Leonardo DRS Celebrates Six Years of Going Pink at AUSA to Raise Money for Military Women and Family Members Suffering From Breast Cancer

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Leonardo DRS (NASDAQ: DRS) is celebrating its sixth year of sponsoring the 'Stick It to Cancer' fundraiser at the United States Army (AUSA) expo in Washington, D.C. This initiative recognizes Breast Cancer Awareness Month and supports military members and their families affected by breast cancer. The company is partnering with The Henry M. Jackson Foundation (HJF) and will donate to support breast cancer research and the Look Good Feel Better program at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center.

On October 15th, Leonardo DRS's booth will 'Go Pink' to encourage participation. AUSA attendees can place breast cancer awareness stickers on the Wall of Heroes at the DRS exhibit, with the company donating $10 per sticker, up to $20,000. The Look Good Feel Better program teaches beauty techniques to people with breast cancer, helping them manage appearance-related side effects of treatment.

Leonardo DRS (NASDAQ: DRS) sta celebrando il suo sesto anno di sponsorizzazione della raccolta fondi 'Stick It to Cancer' all'esposizione dell'Esercito degli Stati Uniti (AUSA) a Washington, D.C. Questa iniziativa riconosce il mese della consapevolezza del cancro al seno e supporta i membri militari e le loro famiglie colpiti da questa malattia. L'azienda collabora con The Henry M. Jackson Foundation (HJF) e farà una donazione per sostenere la ricerca sul cancro al seno e il programma Look Good Feel Better presso il Walter Reed National Military Medical Center.

Il 15 ottobre, lo stand di Leonardo DRS 'diventerà rosa' per incoraggiare la partecipazione. I partecipanti all'AUSA potranno affiggere adesivi per la consapevolezza del cancro al seno sulla Wall of Heroes nell'esposizione DRS, con l'azienda che donerà $10 per adesivo, fino a un massimo di $20,000. Il programma Look Good Feel Better insegna tecniche di bellezza a persone con cancro al seno, aiutandole a gestire gli effetti collaterali legati all'aspetto durante il trattamento.

Leonardo DRS (NASDAQ: DRS) está celebrando su sexto año como patrocinador de la recaudación de fondos 'Stick It to Cancer' en la exposición del Ejército de los Estados Unidos (AUSA) en Washington, D.C. Esta iniciativa reconoce el mes de la concienciación sobre el cáncer de mama y apoya a los miembros militares y sus familias afectadas por esta enfermedad. La empresa está colaborando con The Henry M. Jackson Foundation (HJF) y donará para apoyar la investigación sobre el cáncer de mama y el programa Look Good Feel Better en el Walter Reed National Military Medical Center.

El 15 de octubre, el stand de Leonardo DRS 'se volverá rosa' para fomentar la participación. Los asistentes a la AUSA pueden colocar adhesivos de concienciación sobre el cáncer de mama en la Wall of Heroes en la exhibición de DRS, con la empresa donando $10 por adhesivo, hasta un máximo de $20,000. El programa Look Good Feel Better enseña técnicas de belleza a personas con cáncer de mama, ayudándolas a manejar los efectos secundarios relacionados con la apariencia del tratamiento.

레오나르도 DRS (NASDAQ: DRS)는 워싱턴 D.C.의 미군(AUSA) 엑스포에서 'Stick It to Cancer' 기금 모금 행사를 후원한 지 6주년을 기념하고 있습니다. 이 이니셔티브는 유방암 인식의 달을 기념하고 유방암으로 영향을 받은 군인 및 그 가족을 지원합니다. 회사는 The Henry M. Jackson Foundation (HJF)와 협력하여 유방암 연구 및 Walter Reed National Military Medical Center의 Look Good Feel Better 프로그램을 지원하기 위해 기부할 예정입니다.

10월 15일, 레오나르도 DRS의 부스는 참여를 독려하기 위해 '핑크'로 변합니다. AUSA 참석자는 DRS 전시관의 Wall of Heroes에 유방암 인식 스티커를 붙일 수 있으며, 회사는 스티커당 $10를 기부하여 최대 $20,000까지 지원할 것입니다. Look Good Feel Better 프로그램은 유방암 환자에게 미용 기술을 가르쳐 치료로 인한 외모 관련 부작용을 관리할 수 있도록 도와줍니다.

Leonardo DRS (NASDAQ: DRS) célèbre sa sixième année de sponsoring de la collecte de fonds 'Stick It to Cancer' lors de l'exposition de l'Armée des États-Unis (AUSA) à Washington, D.C. Cette initiative reconnaît le mois de sensibilisation au cancer du sein et soutient les membres militaires et leurs familles touchés par le cancer du sein. L'entreprise s'associe à The Henry M. Jackson Foundation (HJF) et fera un don pour soutenir la recherche sur le cancer du sein et le programme Look Good Feel Better au Walter Reed National Military Medical Center.

Le 15 octobre, le stand de Leonardo DRS 'deviendra rose' pour encourager la participation. Les participants à l'AUSA peuvent placer des autocollants de sensibilisation au cancer du sein sur la Wall of Heroes dans l'exposition DRS, l'entreprise faisant un don de 10 $ par autocollant jusqu'à un maximum de 20 000 $. Le programme Look Good Feel Better enseigne des techniques de beauté aux personnes atteintes de cancer du sein, les aidant à gérer les effets secondaires liés à l'apparence du traitement.

Leonardo DRS (NASDAQ: DRS) feiert sein sechstes Jahr als Sponsor der Spendenaktion 'Stick It to Cancer' auf der Ausstellung des US Army (AUSA) in Washington, D.C. Diese Initiative anerkennt den Monat zur Sensibilisierung für Brustkrebs und unterstützt Militärangehörige und deren Familien, die von Brustkrebs betroffen sind. Das Unternehmen arbeitet mit der The Henry M. Jackson Foundation (HJF) zusammen und wird Spenden zur Unterstützung der Brustkrebsforschung und des Look Good Feel Better Programms im Walter Reed National Military Medical Center leisten.

