discuss its progress in epilepsy (ETSP) and pain (PSPP) programs and collaboration with NIH.
  • BIO-Europe, Europe's leading partnering event – Stockholm, Sweden, November 4-6.
  • Chicago Biocapital Summit, a showcase of Midwest biotech innovation, organized by Chicago Biomedical Consortium – Chicago, November 6-7.
  • AES Annual Meeting 2024, Los Angeles, December 6-10. Bright Minds Biosciences will present data for BMB-101, lead 5-HT2C agonist for the treatment of rare epilepsies.

Presentations by Bright Minds Biosciences will include:

Title: Novel 5-HT2A-selective agonists with well-characterized PK profile and short duration of action
Poster Number: PSTR041.28 / N5
Presentation date and location: October 5, 2024, 1:00 PM - 5:00 PM   MCP Hall A

Title: Phase I Study to Evaluate the Safety, Tolerability, and Pharmacokinetics of Single and Multiple Ascending Oral Doses of novel 5-HT2C agonist, BMB-101, in Fed and Fasted Adult Healthy Human Volunteers
Poster Number: 1.532
Presentation date and location: Poster Session 1,  Saturday, December 7. South Hall H, Level 1

Title: BMB-101 and Biased 5-HT2C Agonism: A Novel Approach for Sustained Epilepsy Management
Poster Number: 1.533
Presentation date and location: Poster Session 1,  Saturday, December 7. South Hall H, Level 1

Option Grants

The Company is also pleased to announce that it has granted 70,000 options (the “Options”) to employees and members of the board of directors, to purchase 70,000 Shares pursuant to the Company’s share option plan. The Options are exercisable at an exercise price of $1.65 per Share for a period of five (5) years from the date of grant. The Options are subject to vesting periods over the course of the term of the Options.

About BMB-101

BMB-101 is a novel scaffold 5-HT2C Gq-protein biased agonist developed using structure-based drug design. It was explicitly designed for chronic treatment of neurological disorders where tolerance and drug resistance are common issues. Biased agonism at the 5-HT2C receptor is one of its key features and adds another layer of functional selectivity within a well-validated target. BMB-101 works exclusively via the Gq-protein signaling pathway and avoids beta-arrestin activation, which is crucial to minimize the risk of receptor desensitization and tolerance development. This provides a novel mechanism, anti-epileptic drug designed to provide sustained seizure relief in hard-to-treat patient populations. In preclinical studies, BMB-101 has demonstrated efficacy in animal models of Dravet Syndrome and numerous models of generalized seizures.

In Phase 1 clinical studies, BMB-101 was given to 64 healthy volunteers in a Single Ascending Dose (SAD), Multiple Ascending Dose (MAD) and food-effects study. BMB-101 was demonstrated to be safe and well tolerated at all doses. No Serious Adverse Events (SAEs) were observed, and Adverse Events (AEs) were mild in nature and in line with on-target effects for serotonergic drugs.

An extensive target-engagement study was conducted using both fluid biomarkers (transient prolactin release) and physical biomarkers (Quantitative Electroencephalogram, qEEG). Both methods confirmed robust central target engagement. A qEEG signature typical for anti-epileptic drugs was observed, with a selective depression of EEG power at frequencies observed during epileptic seizures. Furthermore, a potentiation of frontal gamma-power was observed in this study which could indicate the potential for improved cognition.

About Bright Minds Biosciences
Bright Minds Biosciences is a biotechnology company developing innovative treatments for patients with neurological and psychiatric disorders. Our pipeline includes novel compounds targeting key receptors in the brain to address conditions with high unmet medical need, including epilepsy, depression, and other CNS disorders. Bright Minds is focused on delivering breakthrough therapies that can transform patients' lives.

Bright Minds Biosciences has developed a unique platform of highly selective serotonergic agonists exhibiting selectivity at different serotonergic receptors. This has provided a rich portfolio of NCE programs within neurology and psychiatry.

Forward-Looking Statements

This news release contains “forward-looking information”. Often, but not always, forward-looking statements can be identified by the use of words such as “plans”, “expects”, “is expected”, “budget”, “scheduled”, “estimates”, “forecasts”, “intends”, “anticipates”, or “believes” or variations (including negative variations) of such words and phrases, or state that certain actions, events or results “may”, “could”, “would”, “might” or “will” be taken, occur or be achieved. Forward-looking statements in this news release include design, progress, and completion of the BREAKTHROUGH Study, future clinical development of BMB-101, and future intended use or therapeutic benefit of BMB-101 to treat refractory epilepsy disorders. A variety of factors, including known and unknown risks, many of which are beyond our control, could cause actual results to differ materially from the forward-looking information in this news release. These factors include the company’s financial position and operational runway, regulatory risk to operating in the pharmaceutical industry, and inaccuracies related to the assumption made by management relating to general availability of resources required to operate the studies noted in this news release. Additional risk factors can also be found in the Company’s public filings under the Company’s SEDAR+ profile at Forward-looking statements contained herein are made as of the date of this news release and the Company disclaims any obligation to update any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or results or otherwise. There can be no assurance that forward-looking statements will prove to be accurate, as actual results and future events could differ materially from those anticipated in such statements. The Company undertakes no obligation to update forward-looking statements if circumstances, management’s estimates or opinions should change, except as required by securities legislation. Accordingly, the reader is cautioned not to place undue reliance on forward-looking statements.

The Canadian Securities Exchange has neither approved nor disapproved the information contained herein and does not accept responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this news release.

Contact Information

Alex Vasilkevich
Chief Operating Officer
Bright Minds Biosciences Inc.
Phone: (414)7316422


What conferences will Bright Minds Biosciences (DRUG) attend in 2024?

Bright Minds Biosciences will attend Neuroscience 2024, Therapeutic Development at NINDS, BIO-Europe, Chicago Biocapital Summit, and AES Annual Meeting 2024 between October and December 2024.

What will Bright Minds Biosciences (DRUG) present at the AES Annual Meeting 2024?

At the AES Annual Meeting 2024, Bright Minds Biosciences will present data for BMB-101, their lead 5-HT2C agonist for the treatment of rare epilepsies.

What stock options did Bright Minds Biosciences (DRUG) grant in October 2024?

Bright Minds Biosciences granted 70,000 stock options to employees and board members, exercisable at $1.65 per share for five years, subject to vesting periods.

What is BMB-101 being developed for by Bright Minds Biosciences (DRUG)?

BMB-101 is being developed by Bright Minds Biosciences as a 5-HT2C agonist for the treatment of rare epilepsies.

Bright Minds Biosciences Inc.


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