Alpha Tau Medical Announces Second Quarter 2024 Financial Results and Provides Corporate Update

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Alpha Tau Medical (NASDAQ: DRTS), developer of the Alpha DaRT® cancer therapy, reported Q2 2024 financial results and provided a corporate update. Key highlights include:

- First patient treated for liver metastases from colorectal cancer in May
- Publication in Cancers journal showing nearly 100% overall response rate in treated lesions
- Cash balance of $74.1 million, providing at least two years of runway
- ReSTART U.S. pivotal trial in recurrent cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma progressing
- Ongoing internal organ trials generating strong clinician interest
- New manufacturing plant in Hudson, NH approved and under renovation

Financial results for H1 2024 show R&D expenses of $13.3 million, marketing expenses of $1.1 million, and G&A expenses of $3.0 million. Net loss was $15.4 million ($0.22 per share), compared to $16.9 million ($0.24 per share) in H1 2023.

Alpha Tau Medical (NASDAQ: DRTS), sviluppatore della terapia oncologica Alpha DaRT®, ha riportato i risultati finanziari del secondo trimestre 2024 e fornito un aggiornamento aziendale. Punti salienti includono:

- Primo paziente trattato per metastasi epatiche da cancro colon-rettale a maggio
- Pubblicazione sulla rivista Cancers che mostra un tasso di risposta complessiva vicino al 100% nelle lesioni trattate
- Riserva di cassa di 74,1 milioni di dollari, garantendo almeno due anni di operatività
- Proseguimento del trial pivotale ReSTART negli Stati Uniti per il carcinoma squamoso cutaneo ricorrente
- Proseguimento di trial su organi interni che suscitano un forte interesse tra i clinici
- Nuovo stabilimento produttivo a Hudson, NH, approvato e in fase di ristrutturazione

I risultati finanziari per il primo semestre del 2024 mostrano spese R&S di 13,3 milioni di dollari, spese di marketing di 1,1 milioni di dollari e spese generali e amministrative di 3,0 milioni di dollari. La perdita netta è stata di 15,4 milioni di dollari (0,22 dollari per azione), rispetto a 16,9 milioni di dollari (0,24 dollari per azione) nel primo semestre del 2023.

Alpha Tau Medical (NASDAQ: DRTS), desarrollador de la terapia contra el cáncer Alpha DaRT®, informó sobre los resultados financieros del segundo trimestre de 2024 y proporcionó una actualización corporativa. Aspectos destacados incluyen:

- Primer paciente tratado por metástasis hepáticas de cáncer colorrectal en mayo
- Publicación en la revista Cancers que muestra casi un 100% de tasa de respuesta global en las lesiones tratadas
- Saldo de efectivo de 74.1 millones de dólares, proporcionando al menos dos años de operatividad
- Progreso del ensayo pivotal ReSTART en EE.UU. para carcinoma de células escamosas cutáneas recurrentes
- Ensayos en órganos internos en curso que generan un fuerte interés entre los clínicos
- Nueva planta de fabricación en Hudson, NH, aprobada y en renovación

Los resultados financieros del primer semestre de 2024 muestran gastos de I+D de 13,3 millones de dólares, gastos de marketing de 1,1 millones de dólares y gastos generales y administrativos de 3,0 millones de dólares. La pérdida neta fue de 15,4 millones de dólares (0,22 dólares por acción), en comparación con 16,9 millones de dólares (0,24 dólares por acción) en el primer semestre de 2023.

알파 타우 메디컬(NASDAQ: DRTS), 알파 다RT® 암 치료제를 개발한 회사가 2024년 2분기 재무 결과를 발표하고 기업 업데이트를 제공했습니다. 주요 하이라이트는 다음과 같습니다:

- 5월에 대장암으로 인한 간 전이 환자 첫 치료
- 치료된 병변에서 거의 100%의 전체 반응률을 보여주는 Cancers 저널에 발표
- 7,410만 달러의 현금 잔고로 최소 2년의 운영 기간 제공
- 재발성 피부 편평 세포암에 대한 ReSTART 미국 주요 임상 시험 진행 중
- 의료진의 많은 관심을 생성하는 내부 장기 시험 진행 중
- 뉴햄프셔 주 허드슨의 새로운 제조 공장 승인 및 리노베이션 중

2024년 상반기 재무 결과는 연구 개발 비용으로 1,330만 달러, 마케팅 비용으로 110만 달러, 일반 관리 비용으로 300만 달러를 보여줍니다. 순손실은 1,540만 달러(주당 0.22달러)였으며, 2023년 상반기에는 1,690만 달러(주당 0.24달러)였습니다.

