Innovex and Dril-Quip Complete Merger, Creating Unique Energy Industrial Platform

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Dril-Quip and Innovex Downhole Solutions have completed their merger, forming Innovex International. The new company will begin trading on the NYSE under the symbol "INVX" on September 9, 2024. This merger creates a unique energy industrial platform with a diverse portfolio of technologies supporting customers throughout the well lifecycle.

Key points:

  • Dril-Quip's stock (DRQ) ceased trading on September 6, 2024
  • The combined company aims to deliver superior growth, cash flow, and returns
  • CEO Adam Anderson emphasizes the company's "No Barriers" culture and talented workforce
  • The merger is expected to create value for both employees and shareholders

Dril-Quip e Innovex Downhole Solutions hanno completato la loro fusione, formando Innovex International. La nuova società inizierà a essere quotata sulla NYSE con il simbolo "INVX" il 9 settembre 2024. Questa fusione crea una piattaforma industriale energetica unica con un portafoglio diversificato di tecnologie a supporto dei clienti durante l'intero ciclo di vita del pozzo.

Punti chiave:

  • Le azioni di Dril-Quip (DRQ) hanno cessato di essere scambiate il 6 settembre 2024
  • La società combinata mira a offrire una crescita superiore, flusso di cassa e rendimenti
  • Il CEO Adam Anderson sottolinea la cultura aziendale "No Barriers" e il talento della forza lavoro
  • Si prevede che la fusione crei valore sia per i dipendenti che per gli azionisti

Dril-Quip e Innovex Downhole Solutions han completado su fusión, formando Innovex International. La nueva empresa comenzará a cotizar en la NYSE bajo el símbolo "INVX" el 9 de septiembre de 2024. Esta fusión crea una plataforma industrial energética única con un portafolio diverso de tecnologías de apoyo a los clientes durante todo el ciclo de vida del pozo.

Puntos clave:

  • Las acciones de Dril-Quip (DRQ) dejaron de cotizar el 6 de septiembre de 2024
  • La empresa combinada tiene como objetivo ofrecer un crecimiento superior, flujo de caja y rendimientos
  • El CEO Adam Anderson enfatiza la cultura de "No Barreras" de la empresa y su talentosa fuerza laboral
  • Se espera que la fusión genere valor tanto para los empleados como para los accionistas

Dril-Quip과 Innovex Downhole Solutions가 합병을 완료하여 Innovex International을 형성했습니다. 새로운 회사는 2024년 9월 9일 NYSE에서 "INVX" 기호로 거래를 시작합니다. 이번 합병은 굴착 생애주기 전반에 걸쳐 고객을 지원하는 다양한 기술 포트폴리오를 가진 독특한 에너지 산업 플랫폼을 만듭니다.

주요 사항:

  • Dril-Quip의 주식 (DRQ)은 2024년 9월 6일 거래가 중지되었습니다
  • 합병된 회사는 뛰어난 성장, 현금 흐름 및 수익을 제공하는 것을 목표로 합니다
  • CEO 아담 앤더슨은 회사의 "No Barriers" 문화와 재능 있는 인력을 강조합니다
  • 합병은 직원과 주주 모두에게 가치를 창출할 것으로 예상됩니다

Dril-Quip et Innovex Downhole Solutions ont achevé leur fusion, formant Innovex International. La nouvelle entreprise commencera à être cotée à la NYSE sous le symbole "INVX" le 9 septembre 2024. Cette fusion crée une plateforme industrielle énergétique unique avec un portefeuille diversifié de technologies soutenant les clients tout au long du cycle de vie du puits.

Points clés :

  • Les actions de Dril-Quip (DRQ) ont cessé d'être échangées le 6 septembre 2024
  • La société combinée vise à offrir une croissance supérieure, des flux de trésorerie et des rendements
  • Le PDG Adam Anderson souligne la culture "No Barriers" de l'entreprise et la compétence de sa main-d'œuvre
  • Il est prévu que la fusion crée de la valeur pour les employés et les actionnaires

Dril-Quip und Innovex Downhole Solutions haben ihre Fusion abgeschlossen und das Unternehmen Innovex International gegründet. Das neue Unternehmen wird ab dem 9. September 2024 an der NYSE unter dem Symbol "INVX" gehandelt. Diese Fusion schafft eine einzigartige energieindustrielle Plattform mit einem vielfältigen Portfolio an Technologien, die die Kunden während des gesamten Lebenszyklus des Brunnens unterstützen.

