DIRTT’s COVE™ Receives Prestigious Industry Awards at 2024 Healthcare Facilities Symposium and Expo

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DIRTT Environmental Solutions (TSX: DRT) (OTC: DRTTF) has been awarded two prestigious industry awards for its COVE™ Clinical Observation Vertical Exam solution at the 2024 Healthcare Facilities Symposium and Expo. COVE received the 'Most Innovative' and 'Architect's Choice' awards, recognizing its innovative approach to optimizing emergency department space and efficiency.

COVE is designed to be approximately half the size of a traditional exam room, allowing for increased treatment of low-acuity patients while maintaining quality care. The modular application reduces implementation time by about 30% compared to conventional construction methods. DIRTT's CEO, Benjamin Urban, emphasized the company's commitment to transforming construction practices and addressing industry challenges.

DIRTT Environmental Solutions (TSX: DRT) (OTC: DRTTF) ha ricevuto due prestigiosi premi del settore per la sua soluzione COVE™ Clinical Observation Vertical Exam durante il Simposio e Expo sulle Strutture Sanitarie del 2024. COVE ha ricevuto i premi 'Miglior Innovazione' e 'Scelta dell'Architetto', riconoscendo il suo approccio innovativo nell'ottimizzazione degli spazi e dell'efficienza dei dipartimenti di emergenza.

COVE è progettato per essere circa la metà della dimensione di una sala d'esame tradizionale, permettendo un trattamento maggiore di pazienti a bassa gravità mantenendo la qualità dell'assistenza. L'applicazione modulare riduce il tempo di implementazione di circa 30% rispetto ai metodi di costruzione convenzionali. Il CEO di DIRTT, Benjamin Urban, ha sottolineato l'impegno dell'azienda nella trasformazione delle pratiche edilizie e nella risoluzione delle sfide del settore.

DIRTT Environmental Solutions (TSX: DRT) (OTC: DRTTF) ha sido galardonada con dos prestigiosos premios de la industria por su solución COVE™ Clinical Observation Vertical Exam en el Simposio y Expo de Instalaciones de Salud 2024. COVE recibió los premios 'Más Innovador' y 'Elección del Arquitecto', reconociendo su enfoque innovador para optimizar el espacio y la eficiencia en el departamento de emergencias.

COVE está diseñado para ser aproximadamente la mitad del tamaño de una sala de examen tradicional, permitiendo un mayor tratamiento de pacientes de baja gravedad mientras se mantiene la calidad de la atención. La aplicación modular reduce el tiempo de implementación en aproximadamente 30% en comparación con los métodos de construcción convencionales. El CEO de DIRTT, Benjamin Urban, enfatizó el compromiso de la empresa de transformar las prácticas de construcción y abordar los desafíos de la industria.

DIRTT Environmental Solutions (TSX: DRT) (OTC: DRTTF)는 2024 의료 시설 심포지엄 및 박람회에서 COVE™ 임상 관찰 수직 검사 솔루션으로 두 개의 권위 있는 산업상을 수상했습니다. COVE는 비상실의 공간과 효율성을 최적화하는 혁신적 접근 방식을 인정받아 '가장 혁신적인 상'과 '건축가 선택 상'을 받았습니다.

COVE는 전통적인 검사실의 절반 크기 정도로 설계되어 경증 환자 치료를 증가시키면서도 질 높은 치료를 유지할 수 있도록 합니다. 모듈형 응용 프로그램은 전통적인 건설 방법에 비해 구현 시간을 약 30% 줄입니다. DIRTT의 CEO인 Benjamin Urban은 건설 관행 혁신 및 산업 문제 해결에 대한 회사의 헌신을 강조했습니다.

DIRTT Environmental Solutions (TSX: DRT) (OTC: DRTTF) a reçu deux prix prestigieux de l'industrie pour sa solution COVE™ Clinical Observation Vertical Exam lors du Symposium et Expo des établissements de santé 2024. COVE a reçu les prix 'La plus innovante' et 'Choix de l'architecte', reconnaissant son approche innovante pour optimiser l'espace et l'efficacité des services d'urgence.

COVE est conçu pour être environ la moitié de la taille d'une salle d'examen traditionnelle, permettant un traitement accru des patients à faible gravité tout en maintenant la qualité des soins. L'application modulaire réduit le temps de mise en œuvre d'environ 30% par rapport aux méthodes de construction conventionnelles. Le PDG de DIRTT, Benjamin Urban, a souligné l'engagement de l'entreprise à transformer les pratiques de construction et à relever les défis du secteur.