Alpha Tau Medical (NASDAQ: DRTS), développeur de la thérapie contre le cancer Alpha DaRT®, a publié les résultats financiers du deuxième trimestre 2024 et a fourni une mise à jour de l'entreprise. Les points clés incluent :

- Premier patient traité pour des métastases hépatiques dues à un cancer colorectal en mai
- Publication dans la revue Cancers montrant un taux de réponse global proche de 100% dans les lésions traitées
- Solde de trésorerie de 74,1 millions de dollars, assurant au moins deux ans de fonctionnement
- Poursuite de l'essai pivot ReSTART aux États-Unis pour le carcinome épidermoïde cutané récidivant
- Essais internes sur les organes en cours suscitant un fort intérêt chez les cliniciens
- Nouvelle usine de fabrication à Hudson, NH approuvée et en rénovation

Les résultats financiers pour le premier semestre 2024 montrent des dépenses en R&D de 13,3 millions de dollars, des dépenses de marketing de 1,1 million de dollars et des dépenses générées et administratives de 3,0 millions de dollars. La perte nette était de 15,4 millions de dollars (0,22 dollar par action), contre 16,9 millions de dollars (0,24 dollar par action) au premier semestre 2023.

Alpha Tau Medical (NASDAQ: DRTS), Entwickler der Alpha DaRT® Krebsbehandlung, hat die finanziellen Ergebnisse für das zweite Quartal 2024 bekanntgegeben und ein Unternehmensupdate bereitgestellt. Wichtige Highlights sind:

- Erster Patient mit Lebermetastasen bei kolorektalem Krebs im Mai behandelt
- Veröffentlichung in der Zeitschrift Cancers zeigt nahezu 100% Gesamtansprechrate bei behandelten Läsionen
- Barguthaben von 74,1 Millionen Dollar, das mindestens zwei Jahre Betriebszeit sichert
- Fortgang der ReSTART US-Pivotal-Studie bei rezidivierenden kutanen Plattenepithelkarzinomen
- Laufen von internen Organstudien, die großes Interesse bei Klinikern wecken
- Neue Produktionsstätte in Hudson, NH, genehmigt und in Renovierung

Die finanziellen Ergebnisse für das erste Halbjahr 2024 zeigen Forschung- und Entwicklungsaufwendungen von 13,3 Millionen Dollar, Marketingaufwendungen von 1,1 Millionen Dollar und allgemeine und administrative Aufwendungen von 3,0 Millionen Dollar. Der Nettoverlust betrug 15,4 Millionen Dollar (0,22 Dollar pro Aktie), verglichen mit 16,9 Millionen Dollar (0,24 Dollar pro Aktie) im ersten Halbjahr 2023.

  • Publication in Cancers journal showing almost 100% overall response rate in treated lesions
  • Strong cash position of $74.1 million, providing at least two years of runway
  • Approvals secured for new manufacturing plant in Hudson, NH
  • Financial income of $2.1 million in H1 2024, compared to $0.02 million expense in H1 2023
  • Reduced net loss of $15.4 million in H1 2024, compared to $16.9 million in H1 2023
  • Increased R&D expenses to $13.3 million in H1 2024 from $12.3 million in H1 2023
  • Increased marketing expenses to $1.1 million in H1 2024 from $0.9 million in H1 2023
  • Cash and cash equivalents decreased to $74.1 million from $84.9 million at end of 2023


The publication in Cancers journal showcases promising results for Alpha DaRT® therapy. With an overall response rate of almost 100% in treated lesions and a complete response rate of 89%, these findings are impressive for hard-to-treat cancers. The 2-year local recurrence-free survival of 77% and absence of moderate or severe long-term toxicities are particularly encouraging. However, it's important to note that the median follow-up was only 14 months, which may limit long-term conclusions. The initiation of liver metastases treatment and planned trials for lung and brain cancers indicate a strategic expansion of Alpha DaRT's potential applications, potentially broadening its market reach if successful.