Wichtige Punkte:

  • Die Aktien von Dril-Quip (DRQ) wurden am 6. September 2024 vom Handel ausgesetzt
  • Das kombinierte Unternehmen zielt darauf ab, überlegenes Wachstum, Cashflow und Erträge zu liefern
  • CEO Adam Anderson betont die "No Barriers"-Kultur des Unternehmens und die talentierte Belegschaft
  • Es wird erwartet, dass die Fusion sowohl für die Mitarbeiter als auch für die Aktionäre Wert schafft
  • Creation of a differentiated business with a curated technology portfolio
  • Potential for superior growth, cash flow, and returns
  • Expanded market presence through combined resources and expertise
  • Listing on the NYSE, potentially increasing visibility and liquidity
  • Potential integration challenges and costs associated with merging two companies
  • Possible short-term disruptions during the transition period

The merger between Innovex and Dril-Quip creates a significant player in the energy industrial sector. This consolidation is likely to result in improved operational efficiencies and cost synergies, potentially boosting profitability. The combined entity's diverse product portfolio, spanning both onshore and offshore solutions, positions it well to capture a larger market share and mitigate risks associated with sector-specific downturns.

Investors should note the potential for enhanced cash flow generation and returns, as mentioned by the CEO. This could translate to increased shareholder value through dividends or share buybacks. However, it's important to monitor the integration process, as mergers often face challenges in realizing projected synergies. The ticker change to "INVX" might cause short-term volatility as investors adjust their portfolios.

This merger represents a strategic move in the evolving energy landscape. By combining Innovex's expertise in onshore solutions with Dril-Quip's offshore capabilities, the new entity is well-positioned to address the full spectrum of customer needs throughout the well lifecycle. This comprehensive offering could lead to increased market penetration and customer retention.

The emphasis on a "No Barriers" culture suggests a focus on innovation and agility, which could be important in adapting to the rapidly changing energy sector. However, investors should be aware of potential integration challenges and cultural clashes that often accompany mergers of this scale. The success of this merger will largely depend on how effectively the new Innovex International can leverage its combined strengths and navigate industry transitions, particularly in the context of the global push towards renewable energy sources.

Innovex International to Begin Trading on NYSE Under Symbol “INVX” on September 9, 2024

HOUSTON--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Dril-Quip, Inc. (NYSE: DRQ) (“Dril-Quip” or the “Company”), a leading developer, manufacturer and provider of highly engineered equipment and services for the global offshore and onshore oil and gas industry, today announced it has completed its previously announced merger with Innovex Downhole Solutions, Inc., a designer and manufacturer of products to support global upstream onshore and offshore activities.

Adam Anderson - CEO of Innovex “We’re thrilled to complete the Innovex and Dril-Quip merger, creating a differentiated business with a curated portfolio of technologies that support our customers throughout the well’s lifecycle. I’d like to thank the employees of our combined company for all they have done to bring us to this milestone. Leveraging our talent and ‘No Barriers’ culture, we will deliver superior growth, cash flow and returns creating value for our employees and our shareholders,” said Adam Anderson, CEO of Innovex International.  (Photo: Business Wire)

Adam Anderson - CEO of Innovex “We’re thrilled to complete the Innovex and Dril-Quip merger, creating a differentiated business with a curated portfolio of technologies that support our customers throughout the well’s lifecycle. I’d like to thank the employees of our combined company for all they have done to bring us to this milestone. Leveraging our talent and ‘No Barriers’ culture, we will deliver superior growth, cash flow and returns creating value for our employees and our shareholders,” said Adam Anderson, CEO of Innovex International. (Photo: Business Wire)

This combined company has assumed the Innovex International, Inc. (“Innovex”) name and will begin trading on the New York Stock Exchange on September 9, 2024, under the ticker symbol “INVX.” In connection with the close of the transaction, Dril-Quip’s common stock ceased trading on the New York Stock Exchange under the ticker symbol “DRQ” as of the close of trading on September 6, 2024.