DIRTT Environmental Solutions (TSX: DRT) (OTC: DRTTF) wurde beim Healthcare Facilities Symposium und Expo 2024 mit zwei renommierten Branchenpreisen für seine COVE™ Clinical Observation Vertical Exam-Lösung ausgezeichnet. COVE erhielt die Auszeichnungen 'Innovativstes Produkt' und 'Architektenwahl', die seinen innovativen Ansatz zur Optimierung des Raums und der Effizienz in Notaufnahmen würdigen.

COVE ist so konzipiert, dass es ungefähr halb so groß wie ein traditionelles Untersuchungszimmer ist, was eine erhöhte Behandlung von Patienten mit geringer Schwere ermöglicht und gleichzeitig die Qualität der Versorgung aufrechterhält. Die modulare Anwendung reduziert die Implementierungszeit um etwa 30% im Vergleich zu herkömmlichen Bauweisen. DIRTTs CEO, Benjamin Urban, betonte das Engagement des Unternehmens, die Baupraktiken zu transformieren und Herausforderungen der Branche zu begegnen.

  • COVE™ solution received two prestigious industry awards: 'Most Innovative' and 'Architect's Choice'
  • COVE optimizes emergency department space, potentially increasing patient capacity
  • Modular application reduces implementation time by approximately 30% compared to conventional construction methods
  • COVE aligns with Facilities and Guidelines Institute (FGI) guidelines for design and construction
  • None.

CALGARY, Alberta, Sept. 25, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- DIRTT Environmental Solutions Ltd. (TSX: DRT) (OTC: DRTTF) (“DIRTT”), a global leader in industrialized construction, was recognized with two significant product awards for “Most Innovative” and “Architect’s Choice” at the 2024 Healthcare Facilities Symposium and Expo for its COVE™ Clinical Observation Vertical Exam solution.

Designed to meet increasing demands of emergency departments to do more with less, COVE is evolving how care is delivered by optimizing square footage without compromising function or patient, family and staff experiences. COVE is approximately half the size of a traditional exam room, increasing the number of low-acuity patients who can be treated while remaining seated.

“DIRTT’s vision is to transform the way the world builds and we continually listen to our partners, customers and the industry to identify new innovations that can help solve challenges,” said Benjamin Urban, CEO of DIRTT. “COVE is a testament to the dedication of our team in achieving this goal.”

COVE installation is also orchestrated for efficiency in both new construction and existing facilities. The modular application reduces implementation time, driving greater efficiency as compared to conventional construction methods. The off-site fabrication and modular assemblies allow for a schedule savings of approximately 30% and COVE is designed to align with the Facilities and Guidelines Institute (FGI) guidelines for design and construction.

“This prestigious award from the Healthcare Facilities Symposium and Expo recognizes DIRTT’s dedication to innovate with purpose,” said Paul Garner, Director of Product Strategy at DIRTT. “COVE directly addresses many pain points experienced by health facilities while having the patient at the center of its thoughtful and elevated design. It is an honor to receive these awards.”


DIRTT is a leader in industrialized construction. DIRTT's system of physical products and digital tools empowers organizations, together with construction and design leaders, to build high-performing, adaptable, interior environments. Operating in the workplace, healthcare, education, and public sector markets, DIRTT's system provides total design freedom, and greater certainty in cost, schedule, and outcomes. DIRTT's interior construction solutions are designed to be highly flexible and adaptable, enabling organizations to easily reconfigure their spaces as their needs evolve. Headquartered in Calgary, AB Canada, DIRTT trades on the Toronto Stock Exchange under the symbol "DRT".

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What awards did DIRTT's COVE™ solution win at the 2024 Healthcare Facilities Symposium and Expo?

DIRTT's COVE™ solution won the 'Most Innovative' and 'Architect's Choice' awards at the 2024 Healthcare Facilities Symposium and Expo.

How does DIRTT's COVE™ solution improve efficiency in emergency departments?

COVE™ is approximately half the size of a traditional exam room, allowing for increased treatment of low-acuity patients while optimizing square footage without compromising patient care or experience.

What is the implementation time savings for DIRTT's COVE™ solution compared to conventional construction methods?

DIRTT's COVE™ solution offers approximately 30% schedule savings compared to conventional construction methods due to its modular application and off-site fabrication.

Does DIRTT's COVE™ solution comply with healthcare facility design guidelines?

Yes, DIRTT's COVE™ solution is designed to align with the Facilities and Guidelines Institute (FGI) guidelines for design and construction of healthcare facilities.



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