Alpha Tau's financial position appears stable with $74.1 million in cash and equivalents, providing a runway of at least two years. However, the cash balance decreased from $84.9 million at the end of 2023, indicating ongoing cash burn. R&D expenses increased slightly year-over-year, reflecting continued investment in clinical trials. The net loss narrowed to $15.4 million from $16.9 million, with a reduced loss per share of $0.22. The improvement in financial income to $2.1 million from a $0.02 million expense is notable, driven by better interest income and favorable warrant revaluations. While the company's cash position is solid, investors should monitor the burn rate and progress of clinical trials, as these will be critical for future funding needs and potential commercialization.

Alpha Tau's progress in expanding Alpha DaRT's applications could significantly impact its market potential. The ongoing ReSTART pivotal trial for recurrent cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma, with expected completion of recruitment by year-end 2024, is a key milestone to watch. The potential pre-market approval in Japan for recurrent head and neck cancer by year-end 2024 could open up a new market. The company's preparation for future product launches, including the new manufacturing plant in New Hampshire, indicates confidence in commercialization prospects. However, investors should be aware that the path from clinical trials to market approval can be lengthy and uncertain. The "overwhelming interest" from clinicians in internal organ trials is encouraging, but concrete data from these trials, particularly in pancreatic cancer, will be important for assessing the therapy's broader market potential.

- First patient treated in May for liver metastases from colorectal cancer -

- Publication in June in Cancers journal of long-term safety and efficacy data in multiple hard-to-treat superficial cancers, with an overall response rate of almost 100% in treated lesions, no moderate or severe long-term toxicities noted, and a 2-year local recurrence-free survival was estimated at 77% -

- Cash, cash equivalents & deposits balance of $74.1 million with runway of at least two years -

JERUSALEM, Aug. 14, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Alpha Tau Medical Ltd. ("Alpha Tau", or the “Company”) (NASDAQ: DRTS, DRTSW), the developer of the innovative alpha-radiation cancer therapy Alpha DaRT®, reported second quarter 2024 financial results and provided a corporate update.

"While we continue to advance our ReSTART U.S. multicenter pivotal trial in recurrent cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma, the overwhelming interest from clinicians and the broader community in our ongoing internal organ trials has been fantastic,” stated Alpha Tau CEO Uzi Sofer. "We are fortunate to see such strong clinician demand for participation in clinical trials, at a time when we expect meaningful data generation, in particular with continued progress in our clinical trials in pancreatic cancer outside the U.S. as well as regulatory progress on similar trials in the U.S. We also continue to prepare for potential future product launches by advancing our commercial planning activities and solidifying our supply chain, as we have secured approvals for our new manufacturing plant in Hudson, New Hampshire and commenced renovation of the facility for our needs. Alpha Tau expects to remain adequately capitalized to support all of these programs over the coming years," he concluded.

Recent Corporate Highlights:

  • In June, Alpha Tau announced the publication of “Extended Follow-Up Outcomes from Pooled Prospective Studies Evaluating Efficacy of Interstitial Alpha Radionuclide Treatment for Skin and Head and Neck Cancers” in the journal Cancers. The pooled analysis included data from 4 international clinical trials spanning an array of hard-to-treat indications including skin, head & neck, and oral cavity. Initial response data demonstrated an overall response rate of almost 100% in treated lesions and a complete response rate of 89%. With follow-up as long as 51 months (median follow-up of 14 months), no moderate or severe long-term toxicities were noted, and 2-year local recurrence-free survival was estimated at 77%. For more information, please refer to
  • In May, the first patient with liver cancer metastases was treated in a feasibility and safety study of Alpha DaRT at McGill University Health Center in Montreal, Canada. The trial aims to recruit up to 10 patients who are eligible for a two-staged hepatectomy to resect liver metastases of colorectal cancer. For more information, please refer to

Upcoming Milestones

  • Planning treatment of the first patient in the Israeli recurrent lung cancer safety and feasibility trial in H2 2024. The trial is currently open for recruitment; for more information please see here:
  • Targeting first brain cancer treatment in H2 2024.
  • Targeting completion of patient recruitment in the ReSTART pivotal U.S. multi-center trial in recurrent cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma by around year-end 2024. For more information please see here:
  • Anticipating response from PMDA in Japan by year-end 2024 for pre-market approval for Alpha DaRT in patients with recurrent head and neck cancer.
  • Targeting announcement of safety, feasibility and efficacy data from advanced inoperable pancreatic cancer studies in Montreal and in Jerusalem by the end of Q1 2025. For more information please see here: and

Financial results for quarter ended June 30, 2024

R&D expenses for the six months ended June 30, 2024 were $13.3 million, compared to $12.3 million for the same period in 2023, due to increased employee compensation and benefits, increased employee compensation and benefits, including share-based compensation, increased costs of raw materials, and increased travel expenses related to our U.S. multi-center pivotal trial, offset by lower third-party contractor expenses.