“We’re thrilled to complete the Innovex and Dril-Quip merger, creating a differentiated business with a curated portfolio of technologies that support our customers throughout the well’s lifecycle. I’d like to thank the employees of our combined company for all they have done to bring us to this milestone. Leveraging our talent and ‘No Barriers’ culture, we will deliver superior growth, cash flow and returns creating value for our employees and our shareholders,” said Adam Anderson, CEO of Innovex International.

About Innovex International

Innovex International, Inc (NYSE: INVX) is a Houston-based company established in 2024 following the merger of Dril-Quip, Inc and Innovex Downhole Solutions.

Our comprehensive portfolio extends throughout the lifecycle of the well; and innovative product integration ensures seamless transitions from one well phase to the next, driving efficiency, lowering cost, and reducing the rig site service footprint for the customer.

With locations throughout North America, Latin America, Europe, the Middle East and Asia, no matter where you need us, our team is readily available with technical expertise, conventional and innovative technologies, and ever-present customer service.

Cautionary Statement Regarding Forward-Looking Statements

Statements contained herein relating to future operations and financial results or that are otherwise not limited to historical facts are forward-looking statements within the meaning of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the “Securities Act”), and the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, including, but not limited to, those related to projections as to the anticipated benefits of the merger, the impact of the merger on Dril-Quip’s and Innovex’s businesses and future financial and operating results, the amount and timing of synergies from the merger, and the combined company’s projected revenues, adjusted EBITDA and free cash flow, accretion, business and expansion opportunities, plans and amounts of any future dividends or return of capital to shareholders, are based on management’s estimates, assumptions and projections, and are subject to significant uncertainties and other factors, many of which are beyond Dril-Quip’s and Innovex’s control. These factors and risks include, but are not limited to: the impact of actions taken by the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) and non-OPEC nations to adjust their production levels, risks related to the proposed transaction, including, the prompt and effective integration of Dril-Quip’s and Innovex’s businesses and the ability to achieve the anticipated synergies and value-creation contemplated by the merger; unanticipated difficulties or expenditures relating to the merger, the response of business partners and retention as a result of the merger; and the diversion of management time on merger related issues, the impact of general economic conditions, including inflation, on economic activity and on Dril-Quip’s and Innovex’s operations, the general volatility of oil and natural gas prices and cyclicality of the oil and gas industry, declines in investor and lender sentiment with respect to, and new capital investments in, the oil and gas industry, project terminations, suspensions or scope adjustments to contracts, uncertainties regarding the effects of new governmental regulations, Dril-Quip’s and Innovex’s international operations, operating risks, the impact of our customers and the global energy sector shifting some of their asset allocation from fossil fuel production to renewable energy resources, and other factors detailed in Dril-Quip’s public filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission (the “SEC”). Investors are cautioned that any such statements are not guarantees of future performance and actual outcomes may vary materially from those indicated.

Investor Relations:

Erin Fazio, Director of Corporate Finance

Media Relations:

Nichola Alexander, Director of Marketing

Source: Innovex Downhole Solutions, Inc.


When will Innovex International (INVX) start trading on the NYSE?

Innovex International (INVX) will begin trading on the New York Stock Exchange on September 9, 2024.

What happened to Dril-Quip's stock (DRQ) after the merger?

Dril-Quip's common stock (DRQ) ceased trading on the New York Stock Exchange as of the close of trading on September 6, 2024.

Who is the CEO of the newly formed Innovex International?

Adam Anderson is the CEO of the newly formed Innovex International.

What are the main benefits expected from the Dril-Quip and Innovex merger?

The merger is expected to create a differentiated business with a curated portfolio of technologies, deliver superior growth, cash flow, and returns, and create value for employees and shareholders.

Dril-Quip, Inc.


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Oil & Gas Equipment & Services
Oil & Gas Field Machinery & Equipment
United States of America