Am 15. Oktober wird der Stand von Leonardo DRS 'rosa' werden, um die Teilnahme zu fördern. AUSA-Besucher können Aufkleber für die Brustkrebs-Sensibilisierung an der Wall of Heroes am DRS-Stand anbringen, wobei das Unternehmen $10 pro Aufkleber bis zu einem Maximum von $20,000 spendet. Das Look Good Feel Better Programm vermittelt Schönheits-Techniken an Menschen mit Brustkrebs und hilft ihnen, mit den behandlungsbedingten Erscheinungs-K Nebenwirkungen umzugehen.

  • None.
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ARLINGTON, Va.--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Leonardo DRS, Inc. (NASDAQ: DRS) announced today that it will celebrate its sixth year of sponsoring the “Stick It to Cancer” fundraiser at the United States Army (AUSA) expo in Washington, D.C. to recognize Breast Cancer Awareness Month, and support military members and their families dealing with breast cancer.

To raise awareness of breast cancer, Leonardo DRS will again partner with The Henry M. Jackson Foundation for the Advancement of Military Medicine (HJF), Inc. The company will also donate to HJF to support breast cancer research and the Look Good Feel Better program associated with the Murtha Cancer Center and continuing education initiatives to enhance patient experience at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center. The Look Good Feel Better program is an important initiative giving active and retired military women, men, and family members affected by breast cancer an improved quality of life as they undergo and recuperate from cancer treatment.

On Tuesday, October 15th, the Leonardo DRS booth (Located in Hall A, Booth #6641) will be “Going Pink” to encourage exhibition participants to join the fundraising effort and recognize friends and relatives who have battled this disease.

To participate in the “Stick It to Cancer” fundraiser, AUSA show attendees can pick up a copy of Defense News on Monday, October 14th, with a breast cancer awareness sticker on the front cover. Use the sticker to write the name of a loved one who has been affected by cancer and place it on the Wall of Heroes at the DRS exhibit during the show. For every sticker placed on the Wall, DRS will donate $10 dollars to HJF to support breast cancer programs including the Look Good, Feel Better program, up to $20,000. Show attendees can also pick up stickers at the DRS booth.

“We are extremely grateful for Leonardo DRS’s generous donation, as we partner to increase public awareness of military breast cancer research and its Look Good Feel Better program,” said HJF President and CEO Dr. Joseph Caravalho, Jr.

“I can speak for all of us at Leonardo DRS when I say that after six years, we are excited to see the continued outpouring of support at AUSA for this initiative, it reminds us just how much of an impact HJF has in the lives of our military families,” said Bill Lynn, CEO of Leonardo DRS. “Leonardo DRS has made the men and women of our Armed Services and their families a primary focus for our corporate social responsibility campaigns, and it is an honor to continue to partner with HJF and support their important work.”

The Look Good Feel Better program is a non-medical public service that teaches beauty techniques to people with breast cancer to help them manage the appearance-related side effects of treatment. The program includes lessons on skin and nail care, cosmetics, wigs and turbans, accessories and styling, helping people with cancer to find some normalcy in a life that is by no means normal.

About Leonardo DRS

Headquartered in Arlington, VA, Leonardo DRS, Inc. is an innovative and agile provider of advanced defense technology to U.S. national security customers and allies around the world. We specialize in the design, development and manufacture of advanced sensing, network computing, force protection, and electric power and propulsion, and other leading mission-critical technologies. Our innovative people are leading the way in developing disruptive technologies for autonomous, dynamic, interconnected, and multi-domain capabilities to defend against new and emerging threats. For more information and to learn more about our full range of capabilities, visit

Forward-Looking Statements

This communication contains statements that constitute “forward-looking statements” within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Those statements reflect current expectations, assumptions and estimates of future performance and economic conditions. The company cautions investors that any forward-looking statements are subject to risks and uncertainties that may cause actual results and future trends to differ materially from those matters expressed in or implied by such forward-looking statements.

Leonardo DRS Investor Relations Contacts

Steve Vather

Senior Vice President, Investor Relations and Corporate Finance

+1 703 409 2906

Leonardo DRS Media Contact

Michael Mount

Vice President, Communications and Public Affairs

+1 571 447 4624

Source: Leonardo DRS, Inc.


What is the 'Stick It to Cancer' fundraiser by Leonardo DRS (DRS) at AUSA 2023?

The 'Stick It to Cancer' fundraiser is an initiative by Leonardo DRS at the AUSA expo to raise awareness and funds for breast cancer research and support programs for military members and their families affected by breast cancer.

How much will Leonardo DRS (DRS) donate per sticker placed on the Wall of Heroes?

Leonardo DRS will donate $10 for every sticker placed on the Wall of Heroes at their exhibit, up to a total of $20,000.

What is the Look Good Feel Better program supported by Leonardo DRS (DRS)?

The Look Good Feel Better program is a non-medical public service that teaches beauty techniques to people with breast cancer, helping them manage the appearance-related side effects of cancer treatment.

When will Leonardo DRS (DRS) 'Go Pink' at the AUSA expo in 2023?

Leonardo DRS will 'Go Pink' at their booth on Tuesday, October 15th, to encourage exhibition participants to join the fundraising effort.

Who is Leonardo DRS (DRS) partnering with for the breast cancer awareness initiative at AUSA 2023?

Leonardo DRS is partnering with The Henry M. Jackson Foundation for the Advancement of Military Medicine (HJF) for this breast cancer awareness initiative.

Leonardo DRS, Inc.


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