Marketing expenses for the six months ended June 30, 2024 were $1.1 million, compared to $0.9 million for the same period in 2023, due to increased employee compensation and benefits and increased marketing expenses.

G&A expenses for the six months ended June 30, 2024 were $3.0 million, compared to $3.6 million for the same period in 2023, primarily due to decreased professional fees (including D&O insurance and legal expenses), offset by increased travel expenses and increased employee compensation and benefits, including share-based compensation.

Financial income, net, for the six months ended June 30, 2024 was $2.1 million, compared to $0.02 million financial expense, net, for the same period in 2023, due to a decrease in revaluation of warrants, an increase in interest from bank deposits, and changes in foreign exchange rates, offset by interest on long-term loan.

For the six months ended June 30, 2024, the Company had a net loss of $15.4 million, or $0.22 per share, compared to a net loss of $16.9 million, or $0.24 per share, in the first half of 2023.

Balance Sheet Highlights

As of June 30, 2024, the Company had cash and cash equivalents, short-term deposits and restricted deposits in the amount of $74.1 million, compared to $84.9 million at December 31, 2023. The Company expects that this cash balance will be sufficient to fund anticipated operations for at least two years.

About Alpha DaRT®

Alpha DaRT (Diffusing Alpha-emitters Radiation Therapy) is designed to enable highly potent and conformal alpha-irradiation of solid tumors by intratumoral delivery of radium-224 impregnated sources. When the radium decays, its short-lived daughters are released from the sources and disperse while emitting high-energy alpha particles with the goal of destroying the tumor. Since the alpha-emitting atoms diffuse only a short distance, Alpha DaRT aims to mainly affect the tumor, and to spare the healthy tissue around it.

About Alpha Tau Medical Ltd.

Founded in 2016, Alpha Tau is an Israeli oncology therapeutics company that focuses on research, development, and potential commercialization of the Alpha DaRT for the treatment of solid tumors. The technology was initially developed by Prof. Itzhak Kelson and Prof. Yona Keisari from Tel Aviv University.

Forward-Looking Statements

This press release includes "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. When used herein, words including "anticipate," "being," "will," "plan," "may," "continue," and similar expressions are intended to identify forward-looking statements. In addition, any statements or information that refer to expectations, beliefs, plans, projections, objectives, performance or other characterizations of future events or circumstances, including any underlying assumptions, are forward-looking. All forward-looking statements are based upon Alpha Tau's current expectations and various assumptions. Alpha Tau believes there is a reasonable basis for its expectations and beliefs, but they are inherently uncertain. Alpha Tau may not realize its expectations, and its beliefs may not prove correct. Actual results could differ materially from those described or implied by such forward-looking statements as a result of various important factors, including, without limitation: (i) Alpha Tau's ability to receive regulatory approval for its Alpha DaRT technology or any future products or product candidates; (ii) Alpha Tau's limited operating history; (iii) Alpha Tau's incurrence of significant losses to date; (iv) Alpha Tau's need for additional funding and ability to raise capital when needed; (v) Alpha Tau's limited experience in medical device discovery and development; (vi) Alpha Tau's dependence on the success and commercialization of the Alpha DaRT technology; (vii) the failure of preliminary data from Alpha Tau's clinical studies to predict final study results; (viii) failure of Alpha Tau's early clinical studies or preclinical studies to predict future clinical studies; (ix) Alpha Tau's ability to enroll patients in its clinical trials; (x) undesirable side effects caused by Alpha Tau's Alpha DaRT technology or any future products or product candidates; (xi) Alpha Tau's exposure to patent infringement lawsuits; (xii) Alpha Tau's ability to comply with the extensive regulations applicable to it; (xiii) the ability to meet Nasdaq's listing standards; (xiv) costs related to being a public company; (xv) changes in applicable laws or regulations; and the other important factors discussed under the caption "Risk Factors" in Alpha Tau's annual report filed on form 20-F with the SEC on March 7, 2024, and other filings that Alpha Tau may make with the United States Securities and Exchange Commission. These and other important factors could cause actual results to differ materially from those indicated by the forward-looking statements made in this press release. Any such forward-looking statements represent management's estimates as of the date of this press release. While Alpha Tau may elect to update such forward-looking statements at some point in the future, except as required by law, it disclaims any obligation to do so, even if subsequent events cause its views to change. These forward-looking statements should not be relied upon as representing Alpha Tau's views as of any date subsequent to the date of this press release.

Investor Relations Contact:

U.S. dollars in thousands

    December 31, June 30,
    2023 2024
  Note Audited Unaudited
Cash and cash equivalents   $12,657 $2,763
Short-term deposits    69,131  68,268
Restricted deposits    3,152  3,115
Prepaid expenses and other receivables    816  1,102
Total current assets    85,756  75,248
Long term prepaid expenses    471  437
Property and equipment, net    12,798  12,354
Right-of-use asset 3  8,363  8,009
Total long-term assets    21,632  20,800
Total assets   $107,388 $96,048

U.S. dollars in thousands

    December 31, June 30,
    2023 2024
  Note Audited Unaudited
Trade payables   $2,566  $2,008 
Other payables and accrued expenses    3,474   3,410 
Current maturities of operating lease liabilities 3  1,062   1,038 
Total current liabilities    7,102   6,456 
Long-term loan 4  5,610   5,411 
Warrants liability 5  3,597   4,055 
Operating lease liabilities 3  6,604   6,109 
Total long-term liabilities    15,811   15,575 
Total liabilities    22,913   22,031 
Ordinary shares of no-par value per share –      
Authorized: 362,116,800 shares as of December 31, 2023 and June 30, 2024; Issued and outstanding: 69,670,612 and 69,924,154 shares as of December 31, 2023 and June 30, 2024, respectively    -   
Additional paid-in capital    200,234   205,126 
Accumulated deficit    (115,759)  (131,109)
Total shareholders' equity    84,475   74,017 
Total liabilities and shareholders' equity   $107,388  $96,048 

U.S. dollars in thousands (except share and per share data)

    Six months ended June 30,
  Note 2023 2024
Research and development, net   $12,261  $13,314 
Marketing expenses    920   1,133 
General and administrative    3,631   3,031 
Total operating loss    16,812   17,478 
Financial expenses (income), net 9  21   (2,132)
Loss before taxes on income    16,833   15,346 
Tax on income    47   4 
Net loss    16,880   15,350 
Net comprehensive loss   $16,880  $15,350 
Net loss per share, basic and diluted   $(0.24) $(0.22)
Weighted-average shares used in computing net loss per share, basic and diluted    69,262,381   69,789,717 


What were Alpha Tau Medical's (DRTS) Q2 2024 financial results?

Alpha Tau Medical reported a net loss of $15.4 million ($0.22 per share) for H1 2024, compared to $16.9 million ($0.24 per share) in H1 2023. R&D expenses were $13.3 million, marketing expenses were $1.1 million, and G&A expenses were $3.0 million.

What is the cash position of Alpha Tau Medical (DRTS) as of June 30, 2024?

As of June 30, 2024, Alpha Tau Medical had cash, cash equivalents, short-term deposits, and restricted deposits totaling $74.1 million, which is expected to fund operations for at least two years.

What clinical progress has Alpha Tau Medical (DRTS) made in Q2 2024?

In Q2 2024, Alpha Tau Medical treated the first patient with liver cancer metastases in a feasibility study, published long-term safety and efficacy data in Cancers journal showing nearly 100% overall response rate, and continued progress in their ReSTART U.S. pivotal trial for recurrent cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma.

What are Alpha Tau Medical's (DRTS) upcoming milestones for 2024-2025?

Alpha Tau Medical's upcoming milestones include treating the first patient in an Israeli recurrent lung cancer trial in H2 2024, targeting first brain cancer treatment in H2 2024, completing patient recruitment for the ReSTART trial by year-end 2024, and announcing data from pancreatic cancer studies by Q1 2025.

Alpha Tau Medical Ltd


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